Do you really need the gym to achieve to your goal?



  • brown_eyed_girl_06
    I have just posted this up on my blog and thought it would probably make a better topic, I'm sure it will stir up some friendly banter as many people will have different views! Here we go!!

    Do you really need the gym to achieve to your goal?
    Yes I have asked myself the question and NO I don't need the bloody gym. Why? Because it's crap that's why! It's the dullest, ugliest waste of space I have ever seen, well apart from a few ex boyfriends! ;-)

    Unless you want to look like Johnny Bravo then why bother? Why would I want to pay money to do something I hate? I have enough chores at home! I don't want to stroll down to the local gym on my days off work, feeling worse than what I do when I'm going to work and pay for the privilege!

    Just be active and live life! Go for a nice walk in the park or swimming with the kids! Drive over to your nearest seaside and swim in the sea. Go play sports games with your friends and go hiking with a picnic at national parks. Ride your bike to the city and have lots of sex with the person you love and just be happy!

    Lets face it, I'm fat because I get cabs instead of the bus, I get the bus instead of walking and I eat takeaways more often than not because I finish late from work and I can't be arsed cooking! The reasons above are why I'm fat, it's not because I don't go to the gym, it's because I'm not active! The gym is for people who want to keep fit, not get fit! That's why they keep going back because that's what they like to do it's a hobby! Let's not kid ourselves here ladies and gentlement if I liked to go to the gym and bust my gut I wouldn't be squeezing into size 18 jeans I'd be on the cat walk next to Naomi Campbell! That's just it we all wouldn't be fat if we actually loved going to the gym because we'd be there flexing our muscles to the opposite sex instead of pretending we like it!

    I had an amazing walk with my best friend today, we talked about life, love and our futures, it was great! We walked 9 miles and even more amazingly I burnt over 1000 calories! We walked to a small town outside of the city, found a local pub and had a diet coke and then walked back, it was great and I can't wait until tomorrow and we can do it all over again! I'll reach my weight loss goal enjoying my life thanks not killing my spirit in the process, ack!

    That is all /takes a bow ;-)

    haha! :)
  • alpepp
    alpepp Posts: 55 Member
    Mind over matter. The gym makes you face a lot of ugly truths you wouldn't realize at home, especially when you go with your buff boyfriend and you are a lump

    Am I fat? Yes.
    Do I look dumb doing this exercise? Yes.
    Is that meathead glaring at me because he doesn't think a woman should be lifting free weights? Yes
    Is that skinny you-know-what that doesn't need to be at the gym talking to my boyfriend while doing bentover rows? Yes
    Do any of these things matter? NO

    Once I got over the glares from the meatheads and finally realized that one day, I will be a skinny you-know-what, going to the gym was/is easy.
    IMDABEAST Posts: 74 Member
    I have dropped 207 pounds and my wife has lost 115+... we did this without going to a "gym", but we do have equipment at the house to use. I have lost in the past by going to the gym, but it is better for me to have the means to do it at home. Good luck on your journey and stay focused.:smile:
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    My primary fitness is with exercise DVD's these days, but I still have a gym membership. Going back to the gym has been a wake up call for me. Seeing people walk at 2 mph on the treadmill, stand around talking for a half hour, reading a book while slowly peddling on their bike really taught me a lesson in intensity compared to the pace in the DVD's. Now when I go to the gym, I hit the floor fast and hard and I'm out of there within an hour.

    I'm not trying to look like Johnny Bravo, just don't want to look average.
  • TheSarahHill
    TheSarahHill Posts: 185
    Mind over matter. The gym makes you face a lot of ugly truths you wouldn't realize at home, especially when you go with your buff boyfriend and you are a lump

    Am I fat? Yes.
    Do I look dumb doing this exercise? Yes.
    Is that meathead glaring at me because he doesn't think a woman should be lifting free weights? Yes
    Is that skinny you-know-what that doesn't need to be at the gym talking to my boyfriend while doing bentover rows? Yes
    Do any of these things matter? NO

    Once I got over the glares from the meatheads and finally realized that one day, I will be a skinny you-know-what, going to the gym was/is easy.

    Haha brilliant!!!!
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    The Gym is for some people and not for others! my Husband swears by the Gym,and I can't stand it.I have a baby and teenagers and am a stay at home mom,so I would not have the time to go to the Gym!I do Turbo Fire when the baby is sleeping and I have lost weight and am on my way to my goal!!
  • fab50G
    fab50G Posts: 384 Member
    To each her own. I like the gym, but I also like being active in other ways.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I have just posted this up on my blog and thought it would probably make a better topic, I'm sure it will stir up some friendly banter as many people will have different views! Here we go!!

    Do you really need the gym to achieve to your goal?
    Yes I have asked myself the question and NO I don't need the bloody gym. Why? Because it's crap that's why! It's the dullest, ugliest waste of space I have ever seen, well apart from a few ex boyfriends! ;-)

    Unless you want to look like Johnny Bravo then why bother? Why would I want to pay money to do something I hate? I have enough chores at home! I don't want to stroll down to the local gym on my days off work, feeling worse than what I do when I'm going to work and pay for the privilege!

    Just be active and live life! Go for a nice walk in the park or swimming with the kids! Drive over to your nearest seaside and swim in the sea. Go play sports games with your friends and go hiking with a picnic at national parks. Ride your bike to the city and have lots of sex with the person you love and just be happy!

    Lets face it, I'm fat because I get cabs instead of the bus, I get the bus instead of walking and I eat takeaways more often than not because I finish late from work and I can't be arsed cooking! The reasons above are why I'm fat, it's not because I don't go to the gym, it's because I'm not active! The gym is for people who want to keep fit, not get fit! That's why they keep going back because that's what they like to do it's a hobby! Let's not kid ourselves here ladies and gentlement if I liked to go to the gym and bust my gut I wouldn't be squeezing into size 18 jeans I'd be on the cat walk next to Naomi Campbell! That's just it we all wouldn't be fat if we actually loved going to the gym because we'd be there flexing our muscles to the opposite sex instead of pretending we like it!

    I had an amazing walk with my best friend today, we talked about life, love and our futures, it was great! We walked 9 miles and even more amazingly I burnt over 1000 calories! We walked to a small town outside of the city, found a local pub and had a diet coke and then walked back, it was great and I can't wait until tomorrow and we can do it all over again! I'll reach my weight loss goal enjoying my life thanks not killing my spirit in the process, ack!

    That is all /takes a bow ;-)

    Hm. I don't go to the gym to flex my muscles or to impress the other sex. I go because *I* enjoy the way I feel when I bust my butt working out.

    Please, don't generalize why people go to a gym. It would be like me picking at people who choose to workout at home. Not necessary. Do what works for you - but don't criticize those of us who use a gym (perhaps you're being critical because you'd like to try a gym out and are too nervous?).

    Sorry love that was just a joke about fit people, good on them for being fit too! If I was fit I'd be flexing my muscles! My first line says friendly banter I am just exercising my point about the gym.

    Also apart from me finding it like a chore and work yes I am under confident in the gym and I'm always concious about my fat *kitten* jiggling everywhere!

    Why on Earth do people make fun of fit people if they are ON THIS WEBSITE? Aren't you on this site to lose weight and be fit?

    Why would you make a joke about someone who is fit then? Seems a bit hypocritical to make a joke about the exact thing you are trying to achieve, no?

    Right I have given you an explaination, I am not making fun of fit people in a bad way, of course I want to be fit! I am sorry if I have offended you that was not my intention but if I can't say anything else to you for you to feel any different towards me then I suggest you don't comment on my topic and read one that doesn't offend you!

    I'm not offended at all. I'm simply telling you that I think you have tunnel vision when it comes to the people who go to gyms and who use gyms as a way to workout, lose weight, be fit, etc. Considering you haven't been to a gym - you're making judgements on the people who use them based on a cartoon character. Or whatever. Do what works for you, but I don't find it necessary to be critical of the choices other people make.

    I am not being critical I have expressed my view of why I don't like the gym. I have been to a gym, I have had memberships, I didn't stick to it because I didn't have the will power and I hated it, it bored me. I am not commenting being a hypocrit, I have done all the things that I talk about on here. I'm still fat because I didn't stick with it! This is my whole point!

    And it's perfectly okay to not like going to a gym. What irritates me is when people generalize people who DO enjoy going to a gym. THAT is my point. I enjoy it. It's helped me lose 60lbs and go from over 200lbs to 143lbs. It's perfectly fine to say "I don't go to the gym because I don't enjoy it" but don't be critical of those who DO go and who DO find success from it. I don't find success from simply working out at home, but never would I tell someone they're lazy or don't work as hard as I do because THEY don't go to a gym.

    I went to a lot of gyms before I settled on the one I attend. I wanted somewhere that I could be comfortable and actually concentrate on working out. My gym has young, old, skinny, fat, tall, short people in it. All walks of life go there and I like that. It has 24 hour access so I can go when it is convenient for ME.

    Like I said, you don't have to like going to the gym - but, starting a thread where you are criticizing those who DO use it isn't productive to anyone.
  • awelch79
    awelch79 Posts: 233 Member
    While I agree the gym is not a necessity for is for me...and more than just the gym: group classes...
    I stick with it more because I take classes with many of the same people everyday and we motivate each other. Everyone does it there own way, and (unfortunately bc I could find much more to do with the $$), mine is the gym!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    My gym is at home. Win/win :happy:

    I do agree with just getting out and moving in general though. The technical term is NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenisis). Basically, more you move, the more you burn. Doing little things here and there as you say like walking the stairs instead of the elevator, walks at lunch time etc. all add up to your total daily energy expenditure. Means you don't have to starve yourself to lose weight which I'm sure most people would be happy with!

    Re actual exercise though: Find what you love and do it. Then it doesn't seem like a chore at all.

    Oh and there is more to being fit than being skinny.
  • BabyDuchess
    BabyDuchess Posts: 353 Member
    Is it wrong that I DO want to look like Johnny Bravo? :laugh: :laugh:
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    Depends on your goals. If you are just looking for a calorie burn, then no you don't need the gym. But if you want to improve your fitness and performance, then yes you need a gym or a decent home gym. 

    There is a lot of focus on the forums around just losing weight or being skinny, while some people are actually training themselves to perform better at a given task. If you look at any athlete, they don't just practice their sport; they step outside of their sport and in to a gym to work on increasing their abilities whether they be speed, strength, power, endurance, etc... And if you look at an athlete vs a person that is just skinny, chances are the athlete will look better too... Which would you rather be?
  • Mucky_Duck
    Mucky_Duck Posts: 73
    I love going to group fitness classes held at the gym and find them good at keeping me from getting in rut of the same routine. But I think a big factor of my enjoyment is the social aspect and support. I don't think the gym is always needed but I would say having a workout buddy or group does give a huge boost to keeping one on track.
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    I actually did get fit and lose my weight at the gym. I would love to get my friends to be more active on a regular basis, but my best friend is lazy, and she wouldn't mind me saying that. She says it all the time and wishes she had any desire to be active. Although she is skinny, which can piss you off :) My fit and active friends are the people I have met at the gym by going to the gym 5 days a week. I wish I would have ever been motivated to lose weight without the gym, but I get home and the couch is so comfy :)
  • MzMiller1215
    MzMiller1215 Posts: 633 Member
    Your ideas are great IF I had friends to workout with. The truth of the matter is, if I don't get my *kitten* out of the house, I wouldn't exercise that much. Being at the gym motivates me even more because I see alot of very fit people killin' it at the gym, which makes me want to work harder to achieve my goal. I also like that my gym offers great classes such as Zumba, Power Class, Spinning and Yoga. If I didn't have a membership, I'd have to pay separately for all of those classes and that could get very costly. Everyone is entitled to his or her opinon and this is my opinion.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    As always, the answer is - yes for some people, no for others!
    I've been a member of gyms before and have found that I really enjoy it and it can be a great way to lose weight and keep me motivated to get to my goal.
    At the moment I don't have a convenient gym so I walk, ride my bike, do sit ups at home and go running. They all fit into my lifestyle and have helped me lose weight and tone up.
    So, it certainly not necessary but for some people it helps.
    I do think you make a good point though about being more active in our daily lives. I almost always lose weight when I go on holidays (with the exception of 10 days in Bali which involved more breakfast buffet and Bintang beer than was good for me!) because I'm more active than in my regular life where my job it quite sedentary.
  • TheSarahHill
    TheSarahHill Posts: 185
    Depends on your goals. If you are just looking for a calorie burn, then no you don't need the gym. But if you want to improve your fitness and performance, then yes you need a gym or a decent home gym. 

    There is a lot of focus on the forums around just losing weight or being skinny, while some people are actually training themselves to perform better at a given task. If you look at any athlete, they don't just practice their sport; they step outside of their sport and in to a gym to work on increasing their abilities whether they be speed, strength, power, endurance, etc... And if you look at an athlete vs a person that is just skinny, chances are the athlete will look better too... Which would you rather be?

    Hehe like that point of view! I would just like to be slim, wear jeans without a muffin top, not bothered about being skinny or fit to be honest. I just want to be active and of average size :-)
  • TheSarahHill
    TheSarahHill Posts: 185
    Is it wrong that I DO want to look like Johnny Bravo? :laugh: :laugh:

    Hehe brilliant! ;-) x
  • abdehor
    abdehor Posts: 16
    I need the gym as well, I go to Yoga and Pilates classes and swim. I know I would never excercise other than walk my dog if I didnt have to make the effort to go out of house.
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 847 Member
    the op assumes alot.

    1) that people have the time to go hiking walking with friend etc
    2) that people don't do this already & also go to the gym
    3) that they live in an area with the environment available to walk alone or go hiking, climbing
    4) that everyone is able to & has friends available to drop everything & go walk for hours on end.
    5) that everyone is free of responsibility to be able to spend hours walking/chatting with friends whilst out exercising in nature rather than "showing off" at the gym

    I personally use the gym becuase I don't feel I push myself enough doing dvds at home & sadly, unlike the lucky op, don't have numerous hours to get such great exercise in nature.

    I use the gym as I can go once I'm in from work, put my son to bed & dealt with the things that need doing for next day before heading off the the gym at 8.30pm. At the weekend I take my son to a kids active classes at my gym to give me an hour after cleaning & laundry & before food shopping & various other activities/jobs/chores that need doing to compliment my calorie controlled diet. And yes, there is results from using the gym, as there would be with any form of exercise, mine if mostly about toning & cardio. Other people like to build muscle.

    Exercise, as it should be, is entirely up to the individual why & how they do it. And not the place of others to be snide about it.