Good-bye MyFitnessPal



  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    Rebel, I did read some negative comments, but for the most, eveyone wrote you telling you how bad that decision was going to be. If you quit now , chances are you wont be around to see your children marry and you will have health problems in your future
    I messged you, and you never replied. I also was looking at your diet for the last couple of weeks and I did notice tons of soduim and processed foods, which dont help in weight loss

    again, please message me, I am not a professional, but I can share some tips and hints with you to help you...........again, you have 14 pages of posts from people who care.....remember, they took the time to reply, so its not like they didnt care, were here for support........take care, best wishes and please reply , I think I can help ,as well as you can friend me..............Best wishes, Lloyd

    Amen to this post. The reason we were all upset is because we don't like to see people giving up before this lifestyle change has had a chance to take effect. I would WANT people to get upset at me if I did something like this.

    Glad to hear you're giving it another shot, Rebel. God bless...
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    I also quit things when they get hard. That's why I'm fit and successful in general. Oh wait, that's right...I don't quit things.

    Damn straight.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    aww, thanks haley..........I hope he replies, I really thought alot about him, knowing Ive been in his shoes, and yeah, there was a time I thought of never being able to lose my weight.........its very discouraging, but I hope he sees that he does have people who care and want the best for him.................thanks for that nice post haley , I hope he stays
  • ste73
    ste73 Posts: 90
    could'nt have said it better myself
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Dude, if you are not already gone.

    Drop the web site if that is what you want.

    If you do, instead of trying to "diet". Try to make a life changes. Start small and then add things as you go.

    I.E. Give up soft drinks (Sugar filled sodas like Coke or Pepsi< even the diet versions). Replace with water and non-sweetened teas.

    Once a change has become a habit try something else. Give up potato chips.

    As you go along start reading labels to understand the sugar & sodium content of what you are eating and adjust.

    Etc. , etc,

    (Note, not commenting on what you currently eat. I am just making suggestions. I have not perused your food so I do not know what you have been eating).

    In addition, add a regular exercise. I.E. walking 1 mile 3x a week.

    As with the food, add things as what you are doing gets easier.

    As you increase your regular physical activity and moderate your food intake your body will adjust naturally.

    Good luck with what ever you choose to do.
  • 1sisrat
    1sisrat Posts: 267 Member
    that is not enough time to think it doesn't work. your weight gain could be water weight, muscle swelling, etc.... seriously... be more mindfull on sodium intake, processed foods, diet anything, and realize that it's more about what you eat than how you workout. by just staying active continuously you would be healtheir than sitting all day and then running a marathon. have more faith in yourself and in your abilities. 2 or 3 weeks isn't enough time. I'd understand if it was 6 months and you had been to the doctor to rule out any medical illnessess.
  • beernutz
    beernutz Posts: 136
    I just don't know what to say anymore. I am tired of people reading only the past weekend in my food diary and telling me im eating wrong next time read longer or do you just read the last page of a book and thats it The Harry Potter Books must have sucked you had no Idea why they ended the way they did. I don't eat processed foods it might be entered like that because thats the closest I can find to what it was. I don't have time in class to add every single recipe i do I done have a choice over what I make so I just quick add calories and I try to go high since its hard to log a bite of this and a bite of that.

    Thank you all that have been positive and the ones that think I am quitting yes I thought that but I am not so stop acting like I am and try something nice instead of how I am screwing up. With all of your negative posts it makes it harder to want to keep going but the positive ones I love they keep me going Now I know most of the people that post after this are only going to read the first one so screw off read he other posts I have put up be fore you judge me to harshly

    I think you are being unrealistic in your expectations for how people should have reacted to your initial post.

    When you get this many people reading and anonymously responding to what you write you've got to have a thick skin (figuratively) because you are absolutely going to get a wide distribution of responses between extremely supportive and the other end of the spectrum. If you were expecting everyone who responded to be 100% extremely supportive, given what you wrote which was essentially a rejection of something many readers feel very strongly about, I have to think you haven't been using web forums very much or very long.

    Here is my attempt to be supportive: Hang in there.
  • monchand
    monchand Posts: 62 Member
    funny how we gain this weight over time, years.....but expect it to fall off instantly, fast......but this is the price we pay for our years of over indulgence. I use myfitness pal to help me track everything I put in my mouth. don't give up stay focuses success comes with time. p.s. you can make your diary private also
  • finallyhappening2011
    finallyhappening2011 Posts: 73 Member
    This is disappointing that you would give up on yourself like this, I think you should really reconsider. I understand that it is a process but believe me you can do it, if I can push myself then so can you. Anyway whatever you decide good luck.
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 645 Member
    WOW with so many comments so fast I cant quote all of them and respond so ill do it real quick right here. Yes, I felt down from this mornings weigh in. And thank you all the negative people that want to call me a quitter or they feel apauled because I felt like quitting your posts started becoming very funny and I was picturing you on a soap box preaching to everyone who read it like none of you ever thought about quitting so I am going to say this........GO PISS UP A ROPE.

    For everyone else thank you for the kind supportive words I am not going to quit. I tried to friend as many as I can I love and appreciate the help. Thank you

    I am so happy for you that you are staying and I apoligize for all the rude people. I rarely ever post anymore because of the soap box people they do make it difficult try to tune them out and only hear the positive.
  • Moriarty_697
    Moriarty_697 Posts: 226 Member
    For what it's worth, I started my journey at 280. For three months I didn't get much in the way of results. I exercised a lot but my eating just wasn't there. I finally got smart with the diet and things clicked. Now I'm over 40 pounds lighter and I'm finally getting hopeful that I can keep it off. Immediate results have never been guaranteed for any of this stuff. It's going to take time, lots of time. But it will come together if you work at it. I look at it this way - I spent the last couple of decades getting big and unhealthy. Expecting to reverse it all in a few weeks just won't happen.

    If you are truly too busy to track your diet then you either have a ridiculously busy life or you may need to rejig your priorities. It's not easy. It sometimes frustrates my friends and family when I take a lot of time fiddling with my phone or the computer putting everything in but that's what I need to do. I realize that this is what it takes for me to be healthy so I will take the extra time to do it.

    It's funny how elastic time is. When my doctor started telling me how many days a week I should exercise and for how long, I thought he was nuts. It was depressing to think of how much time I was going to have to waste doing something I didn't really enjoy. Oddly enough, it hasn't turned out this way. When I take the time to exercise, I find I wind up with more time to do things because my energy levels are up. I don't feel like I'm dragging my butt from one thing to the next. I'm not saying I'm a ball of energy or that I still don't enjoy a good afternoon nap, but I notice a big difference. Even a brisk morning walk makes all the difference, so much so that I have started packing running shoes and workout gear even when I go on vacation.

    For the record, I don't diet. Could never really find one I liked or trusted. Instead, I found four words I could abide by: eat less, move more. MFP has helped me with this as has mapmyride (or walk or run, etc.).

    Good luck.
  • ladyluck4210
    ladyluck4210 Posts: 107 Member
    I'm kinda glad I saw this today. I was feeling discouraged myself since I haven't lost anything at all this week. I did really well last month, but I haven't lost anything this month. Thank you everyone who posted something. I'm not a quitter by nature but this has been a real struggle for me since my knee surgeries 7 years ago. After reading some of these replies it's given me a motivation to keep going. TY!

  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    beck, I plateaued for 4 months, and now have lost 26 in the last 2.5 happens

    just stay focused, be patient, it will come off.............I got discouraged, but ...NEVER GAVE UP, and everyday I would work out, count cals, etc...................nada

    then all of a sudden, my plateau again, just stay focused, and most importantly , be patient.............Lloyd
  • gjspiller
    gjspiller Posts: 115 Member
    i was so glad that you decided to keep going. i saw your post a few days ago and decided to check in and see what your decision was.

    i know how you feel. i'm in the same boat, mentally. i feel like there's a wall i need to break through.

    don't look at the negative comments. there's more positive and supportive ones here. and the negative comments do come from a "good" place. i don't think anyone on MFP wants to see anyone feel like they're failing or wants them to quit.

    it's a new week (for you and me). let's make those small changes.

  • justavoice1989
    justavoice1989 Posts: 132 Member
    Look at your picture! There's no better reason to not quit than that little girl in your arms. Open up your diary so people can see them and give some pointers. Get some more MFP friends because they are an amazing source of love and support. There are answers and reasons to all of this stuff. Don't just walk away. I was 408 and after a week was ready to quit and continue my unhealthy life, as short as it was gonna be. I'm down to 280 now with the thanks of mfp!!!!!

    couldnt say it better myself =]
  • tamsrule
    tamsrule Posts: 9
    First of all...your weight loss is not anything to belittle. Every little bit counts. This journey is a marathon, not a sprint. Your body has become so accustomed to being overweight that you can't expect it to get small over night. This journey is HARD and it totally SUCKS sometimes, but you cannot quit. I am at my goal weight and I still struggle everyday, it's just who I am, this is my addiction. You are literally giving up because the scale is not saying what you want it to...don't give up!

    I so tatally agree!!! This is a journey..
  • bluebutterflye
    The first thing I can say is you sure didn't try very hard, you weren't even at it a month......if a person is really serious about losing weight they atleast try for a year, no matter what. You also don't mention what you eat. If you are eating alot of cooked foods (even whole cooked foods) it's alot less healthier than raw fruits and veggies. Ones goal should always be in becoming healthy first, not the weight.