Do you allow yourself to eat sweets??



  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    Yeah. It's called fruit. ;)

    lol but yeah, I have tried to have healthy stuff that's special though now and then.
  • lovejoydavid
    lovejoydavid Posts: 395 Member
    Yeah. It's called fruit. ;)

    lol but yeah, I have tried to have healthy stuff that's special though now and then.

    Ha! When they did my diet analysis, I was at 100% of my vegetable recommendations, but 400% of my fruit. I eat a lot of fruit.
  • melindalamb
    I eat natural sugar, like fruit, honey, etc. I usually have a smoothie for my snacks.
  • Loruhama
    Loruhama Posts: 5
    I like chocolate covered strawberries, so I go to the mall and buy one. It reminds me that I cannot afford to spend money on things I do not really need, and at the same time it allows me to enjoy a fine treat. I usually do not crave sweets from the supermarket, because they are filled with waxes. Ohh and that chocolate special K cereal is good! Point is, I pick and choose.

    What about you? Do you allow yourself sweets? Why were you asking?
  • kayleeblue
    kayleeblue Posts: 273
    Everyday! Sometimes more the once. I'm not loosing a lot in a week but I'm still loosing, so I'm happy with that. Each to their own tho.
  • ashleynicole8912
    I eat them as long as they fit into my calories. I dont do it every day though. I buy a box of the 100 calorie packs. They have cookies and brownies, and it kicks the sweets craving.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    Yeah. It's called fruit. ;)

    lol but yeah, I have tried to have healthy stuff that's special though now and then.

    Ha! When they did my diet analysis, I was at 100% of my vegetable recommendations, but 400% of my fruit. I eat a lot of fruit.

    lol Where did you do this? I'd like to see mine. I eat a lot of fruit too.
  • lovejoydavid
    lovejoydavid Posts: 395 Member
    Yeah. It's called fruit. ;)

    lol but yeah, I have tried to have healthy stuff that's special though now and then.

    Ha! When they did my diet analysis, I was at 100% of my vegetable recommendations, but 400% of my fruit. I eat a lot of fruit.

    lol Where did you do this? I'd like to see mine. I eat a lot of fruit too.

    Ah, I actually bought some sessions with a RD who specialized in sports nutrition. I am getting all the results in hard copy in a few days, but I think it was just based on the diabetic exchange diet system.
  • starzluv94
    starzluv94 Posts: 45 Member
    The last time I was doing really good with my eating, I lost 56 lbs and had little treats a few times a week and still managed to lose 5 or more lbs a week. As long as you dont go over board you will be fine. I would break off a couple bites and give the rest away. This way you arent deprived, you still satisfy that sweet tooth but you also get to reach your goals.
  • minnie86
    minnie86 Posts: 187
    I try to satisfy my daily cravings eating fruits. But one a week I treat myself. Last week I had a kid's scoop of chocolate chip mint icecream
  • tiffanyquincey
    I try not to. Even if I allow myself a treat I always end up overdoing it. Its very hard for me to have just one. Also going the low carb route its hard for me to fit it in. If I'm craving something sweet I'll usually add a packet of stevia to my peanut butter. I also have a sugar free mocha every morning that helps out with my sweet tooth.
  • musica814
    musica814 Posts: 301 Member
    I frequently allow myself sweets, even if they sometimes don't fit into my calorie goals :smile: If I am way over I try to fit in an extra workout. I am usually always over on my sugar, even when I don't have sweets. Oh, and I've lost 9 pounds in less than 2 months.
  • Ruchell
    Ruchell Posts: 236 Member
    I do eat treats and try to keep it within my calories for the day. I agree with everyone else that it has to be in moderation and I really do save those treats for something I really love and something that will feel really worth those extra calories!
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    I have some chocolate nearly every day. Obviously, not a whole bar or anything. I have 1-2 pieces of Dove Dark Chocolate Promises. Gives me the fix in a small portion.

    When I have "cheat days", I'll allow myself ice cream or some such. Never a "light" version. I want the real deal...I just keep those portions under control.
  • Terri_39
    Terri_39 Posts: 122
    I have an orange cream bar almost every day. As long as it's within my calorie range why not?? I also LOVE Dreyers low fat ice cream, it's a great way to indulge the sweet tooth and not feel so guilty about it. I've lost 19 lbs so far so it works for me.
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    So just wondering how many people allow themselves sweets if it fits within their cals, carbs, sugar and fat? If you do, how often and how much success have you had in your weight loss?

    I have a Builder's Bar (usually the mint chocolate, sometimes the peanut chocolate) every day, sometimes two of them. They satisfy my love of chocolate/sweets without spiking my blood sugar or screwing up my food plan. They're big enough that they're actually filling, and they give me some potassium and other happy things, too.

    On a rare occasion, I'll make room for something more substantial like homemade Reese's ice cream (sugar-free Reeses for the blood sugar fairies) or pound cake with fresh fruit and light whipped cream, but it does take some advance planning.

    I haven't had a candy bar or a junkie-store bought cookie for months, though I did have a few bites of tiramisu at one meal and a mini mousse at another meal while out of town last week :-)

  • whodatgrl
    whodatgrl Posts: 111
    I do as long as it fits into my daily amount. Its all about lifestyle and what YOU can live with everyday all 365 of them. What i did do is changed to skiny cow if you havent tried them, you have no idea what your missing. I felt i got blasted awile back for eating processed foods, etc. and then i realized im making llifestyle changes for MY life what I can live with. everybody is different adn one thing or way is not going to work for everybody and my wt loss might not be as quick as others or as what i would like but slow and steady will get me there i believe.
  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    The thing is that you cannot deny yourself of something if you want it! It's all in moderation. I used to have a big sweet tooth but now my diet has such a variety of good healthy foods that I no longer have cravings for manufactured sweets or for any food that is. I just don't have cravings or binges or hunger pains anymore. It has been easier to stick with it this time since I don't have that WANT feeling anymore. Good luck. Everyone has their own thing and you just have to find what works best for you!
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    YES, not often but I do. I don't think I would have long term success if I tried to avoid it all together.

    I have also found some great hungry girl recipes for low cal desserts :)
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Yes, I do. Not everyone agrees with "everything in moderation" but it's working for me.
    Some days it hasn't been moderation, but I know that has to be an occasional thing if I want to stay healthy and get down to my goal weight. I've lost 38 pounds so far, so it seems to be working for me :smile: