Do women prefer guys with 6pack abs?



  • nanberube
    nanberube Posts: 110 Member
    hahaha... I hear woman ooo and ahhh when it shows some guy with a ripped body coming out of the pool. A few yum yum's are thrown in there...

    Those guys are just eye candy...doesn't mean we want to keep him. :laugh:

    Exactly -- nice to look at, but I'll keep my teddy-bear!!

    Well said! I agree completely. It's nice to look at art, but I'm not buying. Like others, it's a matter of preference - I like like a tight butt. My hunny has a little belly, and it makes a nice pillow on cold nights.
  • emilymiesel
    emilymiesel Posts: 216 Member
    The way I look at it is....

    Men that are ripped with muscle..well I should say a lot of men that are, act like the d-bags on the jersey shore show. That's a turn off. Most let it go to their head and think that everyone thinks they're hot ! Lol that is NOT hot!

    I personally like guys that have some definition but not super etched muscles...don't get me wrong muscles are nice to look at and I wouldn't mind my man having's just not something I have as a "requirement". I'll add that I look for nice teeth/smile BIG hands that are work hands LOL once I get to know someone their little imperfections don't really matter anymore. BUT I don't look anymore because I found my prince charming!

    This kinda goes hand in hand with whether men prefer small or big boobs...real or fake... I don't care what men think LOL if I'm happy that's what really matters cause I have to walk around in this body.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    i no im not a girl but my advice is get a 6 pack and find out..i think girls can say all they want about prefrence but in the end they no they would take brad pit from fight club before some guy that looks like a skinny nerd or fat guy.. a six or eight pack is my goal. so try it and no that 95% of all girls love em and you when you have

    I kinda gotta get on board with this girls. I know what you're all saying, and I believe you believe it...but there's some facts that we guys have to face.

    First...I'm nice to everyone. I smile a lot...I help people every chance I get...I open doors for little old ladies and hot 20 something's, 30 somethings, and 40 somethings all the same. I try to treat everyone with respect, and invariably put others before myself. I'm honest, I'm faithful...and sometimes I'm too willing to overlook faults in others. I work hard, I take care of my kids (single Dad), and I try to do something every single day to improve myself.

    I also don't think I'm 'horrible' to look at either, in general.

    So explain to me...with all these 'decent' personality traits (among others...I was raised traditionally on a 192k acre cattle ranch) out there, why girls don't look at me unless I'm under 190lbs lol? And understand, I've got big shoulders, big arms, and am stocky but proportioned for my height. Unless I'm under 190lbs though...I've got something of a belly.

    I understand the original question was about abs...but I see so many girls posting up about how looks don't matter, appearance is a non-issue, and it's what's inside that counts. Where do you live? Are you single? Do you have a like minded sister? Seriously folks...appearance is the key that unlocks the door to pursue a relationship. If you can't get in the door, you certainly can't make yourself at home.

    For myself, I've dated chubby girls, skinny girls, 'perfect' girls...etc. They were all 'pretty' though. Maybe guys are 'more' visual...but girls are certainly not exempt from that flaw either lol.

    This was a serious question by the way. I'd really like to hear your responses!

  • kjjm08
    kjjm08 Posts: 217 Member
    I like the look of a well toned stomach - not overly packed with muscle. But it's the same with guys. They like looking at toned and fit females etc. Human nature lol.

    My husband doesn't have one & I love him just the same as I would if he had a six pack. I'm not toned and fit [YET] and he loves me just as I am. So for me, it really doesn't matter :) To be honest, I've never dated a guy with a six pack except one - and he spent HOURS at the gym and was a freaking douche.

    I honestly believe there are females out there who do not care/prefer a guy who has a six pack.
  • oldtyke
    oldtyke Posts: 149 Member
    I think it depends on the guy's personality. If he's ripped and isn't totally into himself then yes I would fancy him :wink:
  • torregro
    torregro Posts: 307
    I don't like the "body builder" look, and tend to assume that any man who has that look is spending too much time on himself. I know, I know......judgmental, but I can't help it. Any man whose got oil on had better be at the beach! LOL
    Seriously.....I agree that looks are what attract us to one another, but a ripped abdomen is not on my list of requirements in a man..........not even close. Fit and healthy looking, sure. Nice smile and warm as hell!
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    I aim for the heart. That's the muscle I want to see. Abs can be here today and gone tomorrow.
  • zornig
    zornig Posts: 336 Member

    I kinda gotta get on board with this girls. I know what you're all saying, and I believe you believe it...but there's some facts that we guys have to face.

    First...I'm nice to everyone. I smile a lot...I help people every chance I get...I open doors for little old ladies and hot 20 something's, 30 somethings, and 40 somethings all the same. I try to treat everyone with respect, and invariably put others before myself. I'm honest, I'm faithful...and sometimes I'm too willing to overlook faults in others. I work hard, I take care of my kids (single Dad), and I try to do something every single day to improve myself.

    I also don't think I'm 'horrible' to look at either, in general.

    So explain to me...with all these 'decent' personality traits (among others...I was raised traditionally on a 192k acre cattle ranch) out there, why girls don't look at me unless I'm under 190lbs lol? And understand, I've got big shoulders, big arms, and am stocky but proportioned for my height. Unless I'm under 190lbs though...I've got something of a belly.

    I understand the original question was about abs...but I see so many girls posting up about how looks don't matter, appearance is a non-issue, and it's what's inside that counts. Where do you live? Are you single? Do you have a like minded sister? Seriously folks...appearance is the key that unlocks the door to pursue a relationship. If you can't get in the door, you certainly can't make yourself at home.

    For myself, I've dated chubby girls, skinny girls, 'perfect' girls...etc. They were all 'pretty' though. Maybe guys are 'more' visual...but girls are certainly not exempt from that flaw either lol.

    This was a serious question by the way. I'd really like to hear your responses!


    Single people are often frustrated by their singleness, and sure, if you don't want to be single then it is frustrating. But you have no idea of knowing if you're single because of your weight, or if you've just had a run of bad luck, or if you've been pursuing the wrong sort of women. The fact is, there are PLENTY of women out there that date overweight men (myself included). And sure, I thought Brad Pitt looked good in "Fight Club," but he's not the one that would ever catch my eye at a party or something.

    Hopefully you've lost weight because it has made you happy or feel better, and when you're happier and feel good, other people respond to that and find you more attractive. Is it because you're under 190, or because your attitude about yourself has been transformed? I want to be with a man who feels good about himself: if a 6-pack gives him that, then it's fine with me. But 10% body fat is not a foolproof ticket to happiness.