Good-bye MyFitnessPal



  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    I know that you are upset over the weight gain, I see it in your face when you step off the scale (I'm his wife BTW).

    You may not be losing the pounds but you are loosing inches. I notice a difference when you take your shirt off and when you asked me for a belt this weekend! Plus I think you have a sensitive metabolism, we don't eat out normally and we did 2 days this three day weekend.

    Don't listen to the people putting your down, maybe they are the ones seeking the motivation. I can't make you do anything, but I notice changes in you and so do our families. I will still be cooking light so you can still eat healthy and I hope you still go for runs with F and I. I love you!

    Rebel! You've got such a great support system! Lean on your wife for strength now! (She may need the support later!). Disregard this weigh in - it's post holiday. I had a bad weigh in today, too, after a very active 5 days. I think the weekend's sodium and a couple drinks were standing on the scale with me! I'm not even going to step on the scale until Friday. Remember, it's the tortoise that wins this race.
  • kariannk
    kariannk Posts: 60 Member
    Okay guys, whats up with all these negitive comments, your P***sing me OFF!! :explode:

    YOU are the real losers, not Rebel. Very immature!! I know its not my place, but can not stand when hes being put down like this!!

    Negativity breeds negativity. If you have a negative attitude then generally people will be negative's a fact of life. It annoys me and a lot of people who work hard and try hard and try to have a positive attitude.......if the poster wanted motivation and support and inspiration then he could ask and it would come flooding in by the bucket load.......oh and for the record all of us who have worked hard and lost weight and got fit and healthy we are not losers (at least not in the sense you intended ;)) we are just people who made a choice....the right one :)

    you are right you made the right choice and congrats to all of you who have lost but sometimes people who have been sad and depressed all they know is negativity sometimes they need strangers to help and be nice. and good for all of you who have lost weight but sometimes it's not that easy to decide. sometimes losing weight can be the hardest decision someone can make. i does take a lot of effort to totally make a new with your life. but there are SOOOO many ways to say things without belittling and ridicule. i am just saying that some of you mean people may have forgotten how hard it is since you are so healthy now.
  • kariannk
    kariannk Posts: 60 Member
    So you quit after a week? You're just looking for an excuse to stay fat. Period. We've all had ups and downs here, but stuck with it. In all likelihood, you are dehydrated and your body is storing water to make up for it. Working like that CAN cause weight gain, and to run away so quickly is just cowardly....


    it's not cowardly, it's hard, people get scared, and are afraid of failure and when you are trying and see results that you think are wrong it sucks and instead of being mean you should encourage following through, and it's not ok to call names. being 200, 300, 400 lbs or what ever it's hard to move every day when you have been sitting for years. it's hard to eat healthy when all you eat is junk for years. this person that you decide to call a cowardly may not be ready to do this now. and you know what that is ok. we are and should be here for support and advice not ridicule and belittling. and the people who think that this is the way to motivate people shouldn't be on this site. it is sad to see so many post to this original comment that are rude and disrespectful. and it should hurt more then just my feelings that people are writing this way to this person. now here's my advice do it when you feel ready, yes finding motivation is hard, yes it sucks watching what you eat and working out everyday, but you are worth it and need to to know that there will be set backs. i starting working out and i didn't lose any weight at first because i jumped in head first quit smoking, working out, eating healthy , my body was in shock mode for about 2 weeks and then boom lost weight. your body has been so unhealthy that maybe it needed to hang on to those pounds, but just remeber that nothing starts out being easy when it comes to weight lose patience is important and acceptance of yourself no matter what. good luck with your journey and MFP will be here when or if you try to lose again. sorry if i am harsh but i have been fat all my life and people who call names and are mean get under my skin. have a great day

    No its not cowardly, It's an excuse not to try.

    it may be an excuse but he doesn't need to be called names
  • Munchiemooka
    Munchiemooka Posts: 176 Member
    After reading though this very long post I am very happy that you have decided not to quit.... Take the positive from this post and see all the people that are here right along side you with a whole lot of support.... We can all do it together :flowerforyou:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,996 Member
    I should have read through all the posts before I made mine. I'm glad you've decided not to quit! :flowerforyou:
  • kariannk
    kariannk Posts: 60 Member
    kariank, I didnt read all the posts, too many, but I did look at Rebels diary and it looked a lot like mine, when I use to weigh 359 lbs..........

    I didnt know his diary was public when I posted my reply to him, but now I have and I will say that his diet is LOADED WITH SODIUM, and then he ate today , and that has tons of sodium, yet he has ZERO for the sodium content of his sausage egg biscuit breakfast entry............hmm, I avoid sausage like the plague, its LOADED WITH SODIUM, and that is his problem

    also, there are NO vegetables and fruits in his plan...............just PROCESSED, SODIUM ladened store bought, processed stuff............
    again, I know the hell of having to lose weight its not fun........we all know that, but again, if youre just going to quit from gaining weight from moving blocks, then maybe you really dont want to lose weight.........maybe he was doing it just so he could not have people harping on him to lose weight

    I dont know what his situation is, but I gotta say, if he keeps eating what hes been eating, he will never , ever lose weight.........

    Id say he may need to go to Over Eaters, or maybe talk to a counsellor..............He was drinking beer yesterday, and its hard to lose pounds when you consume alcohol...............again, he needs to make the choice ,

    Im not an expert here, but if he wants to message me, Ill talk to him, Im older and it was harder, but I did it, and would really want to help him, but hes got to make the first move ,and that is to change his diet......................Best wishes to everyone.........Lloyd

    i know i looked at the food log too, but i just know how it feels when i use to feel down and looking to help and if someone told me im pathetic or a failure because i quit or something. it hurts, and looking at the log it shows that more knowledge on nutrition is in order, but you learn from mistakes and whether or not we agree with him quitting, we shouldn't be mean.
  • LeelaLosing
    LeelaLosing Posts: 237 Member
    you're really cutting off your nose to spite your face as the saying're frustrated so you're going to hurt yourself? Really think about what you are saying and doing and feeling.

    I've been at the frustration point many a time, with myself, and it doesn't feel good. I've spent most of my mid-20s-mid-30s yo-yoing and gaining and losing and it's not fun.

    What I've learned is that you need perserverance to make the changes until it is the way you live, what's the alterative, health problems, low self-esteem, feeling like you're not living to your potential, and self-consciousness and poor discipline. And it's a journey and frustrating as you undo years of poor habits and beliefs.

    If you really want something you need to be willing to put in the work....consistently, even when you're frustrated. And stop weighing yourself, it's only messing with your head. If you are eating right, exercising and doing it 90% of the time, it will come off, not in any way you can chart out, so get over that. But it will happen!
  • beernutz
    beernutz Posts: 136
    wow some of you are really harsh. i thought this website was to enable and encourage .

    IMO there is far too much enabling and not nearly enough truth on this website.
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    Wow. I came into this thread a bit enraged as well, and I couldn't figure out I think I understand...I'm furious because in that first post, I saw a me that existed before...a me who gave up and then was kicking herself when she woke up months later because then she had to start from an even higher weight. I believe that others are reacting in the same way. They are angry because they have been in your shoes and they wish they would have kept going, or started going, before they got to their max weights. I think, like me, they want to save others from the same mistakes.

    I'm glad you opened up your diary and that you have a strong support system in real life. As others have said, there is lots of room for improvement in your diet, but there's no law saying that you have to flat-out change it right off the bat! Start making healthier choices here and there: add a handful of veggies to a lunch here, drink one less ale there, choose a baked food instead of fried another time. Small steps are the best way to make lifestyle changes STICK and make you feel less deprived. I personally find that the more healthy food I force myself to eat, the more I start to crave it. Tastes really do change. So long as you're taking steps in the right direction, they can be as big or as small as you feel comfortable with.

    Another key is to be perfectly honest with yourself in terms of calories logged...and granted, sometimes it's hard to know that, but it's all about learning to get better and better at approximating. For example, when it comes to exercise, marathon runners expend ~3000 calories during their entire marathon runs, and that's one of the more gruelling feats the human body can endure (well, Ironman athletes are laughing at this right now :) but it's definitely up there), and so it's very unlikely that you'd be spending that much energy in one day, let alone a few days in a row! Borrowing an HRM for a day might be a helpful way to determine how many calories you're actually burning. If not, asking around the forums for suggestions about how to log exercises -- or just to double-check that your calories logged are accurate -- is a fantastic way to get close. We are here as a resource for you! We are here to help!

    It can be hard to stick to a journey when we want the goal so badly that we can taste it, but impatience can either be a motivator (I'm going to stick through this and get there as quickly as possible!) or something that sabotages us (I'm frustrated because I'm not where I want to be...I give up!) Embrace that impatience! Use it to fuel yourself! And don't forget to celebrate the steps along the way. 13 lb is a huge step in the right direction! YOU CAN DO THIS!!
  • Flyntiggr
    Flyntiggr Posts: 898 Member
    So you quit after a week? You're just looking for an excuse to stay fat. Period. We've all had ups and downs here, but stuck with it. In all likelihood, you are dehydrated and your body is storing water to make up for it. Working like that CAN cause weight gain, and to run away so quickly is just cowardly....


    it's not cowardly, it's hard, people get scared, and are afraid of failure and when you are trying and see results that you think are wrong it sucks and instead of being mean you should encourage following through, and it's not ok to call names. being 200, 300, 400 lbs or what ever it's hard to move every day when you have been sitting for years. it's hard to eat healthy when all you eat is junk for years. this person that you decide to call a cowardly may not be ready to do this now. and you know what that is ok. we are and should be here for support and advice not ridicule and belittling. and the people who think that this is the way to motivate people shouldn't be on this site. it is sad to see so many post to this original comment that are rude and disrespectful. and it should hurt more then just my feelings that people are writing this way to this person. now here's my advice do it when you feel ready, yes finding motivation is hard, yes it sucks watching what you eat and working out everyday, but you are worth it and need to to know that there will be set backs. i starting working out and i didn't lose any weight at first because i jumped in head first quit smoking, working out, eating healthy , my body was in shock mode for about 2 weeks and then boom lost weight. your body has been so unhealthy that maybe it needed to hang on to those pounds, but just remeber that nothing starts out being easy when it comes to weight lose patience is important and acceptance of yourself no matter what. good luck with your journey and MFP will be here when or if you try to lose again. sorry if i am harsh but i have been fat all my life and people who call names and are mean get under my skin. have a great day

    No its not cowardly, It's an excuse not to try.

    it may be an excuse but he doesn't need to be called names

    Saying his ACTION is cowardly is not calling him NAMES. There is a difference. The fact of the matter is, many of us on here have fought hard to lose the weight we gained over the years. People watch shows like the Biggest Loser and get so disillusioned about how much weight they can lose - and how fast. He's lost 10 pounds in like a week, and is upset about that? C'mon. People think weight should just melt off, even though it took a LONG time to gain it. I tell it like it is - but I NEVER called him names. period....

    HGC, Lap Band, Phen Phen, Hydroxycut ect. all lead to the SAME THING - unhealthy weight loss and generally weight gain and health issues later. Lose weight with a good program of healthy foods, calorie counting, and exercise. THIS will work, and will last.
  • hill2302
    hill2302 Posts: 139 Member
    Everything that needs to be said has already been said. I think it's admirable that you're goiing to stick around and give it some more time.

    I personally don't have a problem with any of the responses, or at least the ones I've read so far. Some of the responses have been a bit harsh, but not necessarily untrue. We should never be afraid of the truth. How that's delivered and received depends is obviously very important to remember. Some people would respond tot he harsh criticisms with an "I'll show you" attitude. Other will not. I don't like to criticize either the tough love approach or the sugar coated approach.

    My advice: Be honest with yourself. If you're not ready, then you're not ready. If you aren't willing to log that handfull of cheetos you ate because you're already so close to your daily limit, then you aren't ready. If you're going to not log something because you know your MFP friends will think less of you or disapprove of your food choices, then you aren't ready. Log everything and have reasonable expectations. If you struggle ask for help. If you succeed, offer help to others.

    Everyone take a different path on their individual journeys. Yours is out there too, you have to just be resolute to stay on your path.
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 708 Member
    No offense... But I looked at your diary and you are eating like s*it. Everything you eat is processed, fried, take out...

    Just because you stay under your calories for the day doesn't give you license to keep eating whatever the heck you want! For instance... Not sure what day it was but you ate two grilled cheese sandwiches for breakfast. Who the heck can eat that and expect to loose weight? You are mis using this site and completely looking at this the wrong way.

    Do whatever you want. I guarantee that people on this site will not miss you one bit.

    Um--not to be argumentative, but I can eat two grilled cheese sandwiches for breakfast and expect to lose weight. Of course, I make mine with low fat cheese (45 cals per slice), light (45 cals per slice) bread, and the pan grilling is done with either a VERY light skiff of butter or, more likely, a butter flavored, no-cal cooking spray. Total calories for two sandwiches? 360-400 calories. I don't do it often, but sometimes I DO do it. It makes me happy, it satisfies a craving, and it's marvelously fiber and protein rich.

    I do get your point, and I was very frustrated and put off by his "I'm QUITTING!" approach, but I'd rather teach the OP how to do things in a way that isn't a diet-buster rather than condemn him for doing them wrong. As for not missing him? I think I would--I want to see him succeed. I'm not a big coddler, I tend toward "tough love," but I'm absolutely rooting for him. I hope he makes the changes he needs to make, even if they're only small steps right now. After all, very few of us came into this knowing how to make eating healthier a practical and doable thing.

    I hope he gets some Sara Lee Delightful Wheat or Multi-grain bread today. So that the next time he has a couple of sandwiches, he's knocked 260 calories off just by switching breads.

    If he doesn't know how to do these things, what better place for him to learn?

    Edited to say that I've just spent some time going over the OP's food diary. There are changes that must be made if sustainable loss is the goal. Portion size is out of control--a 15 oz steak? Cut that in half (or even better, a third) for starters, and fill up the space on your plate with fresh steamed broccoli, spinach, sugar snap peas, zucchini, or whatever veggie captures your fancy. A baked potato is fine now and then--make it a smaller red potato rather than a giant russet. Ditch as many of the processed foods as possible, replace them with home-cooked alternatives. There are many recipe sites out there with great, healthier alternatives to favorites. Kill the daily juice---it's not healthy, it's only slightly better than soda. Instead, have half an orange. Replace sweet, processed snacks with fresh fruits. Make absolutely certain that you're not "numbers shopping" on MFP--choose the listing that most accurately matches your intake, not the one that shows the lowest calories. Lying on a food listing is like cheating at solitaire--who are you hurting, really? This will likely mean reading your packaging and entering values. Do not make entries without sodium and other nutrients listed. It gives you a false sense of what you're doing.

    Don't lie to yourself. Your caloric intake is excessive. The foods you're eating are breathtakingly unhealthy in many cases. Many of these foods have healthy and delicious alternatives that satisfy the desire without destroying the body. Start making the changes that will make you healthier for you and for your family. Insulting yourself and hating yourself isn't going to do it--I did that for years and years, and it never took one ounce off me. I would walk past a mirror and cry, "Oh, you fat, ugly slob!" Didn't inspire even a bit of loss. Instead of calling yourself 'the fat guy," take that negative energy and make it positive--instead of telling yourself you're awful, tell yourself you're capable. And then prove it to yourself. Instead of focusing on how big you are, focus on the pounds lost, the changes made, and the physical changes that may not show on the scale but are real all the same.

    You have to want this enough to do it. You have to be honest enough with yourself to recognize that you MUST make serious, sincere changes. Not just eating a few fewer Funyuns, but replacing them with home-baked versions. You cannot reach your goal weight by doing what you've already been doing--you know that.

  • RattieLove
    RattieLove Posts: 125
    This disgusts me. Don't you DARE quit on yourself. This is your LIFE.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    dont quit. I'm close to you in age. 31. I started @ 480. I am now 340's. had diabetes II. on lots of meds. now I no longer take meds. also reveresed the diabetes and no longer have it. I still have another 130-140 to lose but I've come too far to stop now. as others stated you have a daughter. it doesnt happen overnight. but it will happen if you stick to it.
  • gjspiller
    gjspiller Posts: 115 Member
    wow, there's a lot of great reasons people have posted above to keep going. especially since you have a family. i am trying to lose weight so the doctor's can ALLOW me to have a family. i have 75 lbs. to lose. i have been always been on a "diet"' since 3rd grade, having body image issues already (i was not an obese child, just family members picking on my weight). now i'm doing it for me. for my health and longevity.

    it's hard and discouraging. i started with MFP Jan of this year. when i stuck to it, like logging in everyday (whether it be good day or bad), exercising and making small changes in my life, i saw changes. i lost about 10 lbs. over 2 months. then, i injured my back twice, and then almost lost my position at work. so i fell back on old habits, fell off the wagon, and didn't log into MFP.

    now, i'm picking myself up again.i had gained all the weight back (surprise surprise) and 3 more lbs. i wished i had not given up on myself right when big change was about to happen. i could have been 20 lbs. lighter today. but, i gave up. today i am singing a different tune.

    i started reading the forums, and checking in with MFP buddies again. i joined a Team Challenge. all these things are moving me into the positive direction. it's been a week since i've come back, and have i see results? no. maybe a pound or less lost. but the results are also in how i feel. my mental state. i am no longer in defeatist mode, but in a more positive, in control mode.

    what i'm saying is you don't know what you could have accomplished if you don't turn the corner. don't give up. we all know how it feels to be discouraged...hell, some of us feel that way on a weekly basis. but push through it. stick with it. truly stick with it at least 80% of the time. be honest with yourself and your calories. and pick a MFP buddy to help mentor you through this.

    you can accomplish your goals!
  • shonasteele
    shonasteele Posts: 473
    Ask yourself this "If I really wanted to give up, would I have posted that last message?" You have 12 pages (so far) of people who want you to succeed. Some are offering support and encouragement and others are offering a kick in the *kitten* or a slap upside the head, but each in their own way WANTS YOU TO SUCCEED! Including me. If you change your mind and want another friend on your side, please take me up on it.

    I do have a suggestion for a place to start... I looked at your diary and there are lots of days where your sodium is very high. Sodium makes you retain water and that makes you gain weight (even though it's water weight). Cutting back on your sodium and drinking more water is a place to start. I also HIGHLY recommend making small changes that you can incorporate into your life without making you feel deprived or "on a diet". I started with just eating more veggies. That's all, for the first couple of weeks. Then I cut back on my condiments. Then started making my portions a little smaller and choosing healthier side dishes. Then breakfast, then better snacks, etc.

    Every other time I've tried to diet I went whole hog and lasted for about a day before my brain got in my way by rebelling and telling me I was miserable and hungry. I did it completely differently this time and it's working great. I would HAPPILY help you to come up with ideas for making the same types of changes THAT YOU CAN LIVE WITH to help you get started.

    Don't give up - life is worth LIVING. Take the help being offered by those that are offering it. And you can even take the kick in the *kitten* from those that are offering that. Take em both and learn to do this, your way, one step at a time. I'm holding out a hand.. ya just gotta take it.
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    This just makes me sad. You obviously are looking for a reason to quit. If you REALLY wanted the help you'd ask for it and open your diary for people to give you advice on what you could change.

    I'm going to take a gander and say you're not watching your sodium or drinking enough water and IF by any chance you are then you're not eating ENOUGH. Yes, that's right you might be eating to little. IF you want help, do yourself a favor and open your diary and have people help you.

    If you give up, you're giving up on yourself. The reason we got fat in the first place was because we gave up! We stopped trying, we stopped wanting. Your daughter deserves to have you in her life, fit, happy and loving. If you wanna give up and you don't care about REALLY need to stop and think long and hard about how this will effect your daughter.

    EDIT: Your sodium is OUT of control. Get that under control and you'll drop weight so quick your head will spin. Your body is retaining water. I gained 5lbs over a weekend due to SD Fair foods...HORRIBLE. It took over a week to come off.

    No offense... But I looked at your diary and you are eating like s*it. Everything you eat is processed, fried, take out...

    Just because you stay under your calories for the day doesn't give you license to keep eating whatever the heck you want! For instance... Not sure what day it was but you ate two grilled cheese sandwiches for breakfast. Who the heck can eat that and expect to loose weight? You are mis-using this site and completely looking at this the wrong way.

  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    Check out my inspiration post...hopefully by reading the messages you can get some inspiration to keep you forging along. This isn't a short term thing. I sit here sometimes and think "MY GOD! I'm gonna have to do this the rest of my life" but you know what...I'd rather do this and be healthy/fit than to be like the people I was once jealous of who can eat totally crap/not exercise who may be thin but they aren't healthy!
  • k8edge
    k8edge Posts: 380
    ok Im sorry but do you NOT see tha double chin in the picture? Im sorry but thoseare my pet peeves you would look so much better in that pic if you din have it. I had a double chin in the making and that was my reason for joining. when you take pics. to give to your fam and friends is that how u want to look do you want your daughter to be embarrased of you when shes lder because ur overweight. Now i dont care who you are thats not how anyone wants to look. And forget how you look. Remeber your health weight gain causes people to die early would you wanna die and your daughter have be raised by someone else or her mom? I know that if I had a child i would do all in my power too stay alive as long as I can.Give it another week please.

    Are you serious? This is straight up being a bully. Oh, and take a grammar lesson. Nobody can take you seriously when you sound and type like an undereducated meanie head.
  • k8edge
    k8edge Posts: 380
    No offense... But I looked at your diary and you are eating like s*it. Everything you eat is processed, fried, take out...

    Just because you stay under your calories for the day doesn't give you license to keep eating whatever the heck you want! For instance... Not sure what day it was but you ate two grilled cheese sandwiches for breakfast. Who the heck can eat that and expect to loose weight? You are mis using this site and completely looking at this the wrong way.

    Do whatever you want. I guarantee that people on this site will not miss you one bit.

    Um--not to be argumentative, but I can eat two grilled cheese sandwiches for breakfast and expect to lose weight. Of course, I make mine with low fat cheese (45 cals per slice), light (45 cals per slice) bread, and the pan grilling is done with either a VERY light skiff of butter or, more likely, a butter flavored, no-cal cooking spray. Total calories for two sandwiches? 360-400 calories. I don't do it often, but sometimes I DO do it. It makes me happy, it satisfies a craving, and it's marvelously fiber and protein rich.

    I do get your point, and I was very frustrated and put off by his "I'm QUITTING!" approach, but I'd rather teach the OP how to do things in a way that isn't a diet-buster rather than condemn him for doing them wrong. As for not missing him? I think I would--I want to see him succeed. I'm not a big coddler, I tend toward "tough love," but I'm absolutely rooting for him. I hope he makes the changes he needs to make, even if they're only small steps right now. After all, very few of us came into this knowing how to make eating healthier a practical and doable thing.

    I hope he gets some Sara Lee Delightful Wheat or Multi-grain bread today. So that the next time he has a couple of sandwiches, he's knocked 260 calories off just by switching breads.

    If he doesn't know how to do these things, what better place for him to learn?

    Edited to say that I've just spent some time going over the OP's food diary. There are changes that must be made if sustainable loss is the goal. Portion size is out of control--a 15 oz steak? Cut that in half (or even better, a third) for starters, and fill up the space on your plate with fresh steamed broccoli, spinach, sugar snap peas, zucchini, or whatever veggie captures your fancy. A baked potato is fine now and then--make it a smaller red potato rather than a giant russet. Ditch as many of the processed foods as possible, replace them with home-cooked alternatives. There are many recipe sites out there with great, healthier alternatives to favorites. Kill the daily juice---it's not healthy, it's only slightly better than soda. Instead, have half an orange. Replace sweet, processed snacks with fresh fruits. Make absolutely certain that you're not "numbers shopping" on MFP--choose the listing that most accurately matches your intake, not the one that shows the lowest calories. Lying on a food listing is like cheating at solitaire--who are you hurting, really? This will likely mean reading your packaging and entering values. Do not make entries without sodium and other nutrients listed. It gives you a false sense of what you're doing.

    Don't lie to yourself. Your caloric intake is excessive. The foods you're eating are breathtakingly unhealthy in many cases. Many of these foods have healthy and delicious alternatives that satisfy the desire without destroying the body. Start making the changes that will make you healthier for you and for your family. Insulting yourself and hating yourself isn't going to do it--I did that for years and years, and it never took one ounce off me. I would walk past a mirror and cry, "Oh, you fat, ugly slob!" Didn't inspire even a bit of loss. Instead of calling yourself 'the fat guy," take that negative energy and make it positive--instead of telling yourself you're awful, tell yourself you're capable. And then prove it to yourself. Instead of focusing on how big you are, focus on the pounds lost, the changes made, and the physical changes that may not show on the scale but are real all the same.

    You have to want this enough to do it. You have to be honest enough with yourself to recognize that you MUST make serious, sincere changes. Not just eating a few fewer Funyuns, but replacing them with home-baked versions. You cannot reach your goal weight by doing what you've already been doing--you know that.


    Umm... Well, I didn't use the word Quit in my post. I believe those grilled cheese sandwiches reached around 1000 calories. I picked something nice to point out. I am not trying to sound like a complete beoytch. But honestly? You can not expect to loose weight while you are eating the way you are. You are basically over on everything except calories. The MFP tools are not meant to be abused in such a way. Some people need to hear it and I believe you are one of them. I am not trying to be a horrible person but you truly need to look at what you are putting into your body and realize that is what is digging an early grave. Perhaps seeing a nutritionist or dietitian would be helpful. You need to learn about what healthy foods you need to put into your body.

    I did not read before that you are going to "stick" with it. Good for you! Honestly you remind me a bit of my husband who has a constant battle with weight loss. He gets extremely frustrated when he does not see results right away. Just keep on trucking.