Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - July Challenge!!



  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    holy slow thread guys!

    This is going to be a quick one... work was INSANE busy yesterday and I ended up working late without breaks, rushing home to make dinner and then rushing out of town to have drinks with one of Ty's workmates. It was a good day, albeit stressful and exhausting. Getting up around 530-6am to workout before days like that is just rough stuff. I got home and collapsed into bed and then back up today at 540am for another run! :noway: Definitely feeling insane. Taking a rest day tomorrow from the schedule to prep for my race on Thursday night and because I have a scheduled baseball game in the evening. Should be lots of fun!

    This summer is just FLYING by already - I cannot believe how quickly the weeks go by when the weather is nice and we've got so many exciting things to do.

    Looks like you guys are doing great. So happy to read all the self-positive posts and that you folks are staying healthy and happy.

    Ima - Glad to hear the photoshoot made you feel GOOD! That's the most important part! Can't wait to see the proofs :bigsmile:

    Anita - Fabulous pictures. You were a good looking couple to begin with, but you look so much healthier and happier now. Love the dress too! You should both be really happy with your progress and damn proud as well :drinker:

    Bethany - Thanks girl - as usual your posts always make me feel so warm and fuzzy inside! :blushing: Hope you felt good about your choices after your mom's going away party and that you enjoyed yourself without over-indulging. It can really be a drain on our emotional well-being. Hope everything with the boy gets resolved and that whatever happens you are happy and in a place that is good for you.

    Gotta run to work folks. Have a freaking AWESOME Tuesday! And sorry for those I missed. Megan, Tara... I'm definitely reading!

  • cmg2008
    cmg2008 Posts: 139
    Sorry everyone for the slow updates I'm currently without a computer sooo when I get the chance to use the laptop which is rare I jump at it lol. Most of my updates happen on my iphone soo if I don't respond to everyone i'm sorry. Went for a very short run today and do the shred before the heat hit and man it is another scorcher today!!! Everyone looks like they are making great progress towards their goals keep it up ladies!!!!

    meag: you are one busy person! lol its good to see that you are enjoying your summer!!!!

    anita: you and your bf are looking great!!!!!

    tara: how is the shred going for you??? I know that I have been lacking majorly :ohwell:
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    CMG-I totally feel ya with trying to get in the exercise before the heat hits- the worst is dealing with the humidity as well. It just makes the sweat com pouring off me!

    Meag- You have been crazy busy so no worries about personally responding. I still :heart: you!

    Anita- The pics look great! You should be really proud of the hard work you have been doing because it looks like its paying off! Awesome results for the bf too!

    Tara- as always you are rocking it! Keep it up GF!

    AFM- Spin this morning per my usual Tuesday routine followed by a busy but productive day at work. I wanted to wake up early to do some arm weights before spin this morning, but right as we were going to bed last night we heard police going next door and we have no idea what happened! Needless to say that kept me up for about an hour longer than I wanted to be and so I didn't get my lazy bum out of bed in time to do weights before spin, but thats okay because the hubby and I should be doing day 2 of the shred. We did it yesterday and I could tell a massive difference between the very first time I attempted Level 1 and this go round. I was sweating and could definitely feel the moves, but I think I need to up my weights and I didn't burn nearly the same amount of calories as I did when I first started it. Talk about improving my fitness!

    Today I wore my new black work pants that actually fit and don't look like I may have taken a poop in my pants, needless to say, my *kitten* looks amazing! I use to play soccer from age 5 to age 18, stopped because of knee and concussion issues, but the best part of that was that I had great legs and a wonderful *kitten*. Well I think spinning has given that back to me because I am starting to like both of those aspects again! From behind I look way skinnier than I feel, so hopefully the front will catch up soon!! Yeah NSVs!

    Have a fantastic rest of your tuesday!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Meag-have fun for drinks and the baseball game!! and good luck on your race...kill it!!:flowerforyou:

    cmg-just take one day at a time!! even if you skip a few days of the shred....each day that you do get done counts for something! AFM-I am on L2D14 with zero breaks!!! I was a whole new type of sore from starting level 2...but I am back to feelin normal again and can't wait to see my results at the end!!

    Megan-CONGRATS on your *kitten*-tastic NSV!!! :drinker: That just happens to be one of my fave areas of me too, and I can finally start to say that the rest of my body is catching up! whew! about damn time!! As for upping the weights on the shred...I went and bought some 5lbs and I finished out 6 days of L1 with those and have already switched to using them on D4 of L2!! My arms are def telling the diff!!

    AFM-L2D14 done of the shred with NO stops....I am having mixed feelings so far...I feel like it is a great workout...and my triceps are FINALLY starting to tone, which i never thought would happen, BUT I am still up 3lbs on the scale...wth is goin on?! I am thinking of takin half-way pics and measurements to motivate myself a bit but I am not sure if that is a good idea or not??? whatcha guys think??
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    I don't think i've ever seen this thread so slow lol, but it gives me a chance to catch up!

    Tara- I posted on your wall about my thoughts on your gain.. like i said there, i saw a gain as well when i did it, so i was glad we did the no-scale challenge when we did lol.. that's great about your triceps! i need mine to tone like you have no idea! i still have the bat wings. i started to see some muscle, but fell out of the schedule very badly.. gonna try to pick it up again to go along with my bridge to 10K.. keep it up girlie!!

    Megan- congrats on the NSV! i did level 1 of the shred today to get myself back into it, with 3lbs, and found the same time as you.. i could totally feel the difference this time around doing it, and even thought, hey i should switch to 5lbs.. love it!

    Anita- love the pics, you both look great! congrats to both of you!

    Meag- i so admire your dedication to training, even with all you have going on with work and life in general.. send some of that my way lol. right now we're under a heat advisory so there was no running for me today.. gonna attempt to get out there early tomorrow as i'm off work tonight.. enjoy!

    AFM-- So I feel like I had a little lightbulb go off the other day, and felt like the reason i've been so down lately is that I'm bored with my life.. All I do is work, sleep, and veg out.. oh and try to get motivation some days to work out lol... So I decided I need to do something new until I start grad school, and signed up for a free trial class of kickboxing! I go in on Monday and am def looking forward to working out with a group since so far everything I've done has been by myself. It also gives me something scheduled so I'll be motivated to go lol.. Maybe some of those Turbo moves will come in handy :)
    One of my coworkers got married last weekend, so I went in my new dress and had a great time.. I saw some pics my coworker took, and wow, I must say I looked pretty darn good.. I don't think I've ever looked so slim..Hoping to get a copy and put them up here.. It really makes a difference when you see yourself in pics versus the mirror every day..
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Hi all, I'm here. My strength training goal is already out the window for the month (crap!), but I'm in San Diego on business, the gym sucks and it's just not super practical. Between Sunday at 6 PM and this morning (Tuesday) at 7 AM, I had already run 20 miles in lovely, lovely weather. 4ish Sunday, 10.5 yesterday and 5.5 today. Trying to catch up a bit on my mileage (I'm behind on my goal for the year) before I have to ramp down and only let myself log the miles in my marathon training plan (which starts SUNDAY!) When I started training for my first half (which was in June), I was super nervous. But I'm not at all nervous for my marathon...which I find really surprising. Maybe I'm just more confident, or a crazy, crazy runner girl, but I AM PUMPED:happy:

    I will make a better effort to catch up and get acquainted with the newbies, buttttt I'm in San Diego and it's not now, sorry y'all. Gotta soak my legs in the hot tub a bit...5K race tomorrow at 6:45 AM (it's part of my cool, huh?)

    Oh and I changed my username. Thought this was more suitable for me:heart:
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Allie-thanks for the tips girl!!! I'm not gonna start worrying bout the scale til next week!! LOL I am so glad that you liked your self-image at the wedding...can't wait to see the pics!

    Jill-have fun in SD...and kill your time on the 5K tomorrow...even if it is just for fun :)
  • anitanz
    anitanz Posts: 72
    Hi Ladies,
    Thanks for your lovely comments after I posted my pics, feeling pretty chuffed now :love: I am loving all the great positive talk on here today!!
    Megan- Loving your NSV, all that spinning is clearly paying off!!! Hope is gives you a buzz all day long.
    Tara- I guess the shred is just making you retain water , like you said. Your food has been good though, so I'm sure it will pay off soon. Maybe time for a break from the scales?
    Allie- Awesome that you enjoyed the wedding and looked and felt fab in your dress, I'm sure that you looked slim as you really look tiny in your profile pic! I reckon you should post pics, it's a real boost :-) Hope that the kickboxing class goes well, there is nothing quite like stepping out of your comfort zone when life starts to get a bit boring.
    Jilly- Sounds like your running is going well! Super exciting that you are going to do a marathon soon, where are you going to do it?
    AFM- I don't really have much news, the food at the caf at work has been terrible this week, I'm not sure why the chef hasn't put any healthy options on, to make it worse I have been too lazy to make my own lunches, so I am struggling a bit with my food. I would be better off getting in the car and going down to Subway but I have been too lazy to do that too!! Oh the motivational problems after a big weekend... I think I will go out of the office and buy sushi tomorrow and maybe Friday as well, and then make a big pot of soup this weekend to last the following week. How annoying.
    OK, well take care ladies and keep up the good work, we are almost half way through the month!
    x Anita
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Anita-it's ok...I fully expected a gain for the 1st week of the shred...and although I was hoping for a loss on the 2nd week (this week) I will understand if i am even or have a gain again....but by next week I expect big things to happen!! LOL I'm not quite ready to put the scale away yet....seeing as I just did in June for the month, and that I have my vaca coming up in 4 weeks...but I may give it a whirl again when I stat "ripped in 30" after my vaca!! Sorry to hear that your caf sucks these days...but sushi can be a great option for a to-go lunch...if it's available!! I have been trying to "use up" my it's been a bunch of soup and canned fruits for me these days!

    AFM-I have decided that if I do not have a loss (from the start of the shred) on my WI today... I WILL be doing half-way pics and measurements for some extra encouragment and motivation for myself :) i think this is a solid-fail-safe plan...and I hope that I am right!! :D
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!

    Tara- I think that the measurements and pics is a great idea. Sometimes seeing it on your body is better than seeing it on the scale!

    Anita- That sucks about your caf! We always have a really nice salad bar available which is very helpful, but for the most part I try and avoid it if I can. Eating salads all the time is so boring! It sounds like you have a good plan with the sushi though!

    Jill- 5k being a part of your conference is amazing! At my work the president put out a 26 week (half the year) challenge. You can make your goals whatever you want and just try and stick with it. Checking it at the half way mark and at the end. I think its great when organizations care about your health and encourage you to improve it.

    allie- sounds like you looked and felt amazing in your dress!! I can't wait to see pics! Aren't NSVs just the best!

    AFM- I have been struggling to get my butt out of bed on days I don't have a class, aka today, so my run is rescheduled for this afternoon instead of this morning. The plan is to go for a run and then do the shred before cooking up some delicious dinner with the hubby! After of course a long day at work- ugh! At least I have a lot of stuff to do to occupy my time! It helps make the day go by faster that is for sure!
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,051 Member
    Hi guys!

    Sorry I've been MIA but a quick look through the thread shows I'm appearently not the only one! I'm just on lunch at work right now, so will read through the posts properly at home tonight, but just wanted to say I may become a bit more of a lurker than active participant here... I've noticed that since I've started using the site opposed to using my phone I tend to not log things when I eat them, and wait until I get home in the evenings... at which point I either forget what I had, or just forget to log completely... so I'm going to start using the app on my phone a lot more, just because I'm better at keeping track of things that way...
    Unfortunately that will mean less need to come on the site, which generally means I'll be on less... but I do love a lot of the features of the site (ie the boards :D) so will definitely not drop it completely!

    Feel free to add me as a friend!! I'll definitely check in at month ends/beginnings for sure to keep updated on where everyone is with goals and let you know my new goals too :)
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    hi guys!

    sorry selfish post, will catch up in a bit!

    sorry ive been mia! been mega busy at work, plus i had my appraisal to prep for so bit rushed. plus we are in the middle of a big project which is taking up my spare time! im doing ok, did my first day of level 3 on monday which trully kicked my butt as im following natalie all the way! yikes! although i can now do a proper pushup as opposed to modified ones! whoop whoop!
    had zumba yesterday which i desperately needed as id scoffed 2 krispey cream doughnuts at lunch time for a workmates get together! anyhoo doughnuts= 600 cals, zumba = 615 cals! result! lol! trying to be better today!

    anita: gorgeous pics! love the dress. i need to find a dress/ outfit for my 30th in sept!

    tara: pictures sound like an awesome way to motivate yourself! after all seeing is believing
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    I miss you all!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I swear I am coming back (sooner rather than later hopefully!!!)

    And I swear I am still trucking along. Havent fallen off the wagon just so crazed right now I cant really devote the time you all deserve!

    :heart: Cait
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Good Afternoon Lovelies!!

    Megan – so glad to hear that July is off to a great start for you! You have been doing amazing!! I’m glad that you are finally feeling it too!! Sorry to hear about the police commotion next door. Hopefully it wasn’t anything too bad!! And great job on the new pants!!

    Tara – great job on the potluck!! I managed to walk out of the farewell party without indulging in a single chip and took small portions of beans, rice, chicken, and barbacoa (which I squeezed as much fat and juice out of as I possibly could) so I would say that I did pretty darn good. I am sure you are looking leaner than ever despite the scale not reflecting all of your hard work. I would love to see your pics that you post!!

    Anita – you look great!!

    Allie – congrats on the lightbulb moment!! Sometimes all we need is to realize what is holding us back from our life that we want to have. I think I have also had a lightbulb moment and I am so excited to get my new lifestyle started. Now if I could just get my mom moved so that I could get things going. Let me know what you think of the kickboxing! I absolutely love kickboxing. Great music! Great workout! Have fun!! And I am sooo looking forward to seeing your pics!!

    Jill – San Diego is absolutely beautiful!! My bf and I went down to Coronado in January for a wedding and we haven’t made it back since. I am hoping to plan a trip down there with the kiddos during the summer. I would love to live there but since I can’t, I’m glad its just a few hours away. And glad to hear you are pumped about your marathon!!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Megan-thanks!! I did do my measurements...but I decided not to do my pics yet!!! I was down 0.5" off of each arm and off of each thigh! good enough for now :smile: I know how busy days go....helps keep your body and mind occupied (hence away from snacking in my case) but also exhausts you at the same time!!! one step at a time girly!

    Mariam-CONGRATS on the "man" push-ups!!! and congrats on workin off those crispy creams...that is half the prob for most people...not only do they indulge...but then they feel guilty and just mope about instead of trying to work it off!! WTG! :drinker:

    Bethany-thanks girl!! I have decided not to take the pics quite yet...but i will def post em (or at least the link to them) at the end of the 30 days!! great job on gettin past the farewell party!! sounds like you made great choices! *high five*

    AFM-L2D15 done of the shred....halfway down!! so I was slightly bummed on today's WI...I am up a total of 3lbs since starting the shred!! I expected a slight gain in the beginning due to water retention and the build up of lactic acid, but I thought the scale would start going back down again by now?! The only thing keeping me going, is that I have lost a total of 0.5" from each arm and from each thigh, in these 2 weeks so far!! gonna keep on trekkin!!! :ohwell:
  • anitanz
    anitanz Posts: 72
    Tara you are toning up your arms! That is awesome, tank tops and bikini's here you come!!! Whoop!! :smile:
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Anita-thanks girl :) I am def liking my arms a bunch better these days!! Tank tops for sure....the bikini will have to wait until I get my tuck!! LOL
  • lalonmeg000
    lalonmeg000 Posts: 276 Member
    I know July is half over but can I still join! I need a group of girls to fallow along with !
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    I know July is half over but can I still join! I need a group of girls to fallow along with !

    absolutely!! always glad to have newbies join the group!! You can either find the latest list and copy and paste it, adding your goals to the bottom OR you can just post your goals for now, and let us know how you do each and every day :) welcome!!
  • lalonmeg000
    lalonmeg000 Posts: 276 Member
    Thanks :)

    Well my name is meghan to start. I am enrolled in a summer bootcamp class right now and focused more on losing inches more than pounds.

    Weekdays are easier for me to eat right than weekends, probably for most i am sure. Anyone have good tips for the weekends? I want to be able to hang out with friends and not feel guilty Monday morning when I realized what all I ate.