Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - July Challenge!!



  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Morning and welcome to the weekend :drinker:

    Quick AM post from Ottawa. BFF is still in bed, and I'm already back from my run and showered, eaten breakfast, had coffee and gotten all ready for the day. Sigh. The life of a runner... Did an easy 3(and a bit) miles this morning. Still have to get a good stretch in though. My foot seems to be feeling quite sore again lately so I am a bit nervous. Have to really be diligent with it and back off on the running if it gets to be too much. Definitely do NOT want to risk screwing it up too badly before the race (AGAIN!)

    According to my phone App I logged 21.6miles running this week, which is pretty darn good for me. By the end of training I should be up to about 30. Really pleased with my progress though, especially my speed. I am definitely getting much faster and without really working that hard on it. It's a nice side effect of all these training runs and race :happy:

    Food was a write off yesterday but that's OK. My Friday's are usually pretty dicey, especially since they are also my rest days. We had chicken shwarma for lunch which was ridiculously good, but definitely loaded with sauces and high in fat, and then I traveled 7 hours in the car which resulted in a huge bowl of strawberries and frozen yogurt upon arrival. I ate light on the car ride (soup and a chobani at a rest stop) but once I got here I was starved and just wanted junk. We ended up going out on the town at night and I had a few bites of carrot cake, as well. Didn't log it but oh well. It happens! This morning I got my oats in (ugh - no natural PB!) and hopefully we can have a semi-nutritious day.. We've got lots of shopping and mini putt planned but very little else. Who knows what we'll have in store for meal time.

    Beth - Over-seasoning? Psht... that basically NEVER happens. You'd have to season the *kitten* out of something. Girl, you need some spice in your life! Get on that pronto! Food is meant to be savoured and enjoyed :bigsmile: So happy to hear that you signed up for a race and got your little girl involved as well. You're such a great role model! I know you two are going to have an awesome time. When does training season commence? :tongue:

    Megan - Great to read about your progress on your July goals. As the days go by things change and we have to be flexible and willing to amend our goals to suit our lives. So while you may not have done 30Day Shred, starting on your 15K training plan is definitely a fitness success :bigsmile: Food is never going to be perfect so keeping healthy eating as a priority and doing your best 80-85% of the time is also a success in my books. I aim for 85% and if I hit 80% I'm usually pretty content with myself. Did I mention i had frozen yogurt AND carrot cake last night :huh: hahaha Also, glad to hear the optimism is coming back and you aren't letting the scale dictate your feelings of success. I think that running successes will help in that regard, as well. NSVs are a great way to get over the need for validation from the scale and it's a good habit to get into now, because once you hit maintenance you absolutely need to find a way to feed that self-confidence when you're not longer seeing movement on the scale. It sounds like you're doing awesome!

    Aly - It's race day!! Hope you are killing it right now :drinker: Can't wait to hear your race report. Get back to us when you can!

    Have a great weekend ladies. Rock it and finish this month off strong! :heart:
  • lalonmeg000
    lalonmeg000 Posts: 276 Member
    Wow the last day in July!? Will we be doing this again for august?

    Guam- love fruit to snack on! I have bringing it to work with me. Really helps the cravings. Hope you and the kiddo's have a good time at the fair!

    megan- Gotta love a Bargain! That is really great deal, a race and a sweatshirt! What is the 30 day shred btw? I have heard a lot of people are doing it like P90x, but is it work-out tapes or what?

    meag- great job on the running for the week. How did you get into running? I would love to be able to run like you do, but I can hardly make a mile run (and even then its a stop and go) much less 3!

    AFM: I went to Katy Perry on Friday with a group of friends. I didn't do terrible, but I didn't do great. Splurged on dinner but oh well, we had fun (and danced plenty!) . Saturday I had a friends birthday dinner, but another girl and I split and entree and I only had a small sliver of cake (made an exception to the 2 bite rule this time but it was too delish!) Today has been okay. I am finding that I am snacking (healthy snacks) more than having a solid meal, but I am running out of food lol grocery shopping will have to wait a little longer though. I got a lot done today, room cleaned, made some protein bars from scratch using whey protein I have (tired of shakes) and will be excited to try those out, made a headband organizer for my bathroom...cleaned out my closet and took the clothes to goodwill. Ran to wal-mart for laundry soap...and I guess that is about it for today. I don't work the next 2 days, so I am hoping I can get some solid work-outs in and a little rest.
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    I vow to be better in August keeping up here. I feel like I got SO little done this weekend in terms of home maintenance and cleaning. Went to a free yoga clinic and free physical therapy clinic at my running store yesterday. I also bought 2 pairs of Yankz for each part of my running sneakers :) I've been having major problems with my bad leg and the PT confirmed what I thought was true. I have pretty severe tendonitis in my lower inside right leg (tendon that runs along the calf muscle) among a few other things, and it's all a result of the ankle sprain I had 3 years ago that ruined nearly all ligaments and tendons in my ankle, lower leg and knee. Ran 12.5 miles on the treadmill be safe with the heat and injury. 103+ miles of running this month (most ever for me) and I'm ahead of my yearly mileage goal right now! Met up with my new soccer team tonight...thankfully I have 4-5 weeks before the season starts! Going to try and get into PT early this week, so I can start to get fixed. Those 26.2 miles can't be run with my leg like it'll only get worse!

    Hope everyone is wrapping up July on a good note!!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Yes - We will be doing this again in Aug! And I promise to respond to your posts when I get back from Ottawa but for now... Here's the August challenge thread.

    I'm off to bed ladies. Make this next month your BEST MONTH YET!

    Much love and fabulous vibes :heart: