Pregnancy- July 2011



  • Ellemenerva
    I'm 6', 259lbs, so I'm overweight, but I'd like to be no more than 200 when we start. I don't think that's going to happen though because weight comes off so slowly for me (and probably everyone) and we'd like to start sooner, than later. I'll have to as my doctor when it gets to that point, I'm just kinda obsessive about my weight right now and I don't want to get back to 280 or more with baby #2. I want to be healthy for the baby and for myself.

    Thanks for the welcome, brittonymiller, meokk and mathjulz! It will be nice to have people to talk to when I'm pregnant I don't feel like exercising and eating well! Looking forward to getting to know you all!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Maria – I hope you have a good appointment tomorrow and baby gets here soon!

    Kacy – miss you!! :flowerforyou:

    Brittony – Emma is absolutely gorgeous!!!! I’m sorry you’re having such a hard time with breastfeeding. Hopefully since she’s latching on the right way now you’ll heal fast and feel better.

    Julie – for as much as I keep saying that I don’t want to be induced, I’m pretty sure I’d be in the hospital right now begging they break my water if I were in the same place you are. And really, how much work do you think you’d be getting done if you went into your office now?

    Caperfae – sorry about the GD test.

    Julz – yea for good midterm grades!

    Anne – that’s such an awesome thing you’re doing for your friend!!!

    Maureen – sorry you had such a bad appointment, but I love you new picture!

    Ellemenerva – welcome! I set my calories to maintain my pre-pregnancy weight when I found out I was pregnant, once you reach the second trimester you’ll need 300 more a day. Lots of women, some on this thread, lost weight in the beginning because of morning sickness but I don’t think they were actively trying. My co-worker lost 30 pounds while pregnant, but she was considered morbidly obese so her doctor was OK with that since her baby was growing on track.

    Mel – I had to laugh at your hubbys “short cut” to the hospital, I have a feeling I’m going to have the same problem. :laugh:

    Melissa – I consider a “good” eating day when I can stay away from the chocolate. I’m really not logging my food anymore, just trying to make healthy choices. However, the past two days have been an epic fail. Don’t listen to your ex, remember he’s your ex for a reason!

    Victoria – glad you liked the hospital. Sorry about the bus, I probably would have cried too.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Still no word about my glucose test, so I’m taking that to mean I don’t have it. If no one calls me by Monday I’ll call my doctor to check.

    Hubby finished his rough sketch of the mural for Kathryn’s room. He’s going to get started on it while I go out of town Sunday afternoon to visit my godsons. He says it’s because is doesn’t’ want me in the house with the fumes, but I’m pretty sure she doesn’t want my “suggestions” while he’s working!! :laugh:
  • Ellemenerva
    Ellemenerva – welcome! I set my calories to maintain my pre-pregnancy weight when I found out I was pregnant, once you reach the second trimmest you’ll need 300 more a day. Lost of women, some on this thread, lost weight in the beginning before of morning sickness but I don’t think they were actively trying. My co-worker lost 30 pounds while pregnant, but she was considered morbidly obese so her doctor was OK with that since her baby was growing on track.

    ron 2282 - I'll just have to do what can now to get rid of the extra and when it happens, I'll just do what I can to maintain. Adding the extra 300 calories sounds so scary now, but I know they're for the baby :)

    I know every baby is different each time, but I'm hoping the new one is like his/her brother and goes swimmingly :) I didn't have morning sickness or anything like that, but I gained like a beast and had the high blood pressure.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Ahhh, sorry Brittony, I knew better :blushing:
  • MamaRandall
    MamaRandall Posts: 243 Member

    About the BFing:
    I had a tough couple of weeks in the beginning learning how to breastfeed. I remember when my son was born, my husband caught him and the midwife handed him to me and told me to start feeding him. I was like...uh...okay?! Never done this before! So, I pretty much how to learn from my mom over the phone! hehe and of course my midwife showed me a little more about it later on. I never was infected, but I had such huge amounts of milk that I'm pretty sure I could have fed a small village! If I took my pads off I would literally have milk shooting across the room or all over my baby's face! It wasn't always like that though. It took a while for it to come in and I got so discouraged waiting on it but knowing it's what I wanted for my baby I kept going. I couldn't get him to latch on properly, and I didn't want to feed him from a bottle at all in case he were to get confused and never want me again so I would pump out what I could into a cup and feed him with a syringe! Oh I cringed when ate. Literally crying the first 10 minutes of feedings. I cracked, bled, bruised, etc. But still, I kept going. The point of my ramblings is what helped. Like someone mentioned..lanolin helps a lot. Making sure you keep them clean and dried off but don't use soap too much as it may irritate or cause more dryness. But I think the best things that helped (and it sounds crazy) were shredded carrots in my breast pads and cabbage leaves through out the day. They have special healing properties and enzymes in them that help with almost everything BFing ! And because they are's really soothing! Just a suggestion for those who might like to try! Have a great evening everyone!

    Carrots and cabbage??? interesting! I have 2 kids already and have never EVER had a good experience breast feeding. My son was probably 3 or 4 months old before things started going smooth and I completely gave up with my daughter after 3 weeks because my nipples were sucked off.... seriously!! ( I did however still feed her at night till she was 3 months old). With this one, I am bound and determined to get it right. I'm going to have to try the carrots and cabbage though if I start having the same problems.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Ok, how many melissa's are there now!? I know I'm not technically still here :wink: But I'm having flashbacks to high school thinking people are talking to me when they're not :laugh: (we had a TON of melissa's....)

    Ps, I blame my iPhone for making those possessive not plural...

    Brittony - it's amazing how many people can't read and read Gabrielle not Gabriel ... Or so I assume they are because they say "she" a lot at dr apts and such. I suppose Gabrielle is a lot more popular and if you are reading quickly...
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Anne- what's your brothers name? Did he make it on to tv? Saw them playing poker on espn tonight...
  • chelledmal
    chelledmal Posts: 328 Member

    About the BFing:
    I had a tough couple of weeks in the beginning learning how to breastfeed. I remember when my son was born, my husband caught him and the midwife handed him to me and told me to start feeding him. I was like...uh...okay?! Never done this before! So, I pretty much how to learn from my mom over the phone! hehe and of course my midwife showed me a little more about it later on. I never was infected, but I had such huge amounts of milk that I'm pretty sure I could have fed a small village! If I took my pads off I would literally have milk shooting across the room or all over my baby's face! It wasn't always like that though. It took a while for it to come in and I got so discouraged waiting on it but knowing it's what I wanted for my baby I kept going. I couldn't get him to latch on properly, and I didn't want to feed him from a bottle at all in case he were to get confused and never want me again so I would pump out what I could into a cup and feed him with a syringe! Oh I cringed when ate. Literally crying the first 10 minutes of feedings. I cracked, bled, bruised, etc. But still, I kept going. The point of my ramblings is what helped. Like someone mentioned..lanolin helps a lot. Making sure you keep them clean and dried off but don't use soap too much as it may irritate or cause more dryness. But I think the best things that helped (and it sounds crazy) were shredded carrots in my breast pads and cabbage leaves through out the day. They have special healing properties and enzymes in them that help with almost everything BFing ! And because they are's really soothing! Just a suggestion for those who might like to try! Have a great evening everyone!

    Carrots and cabbage??? interesting! I have 2 kids already and have never EVER had a good experience breast feeding. My son was probably 3 or 4 months old before things started going smooth and I completely gave up with my daughter after 3 weeks because my nipples were sucked off.... seriously!! ( I did however still feed her at night till she was 3 months old). With this one, I am bound and determined to get it right. I'm going to have to try the carrots and cabbage though if I start having the same problems.

    I am currently still breastfeeding my 12 month old though I believe God's telling my body it's time to give it up since it seems my milk is drying up. Good luck this time around! Not every mommy tries again after their first child if it was a difficult experience. Practice makes perfect! And once you have it down pat it seems just so much easier to me than carrying around bottles and cleaning them all the time....and it's a big money saver too! I'm sure you can do it! :bigsmile:
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    I'm really starting to think that my body is playing games on me all of a sudden I'll feel like okay these contractions are getting stronger, then they fade :( I'm up w them again but I can already tell they're fading again soon.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Maria-- hi there! I'm up with the stupid teasing contractions, too. About an hour ago they were 5-6 minutes apart and super crampy but they're now back to 10 minutes apart which is my standard o er the last couple of weeks. Still a bit crampier than usual though. On the plus side, I have taught myself how to crochet while having contractions tonight and have now crocheted ridiculous coordinating mom and baby beanies. :laugh:
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Maria-- hi there! I'm up with the stupid teasing contractions, too. About an hour ago they were 5-6 minutes apart and super crampy but they're now back to 10 minutes apart which is my standard o er the last couple of weeks. Still a bit crampier than usual though. On the plus side, I have taught myself how to crochet while having contractions tonight and have now crocheted ridiculous coordinating mom and baby beanies. :laugh:

    We're definitely gonna need photos of that one down the road! :)
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Anne- what's your brothers name? Did he make it on to tv? Saw them playing poker on espn tonight...

    Mel- His name is Jon Seelbach! He wasn't at the feature table but his table did have a couple of hands taped because he had 2 famous people playing and they were told it would be on ESPN when they play it non-live. He made it to day 4!!! It started with 6500 people.... now down to about 900! He has 320,000 chip count. If he can make it to 620 (part way through today) he starts to win some money. I am proud of him (if you can't tell) :)
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Elle- that’s a great attitude to have! I eat whatever I want now because nothing stays down… which isn’t a good habit for after this baby comes!


    Victoria- Glad you liked your hospital! I did pretty good with the hormones but would have a couple weeks here and there when I was a nutcase…. Hope yours was a one time thing! (jerky bus driver for not letting you on!)

    Brittony- I am so glad to hear that Emma is doing well. It seems like she is doing about perfect (minus breast feeding)! Did you have your c-section at 39 weeks?

    Michelle- Glad that your appointment when well even if it was uneventful!

    Ronya- I can’t wait to see the mural with your DH is done! How sweet!

    Mamarandell- How are you feeling? You are getting pretty close too! Are you ready?

    Maria- Sorry about the tricks :( I am sure it will stick one of these times.

    Julie- WOW, multi-tasking :)

    Wow, that was the worst night I have had yet. So many problems with it… my stomach was killing me (even though I had thrown up 3 times since dinner), I was so thirsty but my stomach hurt too bad, I peed 100 times, my back was KILLING me, I was just laying there not tired, plus I was having shooting pains to my crotch… haha I bet that sounds like a lot of your nights!! So at 6:30 am I gave up and came to the living room… now I am tired and have a head ache :):)
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Brittony- Emma is so precious! I hope breastfeeding gets better for you and you aren't in so much pain. Kudos to you for sticking with it still, hun :flowerforyou:

    Anne- That's great that your brother is still in the game! Keep is updated! Sorry you had such a rough night last night. I couldn't imagine getting sick that much, you poor girl :frown: Hope today is better for you.

    Ron- Glad you haven't heard about your glucose test yet! That's a good sign. When I failed my first they called me within 12 hours so I'm sure you're in the clear!
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    30 Weeks today :noway: 70 days till 40 weeks.... that's a little scary! But we're so excited! I don't know where summer went and disappeared to but it's moving fast which means Avery will be here before we know it :love:
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Dang, we were on page 17 when I last responded... yesterday morning. I have some catching up to do.
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
    Well yesterday was a very scary day for me. I had the day off and was doing a lot of running around. DS and I were out in the yard and I was pulling weeds and what not. I didn't really eat much and was feeling "off". So I put DS down for his nap and went to lay down. My heart was beating really hard, I was sweating and shaking. So I ate something. I had had about 70 oz of water so I knew it wasn't that. I just felt "off". Then I went to the rest room and when I wiped I had a HUGE glob (sorry about the TMI) of brown blood. I freaked out. I called the nurse and they wanted to see me right away. The blood then turned pink. Now I was pretty much bawling. I called my husband to come get me to take me in. I went in for a heart tones test on the baby. The baby was moving a ton and the heart rate was strong. (Praise the Lord!) I was not cramping or leaking. She said that some blood can be normal and maybe it was a fluke. They want me to watch it and if it happens again I'm to go into the ER. On a good note, my blood pressure was very low 106/60 which I was kinda shocked by because I was so stressed. I'm also up 3 pounds since my 6/23 visit which is right on track with the 1 pound a week thing (although I really want that to slow down, I'm hoping not to gain next week). So, long story short baby and mommy are fine. Super freaked out, but fine.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Julie/Maria/Maureen – I’ve been obsessively checking in to see if there’s been any progress. Come on babies!!!!

    Anne – yea for your brother, that’s awesome! I’m sorry you had such a rough night, but you’re so close to having Elise in your arms.

    Danielle – happy 30 weeks!!!

    Jen – oh that’s so scary! I’m glad baby is ok and everything looks good, take it easy!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    So this isn’t pregnancy related but I’m so excited that I have to share. I mentioned before that my brother has visitation with my nephew 3 times a week and they’ll go back to court mid-August to determined more of a shared custody. When he picked him up yesterday she told my brother that she got a job but it’s only one day a week and she wants to know if he could have him all day Wednesday 8am to 7pm while she works. His normal visitation on Wednesday is from 4pm to 7pm and he always has off that day. Of course he said yes and I’m so happy for him. I think it’s a good sign that she asked him instead of having to go back to court work it out.