The Diamond Challenge: Round 3 - Wk 3 (DITR



  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    QOTD SATURDAY....... What makes you tick? What motivates you? What makes you get off your booty and do THIS?

    I am sick of being fat. Getting on te scale and seeing my heaviest number was like a slap in the face. I had told my friend just a week prior that I knew what to do, I just needed to care enough to follow through. I wish I could say that I'm motivated by my daughter, or my health...but I'm not. I'm completely selfish in this. I want to lose weight because I don't just want to turn heads, I want to break necks! I've never been that girl and it's my turn! I want to be HOT!

    On the days I don't feel like doing anything, I log on to MFP and feel bad about being lazy. Everyone else is kicking butt and they'll see my diary if I sat on my butt all I feel obligated to keep up with the pack! Great job twisting my arm into commitment, guys! :happy:
  • lustris
    lustris Posts: 152
    Hi Ladies, I hope you don't mind a "Doll" sticking her head in here! Seeing as I will be part of this amazing DITR soon enough, I figured I should become a part of your QOTD's...just so you get to know me a little bit!

    QOTD SATURDAY....... What makes you tick? What motivates you? What makes you get off your booty and do THIS?

    Good Question!
    First off, I would have to say MFP and the Diamond Challenge motivate me. It keeps me signing in every day and logging everything!! Without the help of MFP and everything it entails, I imagine I would have given up a long time ago. Secondly, my "doll" partner motivates me. She lights that fire under my b*tt and keeps me going full speed everyday. Lastly, I want to set a good example for my son, my husband, and my friends. I want them to see that being healthy doesn't entail working out 6 hours a day and only eating green leafy foods, that you can actually fit healthy into your life!! Oh ok, one last thing...I want to look smokin' hot naked...don't we all?!

    Go Diamonds!
  • morefitmom
    morefitmom Posts: 264 Member
    QOTD SATURDAY....... What makes you tick? What motivates you? What makes you get off your booty and do THIS?

    It ticks me off for someone to point out that I gained weight! Damn it, I know it!:explode:

    All of my gal pals and Diamond team push and motivate me. Shout out to my partner Lisa. When she burns 600 plus cals a day. It makes it hard for me to sit on my butt!
  • journey2size10
    QOTD Friday: What is the worst diet/weight-loss/exercise advice you have ever gotten?

    A close family member told me not to lift weights and that it would make me bigger. I have been lifting weights for almost 2 years now and I look hella strong and its actually reduced the size of my body and I love it!

    QOTD Saturday: What makes you tick? What motivates you? What makes you get off your booty and do THIS?

    Well said, peanut, I wanna break necks too!
    I want to look in the mirror and focus on my smile and my face, not on my middle section. I want to go into my closet and pull anything out and KNOW not only that it will fit, but that I will look damn good in it. I also know, I do not want to spend my entire life being overweight...the time has come for a change. I want to be the exception in my family not the rule!
  • HungryMom
    HungryMom Posts: 280
    OMG Thank you Diamonds! There was a question last week about low calorie snacks and a few of you recommended Laughing Cow wedges. I took your advice and tried them tonight. Soooo good!
  • stepbystep6
    stepbystep6 Posts: 88 Member
    QOTD SATURDAY....... What makes you tick? What motivates you? What makes you get off your booty and do THIS?

    A few people have asked me this, and I didn't have an answer. I have needed to lose this weight for years, but for some reason now is the time.My first thought is being more active with my kids and to set a better example for them, but if that was my motivation why didn't I do this when they were born? I am beginning to believe it is all about rediscovering myself. With each loss over the last 15 years I have lost bits of myself. I lost my father and a dear friend, had two miscarriages, and gave up my Master's and my career to move with my husband. I didn't know who I was or what to do with my time other than being a mom. Last year I made a commitment to find time for myself. I made friends, went out without the kids, and developed hobbies other than eating. This year that new found self is shedding the fat so the outside matches the inside-- happy and healthy.

    Thankyou for sharing this, I can relate to not knowing who I am outside of my role as a mom - it consumes me.

    As for my response to QOTD SATURDAY....... What makes you tick? What motivates you? What makes you get off your booty and do THIS?

    The scale moving down (not up) is hugely motivating! Feeling more energy and more alive when I intentionally and consistently move this body of mine. Seeing others success and soooo looking forward to posting my success story in about a years time!
  • kkmark
    kkmark Posts: 558 Member
    QOTD SATURDAY....... What makes you tick? What motivates you? What makes you get off your booty and do THIS?

    Motivates me is my pictures from my first college here in US after that i gained almost 20 pounds n recently my parents n sis n aunt were saying i gained alot of weight so that gets make my butt get up n go

    Its in a good way loosing weight just want to be healthy get married and have kids

  • ActiveFaith10
    ActiveFaith10 Posts: 230 Member
    QOTD SATURDAY....... What makes you tick? What motivates you? What makes you get off your booty and do THIS?

    What makes mme tick? The thought that I have slowly let myself go after HS! Motivation is the thought I can be whoever I want to be and do anything I stick my mind to. This has been a great journey and Ive learned so much.. I am determine to look good by the end of the summer and feel great about myself. My family motivates me and pictures from my past. The constant thought I CAN do this and only at most 2 hours a day will get me to my overall goal doesnt seem much to me..
  • kaveril422
    kaveril422 Posts: 116 Member
    QOTD Friday: What is the worst diet/weight-loss/exercise advice you have ever gotten?

    Herbal supplements for weight loss from my sister in law - tried them 1 day and was so jittery I could barely even function (they were almost all caffeine!)

    Oh yeah, how could I forget about those! I took something similar and it felt like I was on drugs! TOTAL jitters.

    Anything that made me jittery was horrible, but I continued to try pills any way.
  • kaveril422
    kaveril422 Posts: 116 Member
    My motivation started out as my wedding and then it just turned into me wanting to do this for myself bc u it makes me feel good and I can wear smaller clothes. I gain a little more confidence and self esteem each day.
  • michelle_eiz
    michelle_eiz Posts: 100 Member
    QOTD SATURDAY....... What makes you tick? What motivates you? What makes you get off your booty and do THIS?

    My original motivation was my brother's wedding coming up in Florida mid October....I didn't want to be the fat bridesmaid! Now I look at it and realize that I need to do this for myself! I want to be able to play and run with my girls and not be worn out after 10 minutes!
  • cshine06
    cshine06 Posts: 139 Member
    Qotd Sunday :how do you make your healthy lifestyle a journey and not an obsession?
    I find my self worrying about being healthy 24/7 lately I have been doing less weigh ins and just doing my best daily with eating and exercise. I do better when I don't worry all the time ....
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    Qotd Sunday :how do you make your healthy lifestyle a journey and not an obsession?
    I find my self worrying about being healthy 24/7 lately I have been doing less weigh ins and just doing my best daily with eating and exercise. I do better when I don't worry all the time ....

    Oh my gosh, my (absolutely amazing) partner Lauren and I were JUST talking about this! One thing that I really want to work on is the frequency that I weigh myself. It is not unusual for me to step on the scale 4 times in a day! I know, terrible. That is definitely an area where I feel like I obsess. Otherwise, I have started knowing which foods keep me full and satisfied and which activities I enjoy doing... this helps me focus less on food and calories and more and having fun and eating foods I like.
  • nkfowler74
    nkfowler74 Posts: 127 Member
    QOTD Thursday: What is the worst purchase you have ever made? My ex-husband's wedding band. lol

    QOTD Friday: What is the worst diet/weight-loss/exercise advice you have ever gotten? Either the cabbage soup diet or the baby food diet. I guess any fad diet is bad advice, but those 2 stick out in my memory.
  • nkfowler74
    nkfowler74 Posts: 127 Member
    QOTD SATURDAY....... What makes you tick? What motivates you? What makes you get off your booty and do THIS?

    My short term motivators are my younger brother's wedding on 9/10/11 as well as my 20 yr high school reunion set for May/June 2012. I'm 5'1 and graduated high school weighing 90lbs. I don't want to go back to my reunion this much bigger!

    My other motivation: I want to be healthy and have the energy to keep up with my 3 active kids. Plus I want to feel good about myself and be able to shop for thre clothes that I want to wear.
  • nkfowler74
    nkfowler74 Posts: 127 Member
    Qotd Sunday :how do you make your healthy lifestyle a journey and not an obsession?

    My first frew weeks I was more obsessed....getting on the scale everyday....some days more than once. But over the course of the past fews months, I have talked myself into getting on the scale once mid-week and once for my weekly weigh-in. I stopped leaving the scale out in the bathroom and put it away so it wasn't easily accessible.
  • brknllama
    brknllama Posts: 113 Member
    QODT Saturday: my motivation
    seeing the scale go down after years of having weight problems is a great motivation.
    Qotd Sunday :how do you make your healthy lifestyle a journey and not an obsession?
    i don't....i do obsess over the scale and amount of calories i eat.
  • KPstartingover
    KPstartingover Posts: 268 Member
    Qotd Sunday :how do you make your healthy lifestyle a journey and not an obsession?

    I weigh in twice during the week - once for my actual weigh-in, and once as a "pre-weigh." I find I obsess more about getting on mfp and spending too much time on the computer looking at the boards, etc. I am still a bit obsessed with counting calories as well, although now I don't weigh everything I eat (I am more used to guaging portion sizes now than before I got my scale). The biggest thing is that when I go out, I just order the right food without telling everyone I'm ordering the right food and how many calories it has!
  • yacekl
    yacekl Posts: 113 Member
    Qotd Sunday :how do you make your healthy lifestyle a journey and not an obsession?
    Hi everybody back from vacation sorry I missed a few days.

    What a great question. mmmm I think I make my healthy lifestyle a journey and not an obsession when I realize that it is a journey, there will be some ups and downs but as long as I stay on the journey I will be ok. I must say easier said then done for me. I tend to obcess about the food then about getting on mfp then about exercising . Then I realize I'm not focusing on the healthy part of the journey and I refocus on what's important and how can I be more balanced in my thinking and living out this journey. I don't know if that makes sense to anybody butI know that this question is something that I would want to ask myself often because I don't want this to be an obsession.
  • pverbarg
    pverbarg Posts: 490 Member
    Qotd Sunday :how do you make your healthy lifestyle a journey and not an obsession?

    For me it's finding the balance with the good and bad days and not punishing myself for those periodic indulgences. If I'm really craving something, I try not to deny myself but eat just a resonable amount. When I'm not seeing results I've come to expect, I also try to take an honest look at what's going to to see what might be causing it - be it just water intake, or just a week where I indulged more than once. I also try to treat each day individually so I'm not letting 1 bad one set the tone for an entire week.