what do you think about while exercising?



  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    When I do cardio, the dialogue in my head goes something like this, "Oh dear god. I've only been on this elliptical for 2:00!?! ugh." 5 minutes later, "Only 7:00?! This is NEVER going to end." 20 minutes later, "Whoo... finally done. I hope I don't stink too bad."

    When I lift, the diagogue in my head goes something like this:

    Set 1: "Yeah, you sexy badass beast!"

    Set 2: "GRRR"

    Set 3: "grr... yeah, this is hard"

    Set 4: "Holy bajeebus! PULL (or push) you stupid lazy muscle PULLLLLLL!" + lots of grunting.

    After sets: "Oh yeah, I'm awesome."

    EDIT: Sorry this posted twice. Didn't notice it on Page 4 also. Weird
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    During 30DS.

    Shut up!
    I hate you, Jillian.
    Damn it, I am NOT phoning it in! How about you turn around and tell Natalie to stop phoning it in?!
    I don't NEED 6 pack abs. I'm fine with less blubber.

    During c25k.

    Ugh, why am I doing this?
    I wonder if I can outrun zombies now.
    Geez, I smell bad.
    I LOVE this song.
    That's such a pretty picture of the bridge. I'm totally running it next year.
    My shin hurts.
    It's been 40 minutes, I should stop now.
    Shut the *#(@ up and keep going, fatty!

    Repeat as needed.

    LOL Nice!
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    Why are my thighs jiggling? You'd think after this long they wouldn't jiggle so bad. I must be getting old. You know, I really hate it when my boobs bounce like that, I wish I could find a bra that would support this darned saggy mess I have going on here. Why is my stomach bouncing? I hate it when my stomach bounces like that. I wonder how many more laps I can do before I fall over. Wow, that girl has a nice butt. I wish I had a butt like that. You know, if I win the lottery, I will pay someone to give me a butt like that. I want to buy a big house with an indoor pool so I can jog in the pool every day. If I win the lottery, I won't be one of those people who gain weight after they win the lottery, I will make sure that I keep losing weight. Huh...that guy sure is walking funny, I wonder what he did. Why is that kid staring at me? God, I must be jiggling again. 15 more mintes, that's right, I can go 15 more minutes...I can do this. Next time I'll do even more. I wish I had hours on end to work out, I'd be skinny as that girl if I could work out all day. I wonder how many calories I burned...I really need to get an HRM. I need a waterproof one though so I can take it in the pool with me. 15 more minutes and I can go sit in the hot tub......

    Of course that is only if I didn't find some poor sap to talk to while I am working out. I get pretty lucky though, there is usually someone who likes a stranger as a workout buddy.

    That's just a small glimpse of my crazy thoughts.
  • TitanGM
    TitanGM Posts: 1,161 Member
    Mostly concentrated on my exercise routine.
  • ljbhill
    ljbhill Posts: 276 Member
    Love this!

    Usually I alternate between visualising how awesome I'm going to look in skinny leg jeans (lol!), dancing while running-throwing my hands up in the air (I may even actually do this while on the treadmill) or I'm concentrating on getting to the 1 minute interval, changing the speed in 30 secs, changing the incline in 60 secs etc etc.

    Treadmill I'm mostly focused on the changing of the settings and occasionaly dance while running (mostly hand throws lol). I may even call myself lazy when I feel like stopping or my mantra will be "just 30 secs, just 20 secs, just 10 sec etc)

    Outdoor running I'm alternating between visualising and just life stuff in general. I may through the odd insult in there like "What the hell is this? You can run faster than this... lazy fatty" to which I subsequently respond with changing the song to something more fast paced and pick up the pace. Almost feels like I'm mediating.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    This may sound totally creepy, but I think of HoLLyZ82. She's a user here, obviously, who I've got on my FL. And her body is amazing, I want it.
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
    When boxing, I'm focusing on my form and technique. When exercising, I am cursing the instructor.
  • hikezilla
    hikezilla Posts: 174 Member
    I TRY to run on my elliptical machine for 40 mins, 4 times a week. If I can make it through the first 10 minutes of mind games, then I am good for the whole time. In those first ten minutes I can think of a million other things I need to be doing instead of exercising....the brain constantly trying to rationalize its way off the machine....
  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,957 Member
    I hate this, I hate this, I hate this, I hate myself, you fat *kitten*...keep going, keep going, good sweat, good sweat, hate this, hate this, that chick has a nice *kitten*, run faster, run faster, wonder if she's single, breathe, breathe, this music sucks, keep going , keep going, she looked at me, run faster, run faster, did she smile? push, push, breathe easy, breathe easy, she did smile, run faster, run faster, no boner, no boner, breathe easy, good pace....