

  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    It's amazing how "normal" plastic surgery has become. It's also a bit sad to me. I'm not criticising anyone who wants to get this done because I understand why, but I'm disappointed that society has chosen this direction.

    I think what's sad is when people go in for lipo rather than trying to make healthy choices! Or getting a face lift at 30yrs old. Or Botox when you're not 50! It's definitely personal preference but if it makes you more confident in yourself, why not?! I think it's become more common to let ppl know when you have gotten it...because now it's not so much frowned upon.

    You'd probably frown on me then because I got them at 21. No need for them just the want of big boobs.

    I don't frown on anyone for getting plastic surgery. It's not my place to judge. It just makes me sad that as a society, this has become so normal. I think we are a very short walk away from this becoming an expectation.
  • emilymiesel
    emilymiesel Posts: 216 Member
    It's amazing how "normal" plastic surgery has become. It's also a bit sad to me. I'm not criticising anyone who wants to get this done because I understand why, but I'm disappointed that society has chosen this direction.

    I think what's sad is when people go in for lipo rather than trying to make healthy choices! Or getting a face lift at 30yrs old. Or Botox when you're not 50! It's definitely personal preference but if it makes you more confident in yourself, why not?! I think it's become more common to let ppl know when you have gotten it...because now it's not so much frowned upon.

    You'd probably frown on me then because I got them at 21. No need for them just the want of big boobs.

    I don't frown on anyone for getting plastic surgery. It's not my place to judge. It just makes me sad that as a society, this has become so normal. I think we are a very short walk away from this becoming an expectation.

    Very true. I think it takes someone having strong will to stick with what they've got...or if you fix 1thing not to find 10more things to fix...and not feel pressured by society. The real world is a tough place full of decisions and pressures!
  • abalicious
    abalicious Posts: 361 Member
    Every man I have dated says they prefer natural breasts and that mine are "the perfect size" lol. I am not judging anyone who gets plastic surgery, but I definitely don't want it, I think fake boobs look and feel disgusting (no offense to anyone who wants/has them). One of my friends has them and every time she hugs me they feel like extra-hard sandbags. Not squishy or fun.
  • emilymiesel
    emilymiesel Posts: 216 Member
    Every man I have dated says they prefer natural breasts and that mine are "the perfect size" lol. I am not judging anyone who gets plastic surgery, but I definitely don't want it, I think fake boobs look and feel disgusting (no offense to anyone who wants/has them). One of my friends has them and every time she hugs me they feel like extra-hard sandbags. Not squishy or fun.

    Lol yes a lot of people get them to where they are super firm..that is gross! Mine are soft tho so I can't complain!

    Also guaranteed a lot of men say they "prefer" natural, but when faced with a nice super squishy pairs of boobs..they wouldn't complain!
  • witchyboots
    witchyboots Posts: 154 Member
    I have to disagree with the bouncing...mine are very natural looking granite they project a little more than real ones would but they can bounce like real boobs (a lot! During sexy time I sometimes have to hold them!) sorry for the mental image..but I can also squeeze them like a real boob too. I think what ruins fake boobs for people is when you see a pair that look like they were bolted on (very very fake looking), they don't move and are very firm. Some girls opt to have that! There's a "science" to implants and that's all I'm gonna say! Lol too bad posting a video isn't allowed!

    Is it wrong that I wanna see this video now!!?

    Yeah, the bolted on look is what really puts me off. Especially when really thin girls have these huge hard melons stuck on bony chests (I can't help but think of Victoria Beckham..yuck!!)
    I did actually want breast implants when I was growing up and I'm not saying I'm 100% against having them done. Who knows what I'll end up with then I've lost the 100lbs I need to!'s just that I would feel like a bit of a fraud as it goes against a lot of things I stand for. I don't want to go all serious and deep on a fun kinda thread but yeah.

    Just looked at your photos and they do look very good!! but I'm sorry..there is nothing ANYONE could say that would convince me fake boobs bounce the same as natural ones! :tongue:
  • emilymiesel
    emilymiesel Posts: 216 Member
    I have to disagree with the bouncing...mine are very natural looking granite they project a little more than real ones would but they can bounce like real boobs (a lot! During sexy time I sometimes have to hold them!) sorry for the mental image..but I can also squeeze them like a real boob too. I think what ruins fake boobs for people is when you see a pair that look like they were bolted on (very very fake looking), they don't move and are very firm. Some girls opt to have that! There's a "science" to implants and that's all I'm gonna say! Lol too bad posting a video isn't allowed!

    Is it wrong that I wanna see this video now!!?

    Yeah, the bolted on look is what really puts me off. Especially when really thin girls have these huge hard melons stuck on bony chests (I can't help but think of Victoria Beckham..yuck!!)
    I did actually want breast implants when I was growing up and I'm not saying I'm 100% against having them done. Who knows what I'll end up with then I've lost the 100lbs I need to!'s just that I would feel like a bit of a fraud as it goes against a lot of things I stand for. I don't want to go all serious and deep on a fun kinda thread but yeah.

    Just looked at your photos and they do look very good!! but I'm sorry..there is nothing ANYONE could say that would convince me fake boobs bounce the same as natural ones! :tongue:

    Lol come over to my place and I'll show you how they bounce! Victoria's boobs def give fake boobs the misconception that ALL look and move and feel that way. Trust me, they move and bounce and squish and everything imaginable lol it's all personal preference and finding a good surgeon! Some girls strive for the fake look while others like more natural looking breasts. I know it's hard to imaging fake boobs moving lol but mine do and I love it! I especially like to "shimmy" my chest to make them go back and forth lol

    Don't 100% rule it out cause you may look into later on ;) if you're worried about hardness- choose silicone! VERY squishy soft!
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    I was a 36DD high school and University, lost about 15 lbs to be a 34C for many years including my wedding-day pics in 2009 and absolutely loved smaller boobs. The seamstress said she could sew padding in but after years of big boobs I did not want that, “hell no!” I practically cheered.

    Now 10 lbs heavier I'm a 34D which I’d rather not have. Smaller breasts give you an overall leaner look so smaller is better - well to a point that is.
  • emilymiesel
    emilymiesel Posts: 216 Member
    Lol I think it's always wanting the size you don't have. Had I been a natural d maybe I wouldn't of wanted big boobs and wanted smaller. I was an a so I love it! My friend that was a natural d is striving to get in a b cup! Crazy how it works!
  • nastytater
    nastytater Posts: 64 Member
    LOL...For a minute there,I thought someone I know and am related too made this thread...LOL...
    But on a serious note,I don't understand why women would even consider wanting fake boobs....I herd the other day on the radio that most women that have the implants put in,are having them taking back out after 10 years. They are saying the longer they keep them in,the more chances there is too haveing the malfunctions that go with it...Why would you want to put yourselves through that?
  • sarad777
    sarad777 Posts: 210 Member
    Love this thread. I'm pretty sure men just like boobs - au natural or not. Seems a common thing for a male friend to say to me when they haven't seen in a while "your boobs look bigger". LOL Seriously....they haven't. They will never be "bigger".
  • emilymiesel
    emilymiesel Posts: 216 Member
    They say to get new implants every 10 years because they develop "wear n tear" in your body. You don't HAVE to but it's just preventative a car!
  • tropicalicyicy
    tropicalicyicy Posts: 83 Member
    It's amazing how "normal" plastic surgery has become. It's also a bit sad to me. I'm not criticising anyone who wants to get this done because I understand why, but I'm disappointed that society has chosen this direction.

    i agree!! how am i ever going to like my natural boobs when every girl around me has fake tits? pretty soon everyone is going to have fake tits and no one will be natural, it is actually pretty disturbing and sad. this world is so distorted on what beauty is and it's reasons like this that make me self conscious. i'm not trying to make anyone mad bc i could see reasons for wanting bigger boobs- if you are a size a or you want a lift to make you feel sexy again if you are getting older, but i am only 23 and have pretty big boobs that look alright with a bra on but i don't like them too much without a bra. if you have natural big boobs they are going to be a little bit saggy (unless they're fake of course), but should that be a reason for me to automatically get a boob job? natural big boobs=saggy=boob job? i think i am comfortable enough to not want to get anything done but it seems like lots of females think saggyness is unattractive and i am starting to feel the same way. i know i shouldn't think like this but it is hard when it seems like that's the way almost everyone feels. i guess when i get a little older, just to be considered attractive and normal i will have to have a lift =(
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    as long as youre happy with your own, thats the main thing. Some natural arent so good, but ive seen some bad boob jobs too. Some natural ones are lovely, and there are some fantastic boob jobs out there too that youd never know were fake.

    Mine arent real, my present to myself after breastfeeding 3 kids and going from an A cup to an F cup and back down again. Needed a little lift and a little oomph put back in. I never cared about them being small, but i did care about them looking like saggy spaniels ears and am very happy with them now. I consider it reconstructive surgery ;)
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Mine are natural. Never getting fake ones, not even when I am old and they look like something out of national geographic!!!
  • cassieeee10
    I have a B cup and although I think they're too small, I'm not that worried about it. A handful is all a guy needs :laugh:

    Also, I think fake ones are a waste of money. But, to each their own. I'm not gonna judge long as you don't look like a trashy porn star that is lol
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    160 pounds (my high)....115 (my healthy low)....I have had natural DDs through it all! So, I'll take my natural ones!

    My cousin has a bad experience with implants...She got a case of the 'hard boobs'. She gave me a hug once and it scared me, so I dont think I would ever get them even if I didn't already have mine after that.
  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    A bad boob job is worse than leaving them alone. A good boob job, well, no complaints about those on looks, but feel is not always ok. Natural is fine most of the time, but since I don't have to wear them, my opinion is only secondary. Whatever my woman wants and is comfortable with is fine with me.
  • emilymiesel
    emilymiesel Posts: 216 Member
    It's amazing how "normal" plastic surgery has become. It's also a bit sad to me. I'm not criticising anyone who wants to get this done because I understand why, but I'm disappointed that society has chosen this direction.

    i agree!! how am i ever going to like my natural boobs when every girl around me has fake tits? pretty soon everyone is going to have fake tits and no one will be natural, it is actually pretty disturbing and sad. this world is so distorted on what beauty is and it's reasons like this that make me self conscious. i'm not trying to make anyone mad bc i could see reasons for wanting bigger boobs- if you are a size a or you want a lift to make you feel sexy again if you are getting older, but i am only 23 and have pretty big boobs that look alright with a bra on but i don't like them too much without a bra. if you have natural big boobs they are going to be a little bit saggy (unless they're fake of course), but should that be a reason for me to automatically get a boob job? natural big boobs=saggy=boob job? i think i am comfortable enough to not want to get anything done but it seems like lots of females think saggyness is unattractive and i am starting to feel the same way. i know i shouldn't think like this but it is hard when it seems like that's the way almost everyone feels. i guess when i get a little older, just to be considered attractive and normal i will have to have a lift =(

    Being comfortable and happy with what you have and staying confident in yourself helps you to like what God gave you. I've never been insecure about my smaller boobs...shoot I was a stripper/dancer with my little boobs and quit once I bought my new ones. Just because they are fake doesn't mean they sit high and tight. Mine now have a slight natural sag to them. It's what comes with big boobs. Someone would look silly with high perky watermelons wouldn't they?! LOL

    I agree with other posters- I have seen some awesome looking natural breasts! Some not so awesome! Boobs don't always hold up after weight loss/pregnancies so if you want some oomph go for it!

    I have also seen some hack *kitten* boob that look like "bolt on's" or lopsided or too far apart... The list goes on!

    Only thing I have to say is you can't be totally against it if you question the beauty of what you're starting with. You with LOVE whatcha got and are 100% satisfied and confident about them. Or you're not. If having girls with augmented breasts around you makes you uncomfortable then you should up your self esteem...that's true sexiness when you're super confident!
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Fake or real doesn't matter to me, proportion is the best way. I think it's worse when you see a tiny woman with fake double-D's walking around, just doesn't even look right. LOL! Boobs are nice but I think nicely toned legs and butt is more sexy than just pure boob-ige.
  • emilymiesel
    emilymiesel Posts: 216 Member
    I have a B cup and although I think they're too small, I'm not that worried about it. A handful is all a guy needs :laugh:

    Also, I think fake ones are a waste of money. But, to each their own. I'm not gonna judge long as you don't look like a trashy porn star that is lol

    You aren't in God's shoes to judge someone regardless if they have "pornstar" boobs or not!