The Diamond Challenge: Round 3 - Wk 3 (DITR



  • journey2size10
    Qotd Sunday :how do you make your healthy lifestyle a journey and not an obsession?

    Girl, this is a HARD question. I find that I do the best when I call myself obsessed! I am on the boards, focused on the gym, focused on eating right and eat, breathe and dream about reaching my goals. When I am not that way, I tend to slack off. It's been more than 2 years now on this journey and I still struggle with this and think it will be a lifetime struggle. The one thing I can say is that alot of people lose weight and then just gain it all back, I have fell on the side of the bus quite a few times but have not fell completely off, which is a great accomplishment in my eyes. Even when I am slacking off it is either with food or exercise, never with both, so it's a struggle and I'm a work in progress.

    Great question, FYI!
  • majpal
    majpal Posts: 41 Member
    QOTD Sunday ~ A healthy lifestyle is a journey, not an obsession

    I do not have an ending date. I have a goal weight, but when I reach it I know I will be working to maintain that weight. I want to be healthy for the rest of my life. Also, I don't deprive myself of anything I am craving (I just eat it in moderation), and I only do exercises that I enjoy and want to keep doing.
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    QOTD Sunday ~ A healthy lifestyle is a journey, not an obsession

    I have a hard time not being obsessive. Maybe I'm more "focused" or "dedicated"... I have good days and bad. When I have rough days, my MFP family helps me from going crazy. I try to focus on doing my best on a daily basis and try to to worry about tomorrow or next week until I get there. I don't have an end date, I will get there when I get there.
  • morefitmom
    morefitmom Posts: 264 Member
    Qotd Sunday :how do you make your healthy lifestyle a journey and not an obsession?

    I think that you make a it a lifestyle rather than an obession by enjoying your changes. Finding exercises that you enjoy, foods that you like. Also not obsessing over the scale, but focusing on being healthy. It will show on the scale anyway. Like others, in the beginning I was always on the scale. I still sometimes step on more than once a week to see how I am doing :blushing: But atleast its not everyday.
  • TwinMom12409
    Qotd Sunday :how do you make your healthy lifestyle a journey and not an obsession?

    For me it is a journey and one I have been on for a long time. There are periods of time where I get obsessed but more often than not I just try hard to do my best. Sometimes I screw up- (hello 3 pounds gain!) and give in to cravings, sometimes I am dead on. It's tough for me to find a balance. I am either all or not much. I feel like I have been in the not much category.

    I also try to focus on small goals instead of the big picture. Losing 70+ pounds sounds scary. Losing 5 pounds (even when I have to do that 14 times) does not.

    Tough question!
  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    Qotd Sunday :how do you make your healthy lifestyle a journey and not an obsession?

    Great question! My friend's know me well for my obsessions and this is my current one, although it has lasted since February! Before this it was knitting!
    I am desperately trying to see this as a lifestyle change rather than a phase or a hobby, but it's quite tough. I still see a huge chocolate fudge cake as a reward at the end of the rainbow, whereas I should just be seeing my super fit body!!!
  • ActiveFaith10
    ActiveFaith10 Posts: 230 Member
    Qotd Sunday :how do you make your healthy lifestyle a journey and not an obsession?
    I allow myself to undugle sometimes so im not consantly thinking about what I cant have and a journey means lots of learning about nutrition, fitness and myself, no obsession are healthy and Im not really the obsessive type, just more mindful!
  • KPstartingover
    KPstartingover Posts: 268 Member
    I am desperately trying to see this as a lifestyle change rather than a phase or a hobby, but it's quite tough. I still see a huge chocolate fudge cake as a reward at the end of the rainbow, whereas I should just be seeing my super fit body!!!
    I am agreeing with you 100%. It scares me to have to think about maintaining after I reach my goal. I've never been very good at the maintenance phase (which is why I keep having to lose). :blushing: :embarassed:
  • morefitmom
    morefitmom Posts: 264 Member
    I am desperately trying to see this as a lifestyle change rather than a phase or a hobby, but it's quite tough. I still see a huge chocolate fudge cake as a reward at the end of the rainbow, whereas I should just be seeing my super fit body!!!
    I am agreeing with you 100%. It scares me to have to think about maintaining after I reach my goal. I've never been very good at the maintenance phase (which is why I keep having to lose). :blushing: :embarassed:

    I agree, I am a little scared of getting to the maintenance phase too. I am afraid that I will get complacent and gradually put the weight back. I know the key is to not stop what we are doing. Sure we can eat a little more when we aren't trying to lose. But, still healthy food and still while continuing to exercise weekly.
  • ElleJay221
    ElleJay221 Posts: 104 Member
    Qotd Sunday :how do you make your healthy lifestyle a journey and not an obsession?

    I have my days when I obsess more - and days when I am more laid back. I do weigh myself every morning - and sometimes at night too - but that is down from the 5-6 times a day I would weigh myself at the beginning. I plan my workouts in advance, but if I am not able to do one as planned, that it okay, as long as most of the week has gone as planned. My healthy lifestyle is definately still a work in progress.....but I'm getting there!
  • kkmark
    kkmark Posts: 558 Member
    QOTD Sunday ~ A healthy lifestyle is a journey, not an obsession
    Great question

    Hmm i am trying to get to the place where i am not obsessed. I have 2 cheat days Sat n Sun i know its too much but for me i am satisifed n back on track from mon- fri which is a health lifestyle where i am not stopping my self and then binging. I am obsessed with labels now i am like no it has more sodium and carbs so we r getting used to choosing right

    Have great day diamonds
    Go blue diamonds

  • musicgirl88
    musicgirl88 Posts: 504 Member
    QOTD Sunday: I don't!! It's both right now. I know I need to do this in a healthy way, and I know it's not something that I can just stop doing and expect to keep losing weight. But I am also a little obsessed. I get so tired of the ups and downs, and I know I start to obsess over the food that I'm eating because not only do I not see results on the scales, but I also don't see results when I measure. I'm still trying to figure out how to not obsess, but I know that I do!
  • michelle_eiz
    michelle_eiz Posts: 100 Member
    Qotd Sunday :how do you make your healthy lifestyle a journey and not an obsession?

    Honestly, I think that I am still in the obsession phase! I still weigh myself atleast once everyday.....more like two times a day! I am still working on getting healthier meals in...have a freezer of leftovers that need to be eaten (not really one to waste food). I have found some new recipes to try once the leftovers are gone. I will say it is hard. I have always been one to try and get the weight off the easy way...fad diets, diet pills, etc. I have finally realized all that I have to change and am starting to make those changes..slowly, but they are happening. So I think once I learn how to start adjusting things, then it will become more of a lifestyle and less of an obsession.
  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member
    QOTD SATURDAY....... What makes you tick? What motivates you? What makes you get off your booty and do THIS?

    What keeps me motivated is seeing old pictures of myself big and small. Also I'm just tired of being overweight. I know it's God's will for me to lose this weight this year. So I gotta get it done.

    QOTD Sunday ~ A healthy lifestyle is a journey, not an obsession

    If I considered myself dieting than this would probably be an obsession but i don't believe in diets. I just know that if I make good choices daily, weekly, monthly etc than I am on the right path.