

  • emilymiesel
    emilymiesel Posts: 216 Member
    A bad boob job is worse than leaving them alone. A good boob job, well, no complaints about those on looks, but feel is not always ok. Natural is fine most of the time, but since I don't have to wear them, my opinion is only secondary. Whatever my woman wants and is comfortable with is fine with me.

  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member

    I'm not putting pics of my boobs up! When I post my progress pics they are in a swimsuit so that's about all the boobage I'd show!

    Shoot, you look good in your profile pic! ;)
  • bbbbb33333
    bbbbb33333 Posts: 1,107 Member
    how do you prefer them???

    I like them exposed....
  • spareparts79
    spareparts79 Posts: 36 Member
    how do you prefer them???

    I like them exposed....

    ^^ THIS ! ! ^^
  • emilymiesel
    emilymiesel Posts: 216 Member
  • katekrise
    katekrise Posts: 178 Member
    I got a reduction. Went form a 34DDD to a 34C. One of the best things I've ever done!!!! I feel so much better!!! I can run!
  • cassieeee10
    I have a B cup and although I think they're too small, I'm not that worried about it. A handful is all a guy needs :laugh:

    Also, I think fake ones are a waste of money. But, to each their own. I'm not gonna judge long as you don't look like a trashy porn star that is lol

    You aren't in God's shoes to judge someone regardless if they have "pornstar" boobs or not!

    Then I guess it's a good thing that I'm Agnostic :laugh:
    But really. I wasn't implying that you have pornstar boobs so it's all good.
  • livesthere
    livesthere Posts: 71
    I like my boobs okay but after going up and down with weight and having a baby, and breastfeeding... at some point I will want not fake boobs, but a lift of some sort? When I was pregnant they got to a 34FFFF and now back down to 34DD. They've been as small as a 34C. That is too much growing and shrinking to look completely normal lol. My boyfriend thinks they're fine-- he's more of a butt guy. But it's about what you want not your man! :wink:
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    I am pretty sure god would frown on fake tits anyway

    but in reality (not God), i have to agree with the ladies who feel our society has gone awry. Though it is a really interesting conversation and am happy you brought it up. I am totally always on the fence about whether i should ever get fake ones or not. but the thing is...there is nothing wrong with natural boobs. even saggy breasts, little breasts, perky breasts, they are all beautiful. i don't know if i could say any fake breast is beautiful to me...they are 'sexy', but...beautiful? i don't know. but like i said, i am totally on the fence....boobs mean so much to society. but if i have a daughter would i want her to feel not proud of her original breasts so that she has to go out and get a fake pair? it isn't a clothing item.

    just another form of body modification though. like a tattoo.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    You a guy, I personally have never seen 'nice' fake boobs. Some of them look AWESOME in clothes...but in the flesh...are a pretty big let down. I mean, one would think that the pornography industry would be sinking money left and right into proper looking breast implants if they were really available...and every porn star with implants I ever saw had breasts that stood out like high beams.

    Now, the reason I mention this, is because if yours really are an exception to that rule...what are the chances that someone else who gets the augmentation done will be as lucky? Every girl I ever met with fake breasts is incredibly proud of them (no matter what they actually LOOK like), and I wonder if its not some sort of deal where they did it, and now they have to back it up.

    Anyhow...again, nothing against yours, or against anyone who has them. If my wife had chosen (while we were together) to get them...I would have helped her go through the pro's and con's, then backed her decision whether yes or no. They certainly wouldn't be a deal breaker in a new relationship either...though if they were fubar...I'd eventually be helping her find YOUR surgeon =p.

    I don't know...lots of thoughts on this subject, and I am not sure I'm explaining it right lol. But I felt a need to comment so I did!

  • emilymiesel
    emilymiesel Posts: 216 Member
    I don't think God would frown on augmented breasts. I'm not in His mind so I can't say for sure. God knows each person's reasoning for what they do and I don't think any body "modification" would make you go to hell or whatever....anyways awesome to see everyone's opinions because it is such a diverse topic.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    I don't think God would frown on augmented breasts. I'm not in His mind so I can't say for sure. God knows each person's reasoning for what they do and I don't think any body "modification" would make you go to hell or whatever....anyways awesome to see everyone's opinions because it is such a diverse topic.

    I completely agree with everything you have had to say. :smile:

    My breasts naturally fit my frame so I have no desire to get a boob job, but I have seen some EXTREMELY natural looking fake boobs. I've noticed that a good percentage of Japanese porn stars who get boob was shocked how natural they appeared! <-- I knew these breast were fake due to things such as before/after photos, news, or simply the breast being inhumanly large.

    I don't think there is anything wrong with getting plastic surgery (whatever the person is seeking), so long as it makes the person happier and more content with his or her body.

    I think a lot of people are under the notion that plastic surgery is fake looking, simply because the times a person has seen a noticeably fake person, that person has typically had surgery. I am positive there are people who many of us couldnt tell had plastic surgery.

    Either way, we all have our own beliefs.
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    MIne would look lots better if I had some fake ones put in but I'm a chicken when it comes to pain
  • EdieBird
    EdieBird Posts: 38
    I prefer my own boobs natural. What anyone else does with theirs is up to them!

    Then again, other than having my earlobes pierced, I'm not really cool with doing anything that isn't necessary that might involve poking, jabbing, cutting, or inserting foreign objects into my body! even if it's doctor recommended, like the one that suggested I have my jaw broken, moved forward, and wired shut to fix my overbite. His reasoning? "You'll have a prettier smile." If he'd just gone with a reason that implied some practical purpose, like being able to bite into an apple without having to unhinge my jaw like a snake, I'd have considered it. PURELY cosmetic? No way, too invasive and too much risk and pain!

    Yeah, I'm a wuss. Unless Jillian Michaels is yelling at me, then I can be tough.
  • maxinethestrange
    natural g no need for fake ones here :L if your are to small or saggy a wonder bra is way cheaper than a boob job
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    you still need some substance in them for a wonderbra, otherwise you just fall out of the top.
    People have different reasons for getting breast surgery, and its not always because they want massive tits, or a major cleavage. I just wanted mine to look normal for my age and not like those of an 80 year old.
    I can never work out why people have more of an issue with a woman getting breast surgery than they would have with someone getting their teeth fixed, or a nose job, or a tummy tuck. If someone had had major weight loss and then had a tummy tuck to remove the excess skin, noone would point and be like THATS A FAKE STOMACH.
    Even my own mother totally understood why i wanted my boobs done when i showed them to her.
    I hate the way its seen as vain and shallow, yet all of us care about our looks here dont we? We all want to have normal looking bodies. You wouldnt look at me and think ive had a boob job because i chose a size that fitted my frame and i dont wear push ups or flaunt them. Im not embarrassed to show my body to my partner anymore. Its done wonders for my body confidence.
  • maxinethestrange
    you still need some substance in them for a wonderbra, otherwise you just fall out of the top.
    People have different reasons for getting breast surgery, and its not always because they want massive tits, or a major cleavage. I just wanted mine to look normal for my age and not like those of an 80 year old.
    I can never work out why people have more of an issue with a woman getting breast surgery than they would have with someone getting their teeth fixed, or a nose job, or a tummy tuck. If someone had had major weight loss and then had a tummy tuck to remove the excess skin, noone would point and be like THATS A FAKE STOMACH.
    Even my own mother totally understood why i wanted my boobs done when i showed them to her.
    I hate the way its seen as vain and shallow, yet all of us care about our looks here dont we? We all want to have normal looking bodies. You wouldnt look at me and think ive had a boob job because i chose a size that fitted my frame and i dont wear push ups or flaunt them. Im not embarrassed to show my body to my partner anymore. Its done wonders for my body confidence.

    that makes more sense there is sometimes a need for these things, I have nothing against it for reasons like that but I think it is silly to use it before trying other ways.
  • brocantrs
    brocantrs Posts: 273 Member
    Never met a boob I didn't like!
  • Majbdrake
    Majbdrake Posts: 69
    Very picky about this subject. Prefer my wife's and the rest doesn't matter to me.

    I've read that implants will interfere with or prevent breast feeding for future children due to the restructuring of the milk ducts and tissues in the surgery.

    So my suggestion is that any prospective "enhancers" speak to their doctors prior to this event if they still desire to have children and breastfeed them prior to doing the surgery.

    If you are done with children or don't intend to breastfeed, it's your decision on enhancement. Just go into the surgeon's office informed of your choices and don't let it be an impulse decision.

  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I would like to add I disagree with the OP's title. Boobs are nothing to laugh at, although she could have meant Lick Often Lightly.