Irritation at the Gym.....



  • notoriousgtt
    notoriousgtt Posts: 75 Member
    I agree with pretty much everything, just to add a couple...

    -People who blow dry their pubic hair with the hair dryer in the changing room, I mean seriously WTF?!?

    - People with terrible technique when lifting weights/using machines, I would never go and tell them but it aggravates me for some reason.
  • notoriousgtt
    notoriousgtt Posts: 75 Member
    Ooooh can I add something to the rant? lol. I hate it when you get people on the elliptical that go a billion mph, and they're on level 1. First of all, you're not benefiting hardly at all from what you're doing. INCREASE THE LEVEL PLEASE. You aren't impressing anybody.

    This! I look like a tit struggling at level 15 while the lass next to me is flying along at level 1
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Oh the women with the perfume drive me up the wall...I don't care that you're wearing pounds of makeup or a g-string and bra...seriously I don't, but if I have to smell you while I'm trying to suck in oxygen on the elypticall, i get a little pissy...because I'm not sucking in oxygen, I'm sucking in some cheap whooore lure that you just bathed in. Sweat and perfume are the most disgusting pair, stop wearing it.
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,046 Member
    Why do people talk on the phone while they are on a elliptical!!!! If you can have a conversation on the phone then you are NOT working out hard enough!
  • lauraaaaxo
    lauraaaaxo Posts: 55 Member
    Ooooh can I add something to the rant? lol. I hate it when you get people on the elliptical that go a billion mph, and they're on level 1. First of all, you're not benefiting hardly at all from what you're doing. INCREASE THE LEVEL PLEASE. You aren't impressing anybody.

    Definately this! and the worst thing is they look at you as if to say haha i'm going faster than you.

  • Teemo
    Teemo Posts: 338
    Other than the one about people hoarding machines which directly interferes with my workout, I couldn't care less what other people are doing at the gym.
  • sdgirl22
    sdgirl22 Posts: 225 Member

    Haha, I find it's always the old women, really saggy women or those who prefer to not shave who like to walk around naked. I even had an Asian lady start DRY SHAVING her whoha right next to where I was getting dressed. Who does that?!

    :sick: ugh... just puked in my mouth. Locker rooms are so gross. I once had a very obese and very naked woman ask to borrow my tape measurer while my friend was measuring me. Ick, why are you hanging out naked in public????
  • ch178
    ch178 Posts: 364 Member
    Why do people talk on the phone while they are on a elliptical!!!! If you can have a conversation on the phone then you are NOT working out hard enough!

    EXACTLY!!!! You shouldn't be able to carry on a full conversation
  • Dbow0207
    Dbow0207 Posts: 220 Member
    Everything you said was the truth! All Gyms need to print this and post it! Great post
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    PEOPLE DO THAT!?!?!?!!??

    -People who blow dry their pubic hair with the hair dryer in the changing room, I mean seriously WTF?!?
  • EmBlazes
    EmBlazes Posts: 374 Member
    I have to say though, the people in my gym pretty much keep to themselves. Everyone comes in, handles their business, and gets out. It's not a place where people do much socializing or people-watching, which is odd because it's mostly young people (mid-20s to mid-30s), and you'd think we'd all be checking each other out, but no one really does. Or maybe we're just very subtle about it.

    I find this in my gym (I'm from the UK - maybe it's cultural?) and also everyone is plugged in to their own music so even if you wanted to have a conversation it would be pretty hard! I think there is some etiquette around being polite about asking people to use a machine too. I find it quite hard to work out when guys (and it only ever seems to be guys who do this) use the same machine to do infinite reps of the same exercise (similar to what the original post was saying about finishing your entire workout except that one machine). It's hard enough to ask someone if you can use a machine without having them looking irritated as well when they finally vacate the machine for you!

    Mobile phones are banned in our gym and I've never seen anyone use one openly. Just as well really or I'd probably "accidentally" knock it when they walked past me :laugh:
  • raychybabe
    raychybabe Posts: 121 Member
    Theres a woman who is always in front of me in combat, and she wears a tiny tight grey lycra crop top and tight grey lycra shorts....and she has a HUAGE *kitten* and tummy, and its just not nice, plus its all camel toey and then you get *kitten* sweat...*eurgh*


    I don't understand women who a) wear their long hair down at the gym or b) wear teeny tiny thongs. Does it not feel like you're flossing when you squat??!!
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    One of my boot camp classmates wears gray spandex leggings and has crotch sweat. EWW!
    Theres a woman who is always in front of me in combat, and she wears a tiny tight grey lycra crop top and tight grey lycra shorts....and she has a HUAGE *kitten* and tummy, and its just not nice, plus its all camel toey and then you get *kitten* sweat...*eurgh*


    I don't understand women who a) wear their long hair down at the gym or b) wear teeny tiny thongs. Does it not feel like you're flossing when you squat??!!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    One of my boot camp classmates wears gray spandex leggings and has crotch sweat. EWW!
    Theres a woman who is always in front of me in combat, and she wears a tiny tight grey lycra crop top and tight grey lycra shorts....and she has a HUAGE *kitten* and tummy, and its just not nice, plus its all camel toey and then you get *kitten* sweat...*eurgh*


    I don't understand women who a) wear their long hair down at the gym or b) wear teeny tiny thongs. Does it not feel like you're flossing when you squat??!!

    OMG no doubt, you have hair to your *kitten*, is it gross under there? tie that *kitten* up! mine sits on top of my head in a knot lol...and the thongs...I hate when I wear anything other than granny panties to the gym, I don't need to stop on the elypticall to pick my butt...and I don't need to see you digging either! GROSS!
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member

    Is guys that have these HUGE upper bodies and then these Scrawney little tooth picks for legs... I mean COME ON! lets go for some balance, lifes about balance, so build some leg muscles before a strong gust of wind blows and you fall over like a trees.

    lol. See this all the time.

    Ooooh can I add something to the rant? lol. I hate it when you get people on the elliptical that go a billion mph, and they're on level 1. First of all, you're not benefiting hardly at all from what you're doing. INCREASE THE LEVEL PLEASE. You aren't impressing anybody.

    Omg it's not just me! I do the interval training program on the elliptical, and I'm sweating buckets, and there's someone that's just got it on the lowest setting, flying by, and not even trying.

    Oh and the only thing I'd disagree with on OP's list is the struggling with lower weights. I don't have much upper body strength, and benching 100 lbs would be a big deal for me.

    I'd also like to add about Planet Fitness: some loud alarm is more distracting then some guy dropping a weight because he was going to failure. Stop being judgmental in the "No Judgement Zone".
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    This does not irritate me I just find it funny..When someone sets the incline on the treadmill super high then hangs on,every trainer at my gym told me that it totally defeats the purpose of the incline
  • DannieElise
    DannieElise Posts: 23 Member

    And LADIES! Must we walk around the locker room completely naked? I mean honestly, Im a girl your a girl, but hey! Wrap up in a towel please. lol I don't know why it irritates me but it does.

    OMGosh! I hate this too! And need I even say that some things should just be done at home...why are you shaving in the sink in the locker room??? yuck yuck yuck!! That's why for me, the locker room is just that - a locker room. I don't change there nor shower there. I lock my bag up and that's it!
  • swanny320
    swanny320 Posts: 169 Member
    My pet peeve are the guys with HUGE arms and chests and are doing MASSIVE amounts of weights but their stomach is ENORMOUS. I just want to tell them that if they did a little cardio or quit eating Whoppers every day, they'd look far more proportional. Seriously, I'm not impressed with your GINORMOUS Bis and Tris when your gut looks like you're 17 months pregnant. Lose the gut!
  • swanny320
    swanny320 Posts: 169 Member
    ..and yes, the phone thing. That annoys me. Are you a doctor and on call? No?! Then leave the phone in the car. You can check Facebook and text when you leave, you *kitten* hat!
  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    One of the big bosses at work goes to the same gym I go to. He is a big guy and works up a HUGE sweat, and it POURS everywhere on the machine and one the floor. Im talking Puddles guys!!! Well, I repeatedly have seen him wipe down the machine with a papertowel and leave. Leaving the Ginormous puddles of sweat under the machine, and I KNOW he isnt wiping down all the sweat he dripped on the machine. I avoid that machine like the plague. If it was ANYONE else I know I would be all over them about how nasty they are. I cant with this guy though. YUCK!!!