Pregnancy- July 2011



  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    My best friend growing up, who is due a week after me just had her baby last night. I am happy for her but definitely a bit jealous. :)
    Well, I need to get ready for my grandpa's funeral. Then I give my LO full permission to grace us with her presence. :wink:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Rachel -- HA! Thanks for that video. It made me want a kitten for half second. :tongue:

    Rachael -- I so know what you mean about the happy/jealous feeling. That's how I feel about you being induced on Monday. :laugh:

    In the last 12 hours I've gone from completely sure I would schedule an induction for tomorrow to completely sure I'm going to wait until my appointment on Monday to completely sure I still have absolutely no idea what I want to do. I have a pretty long list of pros and neutrals about induction and almost nothing on my con list yet for some reason I just can't bring myself to call the doctor about it. I don't get me.

    By the way, by "induction," I mean the breaking of my water -- my OBs think there's a huge chance pitocin won't even come in to play (though of course there's a chance it will if nothing happens for hours after my water is broken).
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Maria – sorry you’re having painful contractions.

    Rachael – yea for a set date!!!!! I’m so excited for you! Thoughts and prayers for you and your family today, funerals are always rough for me.

    Caper – fingers crossed for you GD test, I had mine yesterday. I was told that if there was a problem I’d get a phone call immediately and if everything looked good I wouldn’t find out until my next appointment. So far my phone hasn’t rung, so I’m taking that as a good sign. I’ve never heard before that finding out the gender of baby was against policy.

    Anne – sorry about the sub for your classroom. I hope they can find someone before Elise is born so you can get everything worked out. I’m starting to get back pain when I sleep too, the only thing that helps it is if I wedge a big pillow under my back when I’m on my side. The support from the pillow seems to do the trick.

    Julie – ugh, so sorry about your appointment. That’s a tough decision to make, and you are NOT a bad mother for considering it!! You need to do what’s best for the both of you.

    Danielle - I hope it’s just a bug and not a repeat of the first trimester. My m/s came back for a bit then went away again, hopefully yours doesn’t stick around for long. No cramping after peeing, but lately when I go to the bathroom it feels like my lady part is being pulled apart from the inside……I hope that’s not a contraction and I just have no clue.

    Katrina – I agree that your kids are just acting like normal kids. I’m sorry hubby isn’t being more supportive. ::hugs::

    Maureen – hope you have a good appointment with lots of progress!

    Welcome to all the new mamas!

    Hi to everyone I missed.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Danielle- No cramping/contracting after peeing for me yet… mine just get really bad at night when I am laying down to sleep.

    Rachel- What that passage says makes perfect sense to me! It has to be doing something! Hmm I never got a pregnancy pillow and I am so glad to the end… may just have to have a couch night soon to see if it helps. That sounds just like my back ache though. Thanks for the laugh :) can always use one of those.

    Julie- It is a hard choice to make… I still waffle in my mind but I know what is best for me so I have to do it. Does your DH have an opinion or is he leaving it up to you?

    Rachael- Thinking of you at the funeral! I hope your LO decides to come right after!

    Ronya- Glad that you haven’t heard anything from the GD test!

    Maria- Any updates?
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    haha, that cat video is funny! Kittens are so cute... too bad they turn into cats! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    Good Morning Ladies. Today is my due date and no baby yet :( last night i had a false alarm i was in crazy pain for about an hr then all of a sudden it lifted. I so want to get things rolling my contractions are back to being sporadic :( there is constant menstral pain and pressure pain down below and I'm pretty sure the rest of my plug came out yesterday. Sry TMI.

    I have an appt tomorrow afternoon I'm def going to ask my doc to check me for dilation I'm so anxious to meet my LO.

    Welcome to the the new mommies to be!

    Julie: Sorry bout the appt I would completely understand if you went ahead with the induction.

    Katrina: I'm sorry about your DH I hope he gives you the support you need. *hug*

    Maureen: I hope your appt goes very well.

    Racheal: Yay for a set date :) *hug* for the funeral thoughts and prayers your way.

    Here's to another day of contractions and menstrual pains I know they just get me closer to my LO so bring on the pain.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Maria -- Misery loves company so maybe it'll make you feel better to know we're in the same boat as far as cramps and sporadic contractions. I'm so sick of having contractions I could scream. Especially since they're not strong enough to really do anything, apparently.

    Anne -- My husband said he supports me in whatever decision I make but it's obvious he's very much in favor of the convenience of induction.

    I seriously don't understand what my problem is. If my water broke on it's own right now it would be the exact same situation has having my OB break it in the hospital. It may or may not start my labor and I may or may not end up being chemically induced. There's really no reason for me not the schedule it. I think I just have some unreasonable romantic idea about not choosing my child's birthday or something. I'm driving myself nuts.

    Oh I came up with one more con to induction tomorrow -- if I wait to have her on the 16th or after, I'll save $50 on health insurance premiums because I won't start having to pay for hers until August 1st. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    Sorry too busy to read since Tuesday and I'm sure I've missed loads

    Julie - fill me in - why are you thinking of having your water broken and not just waiting for natural progression?

    I'll have time to read back later tonight.....see you later !!!

    Oooh - I just noticed I hit the 100 days to go mark !!!!!
  • kacylaine
    kacylaine Posts: 154 Member
    Anne - ever noticed how much kleenex is in Drs offices? They're prepared for criers! I cried in front of 3 different doctors already this week.

    Rachael - yay for a date! You must be excited!

    Julie - good luck at the appointment!

    I'm such a stalker :laugh: :laugh:

    Ha! You think you're a stalker? Check me out, still lurking! I'm hanging on until all the babies are born from when I started! :bigsmile:
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Hey girls. So sorry I've been MIA. I log on for a second to check and see if any babies have come and to log in exercise. Other than that I'm off pretty quickly.

    Maureen- I can't believe that baby isn't here yet! As a due date twin, I would be going crazy if Emma was still in my tummy right now. Hopefully the little one will be here soon so you won't have to get an induction. I say that just because I know you don't want one, but it won't be the end of the world if it has to happen. I realized with my c-section that if you just approach the situation positively, you can still have a very positive birth experience.

    Julie- You are almost there! I really thought your baby would be here by now too. With all of those contractions... geeze. You are a trooper! If you want to go through with the induction, I say go ahead. It is what is right for you and your family, not what anyone else thinks. Just make sure you are comfortable with the decision. Don't worry about being a bad mother. Oh my gosh I've had so many of those worries lately. If you give in and let yourself start thinking like that you'll just cry all the time. haha.

    Maria- Where is your little one!? Geeze, these babies love to test their mamas' patience. Hope you get to see your precious bundle soon. I'm sorry you're experiencing discomfort.

    Things are going well for me. I've had major difficulties with breastfeeding. The lactation consultant at the hospital and the nurses made me think I was doing it right and sent me home. Apparently I wasn't getting her to latch correctly and she ended up destroying my nipples. I'm talking bruises, deep cracks, bleeding. It got so bad that my whole body would just tense up when she got on and I would burst out crying. I told myself in the beginning that it was just me healing from the initial bruising I got when I was learning in the hospital and that maybe the way my nipples looked was normal. NO! If you are in any pain and have any questions, go to a consultant at the first signs. Don't let it get bad. I finally went to a consultant on Monday and she told me it is "to my credit" that I didn't quit because the damage was so severe. She taught me how to get Emma to latch properly and gave me lots of advice for letting myself heal. Good thing is I'm still able to breastfeed during this process. It's just slow healing. Anything I've had that is close to baby blues is related to my breastfeeding issues, so I can't wait to be healed and be able to enjoy the experience.

    Julie and Maureen- Don't worry too much about c-sections. I'm not going to lie, it was a scary experience- getting the spinal and knowing that they are cutting into you, but as soon as you hear that baby cry you are on top of the world again. It was like the scariest experience of my life followed immediately by the happiest and most miraculous experience of my life. Everyone is different with healing, but I healed really quickly and didn't need pain meds for more than two days when we got home. Even then I didn't take every dose. I feel like my nipple issues have been much worse than the c-section healing.

    Here's a picture of my little sweetie.
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Well what the heck. I resized it, but it's still huge. Sometimes it takes the website while to acknowledge the edit, so I'll wait and see if it fixes itself.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Victoria -- This is going to be long and probably nonsensical because it's going to a random jumble a lot of the thoughts that are rambling around in my head right now.

    I'm positive for strep and I've been having consistent contractions for 5 weeks. The last 1.5 weeks, the contractions have been significantly stronger and more uncomfortable. I'm tired, I'm in pain, I'm using up all of my paid leave because I can't work in my current condition (randomly squealing out uncontrollably in pain is a bit distracting in the office :wink:), and the fact of the matter is there's little to no benefit to her being inside of me anymore. Yes, labor will surely start on it's own in a few days (or not since I've had tons of painful contractions and yet made no progress for over a week) but why bother waiting? What's the real benefit?

    As it turns out, I don't put much value into things being "natural" for the sake of being natural at this point. I don't think natural is necessarily better. As your surely know by now, I feel that way about a lot of things. I'm a fan of modern medicine and in my opinion there really aren't any legitimate cons to induction in my situation nor are there any pros to waiting it out.

    Now that I'm in this situation and I've looked into it more, I don't understand why people are so adamantly opposed to induction. Even though there's no definite medical reason for me to be induced, there certainly are medical reasons induction would be a plus rather than a negative (antibiotics before my water breaks, me not being exhausted and in pain for who knows how much longer, placenta life, potential cord complications, baby's size, etc). Since my cervix is so "ripe" and far along in the process, induction doesn't even increase my chances for c-section according to the OB I talked to yesterday.
    If my water broke on it's own, which it's likely to do at any point according to the 2 doctors who have checked me the last 2 weeks, I'd be in the exact same situation. Except if it breaks on it's own, I'm not in a sterile environment and I haven't had antibiotics, so yeah, there's actual legitimate risk involved in me letting it happen on it's own (even though the risk involved is quite small). On top of small pros on the medical side, there's also comfort and convenience on the side of induction. We can have someone here to take care of our dogs so hubby doesn't have to intermittently leave the hospital. I don't have to have my water break while I'm in bed or sitting on the couch or while I'm grocery shopping. Since I'm already 3cm dilated and fully effaced and I'm positive for strep, my whole plan to labor at home as long as possible is already completely out of the question for me.

    Very logically convincing argument. Yet I admit I still have some irrational emotional reservation about induction and that's why I haven't scheduled it. I think I may, though. Because I sat myself down earlier and thought okay, so what if I make it to my appointment on Monday and I have an ultrasound and everything is okay to wait another week or so before they start insisting on inducing me. Am I really going to be okay with that? Using another week of leave from work? Being worthless and incredibly uncomfortable for potentially 11 or 12 more days? On one hand it's like, sure, I can wait it out. On the other hand, um... why? Seriously, am I overlooking something important? I don't consider "it's not natural" to be a legitimate argument against having the doctor break my water.

    I very much thought I would be against being induced unless I was a week or more past my due date. Now that it's come up I've realized I honestly don't have a valid argument against it. So now I'm stumped and indecisive and driving myself crazy.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Wow Jules, sounds like lots of reasons to induce and no real reasons not to. I think I'd get on with it if I were you. :flowerforyou:
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    Thanks for the well wishes about the GD test but I already know I have it. My doctor ordered to have it done at 24 weeks because of my previous history and my family history. I did the 1 hour thing at 11 AM and by 4 PM my doctor was on the phone telling me my levels were at the point where she isn't even going to bother making me go through the 3-hour test.
    I've been pricking my finger for weeks now and my levels aren't horrendous or anything. It's just a huge hassle to have to deal with again.
    Not to mention I don't have medical coverage (the only person covered on my husbands coverage at his work is him) ... testing strips are very expensive so I've just been getting them from the Diabetic Clinic, but they only give out strips in packs of 10 so I'm running there every few days because I have to test 3 times per day. Annoying!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Brittony -- :heart: Emma is so gorgeous!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Wow Jules, sounds like lots of reasons to induce and no real reasons not to. I think I'd get on with it if I were you. :flowerforyou:

    I really do think it's a logical decision and yet I'm still struggling with it. I feel like I'm having a hard time making a decision for no real reason and that's what's so frustrating to me. If I had valid arguments for and against that would be one thing but my argument for makes sense to me while my argument against is purely emotional. I don't know why I'm clinging to the emotional part so much. Then it starts making me think "Well, maybe there's a reason." But honestly, no, there's no reason. Just emotion. Bah! I'm actually starting to wonder if it's some deep seated subconscious me being terrified about her actually being here thing
    See? Nuts.
    Alright, I'm calling it -- Board hog!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Got midterm back this morning. 90% ... definitely better than 78% on the first one. Yay! If the 3rd is more like this one, I'll be sitting well for an A :)

    Thoughts with all of you who are waiting for your babies. Rachael, hope the funeral goes/went well and you can relax and have the baby now :)
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Maria- Sounds like your body is working up towards labor! Your LO will be coming soon. Let us know how your apt goes tomorrow if you make it there!

    Julie- Sounds like your mind is saying one thing but you are holding out for some reason :) These things are very hard to figure out, nobody blames you for not knowing what you want… oh but it better not be for 50 bucks :) by the way (reading down later) emotional reasons can be legitimate ones too as long as your LO isn’t being hurt by it (and she isn’t).

    Victoria- Hi, Happy 100 day mark!

    Kacy- Hope things are going well.

    Brittony- I was JUST thinking about you this morning and hoping things were going well. Emma is so cute! Breastfeeding is something that I am getting more and more worried about… I hope that it improves for you now that you have gotten more help! How is Emma doing besides that?

    Caperfae- So your levels were high or low? Sorry, I just got up from a nap so I am not processing yet haha. Sorry about the insurance as well :(

    So this is non-pregnancy related but I am SO excited it is working. In high school about 5 girls and I were very very close and we really still are. The one I have been close to for the longest times little sister passed away last July 20th (she was rock climbing out west and fell off a cliff). It was a very hard time for me because I had been so close to her as well. That being said my friend sisters passion was biking, she was obsessed. Another friend and myself have been working to organize a charity donation to (give bikes to people in need in developing countries) and it is working out perfectly. We have gotten some awesome donations and will be able to give a good amount in her name. I am sending a card explaining the project to my friend Anna and her family so they know we are thinking of them. I have been working on it for awhile and so glad it is coming to be.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Julz- great job on the midterm!
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    Brittony: Emma is such a cutie pie!! :heart: