interesting Points regarding Diet Pop from my trainer



  • Minoesh
    Minoesh Posts: 105 Member
    For me, it's the "chemical" thing. I have zero interest in putting chemicals into my body (or my children's bodies). That includes what's in cigarettes, drugs, and anything artifically colored or flavored or preserved. Does anyone know for sure what the effects of all these chemicals are on our health and our environment? Since no one can 100% guarantee me that they are absolutely safe, I can easily do without. If I want to take risks, I'll skydive.

    I have to say, I'm with you on this - I have arthritis and any artificial, processed foods including sweeteners absolutley kill me!! But then so do normal sugars, gluten and alcohol :smile:
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    For me, it's the "chemical" thing. I have zero interest in putting chemicals into my body (or my children's bodies). That includes what's in cigarettes, drugs, and anything artifically colored or flavored or preserved. Does anyone know for sure what the effects of all these chemicals are on our health and our environment? Since no one can 100% guarantee me that they are absolutely safe, I can easily do without. If I want to take risks, I'll skydive.
    So what about imumazations,advil,cough medicne,lotion (cuz if it goes on the skin its in you) deoderant,make up,oh lets not forgett cell phones since they supposedly cause cancer now . Almost every thing we come in contact with now has chemicals in it.If you dont want to drink it fine,thats cool you're decision and all but really chemicals are every where and in everything
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    I always say, don’t drink or eat anything that says “Diet” on it, it will make you fat. Ever see a skinny person drinking diet pop? I rest my case. :smile:

    Actually, most of the skinny people I know drink diet soda. I lost 135 lbs in high school drinking diet soda, and I kept the weight off for 8 years (while continuing to drink diet soda). And the reason you see fat people drinking it is not because it made them fat, but because they're trying to lose weight (and, sadly, often think that giving up sugary sodas is all they have to do to achieve that goal).

    I've read the essays on the evils of diet sodas. I've also read the American Diabetes Association's, the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists', and the CDC's positions on diet sodas. I'll take science over woo-woo pop-nutrition any day. I'm diabetic, I need to go for the factual stuff.

    Ultimately, go with what's working for you. If diet sodas seem to make you crave more sweets or don't work for you in your weight loss scheme, then definitely ditch them. But there's no need to demonize them--they work for many of us.


    What she said (except about being diabetic)
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,550 Member
    For me, it's the "chemical" thing. I have zero interest in putting chemicals into my body (or my children's bodies). That includes what's in cigarettes, drugs, and anything artifically colored or flavored or preserved. Does anyone know for sure what the effects of all these chemicals are on our health and our environment? Since no one can 100% guarantee me that they are absolutely safe, I can easily do without. If I want to take risks, I'll skydive.
    So what about imumazations,advil,cough medicne,lotion (cuz if it goes on the skin its in you) deoderant,make up,oh lets not forgett cell phones since they supposedly cause cancer now . Almost every thing we come in contact with now has chemicals in it.If you dont want to drink it fine,thats cool you're decision and all but really chemicals are every where and in everything

    Immunizations are the law. I have no choice there. I take organic or all natural cough medicines and vitamins, no other meds whatsoever, all my lotions, soaps, toothpaste, shampoo, deoderant, etc. are organic and/or 100% natural. I am seriously against ingesting or absorbing chemicals. I also avoid plastics and even my household cleaners are green and natural (non-chemical). I don't just do it half-way. I rarely use a cell phone, although I do have one for emergencies. It is perfectly possible to live without all that crap in and on our bodies.
  • lovejoydavid
    lovejoydavid Posts: 395 Member
    #3. Healthy sugar replacements: Natural honey, 100% pure maple syrup

    hahaha, ok...replace sugar with...sugar?

    Honey and PURE maple syrup are natural and unrefined sugars and are good for you to use to replace REFINED sugar with. Its in all of the clean eating books.

    I don't know, man. Granulated sugar is just boiled cane (unless it comes from a beet, etc), that has been dried, and filtered (possibly through a bed of activated carbon). Honey is nectar that been repeatedly eaten and thrown up by bees. And this is from a guy that eats a lot of bee puke (i perfer agave, but honey is good in greek yogurt).
  • lovejoydavid
    lovejoydavid Posts: 395 Member
    For me, it's the "chemical" thing. I have zero interest in putting chemicals into my body (or my children's bodies). That includes what's in cigarettes, drugs, and anything artifically colored or flavored or preserved. Does anyone know for sure what the effects of all these chemicals are on our health and our environment? Since no one can 100% guarantee me that they are absolutely safe, I can easily do without. If I want to take risks, I'll skydive.
    So what about imumazations,advil,cough medicne,lotion (cuz if it goes on the skin its in you) deoderant,make up,oh lets not forgett cell phones since they supposedly cause cancer now . Almost every thing we come in contact with now has chemicals in it.If you dont want to drink it fine,thats cool you're decision and all but really chemicals are every where and in everything

    Immunizations are the law. I have no choice there. I take organic or all natural cough medicines and vitamins, no other meds whatsoever, all my lotions, soaps, toothpaste, shampoo, deoderant, etc. are organic and/or 100% natural. I am seriously against ingesting or absorbing chemicals. I also avoid plastics and even my household cleaners are green and natural (non-chemical). I don't just do it half-way. I rarely use a cell phone, although I do have one for emergencies. It is perfectly possible to live without all that crap in and on our bodies.

    I think the confusion is about your terms. Anything with carbon or ionic bond is a chemical substance. Most things in the universe are mixtures of various chemically bonded substances. It is possible that your division is arbitrary based on whether or not something can be found in nature. We used to get insulin naturally, but it involved killing quite a few pigs. Now we are able to synthesize it with bacteria, and have saved the pigs, and quite a few people. I love organic food, but I am sketchy on where a healthy division lies between healthy and unhealthy 'chemicals.' Nature has quite a reputation for developing deadly substances, just ask a snake.
  • mlweaver89
    mlweaver89 Posts: 35
    Well color me interested.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,550 Member
    I'm not going to be an obsessive freak about it, but there ARE options in most cases that have limited or no lab-created chemicals in them. I do not intentionally eat or use something that contains them, if I can avoid it. Sometimes, I can't... /shrug. No one NEEDS aspertame so easily avoidable.
  • Angellore
    Angellore Posts: 519 Member

    #2. Aspartame is being linked to MS, Lupus and Parkinson's disease. I know a couple people that have MS through friends and family - they all have, or still do, drink diet pop. Here's a link to learn more.

    Even if the whole of this article is the truth THIS part is just ridiculous. So this person knows some friends of friends with MS who drink diet pop. Well, that must be the reason then, eh? What a stupid statement to make, and IMO offensive to anyone with MS or anyone who knows and loves anyone with MS.
  • lovejoydavid
    lovejoydavid Posts: 395 Member
    I'm not going to be an obsessive freak about it, but there ARE options in most cases that have limited or no lab-created chemicals in them. I do not intentionally eat or use something that contains them, if I can avoid it. Sometimes, I can't... /shrug. No one NEEDS aspertame so easily avoidable.

    I can buy that, and my wife agrees entirely. There is surely something amiss in this last way of consumer products (starting somewhere around the 20th century), and we are best served by staying above most of it. I just don't want to toss the baby with the bath water.
  • AngieM76
    AngieM76 Posts: 622 Member
    I think everyone should just do what works for them.
  • lovejoydavid
    lovejoydavid Posts: 395 Member
    I think everyone should just do what works for them.

    Efficacy should be king. We have SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphism in the protein sequence of otherwise alike DNA) that dictate very different responses to meds, allergens, pathogens, and disease expression. The notion that we will all respond alike to much of anything we ingest is quite mislead.
  • rach7turtle
    rach7turtle Posts: 47 Member
    I always say, don’t drink or eat anything that says “Diet” on it, it will make you fat. Ever see a skinny person drinking diet pop? I rest my case. :smile:

    This comment in addition to the trainers comment about it makes you fat and keeps you fat are opinions. I weighed 100 lbs at 5'6" and had mostly muscle mass and drank diet pop quite regularly. Now do I think its good for me? No. Will it cause you weight gain? Probably not depending if you are rationalizing all the other foods you are eating around the diet pop or not. The actual drinking of the diet pop won't make you gain. I also think people's bodies respond differently to the chemicals.
  • seamonkey789
    seamonkey789 Posts: 233
    Aspartame is NOT linked to MS or lupus

    And I lost 80lbs switching from regular coke to diet and switching my diet
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    ETA: why the h*ll did I just post to a thread that was a year old??? How do these things get resurrected?
  • rgm66
    rgm66 Posts: 33
    Thanks that was very interesting
  • wolfi622
    wolfi622 Posts: 206
    There is no logical difference between "artificial" and "natural". A chemical is a chemical. Everything, you, your furniture, ALL of your food, etc. etc. is made up of chemicals. There is no moral difference between a chemical that "nature" put the molecules together for and a chemical that a human put the molecules together for. There is not a lot of real medical, peer reviewed, non "holistic" research to support most of these claims.
  • ddky
    ddky Posts: 381 Member
    I gave up aspartame after I began having mini seizures. It was the only change that I made but I never had another seizure. I had a menstral problem for years that also went away the same month that I stopped the aspartame, so apparently it was affecting my hormones also. I won't even chew gum now if it has aspartame in it. This was several years ago. I use very little artificial sweetners now.
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    For me, it's the "chemical" thing. I have zero interest in putting chemicals into my body (or my children's bodies)...

    This thread is waaay too old, but I found a pic I thought was relevant.



    I'm particularly scared of Dihydrogen Monoxide, that stuff can be lethal!! :wink:
  • threnners
    threnners Posts: 175 Member
    I totally agree - I had horrific muscle pain in my chest & legs until I stopped consuming ANYTHING with aspartame in it. Voila, pain gone.