Do you really need the gym to achieve to your goal?



  • Selly7749
    Selly7749 Posts: 48
    I have to admit, I really love the gym and really miss it at the min - in Sheffield, where I go to uni, the gym is a 10 minute walk from my house, and it's full of people who are all different shapes and sizes, and I used to go with a big group of my girlfriends, who were really supportive, and a lot of fun to descend upon a gym with! In Birmingham, where I am now with my family, I don't have that, and while I'm enjoying the walks and the anthea turner exercise video (!) I miss the social time with the girls, or even the times when I went on my own. There was something really nice about plugging in my i-pod, jumping on the cross trainer, and blocking out the world for a bit, as well as exercising. I also think a lot can be said for classes at the gym, and the staff at most gyms. Mine were great, tailored a fitness programme for me, helped me with diet and anything I was confused by. Gym's nice! Anything that gets you moving about and feeling good is great. :)
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I have just posted this up on my blog and thought it would probably make a better topic, I'm sure it will stir up some friendly banter as many people will have different views! Here we go!!

    Do you really need the gym to achieve to your goal?
    Yes I have asked myself the question and NO I don't need the bloody gym. Why? Because it's crap that's why! It's the dullest, ugliest waste of space I have ever seen, well apart from a few ex boyfriends! ;-)

    Unless you want to look like Johnny Bravo then why bother? Why would I want to pay money to do something I hate? I have enough chores at home! I don't want to stroll down to the local gym on my days off work, feeling worse than what I do when I'm going to work and pay for the privilege!

    Just be active and live life! Go for a nice walk in the park or swimming with the kids! Drive over to your nearest seaside and swim in the sea. Go play sports games with your friends and go hiking with a picnic at national parks. Ride your bike to the city and have lots of sex with the person you love and just be happy!

    Lets face it, I'm fat because I get cabs instead of the bus, I get the bus instead of walking and I eat takeaways more often than not because I finish late from work and I can't be arsed cooking! The reasons above are why I'm fat, it's not because I don't go to the gym, it's because I'm not active! The gym is for people who want to keep fit, not get fit! That's why they keep going back because that's what they like to do it's a hobby! Let's not kid ourselves here ladies and gentlement if I liked to go to the gym and bust my gut I wouldn't be squeezing into size 18 jeans I'd be on the cat walk next to Naomi Campbell! That's just it we all wouldn't be fat if we actually loved going to the gym because we'd be there flexing our muscles to the opposite sex instead of pretending we like it!

    I had an amazing walk with my best friend today, we talked about life, love and our futures, it was great! We walked 9 miles and even more amazingly I burnt over 1000 calories! We walked to a small town outside of the city, found a local pub and had a diet coke and then walked back, it was great and I can't wait until tomorrow and we can do it all over again! I'll reach my weight loss goal enjoying my life thanks not killing my spirit in the process, ack!

    That is all /takes a bow ;-)

    Hm. I don't go to the gym to flex my muscles or to impress the other sex. I go because *I* enjoy the way I feel when I bust my butt working out.

    Please, don't generalize why people go to a gym. It would be like me picking at people who choose to workout at home. Not necessary. Do what works for you - but don't criticize those of us who use a gym (perhaps you're being critical because you'd like to try a gym out and are too nervous?).
  • TheSarahHill
    TheSarahHill Posts: 185
    This is my point though guys, motivation and spirit? What do you need that for? My point is don't make it about working out, or using machines or sweating like a mad woman infront of some energetic skinny person on a DVD.

    Just go out and spend time with your friends, family and loved ones, just walk instead of bussing, or do more active things that you all enjoy and eat balanced meals.
  • Thanks for posting this! It's nice to know that others agree that having a gym membership and some change in your back pocket isn't the only way to weight loss success.

    I think we as a society forget that people did go walking, swimming, biking, and such before the invention of the gym.'s a flower for you! :flowerforyou:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    No you don't need a gym to achieve your goals, but for some people it helps them stay motivated for working out and trying new exercises. Everyone has different goals and will achieve them in differing ways. So to each his own. FInd that exercise you will do for a lifetime, whether its in a gym, the outdoors or you own house....just keep moving!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Well. For ME -- I DO need a gym.

    I've tried working out at home to lose weight and it doesn't work for me. I find myself making excuses why I don't need to workout today and next thing you know - I'm never doing it.

    Having a gym membership makes me want to go and workout. I picked one that is on my way home from work so I can just stop on my way home if I'm feeling a little eh about going.

    I work on my feet, so I need something with higher intensity to lose weight.

    And at the end of it all - I really do love my gym. I love having all the different machines available to me all the time. It's awesome.

    So, for some of us ... we DO need a gym to achieve our goals. I truly believe I wouldn't be below my original goal weight without my gym.

    Agree with Chevy, I need the gym. I need it for motivation and inspiration. I like the structure of an aerobics class, I like the equipment that I could never afford to stock my house with. I don't think that makes me weak, I think it makes me smart for finding out what works for ME. Everyone is on a journey, and as long as you keep your eye on the prize, why is my way of getting there "wrong" just b/c it is different?

    I don't see how how people choose to workout is wrong -- if it works for them. I can't workout at home because I won't stick with it -- does this mean all the people who DO workout at home are wrong? Absolutely not. Just because *I* choose to use a gym (and not for flirting - as I have a boyfriend I go to the gym with, flexing or impressing someone else -- I'm there to WORK OUT) doesn't make me wrong either.
  • BetterWithAge
    BetterWithAge Posts: 691 Member
    I need the gym. I feel more motivated when there are people around me working out. At home, there are too many distractions and I am constantly getting interrupted. I would love to have friends that want to get active. But, the few that I have are quite content trying to keep up with their kids. They gym by my house is not all hard bodies either. I would say about half of the people are overweight like me and are there to burn calories. I have a wonderful selection of machines and free weights along with classes and a theater. I will keep my membership :)
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    I had a gym membership for years, but i can count on one hand how many times I went in the last year. Now, I am home...I get sweaty, hop in the shower and thats it. I have a whole room dedicated to weights and yoga mats, and I actually use them. They arent collecting dust, like my gym membership card was. To me, the more toned I got, the more guys would harass and it made it less appealing to be at the gym. When I am at home, there's no one but my boyfriend (who works out with me most of the time) and Shaun T or Tony one disturbing me.
  • TheSarahHill
    TheSarahHill Posts: 185
    I have just posted this up on my blog and thought it would probably make a better topic, I'm sure it will stir up some friendly banter as many people will have different views! Here we go!!

    Do you really need the gym to achieve to your goal?
    Yes I have asked myself the question and NO I don't need the bloody gym. Why? Because it's crap that's why! It's the dullest, ugliest waste of space I have ever seen, well apart from a few ex boyfriends! ;-)

    Unless you want to look like Johnny Bravo then why bother? Why would I want to pay money to do something I hate? I have enough chores at home! I don't want to stroll down to the local gym on my days off work, feeling worse than what I do when I'm going to work and pay for the privilege!

    Just be active and live life! Go for a nice walk in the park or swimming with the kids! Drive over to your nearest seaside and swim in the sea. Go play sports games with your friends and go hiking with a picnic at national parks. Ride your bike to the city and have lots of sex with the person you love and just be happy!

    Lets face it, I'm fat because I get cabs instead of the bus, I get the bus instead of walking and I eat takeaways more often than not because I finish late from work and I can't be arsed cooking! The reasons above are why I'm fat, it's not because I don't go to the gym, it's because I'm not active! The gym is for people who want to keep fit, not get fit! That's why they keep going back because that's what they like to do it's a hobby! Let's not kid ourselves here ladies and gentlement if I liked to go to the gym and bust my gut I wouldn't be squeezing into size 18 jeans I'd be on the cat walk next to Naomi Campbell! That's just it we all wouldn't be fat if we actually loved going to the gym because we'd be there flexing our muscles to the opposite sex instead of pretending we like it!

    I had an amazing walk with my best friend today, we talked about life, love and our futures, it was great! We walked 9 miles and even more amazingly I burnt over 1000 calories! We walked to a small town outside of the city, found a local pub and had a diet coke and then walked back, it was great and I can't wait until tomorrow and we can do it all over again! I'll reach my weight loss goal enjoying my life thanks not killing my spirit in the process, ack!

    That is all /takes a bow ;-)

    Hm. I don't go to the gym to flex my muscles or to impress the other sex. I go because *I* enjoy the way I feel when I bust my butt working out.

    Please, don't generalize why people go to a gym. It would be like me picking at people who choose to workout at home. Not necessary. Do what works for you - but don't criticize those of us who use a gym (perhaps you're being critical because you'd like to try a gym out and are too nervous?).

    Sorry love that was just a joke about fit people, good on them for being fit too! If I was fit I'd be flexing my muscles! My first line says friendly banter I am just exercising my point about the gym.

    Also apart from me finding it like a chore and work yes I am under confident in the gym and I'm always concious about my fat *kitten* jiggling everywhere!
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    I am one of those people who need the gym. There are too many fun and entertaining things to do at home that don't involve being active. I can have good intentions, but seldom get much in the way of exercise there. And I live in a place where exercising outside just isn't much of an option for several months of the year. (We've been hitting triple digits for well over a month now; no way I'm going out in that for longer than it takes to run to the car to get me to somewhere else air conditioned.) Though if you live in someplace more temperate, being outside would be lovely. For the few years I got to live in southern Germany I'd walk or ride my bicycle for hours at a time.

    I really do best with a dedicated time and place to exercise.
  • Nope BUT I REALLY like it there, no distractions
  • TheSarahHill
    TheSarahHill Posts: 185
    I had a gym membership for years, but i can count on one hand how many times I went in the last year. Now, I am home...I get sweaty, hop in the shower and thats it. I have a whole room dedicated to weights and yoga mats, and I actually use them. They arent collecting dust, like my gym membership card was. To me, the more toned I got, the more guys would harass and it made it less appealing to be at the gym. When I am at home, there's no one but my boyfriend (who works out with me most of the time) and Shaun T or Tony one disturbing me.

    Well said my love! Good on you!
  • bmmadden
    bmmadden Posts: 499 Member
    I need the gym too just goes to show you that everyone has their own way to get to the same goal. I go to the YMCA very family oriented not a bunch of bodybuilder types plus affordable being based on your income so I really enjoy it and there's lots of classes to take to give your workout a variety also, However going to the gym gave me the momentum I need to start doing things outside the gym and at home on my days off, so I go to the gym couple days a week and do walks as well as DVDs at home
  • sclosson
    sclosson Posts: 120
    I like my spin class. It is social time and helps me stay accountable 2 x a week. That being said, I would much prefer to just live an active lifestyle and feel good enough to do what I want. I can finally walk and breathe at the same time and that is feeling great!
  • RattieLove
    RattieLove Posts: 125
    I love going to CLASSES at my gym :) Sure I can run and walk and pop in workout videos at home. I go for walks to enjoy nature and refresh my mind and spirit, but for an intense butt-kicker, I do spin and sculpt classes at my gym. :) Because they burn loads of cals, and tone my butt and legs. And they're fun! I totally agree with you on losing weight naturally though, by being more active. I'm trying to do that at the same time as hitting the gym every couple days a week for a higher level of fitness. Also I do agree that you don't need a gym to lose weight.. but to get reallyy fit when you're not overweight anymore (like me, trying to just trim away fat and tone up), I need to incorporate some type of intense workouts into my week.

    Thanks for posting this!

    EDIT: I agree with lots of people in that it also is great motivation to push myself harder, especially with all the other people in the class who I feel are "watching" me haha. Even though that's not the case, I like to think they are so that I work extra hard. ;P
  • jenstanley13
    jenstanley13 Posts: 193 Member
    I am another "need the gym" person. I work from home and going to the gym to work up a sweat is my break from the is too hot outside to walk the dog for the length of time I want to walk and well, I find the elliptical trainer and other machine options more interesting than walking in the heat by myself and they give me direct feedback on calories burned, how long I've been working out, my pace, etc. I also enjoy the structure and variety of classes that are available to me.

    As far as affordability, check to see if you community's recreation center has memberships and what all they offer; I know my recreation center has a decent size weight/cardio room, they offer different classes, an indoor walking track, etc. and it is all only $15.00 a month; way cheaper than most "gyms" in my area.

    Bottom line, everyone has their own preferences and will reach their goals their own way. There is not right way or wrong way (generally speaking) the point is that we all get out there and work toward our goals. As for the gym being for people who love fitness not for those trying to get fit; I personally am trying to get fit and maintain a good level of fitness to set an example for my daughter...if I was solely doing this to lose weight then it would never last once I quit working out.
  • rharris86dc
    rharris86dc Posts: 635 Member
    I totally get where you are coming from, but I also totally love my gym! So while I started out going to get fit, I know I will continue to go to keep fit!

    Plus, that's where my Zumba classes are!
  • CaptainMFP
    CaptainMFP Posts: 440 Member
    You know there's another perspective on gyms, don't you? I am achieving my goals without a gym because there isn't a good one near me, but here are some reasons I would LIKE to go to a gym.

    I love to swim but live in a desert...the nearest seaside is more than 3 hrs. away by car...I used to swim at the gym!
    I love to play basketball but don't have public courts near me...I used to play ball at the gym!
    I love to play racquetball but can't afford my own court...I could play racquetball at the gym!

    It's more than weight lifting and cardio machines at a good gym. And while I love the Johnny Bravo reference (c'mon, how many didn't even get that?), I don't think the gym is just for people who try to get huge as a hobby. I've never been an athlete, I don't want that body, and I know I don't need the gym...but I miss the gym!:wink:
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    I love going to CLASSES at my gym :) Sure I can run and walk and pop in workout videos at home. I go for walks to enjoy nature and refresh my mind and spirit, but for an intense butt-kicker, I do spin and sculpt classes at my gym. :) Because they burn loads of cals, and tone my butt and legs. And they're fun! I totally agree with you on losing weight naturally though, by being more active. I'm trying to do that at the same time as hitting the gym every couple days a week for a higher level of fitness. Also I do agree that you don't need a gym to lose weight.. but to get reallyy fit when you're not overweight anymore (like me, trying to just trim away fat and tone up), I need to incorporate some type of intense workouts into my week.

    Thanks for posting this!

    EDIT: I agree with lots of people in that it also is great motivation to push myself harder, especially with all the other people in the class who I feel are "watching" me haha. Even though that's not the case, I like to think they are so that I work extra hard. ;P

    same here! i need the classes.. i try doing insanity at home, and yeah its an amazing workout, but when i am in a class full of people i cant go sit on my couch when it comes to push ups. which is what i do at home lol
  • TheSarahHill
    TheSarahHill Posts: 185
    I love going to CLASSES at my gym :) Sure I can run and walk and pop in workout videos at home. I go for walks to enjoy nature and refresh my mind and spirit, but for an intense butt-kicker, I do spin and sculpt classes at my gym. :) Because they burn loads of cals, and tone my butt and legs. And they're fun! I totally agree with you on losing weight naturally though, by being more active. I'm trying to do that at the same time as hitting the gym every couple days a week for a higher level of fitness. Also I do agree that you don't need a gym to lose weight.. but to get reallyy fit when you're not overweight anymore (like me, trying to just trim away fat and tone up), I need to incorporate some type of intense workouts into my week.

    Thanks for posting this!

    EDIT: I agree with lots of people in that it also is great motivation to push myself harder, especially with all the other people in the class who I feel are "watching" me haha. Even though that's not the case, I like to think they are so that I work extra hard. ;P

    Haha good response!
    Thats my point though, people go to stay fit and keep in shape, the majority of people who are fat don't tend to stick with it otherwise they wouldn't be fat.
    People who are really fit pride themselves on going because they like being fit and that's what they like to do. Thats not a bad thing but I'm not fit hence why I hate the gym I think it's a drag! Now if I was fit and I loved the way I looked and I always wanted to improve it or maintain it then maybe!

    xxx :-)