

  • TromaRon
    TromaRon Posts: 228 Member
    how do you prefer them???

    I  fake lol thats why i bought mine!

    I'm not a fan of obviously fake ones, but I am definitely a fan of yours (but not in a creepy way) ; D Oh hell, I'm a fan of all of them! Well except for mine that is. That, along with a lot of other parts of me is why I'm here.
  • emilymiesel
    emilymiesel Posts: 216 Member
    Very picky about this subject. Prefer my wife's and the rest doesn't matter to me.

    I've read that implants will interfere with or prevent breast feeding for future children due to the restructuring of the milk ducts and tissues in the surgery.

    So my suggestion is that any prospective "enhancers" speak to their doctors prior to this event if they still desire to have children and breastfeed them prior to doing the surgery.

    If you are done with children or don't intend to breastfeed, it's your decision on enhancement. Just go into the surgeon's office informed of your choices and don't let it be an impulse decision.


    Nice point, BUT the only way they interfere with your milk ducts is:
    1-if you get an xXXL implant it could "smoosh" them. For this to happen you would have to be starting "small" compared to your projected implant size... If that makes sense to anyone!
    2-you get subfascial placement (there is submuscular which is under the muscle, subglandular which is partially under the muscle and subfascial which are over the muscle but under your natural breast tissue). Being over the muscle makes the implant closer to the milkducts an able to smoosh them more.
    3-you go to a crappy dr and they were very rough during the augmentation. Very rarely is someones milk ducts "tampered" with and 95% of people have no troubles going on to breast feed.

    That being said, girls I know that have breast implants and have had children said when they became engorged it was pretty painful BUT I've heard the same from women without implants. I think that is basically pain tolerance.
  • emilymiesel
    emilymiesel Posts: 216 Member
    I would like to add I disagree with the OP's title. Boobs are nothing to laugh at, although she could have meant Lick Often Lightly.

    You can read the title as you wish
  • emilymiesel
    emilymiesel Posts: 216 Member
    you still need some substance in them for a wonderbra, otherwise you just fall out of the top.
    People have different reasons for getting breast surgery, and its not always because they want massive tits, or a major cleavage. I just wanted mine to look normal for my age and not like those of an 80 year old.
    I can never work out why people have more of an issue with a woman getting breast surgery than they would have with someone getting their teeth fixed, or a nose job, or a tummy tuck. If someone had had major weight loss and then had a tummy tuck to remove the excess skin, noone would point and be like THATS A FAKE STOMACH.
    Even my own mother totally understood why i wanted my boobs done when i showed them to her.
    I hate the way its seen as vain and shallow, yet all of us care about our looks here dont we? We all want to have normal looking bodies. You wouldnt look at me and think ive had a boob job because i chose a size that fitted my frame and i dont wear push ups or flaunt them. Im not embarrassed to show my body to my partner anymore. Its done wonders for my body confidence.

    that makes more sense there is sometimes a need for these things, I have nothing against it for reasons like that but I think it is silly to use it before trying other ways.

    I myself would never try the other ways of padded bras or little chicken cutlet inserts for my bra...I was and am with the same person from when I had small boobs. He doesn't care really. He loved my little ones and he really loves my big ones! He thinks it's sexy!

    Reason why I never owned a padded bra- why have all the "awesome" cleavage an then only to have it disappear when you take off your bra?! I wanted the awesome cleavage, big boobage look when I took off my bra. I had no need for implants I just wanted them so I got them. Who cares how much it cost because no price will compromise my happiness.

    That's just my opinion and my thoughts on what I've done tho...I know not everyone will always agree!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I love mine. They're small, but as my husband said, "They're in the same place they were 12 years ago." I'll go so far as to say they're in the same place they were 22 years ago. Nice shape. Zero sagging. It's like I have the Breasts of Dorian Gray. They haven't aged! :laugh:

    They don't get in the way. They don't hurt when I run. I can wear something skimpy or low cut and not cause an international incident. And if I want to cause an international incident, I can always wear cutlets and shove them up even higher.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I just googled 'breast implants' with safe search off. I found two examples, out of like 20 pages...that looked close to natural. I did find a bunch of examples where they were an improvement...but most of those were repairing botched initial jobs. Many of the girls had before pictures that to me were nicer than the after pictures by a large margin.

    Again, I've nothing against them, but just looking at google...the odds of a successful, attractive result are stacked against you =(. That's what usually makes me nervous or doubtful when someone tells me they are getting, or have gotten breast implants.

  • JMCade
    JMCade Posts: 389 Member
    Natural here...I don't know that I'd want to put something foreign in my body. Scary! I don't like mine now after nursing 2 babies for a year each, but at least there's no silicone or saline there! Push up bras do wonders!
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I just googled 'breast implants' with safe search off. I found two examples, out of like 20 pages...that looked close to natural. I did find a bunch of examples where they were an improvement...but most of those were repairing botched initial jobs. Many of the girls had before pictures that to me were nicer than the after pictures by a large margin.

    Again, I've nothing against them, but just looking at google...the odds of a successful, attractive result are stacked against you =(. That's what usually makes me nervous or doubtful when someone tells me they are getting, or have gotten breast implants.

    Google for science!
  • sportsjunkee70
    sportsjunkee70 Posts: 173 Member
    Natural here...I don't know that I'd want to put something foreign in my body. Scary! I don't like mine now after nursing 2 babies for a year each, but at least there's no silicone or saline there! Push up bras do wonders!

    Great attitude! Natural is the best no batter what.
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    No matter how much weight i lose i never lose weight there.
    Mine are natural Double D's. I would like to be smaller maybe a C-D cup.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    I just googled 'breast implants' with safe search off. I found two examples, out of like 20 pages...that looked close to natural. I did find a bunch of examples where they were an improvement...but most of those were repairing botched initial jobs. Many of the girls had before pictures that to me were nicer than the after pictures by a large margin.

    Again, I've nothing against them, but just looking at google...the odds of a successful, attractive result are stacked against you =(. That's what usually makes me nervous or doubtful when someone tells me they are getting, or have gotten breast implants.


    not really a fair sample though as the majority of people wouldnt put their pics up on google unless there was a problem.
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    I like natural boobs. The fake ones have kind of a weird shape to 'em, IMO. 'Course there're natural boobs with weird shapes too but sorta in a different way.. Hard to describe
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    Natural here...I don't know that I'd want to put something foreign in my body. Scary! I don't like mine now after nursing 2 babies for a year each, but at least there's no silicone or saline there! Push up bras do wonders!

    Great attitude! Natural is the best no batter what.

    in your opinion
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    funny how the people who prefer natural are much more likely to be condemning of other peoples choices to modify their body, than the people who go through it who dont seem to be nearly as judgemental of other peoples choices.

    You never get people with implants going ewww natural boobs are nasty. Live and let live, but lets stay polite considering me and many others on here have had to make this choice. Id have much rather have been one of the lucky ones that didnt balloon 7 cup sizes with pregnancy and breastfeeding, and then back down again, and the resulting carnage inflicted on my breasts that never recovered. I just feel very lucky that we eventually were able to be in a financial position to afford them after feeling like a deformed freak for 9 years.
    Apart from some slight unavoidable scarring, they are beautiful now and i dont regret it for a minute, but hey, yeah, slag them off
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    funny how the people who prefer natural are much more likely to be condemning of other peoples choices to modify their body, than the people who go through it who dont seem to be nearly as judgemental of other peoples choices.

    You never get people with implants going ewww natural boobs are nasty. Live and let live, but lets stay polite considering me and many others on here have had to make this choice. Id have much rather have been one of the lucky ones that didnt balloon 7 cup sizes with pregnancy and breastfeeding, and then back down again, and the resulting carnage inflicted on my breasts that never recovered. I just feel very lucky that we eventually were able to be in a financial position to afford them after feeling like a deformed freak for 9 years.
    Apart from some slight unavoidable scarring, they are beautiful now and i dont regret it for a minute, but hey, yeah, slag them off

    Word! :flowerforyou:

    I'm happy with my little'uns. If they weren't so darn cute, though, I'd have no qualms about giving them an overhaul.

    I wasn't happy with my crooked, crowded jack-o-lantern teeth, though, and got braces. I wasn't happy with my coke-bottle glasses, and got contacts. I'm not happy with the damn white hairs that keep popping up on my head, and color them. I'd be a hypocrite to say "Be natural!"
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    I have lost 10 pant sizes and not a single cup size of my bra. The band has gotten smaller though.

    really? usually the boobs are first to go when ya lose weight.
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    After a large weight loss that resulted in a loss of about 60% of my breast tissue ... simply put?

  • Newmammaluv
    Newmammaluv Posts: 379 Member
    I have seen well done and not so well done breast implants and what I have found is that the very well done ones look and feel EXACTLY like a woman's breasts who are full of milk just before breast feeding. Once I explained that one to my husband he was all for them! I think there is a lot of misinformation about what they look and feel like for some reason. I am waiting to see what mine look like at the end of the road but I am fairly certain that there is quite a bit of reconstructive sugery that will be needed for my body. I gained 100lbs in one year at puberty and have yo-yoed MASSIVE quatities of weight through my life including being 306 when I gave birth to my daughter. I have no more skin elasticity left I am afraid so for me to ever be fully comfortable and not look like a deflated water balloon I will be getting "fixed."

    Why in the world would I go through all the trouble of losing the weight and finding out that I have serious hormone issues that inhibit carb processing only to reach my goal weight and look worse than I did before I started to lose the weight? If however I were to ever lose my breasts due to cancer I would get some wicked tattoos and walk around shirtless!!!
  • LLaDonna
    LLaDonna Posts: 126
    One of my friends has them and every time she hugs me they feel like extra-hard sandbags. Not squishy or fun.

    This comment may save someone a lot of money!
  • crystalslight
    crystalslight Posts: 322 Member
    I have been pregnant 5 times. Nursed 5 kids for over a year each.. I NEED a boob job. Before having kids I was a natural 34 C. While BFing got up to a 36 E. After nursing barely a 34 B. Try doing that 5 times and see how "normal" your boobs look.
    There is NOTHING attractive about it.
    Mine will be reconstructive surgery. It's not all about wanting big boobies.Some of us just want normal ones.
    And a point no one has brought up. How many women with breast implants, have you thought were natural?? If they are done really good how are you gonna know? Especially if they are porportioned to her body. I think alot of the "natural" boobs you all think you like are just REALLY good boob jobs.