interesting Points regarding Diet Pop from my trainer



  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    A lot of nonsense. Sure drinking water is better but still the whole diet soda taboo is silly. No diabetic has ever spiked their blood sugar from drinking diet soda so we're not getting hurt by any mysterious body being faked into storing fat. Chemicals... we're around so much crap every day, every minute of the day that you can't single out a couple chemicals as being bad for you. Everything in excess is bad, even exercise. If you must have something other than water then drink a diet juice or diet soda and don't worry about it.

    You can site all the sources in the world about this **** being bad but I can find equally as many saying drinking diet drinks are fine. It's all a matter of what special interest groups are supporting the study. If the FDA really thought there was a serious threat they would be gone. Look at all the exercise supplements that have been banned.
  • LillysGranny
    LillysGranny Posts: 431
    This article is this guys opinion, none of it is fact. I would like to see real, scientific journal articles from a real medical journal. Many 'trainers' call themselves nutritionists, when they are not, in fact nutritionists or dietitians. I know plenty of people who drink diet drinks who are not overweight or obese. Excess calories and sedentary lifestyle cause weight gain. Diet drinks have ZERO calories, therefore, will not cause weight gain. Now, what if those who are drinking diet colas rationalize by saying "i saved 300 kcal by drinking diet instead of regular, I deserve the Big Mac and fries"? Is it the diet cola that caused weight gain? Or the Big Mac and fries? Am I saying diet cola is good for you? Absolutely not. Especially when it replaces healthier options like water and milk. Does it cause weight gain. Absolutely not. Be smart. Moderation is key.

    There is a ton of very mixed evidence about artificial sweeteners floating around--who's right? I guess it would take an actual scientific study to figure it out. What I've personally noticed is that fake sweeteners are WAY sweeter than anything that occurs naturally or even regular old table sugar. Consuming artificially sweetened drinks trained my tastebuds to expect excessive sweetness--that meant that actual sweets, like cookies or cake, became less satisfying. If I'm going to eat cake, I want to enjoy it. I also want to appreciate the sweetness that occurs naturally in many foods. Fruit SHOULD seem like dessert.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    Omigod diet pop has chemicals?? Kill it! Kill it with fire!

    Seriously though, water is a chemical. Natural sugars are chemicals. Everything on this planet is made from all natural ingredients because as far as I know, we have yet to create matter. Chemists are just better at making new things than most people.
  • dreamshadows
    dreamshadows Posts: 734 Member
    For me, it's the "chemical" thing. I have zero interest in putting chemicals into my body (or my children's bodies)...

    This thread is waaay too old, but I found a pic I thought was relevant.



    I'm particularly scared of Dihydrogen Monoxide, that stuff can be lethal!! :wink:
    We have to ban Dihydrogen Monoxide! See http://' for reasons why!
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    I would have replied sooner, but I was dodging little pieces of sky ....
  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    "Diet pop is manufactured by companies that want to make money, not help you lose weight. This is the first red flag."

    Every company exists to make money. This is neither unusual nor a red flag.

    "The second red flag is the fact that artificial sweeteners were made in a scientific lab by people who configured a chemical substance to taste like sugar. That's disgusting when you actually think about it."

    This doesn't disgust me at all. They're clearly labeled as artificial sweeteners.

    "but why would you want to put something in your body that is fake, just to save a couple calories?"

    A "couple"? Try many hundreds of calories.

    Unless you're eating a 100% organic raw vegan diet you're almost certainly eating any number of "fake" ingredients and compounds every day. And I'd like to see real scientific evidence of all the remaining stuff listed too, because as far as I know there isn't any.
  • iwantahealthierme13
    iwantahealthierme13 Posts: 337 Member
    "#2. Aspartame is being linked to MS, Lupus and Parkinson's disease. I know a couple people that have MS through friends and family - they all have, or still do, drink diet pop. Here's a link to learn more."

    Are you blaming MS on aspartame?? Wow! That's a big stretch.

    I have 2 family friends with MS as well and neither of them drink or have ever drank diet soda.

    I personally can't drink it anymore, but I don't think it's fair to do this.
  • dreamshadows
    dreamshadows Posts: 734 Member

    #2. Aspartame is being linked to MS, Lupus and Parkinson's disease. I know a couple people that have MS through friends and family - they all have, or still do, drink diet pop.

    100% of these people are exposed to environmental influences and genetics beyond their control from conception on.

    Parkinson's, CJD, and the related family of illnesses may be linked to the accumulation of malformed prions and proteins.

    EDIT: Did not realize someone revived a thread that was over a year old. Die thread DIE!!!!
  • Hootowlhollow
    Aspartame has been found to be safe for human consumption by more than ninety countries worldwide,[49][50] with FDA officials describing aspartame as "one of the most thoroughly tested and studied food additives the agency has ever approved" and its safety as "clear cut",[51] but has been the subject of several controversies, hoaxes[3] and health scares.[52]

    A widely circulated email hoax cited aspartame as the cause of numerous diseases.[57] The Center for Disease Control investigated and was unable to find any significant epidemiological associations to serious risk or harm.[58]
    The weight of existing scientific evidence indicates that aspartame is safe at current levels of consumption as a non-nutritive sweetener.[6] Reviews conducted by regulatory agencies decades after aspartame was first approved have supported its continued availability.[59]

    Point is it's safe to consume.

    I drink water and Milk. I always thought Pop was bad. All pop.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    For me, it's the "chemical" thing. I have zero interest in putting chemicals into my body (or my children's bodies)...

    This thread is waaay too old, but I found a pic I thought was relevant.



    I'm particularly scared of Dihydrogen Monoxide, that stuff can be lethal!!

    You should be - it's particularly bad if you ingest it!! :tongue:
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    My personal trainer and Boot Camp Trainer each week sends out interesting emails each week and this is one i thought i might share with you guys.

    Read carefully - This is something that could be hindering your weight loss success

    It blows my mind when I go through a mall and I see loads of people walking around drinking diet pop, diet juice, or coffee and tea with artificial sweeteners - most of these people being overweight or obese. Diet pop is manufactured by companies that want to make money, not help you lose weight. This is the first red flag. The second red flag is the fact that artificial sweeteners were made in a scientific lab by people who configured a chemical substance to taste like sugar. That's disgusting when you actually think about it. Not only should these two facts be alarming alone, but why would you want to put something in your body that is fake, just to save a couple calories? Our bodies are supposed to be the temples that we live through. We need to feed ourselves quality food to influence good health and live with vitality.

    Here's my take on diet drinks - they make you fat, and keep you fat. If you want to be healthy, you don't want to drink anything with artificial sweeteners. Especially aspartame!!!! Artificial sweeteners come with health risks, have addictive properties, and shut down our bodies natural ability to count calories. Our bodies don't understand how to metabolise things like aspartame, and actually sees artificial sweeteners as toxic. When we consume toxic things, our bodies go into a protection mode, making us store fat cells and water weight "to save us" from these foreign substances. We want to lose fat cells - not make them! Things like aspartame also turn off the satiation centre in your brain, making you crave more food later on, potentially causing you to reach for the wrong foods and over-eat. It can also diminish your serotonin levels, which are the feel-good chemicals you produce in your brain. When serotonin levels are down, you can feel sad, tired, *****y, hungry, and reaching for foods that quickly pick up your serotonin levels like white bread, cookies, chocolate, chips or more pop! Not something you want to do if you're trying to lose weight - it makes you crave the bad carbohydrates. This has personally happened to me. I used to be fully addicted to diet pop, and noticed I was putting on weight, feeling tired and not wanting to workout, kind of sad, constantly hungry, experiencing hormonal problems, and the weirdest thing - sometimes leaking a little bit of pee in my pants. Not cool!!!! I knew something was up, and that was the only major change I had done with my "diet", so I started to research and educate myself on it. Some of the things I learned were so alarming that I immediately stopped drinking diet pop, and even though I went through some withdrawal symptoms like headaches and cravings, I then soon lost weight, became energized, and stopped having little pee accidents. Yeah! This experience has made me very passionate about how bad artificial sweeteners are for you, so if you can learn anything from me, have it be this - don't drink diet pop!!!! Now, I don't even chew gum, and I always check food and drink labels for aspartame - like yogurts, and so-called healthy drinks. This is a choice I have made, and plan on sticking to, because it has made me feel loads better. After reading this, the choice is yours.

    Here's some other quick facts and links if you'd like to learn more:
    #1. Brand names of aspartame: NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, Equal-Measure, Amino-Sweet - check for these on your food and drink labels.
    #2. Aspartame is being linked to MS, Lupus and Parkinson's disease. I know a couple people that have MS through friends and family - they all have, or still do, drink diet pop. Here's a link to learn more.
    #3. Healthy sugar replacements: Natural honey, 100% pure maple syrup, coconut (palm) sugar, and stevia. Stevia is naturally carb free and made from a plant source. I buy the palm sugar at the bulk barn, and grab the stevia from the superstore. They both have properties to help you with blood sugar control, unlike most sugars that throw your blood sugar onto a rollercoaster ride and cause you to store fat.

    Since this is all broscience, why bother posting it? Not one single citation in the whole thing and lots of patently false claims. Just for starters, most "artificial" sweeteners were not created by people trying to make something taste like sugar. Mostly, they were accidentally discovered by people studying something else.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    I would have replied sooner, but I was dodging little pieces of sky ....

    :heart: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :love: :laugh:

  • pfarley68
    pfarley68 Posts: 83 Member
    I absolutely agree with everything you said. I did a research paper for my speech class on aspartame and it was eye opening and alarming. If you read the history of how it was approved by the FDA and what the research showed and how documents were falsified to get it approved, it is bad stuff. I used to be heavily addicted to diet coke, drinking over 2 liters a day and I was always thinking about my next cup. I don't drink any kind of soda now and I know I am better for it.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    I absolutely agree with everything you said. I did a research paper for my speech class on aspartame and it was eye opening and alarming.

    Care to share the actual sources?

    Good thing it was a speech class, and not a science class. If it had been the latter you would've failed.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    For me, it's the "chemical" thing. I have zero interest in putting chemicals into my body (or my children's bodies). That includes what's in cigarettes, drugs, and anything artifically colored or flavored or preserved. Does anyone know for sure what the effects of all these chemicals are on our health and our environment? Since no one can 100% guarantee me that they are absolutely safe, I can easily do without. If I want to take risks, I'll skydive.

    Everything is chemicals. It is impossible to not consume chemicals. And no one can "100% guarantee" you that anything, no matter how "natural," is "absolutely safe." Absolutely safe doesn't exist.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    I absolutely agree with everything you said. I did a research paper for my speech class on aspartame and it was eye opening and alarming.

    Care to share the actual sources?

    Good thing it was a speech class, and not a science class. If it had been the latter you would've failed.

    He said research paper. At least when I was in school, papers needed to be sourced, even in speech classes. I'd like to see the sources too.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    I absolutely agree with everything you said. I did a research paper for my speech class on aspartame and it was eye opening and alarming. If you read the history of how it was approved by the FDA and what the research showed and how documents were falsified to get it approved, it is bad stuff. I used to be heavily addicted to diet coke, drinking over 2 liters a day and I was always thinking about my next cup. I don't drink any kind of soda now and I know I am better for it.

    Can yo maybe share some of the sources from the bibliography of that paper to support your conclusions? Please? And can you be more specific? In what way are you "better for it?"
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    The ADA is in the diabetes buisness, if you no longer have diabetes they are out of buisness. I used to work at ADA processing thier charitable gifts ( from Tour de Cure etc..) and they recieve MILLIONS of dollars from companys like Smuckers, Mars, Coke etc. They also used to hold 'ice cream and pizza parties for thier staff. After working there I have taken everything they say with a grain of salt.

    The ADA isn't in a "business" at all. They're a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. If no one is diabetic, they'll just stop raising money...
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Interesting read. I was pleased to see that Crystal Light now has a stevia sweetened version of their lemonade.