Good-For-You Food(s) That You Can't Stand



  • Hodar
    Hodar Posts: 338 Member
    In our home, my wife and I are agreed that cooking liver is grounds for divorce.

    Why anyone would voluntarily eat it, is beyond my understanding. They will walk a big circle around cow poop; but insist that eating the "filter" is good and healthy.

  • Mrs_TrimWaistFatWallet
    Water, fish, & sea food.
  • JenCM
    JenCM Posts: 195
    I must not be too picky because I love most of what everyone has Plus, the things I used to not like, I actually have developed a taste for now - like sweet potatoes and brussel sprouts.

    However, I cannot eat fish. I've tried and tried. But it's just never going to be something I can stomach. =P
  • datzun
    datzun Posts: 198
    I don't like vegetables (minus lettuce, carrots, and corn) or seafood. Makes it really hard to hit my numbers without resorting to junk. :(
  • MiNiMoNkI
    MiNiMoNkI Posts: 447 Member
    Avacado ewwwwww or bananas yuck!
  • rskidmore
    rskidmore Posts: 212
    Olives, squash, eggplant, salmon, tuna, eel, salads, mandarin oranges...

    LOVE seafood, greek yogurt with strawberries, asparagus, brussel sprouts, green beans, oatmeal, raw mushrooms (hate them cooked)...yum!
  • Hollycat
    Hollycat Posts: 372
    Soy. I can't stand the taste. Soy milk, soy beans, edemame... eeeeeyuck. :noway:

    Lima beans. I used to pick out the 2 or 3 that came in Campbells vegetable soup. Just couldn't stand them.

  • rskidmore
    rskidmore Posts: 212
    Soy. I can't stand the taste. Soy milk, soy beans, edemame... eeeeeyuck. :noway:


    I LOVE edamame!
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    Oatmeal, asparagus and beets. I only had beets for the first time about a year ago. Conversation with the hubby went like this...

    Me: what are these?
    Hubs: beets.
    Me: are they supposed to taste like dirt?
    Hubs: they do come from the ground.
    Me: they taste like they ARE the ground.

    That was my first and last time having beets.
  • chellekoren
    chellekoren Posts: 273 Member
    Liver, any kind.

    I was having a hard time thinking of something I don't like. But here it is. I HATE liver. Bleck. I'm sure there is more, but I do like lots of different foods.
  • lilac67
    lilac67 Posts: 311
    I'm not a fan of milk, yuck! If I have to drink it it has to be skim milk, really cold and I have to just down it. The other is fish. I know fish is so good for you, but seems no matter how I try it, if it's not a fish stick or Long John's I can't stand it. If you have any ideas how I can like it please let me know!! I will eat shrimp cocktail, though!

    My fish-hating son now refers to our Pollock filets as "epic fish." We make a salt-free breading for it (it's not high carb or high calorie), and then bake it instead of fry. It's a bit peppery/spicy, but it's very tasty, and it works for my fish-hater!

    I can't give an exact recipe, because I don't know--my husband makes it. But it's got lemon zest, pepper, corn flake crumbs, a tiny bit of salt-free Cajun seasoning, and then whatever else sounds good at the moment. Experiment, you might find a mix you like!


    Thanks so much, I'll try it!!
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    Can't stand liver. I tried to like it, I really did. It even smells good when cooked right. But I can't stomach the texture.

    Same with Tofu. It's too jiggly. If I want food that jiggles, I'll eat Jello.

    Artichokes. Anchovies. Olives.
  • Mimishadows
    Mimishadows Posts: 8 Member
    Apples... it's not that i don't like them my body just can't stand them. They make me nauseous and then i just puke them back up. >.<
  • Sheri869
    Sheri869 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Mine is yogurt. I wish I could learn to love it. I've tried a lot of brands and flavors, but they all end up tasting like sour milk :(
    Try throwing it in the freezer! I can't stand yogurt either, but somehow it tastes better while a bit icy! And today, something magical happened after I transferred it to the fridge for awhile--it was like soft ice cream! Delicious!

    I'm not a yogurt lover (I enjoy a few flavors but most I don't) - I never thought to try and make it like ice cream! Love that idea...I'm gonna try that today! I hate milk and don't eat yogurt so I do NOT get enough calcium - maybe I just found a new favorite! Thanks for the idea!

    I Hate All Cooked Veggies! Except corn & potatoes, but of course, those are pretty much not classed as veggies - at least I like salad so I can get veggies that way.
  • Sheri869
    Sheri869 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Oh and HATE the taste and smell of all fish! I Hate that I hate it too cuz I know how good it is for you! I try it every now and then, different kinds and cooked different ways....but no luck!
  • Tvstarbabe
    Tvstarbabe Posts: 101
    Cottage Cheese!! I gag every time I try to eat it.
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    I like most seafood except: Oysters and anything with tentacles...eew. I've live in the south for 16 years and still haven't gotten up the courage to taste grits...its just the name..grits...shudder.
  • heyree424
    heyree424 Posts: 21
    Broccoli, green peppers, raw onions (especially the red ones), and most anything soy. Blech.
  • tubbytabbytales
    tubbytabbytales Posts: 5,883
    Mine is yogurt. I wish I could learn to love it. I've tried a lot of brands and flavors, but they all end up tasting like sour milk :(
