Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - July Challenge!!



  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    Allie7383- Finally finish the 30DS, get into the 130's, start and keep up with the bridge to 10k program!
    Black_Swan - eat back all exercise calories and keep up with my running plan
    Teee2- Lose these next pounds the healthy way with no self harming involved for the next month!!!! (Baby steps!)
    marshallj86 - hit 135, ditch the scale, and stick with clean eating (and turn 25! my bday is July 30!)
    mkingraham (Megan)- Create a succesful healthy delicious food plan and stick to it, do 30DS with my hubby at least 3 times a week, average at least 6 miles a week of running, own the scale don't let it own me (meaning take my no scale challenge and actually learn and apply the lessons it taught me), get back to my optimistic self!
    meagalayne- find time twice a week for strength and make it a priority - don't cut it short!; continue with 1/2 Marathon training plan and make it fit, even when life gets in the way; stop giving myself permission to binge/junk because of training or stress - be accountable and plan out indulgences; drink more water than coffee and sleep >6 hours a night, 5 times a week.
    imarunner890s- 155lbs, 10k walkings program, wake up at 8am and get 8 hrs of sleep
    guamgrly (Bethany) - no scale!! Focus on the lifestyle, the routine, and meal planning. Work out 3x per week. Drink 8 glasses of water per day. Eat more fruits and veggies
    lostalykat- Stick to my calories as best as I can with training, Focus on training these last 4 weeks, Don't worry about the number on the scale but check it weekly to keep me accountable.
    Ashleypeterson37- Move into new house on the 15th and wear my HRM, gym 3x a week minimum, try 3 new recipes and drop 8 more pounds, be more active on this page so: post 2x a week!
    Mariababe81 (mariam): finish the 30ds and start round 2, zumba once a week and running once a week. once weekly weigh in.allow myself some rest days if i need them! enjoy maintainance!!!
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    ~Ashley... You go Girl!~! you killed it!.. you rock.. :bigsmile:

    ~Meag... scarey emotional eating stuff. Im glad you noticed it now before it got out of hand, I tend to find myself stuck habits that I didnt know I was starting. You are a step ahead of yourself though, you know what you want and you know what you are dong wrong. And we all know you are strong enough, and willing enough to make it happen! get your Muscle On!~!

    ~Mariam... you did awesome on your goals. Way to go!~! Now start July off as well as you did June and you will have NO problems!

    WELCOME Everyone!~!~!~!

    AFM... I was going to post my goals but I guess I ended up chatting it up instead. Oh well, ll keep this going. Lol. Sooooo.... as I said before I won my contest!~!~!~! :bigsmile: The rules were to see who could loose the most Percentage of their weight. (kinda like biggest looser) I lost 7.4 pounds. I dont want to get into the math, but lets just say that it was CLOSE!~!~! I only won by tenths of a percentage!~! It was crazy!~! I am very proud of us though. :heart: The contest was to push us to loose as much as we could. One girl is in the begining of her weight loss, I am going on my cruise in july and the other one of us is going back to the states to visist family in we all needed the extra push!~! And it worked!~!~!

    I think this month I am going to shoot for the NO scale bit. I am going to WI tomorrow morning for an real start weight. (I didnt get to weigh on my scale today so I want to be consistant with what I am putting in to MFP) After tomorrow, I am hiding the scale from myself. I will be on my cruise and after that week my hubby has off for another week, so I dont want to be obsessing. So I am not going to set a goal weight for this month. With a busy holiday type month it is going to be hard to keep my workouts a priority so I am holding myself acountable for 5 workouts a week. I have my water intake down now so I am not going to add that to my goals this month either. I think I have done pretty well thus far, so I am not going to put many restrictions on myself this month. Maybe next month when i get more specific with my goals I will actually follow them. Lol> for now, a relaxing month of no scale.

    Hmm.... I hope this doesnt end badly.
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Allie7383- Finally finish the 30DS, get into the 130's, start and keep up with the bridge to 10k program!
    Black_Swan - eat back all exercise calories and keep up with my running plan
    Teee2- Lose these next pounds the healthy way with no self harming involved for the next month!!!! (Baby steps!)
    marshallj86 - hit 135, ditch the scale, and stick with clean eating (and turn 25! my bday is July 30!)
    mkingraham (Megan)- Create a succesful healthy delicious food plan and stick to it, do 30DS with my hubby at least 3 times a week, average at least 6 miles a week of running, own the scale don't let it own me (meaning take my no scale challenge and actually learn and apply the lessons it taught me), get back to my optimistic self!
    meagalayne- find time twice a week for strength and make it a priority - don't cut it short!; continue with 1/2 Marathon training plan and make it fit, even when life gets in the way; stop giving myself permission to binge/junk because of training or stress - be accountable and plan out indulgences; drink more water than coffee and sleep >6 hours a night, 5 times a week.
    imarunner890s- 155lbs, 10k walkings program, wake up at 8am and get 8 hrs of sleep
    guamgrly (Bethany) - no scale!! Focus on the lifestyle, the routine, and meal planning. Work out 3x per week. Drink 8 glasses of water per day. Eat more fruits and veggies
    lostalykat- Stick to my calories as best as I can with training, Focus on training these last 4 weeks, Don't worry about the number on the scale but check it weekly to keep me accountable.
    Ashleypeterson37- Move into new house on the 15th and wear my HRM, gym 3x a week minimum, try 3 new recipes and drop 8 more pounds, be more active on this page so: post 2x a week!
    Mariababe81 (mariam): finish the 30ds and start round 2, zumba once a week and running once a week. once weekly weigh in.allow myself some rest days if i need them! enjoy maintainance!!!
    ~~KanCrav.... NO SCALE until August 1st!~!~!~!~ Workout 5 times a week, enjoy my trips!
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    Allie7383- Finally finish the 30DS, get into the 130's, start and keep up with the bridge to 10k program!
    Black_Swan - eat back all exercise calories and keep up with my running plan
    Teee2- Lose these next pounds the healthy way with no self harming involved for the next month!!!! (Baby steps!)
    marshallj86 - hit 135, ditch the scale, and stick with clean eating (and turn 25! my bday is July 30!)
    mkingraham (Megan)- Create a succesful healthy delicious food plan and stick to it, do 30DS with my hubby at least 3 times a week, average at least 6 miles a week of running, own the scale don't let it own me (meaning take my no scale challenge and actually learn and apply the lessons it taught me), get back to my optimistic self!
    meagalayne- find time twice a week for strength and make it a priority - don't cut it short!; continue with 1/2 Marathon training plan and make it fit, even when life gets in the way; stop giving myself permission to binge/junk because of training or stress - be accountable and plan out indulgences; drink more water than coffee and sleep >6 hours a night, 5 times a week.
    imarunner890s- 155lbs, 10k walkings program, wake up at 8am and get 8 hrs of sleep
    guamgrly (Bethany) - no scale!! Focus on the lifestyle, the routine, and meal planning. Work out 3x per week. Drink 8 glasses of water per day. Eat more fruits and veggies
    lostalykat- Stick to my calories as best as I can with training, Focus on training these last 4 weeks, Don't worry about the number on the scale but check it weekly to keep me accountable.
    Ashleypeterson37- Move into new house on the 15th and wear my HRM, gym 3x a week minimum, try 3 new recipes and drop 8 more pounds, be more active on this page so: post 2x a week!
    Mariababe81 (mariam): finish the 30ds and start round 2, zumba once a week and running once a week. once weekly weigh in.allow myself some rest days if i need them! enjoy maintainance!!!
    ~~KanCrav.... NO SCALE until August 1st!~!~!~!~ Workout 5 times a week, enjoy my trips!
    luv_lea~Drink more water-aiming for the general 8 glasses (64 oz.) of water a day, Start 6 Week 6 Pack video and do at least 4 days a week! Continue running 1 mile (or more?) 3 times a week, and lastly, lose 2.5 lbs. for the month of July!
  • ElmersGlue
    ElmersGlue Posts: 13
    Hi, everyone! I'm totally new to this group so I'm so excited to meet everyone and kicking *kitten* together this month :D

    Allie7383- Finally finish the 30DS, get into the 130's, start and keep up with the bridge to 10k program!
    Black_Swan - eat back all exercise calories and keep up with my running plan
    Teee2- Lose these next pounds the healthy way with no self harming involved for the next month!!!! (Baby steps!)
    marshallj86 - hit 135, ditch the scale, and stick with clean eating (and turn 25! my bday is July 30!)
    mkingraham (Megan)- Create a succesful healthy delicious food plan and stick to it, do 30DS with my hubby at least 3 times a week, average at least 6 miles a week of running, own the scale don't let it own me (meaning take my no scale challenge and actually learn and apply the lessons it taught me), get back to my optimistic self!
    meagalayne- find time twice a week for strength and make it a priority - don't cut it short!; continue with 1/2 Marathon training plan and make it fit, even when life gets in the way; stop giving myself permission to binge/junk because of training or stress - be accountable and plan out indulgences; drink more water than coffee and sleep >6 hours a night, 5 times a week.
    imarunner890s- 155lbs, 10k walkings program, wake up at 8am and get 8 hrs of sleep
    guamgrly (Bethany) - no scale!! Focus on the lifestyle, the routine, and meal planning. Work out 3x per week. Drink 8 glasses of water per day. Eat more fruits and veggies
    lostalykat- Stick to my calories as best as I can with training, Focus on training these last 4 weeks, Don't worry about the number on the scale but check it weekly to keep me accountable.
    Ashleypeterson37- Move into new house on the 15th and wear my HRM, gym 3x a week minimum, try 3 new recipes and drop 8 more pounds, be more active on this page so: post 2x a week!
    Mariababe81 (mariam): finish the 30ds and start round 2, zumba once a week and running once a week. once weekly weigh in.allow myself some rest days if i need them! enjoy maintainance!!!
    ~~KanCrav.... NO SCALE until August 1st!~!~!~!~ Workout 5 times a week, enjoy my trips!
    luv_lea~Drink more water-aiming for the general 8 glasses (64 oz.) of water a day, Start 6 Week 6 Pack video and do at least 4 days a week! Continue running 1 mile (or more?) 3 times a week, and lastly, lose 2.5 lbs. for the month of July!
    Elmersglue (Ellie): Train for Sept 5k at least once a week, at least 7 hours of sleep 5x a week (!!), no emotional binging (mainly Sunday nights, when life and things tend to catch up), get to know everyone here^^
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Welcome new-comers!

    Just wanted to pipe in with some advice from an intermediate runner... Been running for some time now and have trained for a 5K, 10K and 10mile race and am now training for my first 1/2 Marathon (for the second time, due to injury)...

    For those of you wanting to get into running, start out running 3 times a week. Any less often than this and you will not be spending enough time on your feet to really develop your "running legs". You also won't be running often enough to see real, significant progress and you can easily find yourself feeling unmotivated. Conversely, do not run any more than 4 times a week if you are still just starting. In fact, I only started running 5 times a week when I began 1/2 Marathon training. Running TOO often can be tough work on your muscle groups that are taxed while running and can result in muscle fatigue or worse, injury.

    I noticed that a few of you set goals of running once a week. That's a great goal if you are just doing it for fun, but if you are hoping to make running a hobby, you should try to hit the pavement at least a few times a week. Even if you are just heading out for 15-20 mins, and walking for half of it, the time on your feet is what counts! Just toss on your running gear and hit the streets.

    Good luck everyone :bigsmile:
  • cmg2008
    cmg2008 Posts: 139
    Hey everyone! My June goals were to get down into the mid 140s, continue c25k, and no fast foods.
    1. I'm currently at 145
    2. I'm on week 7 of c25k
    3. And I only cheated and had fast food once last month!
    Sooo all in all I think I did pretty good with my june goals!

    Goals for July: Finish c25k and continue running at least 3 times a week, finish 30DS, accumulate 1200mintues of exercise, and get down into the low 140s.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member

    Allie7383- Finally finish the 30DS, get into the 130's, start and keep up with the bridge to 10k program!
    Black_Swan - eat back all exercise calories and keep up with my running plan
    Teee2- Lose these next pounds the healthy way with no self harming involved for the next month!!!! (Baby steps!)
    marshallj86 - hit 135, ditch the scale, and stick with clean eating (and turn 25! my bday is July 30!)
    mkingraham (Megan)- Create a succesful healthy delicious food plan and stick to it, do 30DS with my hubby at least 3 times a week, average at least 6 miles a week of running, own the scale don't let it own me (meaning take my no scale challenge and actually learn and apply the lessons it taught me), get back to my optimistic self!
    meagalayne- find time twice a week for strength and make it a priority - don't cut it short!; continue with 1/2 Marathon training plan and make it fit, even when life gets in the way; stop giving myself permission to binge/junk because of training or stress - be accountable and plan out indulgences; drink more water than coffee and sleep >6 hours a night, 5 times a week.
    imarunner890s- 155lbs, 10k walkings program, wake up at 8am and get 8 hrs of sleep
    guamgrly (Bethany) - no scale!! Focus on the lifestyle, the routine, and meal planning. Work out 3x per week. Drink 8 glasses of water per day. Eat more fruits and veggies
    lostalykat- Stick to my calories as best as I can with training, Focus on training these last 4 weeks, Don't worry about the number on the scale but check it weekly to keep me accountable.
    Ashleypeterson37- Move into new house on the 15th and wear my HRM, gym 3x a week minimum, try 3 new recipes and drop 8 more pounds, be more active on this page so: post 2x a week!
    Mariababe81 (mariam): finish the 30ds and start round 2, zumba once a week and running once a week. once weekly weigh in.allow myself some rest days if i need them! enjoy maintainance!!!
    ~~KanCrav.... NO SCALE until August 1st!~!~!~!~ Workout 5 times a week, enjoy my trips!
    luv_lea~Drink more water-aiming for the general 8 glasses (64 oz.) of water a day, Start 6 Week 6 Pack video and do at least 4 days a week! Continue running 1 mile (or more?) 3 times a week, and lastly, lose 2.5 lbs. for the month of July!
    Elmersglue (Ellie): Train for Sept 5k at least once a week, at least 7 hours of sleep 5x a week (!!), no emotional binging (mainly Sunday nights, when life and things tend to catch up), get to know everyone here^^
    cmg2008- Finish c25k and continue running at least 3 times a week, finish 30DS, accumulate 1200mintues of exercise, and get down into the low 140s.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Bethany-there are always "temptations" ....and it is def hard to stay focused when there are negative influences all around, I know that for sure!! You've gotta just keep on trekkin though, you will get to the point eventually where you remember that you are doing this for you WHILE the hurdles are in your way, instead of after! And never give are doing great! and also great job on the non-scale challenge...and way to continue on with it this month! And great goals again to repeat :)

    Mariam-you are doing so awesome this month!! Congrats on maintaining and finishing out strong onn the NON-scale challenge! And great new goals for July!

    mmcdonald-you bet we are!! we have had this group since (at least) last October when I joined! Welcome to the group!

    Aly-great job on your June goals!! sounds like you did well meeting most of them :) Great gaols for June too!

    Meag-*cheers* to your refound positive attitude!! And Happy Canada Day to you!

    Allie-CONGRATS on your loss and on your June goals!! And great new goals for July!! Keep on rockin it girly!

    Black_Swan-glad to have ya in the group!! this group is truly motivated/dedicated to maintaining healthy're gonna love it!

    Jill-glad to have ya back! woot!

    teee/marsha/luv_lea/Ellie-welcome to the group...and great July goals!

    Megan-you may not have hit your 8lb goal...but just think of what the non-scale challenge DID accomplish for you?! You did great in June and I know that you will kill it in July too!

    Kan-you also killed it in June!! you won your challenge and it was a major win for the month IMO!! WTG! Awesome goals for July too!

    ima-don't get discouraged!! we are all here to help support you, July is a new month and you will do great with it!

    Ashley-CONGRATS on meeting ALL of your June goals!!! WOOT!!

    cmg-great job on your June goals!!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Posting my June results one more time, then my new goals for July!

    My June Goals were: lose -6.0llbs, follow my new workout plan every day, try 2 new recipes, <1400 cal avg/week, and <4 days over cals total.

    My June Results: lost -3.2lbs (finally broke my plateau!), followed my WO plan to the tee (and even added in a couple of extra stretch days), tried 1/2 new recipes, made avg cals 3/4 (1366, 1753, 1398, 1319), and only went over my 4 days for the month!

    ~so all in all, I am pretty pleased with my results for the month!!! and i FINALLY hit my 100lbs lost!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member

    Allie7383- Finally finish the 30DS, get into the 130's, start and keep up with the bridge to 10k program!
    Black_Swan - eat back all exercise calories and keep up with my running plan
    Teee2- Lose these next pounds the healthy way with no self harming involved for the next month!!!! (Baby steps!)
    marshallj86 - hit 135, ditch the scale, and stick with clean eating (and turn 25! my bday is July 30!)
    mkingraham (Megan)- Create a succesful healthy delicious food plan and stick to it, do 30DS with my hubby at least 3 times a week, average at least 6 miles a week of running, own the scale don't let it own me (meaning take my no scale challenge and actually learn and apply the lessons it taught me), get back to my optimistic self!
    meagalayne- find time twice a week for strength and make it a priority - don't cut it short!; continue with 1/2 Marathon training plan and make it fit, even when life gets in the way; stop giving myself permission to binge/junk because of training or stress - be accountable and plan out indulgences; drink more water than coffee and sleep >6 hours a night, 5 times a week.
    imarunner890s- 155lbs, 10k walkings program, wake up at 8am and get 8 hrs of sleep
    guamgrly (Bethany) - no scale!! Focus on the lifestyle, the routine, and meal planning. Work out 3x per week. Drink 8 glasses of water per day. Eat more fruits and veggies
    lostalykat- Stick to my calories as best as I can with training, Focus on training these last 4 weeks, Don't worry about the number on the scale but check it weekly to keep me accountable.
    Ashleypeterson37- Move into new house on the 15th and wear my HRM, gym 3x a week minimum, try 3 new recipes and drop 8 more pounds, be more active on this page so: post 2x a week!
    Mariababe81 (mariam): finish the 30ds and start round 2, zumba once a week and running once a week. once weekly weigh in.allow myself some rest days if i need them! enjoy maintainance!!!
    ~~KanCrav.... NO SCALE until August 1st!~!~!~!~ Workout 5 times a week, enjoy my trips!
    luv_lea~Drink more water-aiming for the general 8 glasses (64 oz.) of water a day, Start 6 Week 6 Pack video and do at least 4 days a week! Continue running 1 mile (or more?) 3 times a week, and lastly, lose 2.5 lbs. for the month of July!
    Elmersglue (Ellie): Train for Sept 5k at least once a week, at least 7 hours of sleep 5x a week (!!), no emotional binging (mainly Sunday nights, when life and things tend to catch up), get to know everyone here^^
    cmg2008- Finish c25k and continue running at least 3 times a week, finish 30DS, accumulate 1200mintues of exercise, and get down into the low 140s.
    tjradd73(Tara)-to lose 4lbs, 30/35 days of 30DS, 10,000 steps/day (Sun-Tue), Tues stretch/yoga, <1400 avg cals,< 4 days over cals total, and try to get <180g carbs, and >60g protein.

  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,051 Member
    This sounds like a great plan in keeping motivated :) As that's a place I need some help in, I'd love to join! I'm resisting the urge to go big for this first month, but at the same time want to push myself... so, I'm focusing on making my goals things that I know I need work on. For example, I have WAY TOO MUCH sugar on a daily basis, and I NEVER drink enough water! So while I would like to lose a few pounds (5 would be nice!) those are going to be the more major goals for this month. I've also just started the 30 day shred, and want to finish that this month. I did her Yoga Meltdown workout today as well, and while it's a good workout I definitely felt the burn much more with the 30ds. But I'm not a fan of the 20 min workout, so maybe I'll do both.. hmm, will think that one over.....

    Allie7383- Finally finish the 30DS, get into the 130's, start and keep up with the bridge to 10k program!
    Black_Swan - eat back all exercise calories and keep up with my running plan
    Teee2- Lose these next pounds the healthy way with no self harming involved for the next month!!!! (Baby steps!)
    marshallj86 - hit 135, ditch the scale, and stick with clean eating (and turn 25! my bday is July 30!)
    mkingraham (Megan)- Create a succesful healthy delicious food plan and stick to it, do 30DS with my hubby at least 3 times a week, average at least 6 miles a week of running, own the scale don't let it own me (meaning take my no scale challenge and actually learn and apply the lessons it taught me), get back to my optimistic self!
    meagalayne- find time twice a week for strength and make it a priority - don't cut it short!; continue with 1/2 Marathon training plan and make it fit, even when life gets in the way; stop giving myself permission to binge/junk because of training or stress - be accountable and plan out indulgences; drink more water than coffee and sleep >6 hours a night, 5 times a week.
    imarunner890s- 155lbs, 10k walkings program, wake up at 8am and get 8 hrs of sleep
    guamgrly (Bethany) - no scale!! Focus on the lifestyle, the routine, and meal planning. Work out 3x per week. Drink 8 glasses of water per day. Eat more fruits and veggies
    lostalykat- Stick to my calories as best as I can with training, Focus on training these last 4 weeks, Don't worry about the number on the scale but check it weekly to keep me accountable.
    Ashleypeterson37- Move into new house on the 15th and wear my HRM, gym 3x a week minimum, try 3 new recipes and drop 8 more pounds, be more active on this page so: post 2x a week!
    Mariababe81 (mariam): finish the 30ds and start round 2, zumba once a week and running once a week. once weekly weigh in.allow myself some rest days if i need them! enjoy maintainance!!!
    ~~KanCrav.... NO SCALE until August 1st!~!~!~!~ Workout 5 times a week, enjoy my trips!
    luv_lea~Drink more water-aiming for the general 8 glasses (64 oz.) of water a day, Start 6 Week 6 Pack video and do at least 4 days a week! Continue running 1 mile (or more?) 3 times a week, and lastly, lose 2.5 lbs. for the month of July!
    Elmersglue (Ellie): Train for Sept 5k at least once a week, at least 7 hours of sleep 5x a week (!!), no emotional binging (mainly Sunday nights, when life and things tend to catch up), get to know everyone here^^
    cmg2008- Finish c25k and continue running at least 3 times a week, finish 30DS, accumulate 1200mintues of exercise, and get down into the low 140s.
    tjradd73(Tara)-to lose 4lbs, 30/35 days of 30DS, 10,000 steps/day (Sun-Tue), Tues stretch/yoga, <1400 avg cals,< 4 days over cals total, and try to get <180g carbs, and >60g protein.
    tobemotivated - do the 30ds (first day was today!), lose 5lbs, drink more water, eat less sugar!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Hey everyone! Quick post... We're about to sit down for dinner but I am packing up and heading out for a 4 day camping trip tonight/tomorrow so I wanted to just say a quick goodbye and good luck!

    You all have posted fabulous goals so far and I am really eager to see how well everyone fares this month. July is going to be awesome and all of you are going to do your part to make it happen :bigsmile: I can just feel it!

    I have been really, really struggling with food and over-eating these days. Really just eating and eating because of extreme exhaustion and an inability to recognize the difference between hunger, exhaustion, irritation and other emotions. I just eat without thinking. Last night driving to and from work I actually ate just to keep myself awake. It's a struggle mainly because of how sh*tty it makes me feel about my lack of dedication lately... I don't know how I've fallen so far off track and where all of my gung-ho steadfast commitment to this lifestyle business has gone, but it's definitely not where it used to be (ie: here!)

    Camping should be an interesting mix of challenges and victories. I know we are going to exercise a LOT but I am very concerned that I will end up in a position where I'm starving and all we have to eat is fruits/vegetables and a whole tons of junk and carbs. I am trying to pack lots of protein options but it's hard, and I'm starting to get bored with all my options and eating the same things every day. The hardest part is going to be not logging and self-sabotage. I tend to eat whatever I want when I don't log - it's hard to stay accountable. I could log by hand or whatever but it's just not the same... I also won't have any access to the database or my support system online. Talk about roughing it! :tongue: The tenting will be the easy part!

    Alright gotta run - Good luck my lovelies! I know you're going to KICK *kitten*!! :drinker:
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    tobemotivated-welcome to the group!! and great goals for July!! I myself have just started the shred (on day 4) and I also opened a thread for whomever would like to join me on it!! Feel free to join on that one too if you'd like....we are all there to talk about the shred, stay motivated for the 30 days, and share our before and afters when we are finished...would love to have ya if you're interested :)

    Meag-have a great camping trip...and try not to stress too much about your eating! I always find: the more I stress about it, the worst I do!

    AFM-so far so good, on the July goals!! I finished L1D4 of the shred today, and although I was slightly hungover when I did it this morning, I still feel like it is getting easier, and I tried out my new 5lb weights during most of the moves too!
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    Thanks, tjradd. I know it's a new month...I was just hoping my birthday gift would be feeling comfortable with my birthday suit...if you know what I mean. Alas, I will try to not bash myself and just keep working towards my goal. :-)
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Happy Saturday Lovelies!! I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend so far!!

    Meag – once again, thanks for getting this challenge started again for the month of July!! I think this camping trip is just what you need to get away for a little while, spend quality time with Ty among the elements, and the opportunity to re-focus. When you come back, you will be a new, refreshed person and I am pretty sure that you will have your food/eating under control.

    Allie – sounds like you are doing great girly!!! And I think that despite your bad days, you should still take the time to post on here if you have time. Clearing your head may just be what you need. And congrats on breaking your plateau!! I am sure you are glad to be past that. And 2 big days in a row. I hope you have a great time!!

    Jill – hope that you are all adjusted to your crazy life changes by now. Great to have you back!!

    Megan – sounds like you still did a great job with June!! I think the only thing lacking is that confidence. You have been killing it girly and there is no reason that you should not be confident in the things you set out to accomplish!!

    Kandace – great job with your June goals!! And so glad to hear that you won the challenge among your friends. I hope you have fun spending that gift card and getting some cute clothes for the cruise.

    Mandy – although you may have not gotten close to touching your June goals, the good news is that its July and you are here and at it again!! And I like how you still incorporated the 10k walking program into your routine since you haven’t been cleared for running just yet. And I think the physical therapy could be really good for you. You could come back stronger than ever and kill it!!

    Aly – hope you enjoy the last 4 weeks of training!!

    Ashley – great job with your June goals!! And your July goals sound great!! I have been attempting to try new recipes for some time now. I am hoping that I will finally start cooking again and I can get back on track. Let me know if you find any recipes that you just can’t live without.

    Mariababe – sounds like you did a great job with your June goals!! Good luck in July!!

    Cmg – great job with June goals!! You did great!!

    Tara – I know that temptations will always be there but I need to be stronger than the temptation cause I know I have done it before. And sounds like you still did great with your June goals!! July here you come!!! Your vacay with the bf will not be too long after that.

    Welcome all newbies!! This is a great place to come for encouragement, motivation, and sometimes just a place to vent. Hope you stick around so we can see how you great you did in July!!

    AFM…haven’t quite made a good impression on July just yet. And the rest of the weekend isn’t looking too good either with a bbq at my mom’s house tomorrow and then 2 parties on Monday. I am hoping to behave myself and work toward what I really want. I have begun my shopping list so that I can get started cooking meals for the kids and I this week.

    Well lovelies, hope you all have a great weekend!!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    ima-LOL...i know wutcha mean!! but glad to hear that you are gonna keep on, keeping on...great plan! :)

    Bethany-thanks girl!! the important thing is that you know where your weaknesses are...and are continuously trying to push past them and keep moving in the right I think that's great!! Have fun on this holiday weekend (and try to behave yourself!!-j/k!!)
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    Meag: i think the camping trip is what you need to get you refreshed. try and relax and enjoy yourself. once you get back you can be a bit more deligent about logging

    blackswan: welcome to the group! ive found it to be very motivating and have only been here since june! and fab goals for this month! good luck!

    megan: Good job on your june goals. that is my aim too this month, weigh in once a week but not to let the scale rule me! last month taught me that i didnt need it to tell me how i was doing! good goals for july!

    allie: you need very well with you loss in june! good luck for july!

    ashley: well done on getting your june goals!

    imarunner: july is a whole new month! so hang in there!

    cmg: well done on your june goals!

    tara: well done on the big 100 mrs! here's to the final 12! great goals for july too!

    bethany: have fun this weekend! bbq yummy! i like your goals too! very achievable. good lucj with the no scale challange! gives you a completely different perspecitive!

    to all the newbies! welcome to the group and looking forward to getting to know you all!

    AFM: im zonked today after my zumbathon yesterday! burnt in excess of 900 cals! woohoo! so had a rest day as i think i had a bit too much sun! lol! foodwise i did good but could not eat the 900+ extra calories! will try and fit in the 30ds today at some stage! ive got a week now, looking forward to spending some quality time with my daughter and hubby! and will hve to be extra good with food! lol
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Hey guys. I need a place to vent for a minute, I hope you dont mind!~!

    I am not having a good day. My husband and brother are on a "man bonding" trip for the weekend and as yesterday was GREAT having the house alone... now I am lonely. Plus, I tried to call my older brother this morning and he is not doing very well and it made me very very sad. I havnet worked out for two days.. so I was headed to the gym when somehow I talked myself out of it. It is 60 degrees and pouring rain, so 3min into the walk to the gym I turned around! I did however manage to get in Shred. I did level two cuz I am just bored of 3 and stopped doing it all together. I figured instead of doing that I would rather just jump around, something is better than nothing right???

    Well, now here I am again, feeling sorry for myself and crap!~!~! I called my sponsor and she and another woman from AA are going to meet me for dinner tongiht. I want to be happy but I am just scared. I am so overwhelmed right now that I feel like I am going to just cry when they pick me up.

    ............ ok guys, thanks for listening to my complaints. The sky is still blue BTW. I hope you all are having a good weekend.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    Hey guys. I need a place to vent for a minute, I hope you dont mind!~!

    I am not having a good day. My husband and brother are on a "man bonding" trip for the weekend and as yesterday was GREAT having the house alone... now I am lonely. Plus, I tried to call my older brother this morning and he is not doing very well and it made me very very sad. I havnet worked out for two days.. so I was headed to the gym when somehow I talked myself out of it. It is 60 degrees and pouring rain, so 3min into the walk to the gym I turned around! I did however manage to get in Shred. I did level two cuz I am just bored of 3 and stopped doing it all together. I figured instead of doing that I would rather just jump around, something is better than nothing right???

    Well, now here I am again, feeling sorry for myself and crap!~!~! I called my sponsor and she and another woman from AA are going to meet me for dinner tongiht. I want to be happy but I am just scared. I am so overwhelmed right now that I feel like I am going to just cry when they pick me up.

    ............ ok guys, thanks for listening to my complaints. The sky is still blue BTW. I hope you all are having a good weekend.

    kan, hope u feel better by talking it through with your sponsor. dont have any words of wisdom but sending you loads of hugs! xxx

    as for level 3, i agree i found it to be less challenging than 2. when the time comes for me to move on to level 3, i'll be doing one and 3 back to back. i find level 2 the best for working out. level one i found easy as well hence why i doubled with level 2. hang in there :)