Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - July Challenge!!



  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    :noway: Wow...we used to max out posts in a forum and now people are dropping off like flies!! :sad:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    :noway: Wow...we used to max out posts in a forum and now people are dropping off like flies!! :sad:
    i KNOW! :sad: But folks have to do what's best for them on their journey, so I wish Tara and Aly the absolute best no matter what they decide...

    As for Cait and Gonks, that's another story. Those girls have some SPLAININ' to do! :angry: haha JUST KIDDING! :wink:

    We can be the lone Vets around here, I guess, Bethany!

    Will catch up with all your posts tomorrow and divulge some of my own happenings from Sun/Mon. Generally things are well (besides my ongoing battles with food) but my bed is calling. Hope you guys had a great Monday! Keep it up! :heart:
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Sorry I was MIA this weekend and yesterday. This weekend was very busy! On sunday I walked around Georgetown with my friend and then came home and watched the world cup final. It was a very active day and it felt great. Then yesterday I took the day off to go to an amusement park with my coworker and boss. It was so much fun! Yesterday was my first day of 15k training, so I woke up early and did my 2 mile run. I took it nice and slow and even got a little lost so I ended up running a little more than 2 miles, but thats no big deal! Then I got ready and we spent 9 hours at the park walking around. I made pretty good food choices seeing as how we packed our lunches and had a picnic lunch and then with all of the walking that I don't normally do I think that I was on point. Now if only today can be the same! I need to squeeze in 30 min of cross training to keep on track with my 15k training plan so I think I might do JM 30 DS twice tonight since I couldn't get my butt out of bed for spin this morning since I didn't get home from the park until 11.

    I will do my best to catch up with all of you ladies later!

    Tara and Aly- No matter what your decision to stay or go, I know you will both keep doin fantastic!
  • cmg2008
    cmg2008 Posts: 139
    tara: I'm sad to see you go

    blackswan: WTG!!!! I need to find a race near me to sign up for, but i'm nervous about it tho!

    It is true that it seems like this post is slowing down, but in my defense its been sooooooo nice out lately, i spend a majority of my time outside, also i've been super super busy!!!!! I can see it picking back up with it starts to get cooler out again!
    AFM .. I completed L1D10 of the shred yesterday, I'm slowly working my way to completeling the full 30 days. But yesterday I only ran for 20 mins :sad: its hurt for me to push myself to the full 25-28 mins. Honestly I just think its more than a mental problem than anything and I'm going to push myself next time I go and run.
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Hi everyone. I know I said I'd really come back, but my life has been overtaken by this car accident shizzle and my marathon training. Work has been awful this week and I'm just a stress mess. Basically, my car is worth nothing (totaled or not), so even though I got the insurance money from the dumbass who hit me and can use it for repairs...I essentially have to buy a new car or I'm just throwing $2000+ dollars into a car that won't be worth any more when I get rid of it. Granted my car is a 1999, but other than her accident damage, she's in terrific shape and I wanted to hold onto her for another 6-12 months. I'm ridiculously cautious when it comes to finances, have never had any loans or any I really wasn't looking to just have to drop $20K on a car right now. Good news is I have fab credit (trying to focus on the positive) so my rates will be really low. Unfortunately, I'm still driving my car after the accident, it's driving really weird and I don't feel safe doing so. So basically, I have to get a decent car ASAP.

    Also, I'm totally calling the police department tomorrow. I feel like it is FULLY within my rights to inquire about the status of this driver who hit me. I think I deserve to know if she was drinking and why the eff she hit 3 parked cars. Also, depending on what they tell me...I might petition or whatever for her to lose her license. It's reckless driving and I don't think she should be driving. And if she hits my car again, I will go ape****.

    Seriously. I'm also ridiculously attached to my car, so it makes me really sad that I have to get rid of it after an 8+ year stint. So much so that the thought of losing my GD car makes me cry.:embarassed:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Blerghhhhhh :grumble: I'd rant about my day but...

    1) It won't accomplish anything but make me feel worse.
    2) I should REALLY get to bed, since it's already 11:30pm and I am scheduled to be up at 5:45am for a training run.
    and 3) I'll spare you all, since my Pals have already had the pleasure of dealing with my grumpiness :wink:

    How it is that I keep any friends on here at all is a mystery! :laugh:

    Anyway Im in a righteously BAD mood. Mostly just feeling like total *kitten* about myself. Stress is at about an 8.5 out of 10 at work, if only because I'm no longer being threatened with physical violence (like my last job) and I have a relate amount of job security since we're being perpetually SLAMMED with a abundance of work that is enough to employ 3 full-time staff (instead of just me) and I was only just hired right in the middle of it, so I'm also responsible for a huge amount of "clean up" - none of which I have any time for. But the rest of it is all bad. And the worst part is that I actually have way too much work ethic and seem to always manage to work straight through my 8.5 hour day without taking a single break from my desk. I eat my snacks and lunch between calls and meetings when I can (I am completely worthless without food in me - not eating is just not an option) but otherwise I basically just run my *kitten* off all day. It's so hectic and stressful that I can usually go from morning until about 4pm without even having a chance to check my cell for text messages. Tyler's going to start thinking that I'm screening my calls :laugh: Ah well!

    Enough about that... I've been training hard still. Got in a good 4mi run Sun morning (although I was meant to take it easy on the weekend), a 12ish mile bike ride last night, and another 3.5mi run today on the TM, which was miserable. For whatever reason the gym is the hottest place on earth. I went to run inside because we're under a heat advisory and so I didn't want to run outdoors for safety, but the damn gym has NO air circulation and I was dying! Not doing that again. I missed the wind and my cool, morning runs. Getting up early tomorrow for some intervals. Then work. Then baseball at night. Thursday is another 3miles, and then strength somehow. I'll make it all fit... Just getting tough to be a creative cook, eat well, and manage to fit in all my workouts. Which means I usually sacrifice sleep.

    Speaking of which... I should get some. Sorry I haven't responded to anyone. In short...

    YAY for races. Don't be scared. You'll end up doing SO much better than you ever anticipated. It's some crazy force of nature, I promise :bigsmile: And you'll absolutely love it!

    Jill - girl, we need to get it together. Let me know if you ever need a major b*tch fest and we can skype or gtalk or something. Seems like we're facing a lot of similar issues with work, stress, and making time for training.

    cmg - 20 mins is 20 mins more than most, so consider it a win! on days when I just cannot give ANY more, I find solace in knowing that I could have just made an excuse and lazed instead. If I get out, and do what I can, I call it a success. You'll get there :happy:

    Megan - Glad to hear the training has commenced. Keep up the good work, and welcome back from your trip! Sounds like you had a great time :bigsmile: Let me know about those races, too, missy!

    New races for moi in the coming months...

    Aug 13th - NY State Warrior Dash 3.2 Miles (Goal: Kick *kitten* and have an awesome time! :D)
    Aug 28th - Port Dahlousie 10mile Chocolate Race (Goal: under 01:44:00)
    Sep 18th - 34th Annual Run For The Grapes Dempsters Half Marathon (Goal: under 02;20:00)

    My goals are all estimates and will change as the races get closer. Last 10miler was run in -16C and snow and ran it in 1:44 and change. I can definitely beat that time, as long as the heat isn't too unbearable...

    Eeep Bed time! Catch up again soon! :heart:
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    ok so I ATTEPMTED a comeback a few days ago, but that obviously didnt work out. No more games!~!~!~! I dont want to step on the scale, not even on the 1st as planned. I havent been eating bad (well, not dieting but not BAD).. but I havent been working out. I have been taking Cody for walks and 3 months ago that would have been ok with me... but now I just feel fat!

    And to make things even PeachieR its like 40 degrees and raining in Germany. :explode: I need it to be JULY!! come on!~!~! I know tons of you guys that are in the States right now would probably switch places with me... well so will I!~!~! I would much rather it be 100 degrees rigth now than 40!~!~!~!~!~!

    On a brighter note. :bigsmile: Lunch time spin is today. I have a date with my friend to go, but even if she cant (depends on if dad comes home for lunch to watch the kiddos) I am still going to go. I am going to walk my happy butt down to the gym IN THE RAIN and I am going to show that bike whos boss. :smokin: I almost want to laugh out loud cuz now that I said that it sounds REDICULOUS!~!~!

    I can do this!!~~!! :bigsmile: Right???

    Ok ladies.... thanks for listening to me ramble on about nothing. I see that July has been pretty crazy for alot of us... so I hope we all can get through this last few days and end on a good note. :heart: We can do this!~!~!~!
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Jill- that really sucks about your car especially when you weren’t planning on getting a new one just yet. And seeing as how you are so careful with money I am sure you won’t go crazy and attempt to buy a car way out of your price range with a crazy payment. Try and see that positive in that you get a new car which is always fun!

    Meag- Sounds like my life about a month ago. I can tell you this, while you seem very committed to your job and enjoy it minus all of the stress, if you are being worked so hard that you feel like you can’t even breathe eventually something is going to happen to make you stop, and we don’t want that to be some serious illness. So you are going to have to make yourself take a break. Remember that they were attempting to do all this stuff before you got there and if you take 15 minutes to go sit outside and just distress it will actually be better for your overall work in the long run. Think about it!

    Kandace- your attitude about spin is awesome! I know the weather is crappy for you and after getting back from your vacation you probably feel all bloated and just blah, but if hop on the scale on the 1st as planned. You might just surprise yourself! And just keep up your amazing attitude and you will totally rock it!

    AFM- Ok I know I missed a bunch of you who posted yesterday and such but I don’t have the time to go back right now so I am just starting fresh! Today was day 3 of 15k training, on deck was a 2mile run followed by strength training. Well about half way through my 2 miles I got some serious calf cramps so I had to stop and walk for a little bit but I never let myself walk for more than 1 min and most of the time I limited it to 30 seconds. It was rough but I at least did the 2 miles even if it wasn’t running the entire time. And then I followed it up with strength as the schedule says. I have a feeling my arms are going to be sore tomorrow, but it felt nice to just keep moving. Needless to say with 81 minutes of straight exercise I did some serious caloric burnage. It was awesome! Now I am really hungry and I am going to eat my delicious oatmeal and then bunker down and get some work done! I am still looking for some races to run that correspond to my training schedule and I am definitely going to sign up for ones that work, in the meantime I am just going to keep mixing it up and keeping myself entertained! Just taking training one week at a time. Keep it up ladies!


  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Hello Lovelies!!

    Courtney – hope you are able to run as much as you want to but congrats on the Shred. I don’t know that I could hang with Jillian right now. I am far from being in shape and think that she would just scare me to death and I would end up worse than when I started.

    Jill – sorry to hear about your car woes!! You should be able to find something less than 20K unless you are looking for all of the bells and whistles. Do some research and find out which make and model fits your needs best and then look into new vs. used. The good thing about new cars is the manufacturers rebates but the good thing with used is that they can be a lot less but still have a lot of life left in them. Also with new, dealerships are beginning to get rid of this year’s models because 2012 models are already on their lots. I think you could end up making a great choice if you do a little research. Sorry…I’m in the car business. And I understand your attachment to your car. My car was stolen and totaled a few years back and when I went to go look at it, I cried when I saw the damage. Hopefully the police department is cooperative and everything works out for the best. I am a strong believer in everything happening for a reason!!

    Meag – seems like if its not one thing with your job then its another. I hope that the clean up phase ends soon and you can start to find some sort of normalcy there. Glad to hear that the stress and excess amounts of hours that you put in at work isn’t detouring you from your training. I was out late last night with the bf and didn’t want to get up this morning, have a ton of things to do tonight but I am afraid that if I don’t get my run in today that I will already be failing. I am determined to squeeze it in. We shall see how it goes. And I think I am going to look for a race about 6 months out so that I definitely have something to look forward to.

    Kandace – so glad to have you back girly!! And sounds like you are still doing great!! It may take some time to ease back into your healthy lifestyle but I have no doubt that you can do it. I have found my way back on the wagon (once again) and plan on sticking it out for the long haul this time around. I know that I have things coming up that will pause my journey but I refuse to let it stop me from getting to my ultimate goal. Life won’t always go as we plan but it’s the ability to roll with the punches that will make us stronger. You can do it girly!!

    Megan – so glad to see you that you are enjoying your training!!

    AFM…Day 2 of being back on the wagon didn’t go quite as planned. The bf decided to meet up for dinner before our movie date last night. Didn’t choose the best but still logged it. In the past, I wouldn’t have logged it because the bright red number scares me. But I need to stay accountable and true to myself to make this change. I am scheduled to make one final trip to my mom’s house to clean out the last few pieces of my stuff before escrow closes and its no longer ours. Was hoping to get up early so I could do my C25K run before going over there but woke up late since I was out late with the bf. Still hoping that I can make it all work cause I really don’t want to miss a run.

    QOTD – what’s your favorite healthy recipe?? It can be one that you discovered along this path or one that you have always loved. Just trying to get some new ideas.

    Hope you all have a wonderful day!! And I really wish this thread would stop moving at a snail’s pace but I understand that everyone have “real” lives!!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    You know, I said I was going to leave but I just keep coming back here to see how everyone is doing. I just have to look at everything with a grain of salt and realize that I am not you guys and I cannot get down on myself to easily!

    So what has been going on with me you ask? I have been training like a mad woman! I am doing great with the training even thought it is tough and tiring and I feel like I am tired all the time. I eat healthy the majority of the time but after a long workout, like Sunday after a 12 mile run, I went and had pizza and beer. I was good and only had about 2 pieces and 2 beers and some salad. I guess the frustrating thing is that I eat pretty healthy and I splurge on the day I have big workouts and I have still managed to gain weight while training. But the race is in less than 2 weeks and I plan to really focus on eating clean and getting back to a normal lifestyle where I don't feel deprived of anything. I am excited for the race and more excited to have time to focus on me and get back to the weight I was before and just tone up. I will try to come back as a regular here but I honestly don't know how much I will be back. But I miss you guys!!!
  • anitanz
    anitanz Posts: 72
    Hi Ladies,

    I haven’t checked in for a while and I’ve got to be honest, it’s because I haven’t been great with my food. It’s been TOM and I haven’t been able to turn down the chocolate. Yesterday I ate half a big bag of m&m’s!! I can’t believe it!!! I told my trainer and last night he made us work out so hard, after one of the drills I curled up in a ball on the ground and almost cried. LOL. He reckons that I burned off the chocolate but I’m not so sure. Anyway, today is a new day and I do feel like I’m back at some sort of healthy equilibrium.

    Meag- Stink that you aren’t enjoying work, and that you feel like you are working too hard. I hope the situation improves for you soon, as it’s hard to keep up with that sort of stress for long periods. I looked up that chocolate race, it looks awesome!! Will you eat at the fruit and marshmallow chocolate dipping station along the way? When I did the Paris marathon there was Madera cake at the 30k mark and it was the last thing I felt like right then! More because it was dry and crumbly and there wasn’t any water to go with it. But chocolate dipped marshmallows, hell yeah!!

    Can- Good luck with your spin class, I hope you go and I hope you nail it 

    Megan- It sounds like you are working out hard girl, go you!

    AFM- I need to confirm with my friend today that we will do the Lydiard Half Marathon, it’s on the 17th of Sept so that is quite soon. We will have to go straight to week 4 of a 12 week training programme, which means running 14km this weekend, which I’m pretty sure we can do, but I’m sorta worried about food because I find it hard to control my food intake when I’m running lots. I’ve worked out a programme though and I’m only going to run 3 x per week, and keep up with the kettlebells and training with my trainer as well. Let’s see how it goes!
    Keep it up ladies!
    X Anita
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    I'm giving myself 5 mins to update before bed... It's already 11:38pm and my alarm is set for a 5:30am wake up to run + strength. Yikes. Definitely need to start sleeping more... Not meeting that goal for July! :ohwell:

    Had a great early morning run today and it really improved my day. Yesterday was just MISERABLE but today was slightly better. Still no breaks at all and working straight through. Very stressful but at least I wasn't verging on meltdown territory. I raced home at about 5:10pm, slammed down some dinner (pork tenderloin, veggies, homemade kimchi, and corn tortillas) and then raced off to baseball despite the ridiculous heat. It was nice but I felt pressed for time all night. Managed to get home, clean some things up, ready myself for tomorrow and even booked my last hotel for the Warrior Dash in Albany Aug 13th :bigsmile: Everything is set!

    Who all is running the WD again? I know Cait and Meg will be there, but I thought another person had signed up... Spellbinder, where have you run off to?!?!

    Anyway! it was a good night. I definitely am having cravings to eat everything in sigh, all day long, but I am coping well enough. Just giving myself a break. I know that training makes me feel deprived of fuel and energy, and being exhausted conflates the problem. Not stressing TOO much about cals right now. Just so long as my body doesn't end up reverting back to flabby and unsightly, we're all good. I enjoy looking and feeling healthy, not bloated and overweight like I am right now.

    Thx everyone for all your comments. Will be posted with responses tomorrow, I hope. And I will post my answer to the QOTD once I can decide on a fave recipe! :laugh:

    Talk to all you ladies soon! XO :heart:
  • lalonmeg000
    lalonmeg000 Posts: 276 Member
    Hey ladies ! Sorry I have been MIA, went on my first week of vacation EVER and i have been enjoying it to it's fullest ! On a positive this week, although i havnt been hitting the gym or strictly counting calories, I have been able to stop eating and tell myself i can safe the rest for lunch the next day or what not. Also super exciting ! I bought a medium tank top from express and I am in between a medium and a large for adiadas running shorts !! The week I needed to get over my workout blues, I finally feel it paying off :) finishing up my birthday week and back to the old grind Monday ! Hope y'all have a great weekend.

    Also congrats to everyone running races ! I truly admire y'all and look up to the dedication and strength that goes into accomplishing those :)

    Oh and fav recipe is defiantly my less-guilty cupcakes ! Get a box of Betty Crocker cake mix and add 1 and 1/4 cup water, 1/4 cup apple sauce (little less than a single serving snack cup) and 4 egg whites! The only fat is what is in the box mix and icing. They also come out super moist. Also if you get the chocolate mix sub 1/4 of the water for chilled coffee and it heightens then chocolate flavors !

  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    :sad: I just wrote SOOO much to you guys and clicked a stupid thing and changed the page and lost everything!~! FraCk :grumble:
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Bethany- Sounds like even though everything didn't go quite as scheduled you rolled with it and were determined to make the right choices and that is 99% of the battle! So YEAH for you! I think that it is the hardest when you have this lovely day planned of all the right decisions and how your lifestyle would be 100% perfect and then something always gets in the way so great job of rolling with it!

    Aly- You know we are here for you so pop in whenever you feel like. I know you are excited for your race and ready for it to be over at the same time. And I have the same struggle of comparing myself to everyone on here as well. I am super jealous that you ran 12m and I wish I could do that. So don't forget that a lot of us look up to your athletic abilities and what I like to call grit. The ability to stick with it!

    Anita- I feel ya when TOM comes around. But it sounds like you are trying to get your head in the right place and get back at it. And your trainer most definitely wants to help you burn it off haha. WAY TO GO!

    Meag- Glad your day was much better than yesterday! You have such a crazy busy schedule and I have no idea how you function on such little sleep because I would absolutely die! Don't burn yourself out because I know you want to kick *kitten* at warrior dash!

    Meghan- I will have to consider making those cup cakes. Sound interesting! That is exciting about clothes shopping. I did the same thing two weekends ago and it felt good to be able to start fitting in everything again! Keep it up!

    Kandace- I did the same thing the other day and I literally had to go for a walk away from my computer and then wait like 4 hours before I had the guts to get back on and type again. Oh and Loving the new pic btw!

    AFM- Bootcamp this morning. Another 600 calorie burner! This is mostly due to the fact that the instructor totally kicks my butt! However I love having my butt kicked and thus go back time and time again! I am not sure where the scale will be tomorrow because I have kind of been up and down this week with eating right. Especially with Monday out, even though we brought lunch, I didn't get nearly enough water that day and I think I am holding on to some water weight. I guess we will find out tomorrow! Other then that still on track with my 15k training, tomorrow is rest day and then on Saturday is a 2m run. I am going to visit my bestie in Philly this weekend, but before I leave I am going to find a nice 2 mile route around her house that way I don't miss my run. I don't want to be skipping workouts during my first week of training! Any ways, I'll check in throughout the day to see what y'all are up to!

  • cmg2008
    cmg2008 Posts: 139
    Meag: Thanks meag .. i know that 20 mins is more than most, I just wish that I was passed that by now =/ ugh but I know I'll get there!

    kancrav: its good to see that your back!! and I'll happily switch places with you! Today in Ohio is suppose to be the hottest day in 12 years =/ ohh boy .. its hard to get outside and get motivated in this heat! its soooooooo draining!!!

    mking: way to not completely stop when running!!! and 2 miles that is fantastic! Right now i'm working my way up to 2 miles so seeing someone else that can do it just motivates me even more!!! Great job!!!!

    guam: I think its great that your trying to get back on the wagon and I know it might be rude/wierd/whatever to say but I think its great that you somewhat feel guilty about slacking off because it means that you truly care about your goals and that you want to get back in shape! I think its great!!!! and don't worry you will get there!

    Anita: keep up the great work!

    AFM: Last night I didn't get to go for my run but I got at least 45 mins of walking at a brisk pace in so at least I got some cardio! And I completed L2D12 of the 30DS and boy am I sore!!! My abs hurt more than anything, when I lay down, laugh, try to get up my abs scream!!!! but its a good scream though! One thing I did notice with my 30DS workouts is that my arm strength is completely lacking!!!! but I'm going to work on that! I found this website that works on gettig you do on 100 pushups at once, soo i'm going to start trying that.
    Here's the link if anyone is intrested:

    Goal wise I haven't really been working towards the C25K schedule, I just go out and try to run for as long as I can sooo C25K is going to go on the backburner for now because I'm still runnig at least 3 times a week. I'm getting close to my 1200 minutes of exercise time soo I'm going to aim for 1400 now!!! I know that I can do it!! Also haven't weighed myself in over a week, soooo hopefully Im on track to getting into the low 140s.

    I just want to tell everyone to keep up the great work!!!!! Your kicking @$$ ladies!!!!
  • Ashleypeterson37
    Ashleypeterson37 Posts: 347 Member
    Ok, so it's been 8 days since coming back from vacation and I finally lost all the weight I gained in Texas. Now, back to losing for real! The first couple of days I was back, I was having this crazy problem with snacking before bed. This was an entirely new problem for me! I have NEVER been a snacker but I just couldn't seem to stay out of the pantry! But the last 4 days I have given me and the pantry some distance and I finally think I have it under control. Also, the girls on here that were in the June thread know I passed out last month during an exercise. That was the last time I worked out. Two days ago I started up my gym routine again and I feel amazing again! I was scared it was going to happen again so I just avoided working out altogether. So glad I put that fear behind me! It hurts so GOOD to be sore again!! :D
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Mking- Thanks for your kind words. Life has just been crazy and hectic lately.

    AFM- I am trying to stay in my calories for the first time in a while today. I am not sure what to expect since I have been hungry a lot and tonight and tomorrow I don't have a workout because I have been so sore and tired. It is going to be lots of fruits and veggies for me today to keep it low calorie and healthy. I might do steak taco's tonight or some other sort of steak thing if I can find a low calorie recipe.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    hey all!

    sorry for being mia! meeting and more meetings esp late evenings! been catching up on sleep!
    im still here, on the last few days of the shred now and also going to zumba and may get a run in during the weekend! nothing new or exciting to report! ;lol

    hope everyone is well!
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Hello there Lovelies!!

    Anita – I feel the same way when I make bad choices…partly because I feel that I have nothing to contribute and partly because I don’t want to be held accountable for my bad choices. But I have decided this time around, I am logging what I eat and putting it out there for everyone to see. It will only help me to end up where I want to be. And I think its ok for you to be eating a lot when you are running a lot, just make sure to give your body the fuel that it needs rather than choices that are only gonna make you feel more fatigued.

    Meag – I think all of your WD buddies have become MIA on this thread. And I laughed about your flabby comment!! Sorry but I think that with all of your running efforts and your amazing menus, you will be just fine!!

    Meghan – glad to hear that you are enjoying you vacay!! And although you aren’t hitting the gym or counting calories, sounds like you are still winning with being able to stop eating when you feel that its necessary!! And I will definitely have to try that cupcake recipe. We are having cake today at work and I am hoping to take your 2 bite advice!!

    Kandace – sucks that your post when into never never land!!

    Megan – I am sure you will still kill it on the scale!!

    Courtney – thanks for that!! Didn’t think it was rude/weird/or anything!! You are completely right!! I need to start holding myself more accountable if I really want to achieve my end results. And that means logging everything that passes my lips. I made the choice to eat it so I need to put it in my food diary and own up to it. I think this time around will be the one that does it for me because I am trying to be completely honest and not cheat myself because cheating myself would only mean that I am not getting any closer to the end results. I have attempted the 100 push-up challenge also. I really would love to get my arms toned. I know Meag had done it before too. Great job with your goals though!!

    Ashley – sounds like you are doing great girly!! And now that you have that vacation weight off, you can get back to it!! And no passing out this time around!!!

    AFM…yesterday did not go as planned!! Didn’t get my run in. And then when my son got dropped off last night, his dad decided that we should all get dinner. I had already eaten so I chose dessert. A dessert that has just about as many calories in it that I should consume in one day. But I logged it!! I am being honest to myself and not cheating. I want this!! Still dealing with my mom’s house but escrow should be closing tomorrow or Monday so then I should be able to get back to my own schedule and my own routine!! I am soooo looking forward to that.