Good-bye MyFitnessPal



  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    nice attitude.....GOOD RIDDANCE TO YOU!
  • MintyCandy
    MintyCandy Posts: 44
    Very sad indeed.

    MFP isn't a miraculous device that you can track food in and lose weight just based on that. It's more so for you to visably see how you're eating and help motivated you to eat better, I find anyway. I'm sure we all understand the frustration of losing weight at a regular pace.

    This is just a "poor me" post so that you could have people coax you to stay.
  • mehlen
    mehlen Posts: 28 Member
    Hi Rebel -
    Let's see if I can share a quick shot of my history...I used to be 135. Got hit by a car and laid up in a wheelchair for 6 months...Gained up to 175. Got first round of gain up to 210. Two years ago, I got hit with Breast Cancer. Mastectoy, meds that have a side effect of weight gain (which I did) and more...Gained up to 240.

    I'm taking it a day at a time. In February I had the first of 3 reconstructive surgeries for the breast cancer...but I'm determined to lose this weight. When the surgery hit losing weight has been a real challenge. I really have to watch what I eat AND drink extra water. I found it really counter-intuitive to drink more water to lost that water weight. Sounded pretty stupid but it seems to be working.

    One of the things I did when I started here was to decide that I wanted to see what I'm doing so I know what got me here. After all...I'm here because I'm doing something...and until I know what I'm doing...I can't change it. So I tracked lots of things. Calories, Carbs, Fats, Proteins, Sodium..etc. Then I started looking for healthy alternatives to the things I liked so I didn't feel like I was giving up something else in my life (I've lost enough...pissed off about losing more things...wanted to lose the pounds though.)

    Anyway...I really know how you feel about wanting to quit. Just remember...we're on a journey...not a racetrack. We're gonna fall down some days...but it's important we pick ourselves back up. Good luck.
  • RebelBrew
    RebelBrew Posts: 55
    No offense... But I looked at your diary and you are eating like s*it. Everything you eat is processed, fried, take out...

    Just because you stay under your calories for the day doesn't give you license to keep eating whatever the heck you want! For instance... Not sure what day it was but you ate two grilled cheese sandwiches for breakfast. Who the heck can eat that and expect to loose weight? You are mis using this site and completely looking at this the wrong way.

    Do whatever you want. I guarantee that people on this site will not miss you one bit.

    Ok so you looked at this past weekend. yea I ate two grilled cheese on monday big deal and if you look at the rest of my diary you will see no processed food one bit. I might eat fried food yes i am in culinary school you have to at least taste what you are going to serve im graded on that, but look at the quantities im not eating even a serving of the items made. and most of the time I don't eat anything. I know thats bad so don't say you should eat Im just not hungry.
  • RebelBrew
    RebelBrew Posts: 55
    wow some of you are really harsh. i thought this website was to enable and encourage .

    not everyone got that memo but at least they feel better about them selves right???
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 708 Member
    wow some of you are really harsh. i thought this website was to enable and encourage .

    not everyone got that memo but at least they feel better about them selves right???

    Wow. Never mind.

  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,075 Member
    No one is going to encourage someone that doesn't even encourage themselves. No need to cry the blues, especially to a huge community of people that make the conscious choice every single day to work their butts off to reach their goals. I really do hope you are successful and then maybe you'll realize why your posts have struck a nerve with so many.
  • StLouisTim
    StLouisTim Posts: 22
    Ok, Rebel. I'll play your game. You're going to quit trying and you're blaming this site for not doing enough for you. Great. But if that was really the case, why didn't you just sign out and leave? tick...tick....tick..... I know. You want someone to listen. You want someone to care. You just want to be heard. Well buddy, take a look at how many responses you have to your "So Long Everyone" post. The fact is, you WANT to do it, you just don't know HOW to do it. Try "friending" some of the folks that have posted suggestions here that make sense to you. They are the ones that can help you get to where you want to be. Don't worry about the "quitter" BS, either. It's frustrating. Hang in there for a while. You never know which day will be "the day".
  • tsgaddy
    tsgaddy Posts: 96 Member
    On this magical "Saterday" you ate deep fried onion rings, chocolate cake and went over your sodium by more than 1700! :noway:

    Stupid myfitnesspal...:grumble:
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 708 Member
    Check your calories--you're miscalculating, which is probably part of your problem. Peanut M&Ms have 103 calories for 10 pieces. Your diary lists 44 calories for 18 pieces. It would actually be 185 calories.

    You can't just just shop for the lowest MFP listing--some of the numbers here are wrong, and it's easy to know which if you just check the packaging. Chances are, you are eating far more calories than you're tracking in your diary, and your diary is set to allow more calories than you should be eating. July 2nd, your goal is set to 5,133 calories, you consumed 3,462 calories, and you ingested 4,202 mg of sodium. That is not how to lose weight. I know you say you burned over 2900 calories in that one day by climbing stairs, but I would seriously question that number. Perhaps you would benefit from a good heart rate monitor so you can get a good handle on calories burned. I think most of us could benefit from that.

    Oh, and you're more than doubling your popcorn calories by popping in oil. Air pop. And do your best not to just manually quick-add calories. Actually read the packages, do the weighing, and do the math. Makes taking responsibility for choices a lot easier when you really examine what those choices are.

    If you really want this, you have got to be honest with yourself and stop making excuses. I hope you do--I would love to see you succeed.

  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,543 Member
    It's been my experience that when you are starting a workout plan, you gain some weight. Your body isn't used to doing what it needs to do. this video:

    Get back on the wagon...and do it!! No excuses, make ALL the sacrifices, soda, sodium, eat like a frickin rabbit if you have to. You will be miserable for a while....but do it!

    My friend gave me the best advice in the world about doing things you don't want to do:

    You don't like doing dishes right??
    But you like when they are done right??
    Sometimes you gotta do what you don't like to enjoy the results!!

    Quit making excuses, use whatever you gotta use...get back on and do it. You only fail if you let yoruself fail, it sounds like you aren't mentally there and making excuses. NO MORE EXCUSES!!! JUST GET OUT THERE AND DO IT!!!!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Everyone was talking about your sodium intake, so I checked out your diary too...and was shocked to see that they were complaining about 2 days over a holiday weekend while the rest of your days were in the green. :huh:

    I do agree that perhaps you should reduce the amount of processed foods that you have. I read that you were in culinary school, so you are probably a much better cook than I am. That being the case, I think it would be easier for you if you simply knew what to cook since you obviously know how.

    I think it might be a help if you change the macronutrient ratio goals. Not everyone responds well to a high carb/low fat and low protein diet which is MFP's default. I find that it is much easier to shed body fat when I am eating less carbs. Not necessarily "low carb" but simply less starches like potatoes, pastas, and rice. Start out your meals by having a lean protein and then add some veggies or fruits. I recommend starches in rhe morning-afternoon, but make your dinners more complete with veggies because they are more nutritious in terms of minerals and vitamins on average, and you will simply feel better and less bloated.

    It's easiest to go grocery shopping for healthy foods if you stay on the outskirts of the store...that's where you will find fresh meats, veggies, and fruits and where you will not find a lot of boxed, bagged, or canned foods. Fresher is better when you are trying to get healthy and trim the fat.

    I still recommend weighing in less often as I mentioned in my last post. And never weigh in AFTER a holiday weekend. It's never a good thing.
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,543 Member
    I think it might be a help if you change the macronutrient ratio goals. Not everyone responds well to a high carb/low fat and low protein diet which is MFP's default. I find that it is much easier to shed body fat when I am eating less carbs. Not necessarily "low carb" but simply less starches like potatoes, pastas, and rice. Start out your meals by having a lean protein and then add some veggies or fruits. I recommend starches in rhe morning-afternoon, but make your dinners more complete with veggies because they are more nutritious in terms of minerals and vitamins on average, and you will simply feel better and less bloated.

    ^^This right here is great advice!

    I'm on a high protein diet and it's working wonders. Yeah I'm in the red on protein everyday by quite a bit, but the weight is coming off.

    As you are building muscle that muscle will burn more calories when you are sedentary, the protein helps to build and repair muscles, behind water, it's my belief that it's the most important thing your body can have....hope you get where you need to be!
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 708 Member
    I think it might be a help if you change the macronutrient ratio goals. Not everyone responds well to a high carb/low fat and low protein diet which is MFP's default. I find that it is much easier to shed body fat when I am eating less carbs. Not necessarily "low carb" but simply less starches like potatoes, pastas, and rice. Start out your meals by having a lean protein and then add some veggies or fruits. I recommend starches in rhe morning-afternoon, but make your dinners more complete with veggies because they are more nutritious in terms of minerals and vitamins on average, and you will simply feel better and less bloated.

    ^^This right here is great advice!

    I'm on a high protein diet and it's working wonders. Yeah I'm in the red on protein everyday by quite a bit, but the weight is coming off.

    As you are building muscle that muscle will burn more calories when you are sedentary, the protein helps to build and repair muscles, behind water, it's my belief that it's the most important thing your body can have....hope you get where you need to be!

    I keep my carbs low because of my diabetes, but my protein is also in the red pretty much every day because that's how I eat. I was reading a "formula" last night and wondering if anyone had any feedback to give about it:

  • red_hatorade
    red_hatorade Posts: 166
    Ok, I checked out your food diary, and I agree. You could make some better choices. For example, you had 2 grilled cheese sandwiches totaling a whopping 1,000 calories. Instead, try using the following:

    Country Crock Lite Butter - 50 calories for 1 tbsp
    Nickels 35 Lite Bread - 35 calories for 1 slice
    Kraft 2% Milk American Cheese Singles - 45 calories for 1 slice

    So, say you have 2 grilled cheese this way...

    50 (1 tbsp butter) + 140 (4 slices bread) + 90 (2 slices cheese) = 280 calories for 2 sandwiches

    It is about making better choices, reading nutrition labels, and saying "no" to things like cake, fried goods, and beer. Beer has so many calories, but if you really want it, try a low cal beer.

    Oh, and replace mustard with the mayo. Mustard (usually) has no calories. So right there, you save 90 calories. If you have to have the mayo, get the Kraft Mayo made with Olive Oil. It is 45 calories per serving instead of 90.

    Skip the waffles for breakfast and have a Dannon Lite Yogurt with some fruit. You can eat a ton of blueberries with it, they have very few calories. You can add a piece of toast (Nickels 35 calorie bread), some lite juice (Ocean Spray Fruit and Veggie Strawberry, Banana and Cranberry) where 1 cup is only 60 calories, and even a couple hard boiled egg whites.

    80 (yogurt) + 83 (1 cup blueberries) + 35 (toast) + 60 (juice) + 48 (3.5 ounces of hard boiled egg whites, no salt) = 306 calories
  • RebelBrew
    RebelBrew Posts: 55
    Check your calories--you're miscalculating, which is probably part of your problem. Peanut M&Ms have 103 calories for 10 pieces. Your diary lists 44 calories for 18 pieces. It would actually be 185 calories.

    You can't just just shop for the lowest MFP listing--some of the numbers here are wrong, and it's easy to know which if you just check the packaging. Chances are, you are eating far more calories than you're tracking in your diary, and your diary is set to allow more calories than you should be eating. July 2nd, your goal is set to 5,133 calories, you consumed 3,462 calories, and you ingested 4,202 mg of sodium. That is not how to lose weight. I know you say you burned over 2900 calories in that one day by climbing stairs, but I would seriously question that number. Perhaps you would benefit from a good heart rate monitor so you can get a good handle on calories burned. I think most of us could benefit from that.

    Oh, and you're more than doubling your popcorn calories by popping in oil. Air pop. And do your best not to just manually quick-add calories. Actually read the packages, do the weighing, and do the math. Makes taking responsibility for choices a lot easier when you really examine what those choices are.

    If you really want this, you have got to be honest with yourself and stop making excuses. I hope you do--I would love to see you succeed.


    I do want this. With the m&m's what is wrong using the 183 calorie one that came up in the choices (the onl one I saw) and there was no package in front of me so how would I know it was wrong I would rather have my calories on MFP be higher than they actually are (a little leeway if you would) than be low. My sodium has always been pretty low its just this weekend I had gatorade while I was out in the heat working. I have ben making responsible choices SSince i started on june first
  • tonilizzy88
    tonilizzy88 Posts: 920 Member
    I also quit things when they get hard. That's why I'm fit and successful in general. Oh wait, that's right...I don't quit things.

    this made me chuckle. i understand the weight loss is hard but it DOES NOT happen over night rebelbrew
  • RebelBrew
    RebelBrew Posts: 55
    I love how mostly veering has asked to se my diary but most have theirs private little hypocritical and how no one actually looks at the diary just maybe back through the weekend and never look at what is in there except the top line with grilled cheese sandwich. yes I had two grilled cheese sandwich so what im not eating them everyday and I don't eat processed food any more yes my sodium is high over the weekend Gatorade will do that to you. But if you feel better about yourself to write on here with out reading any other postings except the first one on the front page have fun
  • hill2302
    hill2302 Posts: 139 Member
    So Rebel,

    have you really lost 10 lbs in one month? If that's true, then how can you be discouraged? That's more than 2 lbs a week!

    Your weight will fluctuate day by day and hour by hour. Don't sweat a spike in the line if the overall tend looks good.

    I really don't even understand what you were originally upset about.

    Also, I understand you wanting to defend yourself. But I think it will be better if you just listen to everyone's advice and take it for what it is. Everyone is just trying to help. Well, most everyone.

    BTW, i think the poster above you was pointing out you listed too little calories for the m&Ms, not too much.

    Good luck.
  • LdyGeko
    LdyGeko Posts: 433
    Rebel - I haven't gotten all the way through this thread yet - but it looks like you decided to stick it out - and I'm glad to see that! Pay attention to the positive encouraging posts and ignore all the hateful mean ones. Maybe some of them thought "tough love" would help, but many of them are just................ mean - a true reflection of their personality, I'm sure. Those people aren't the ones you want to surround yourself with anyway. Best of luck to you in your journey!