Pin-up Girls - WEEK 7



  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    INCREDIBLE!!!! Great job everyone
  • loverstreet
    loverstreet Posts: 227 Member
    I can't believe how stuck I am. I had a GREAT weigh in on Saturday but by Tuesday it was totally out of control. Now TOM has shown up. It's like my body likes the safety of the 140 number. I don't want to see 140 anymore! I am in week three of C25K so hopefully the exercise will start showing up on the scale one of these days.

    I'm so proud of everyone in this challenge! Congrats to everyone for sticking with it, through good weeks and bad. This challenge keeps me going every day and every week. I would have fallen off track a long time ago if it wasn't for Rach and all the Pin Ups, so thank you!

    Have a great rest of the week! :happy:
  • miriamtorason
    miriamtorason Posts: 208 Member
    So, after weeks and weeks of grousing, I get on the scale this morning and find... 196 even. O.O;;; Yesterday was still 202, so... WHA?!? Next up... see if I can hold it until Monday, or even make it better!

    Gasp, shock, stunned, how did I manage to lose 5.6# overnight?
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Week 7? Wow! Thanks, Rachel!
  • sthrngl2007
    sthrngl2007 Posts: 37 Member
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I updated the chart. It make take a few hours to show up for some of you.

    It used to change the image here, instantly, but I think MFP now temporarily saves images for faster page loading, so I notice that it takes a few hours for me to see it update.

    I need to find a new image hosting site though. Photobucket sucks now and constantly gives me errors when I'm trying to upload, and freezes the browser and everything.
  • light1980
    light1980 Posts: 158 Member
    Sorry it's late...up 2 pounds (again)...154....grrrr!!! I say it's muscle...i have been lifting the last 3 weeks....keeping my fingers crossed...this weekend I have a graduation party in Michigan then coming back home for Neil's (the bf) grandma's 80th bday party on Sunday....oh man....I have to be very careful...the drinking is the problem....I will just say I"m the DD this weekend!! GREAT JOB TO ALL WHO LOST OR MAINTAINED...and for those who gained, myself included, WE CAN DO IT!!!!! :-)
  • kelleypf
    kelleypf Posts: 152 Member
    Ugh I wish I could have seen a change this week but I've been eating like a horse lately and going over my calories. I'm trying to be better this week because I leave for the beach on Monday! Hopefully it'll show in my weigh in. Godd job everybody:happy:
  • Hannahrenee86
    Way to go Ladies!! I am back from vacation (for a couple week anyway) so I am focusing on getting my workouts in and drinking water!
  • luvs2pugs
    luvs2pugs Posts: 52
    Congratulations everyone! We are doing so great!!! I love this program. I love the support and reading everyone's comments. Thank you so much Rach for all of your hard work. You are the best!!!
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    ::ahem:: tell me about this Pin Up Girls group you ladies have going ... I'm a huge fan of the Pin Up and groups on MFP. :D
  • frostiegurl
    frostiegurl Posts: 708 Member
    Great job ladies!

    My goals this week are to get in plenty of pool time for exercise and to cool off. I'm finding exercise in the water to be fun and productive. I also plan on working on doing strength exercises, drinking loads of water and staying on track with my logging and eating wholesome and nourishing foods.

    I'm hoping to be at 150 by the time classes start on august 29th. :happy:
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    CONGRATS! and KEEP IT UP! to the ladies who lost this week!!!

    KEEP UP THE HARD WORK! to the ladies (including myself...ugh) who did not! lol!

    My weight has been up over the last 10 days or so from too much and too little. Too much alcohol, too much sodium, too much sweet stuff. Too little water, too little exercise. I'm getting back on track this week and am already seeing the scale move in the direction I would like it to!

    I've been kicking butt at bootcamp and realizing that I am stonger than I thought (I can actually do push-ups on my toes!!) and that makes me feel AWESOME!!!

    Goals for this week are to keep cooking for myself, get plenty of water, get plenty of exercise and stop stressing over the scale.

    Hope you all have a great week and a fabulous weekend!!!!
  • PrincessBTits
    WTG everyone!!
  • Helinah26
    Helinah26 Posts: 288
    Great job everyone!
  • Serenitytoo
    Serenitytoo Posts: 449 Member
    Thanks Rach and good job Ladies!

    My goals this week is to stay on top of my workouts. I managed to get 2 in on Monday burning over 1200 calories but only did the 30DS in yesterday morning. It is getting too hot here to do too much in the afternoon. Missed my morning one today due to allergies and an unexpected request from work rearranging my entire morning lol.
  • MoonMyst3
    MoonMyst3 Posts: 423 Member
    Fabulous work Pin-ups!!
  • kate2004rock
    kate2004rock Posts: 223 Member
    I moved 3 hours to Houston yesterday and started my new job today!!! So sorry my weigh-in is a little alte!!

    I stayed at 163, which is good consiering my 2-3lb TOM gain and loss and my less than stellar food choices last week. But alreaduy doing better this week!!
  • suzumichan
    suzumichan Posts: 127
    Im hoping to lose 2-3 lbs this week. or at least stay the same. I've had a bad week so far :( So much sickness and soda x_x :embarassed: Im so embarassed that I drinked so much soda as i did this week. (Putting it together I drink over 5 liters of soda compared to 7 liters of water) thats only a 2 liters of water difference. :cry:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    On Day 43, beginning of Week 7 of P90x! My diet could be a LOT cleaner and I've taken more rest days than are scheduled in the program but I'm definitely happy with the results I've seen so far. Going to take some measurements tonight. Really wanna push it the next 2 weeks and have some awesome 60 day photos.

    My weight is back up a bit but I'm not logging it until Monday. Need to go back to eating breakfast, packing lunch, and getting in all my protein. :ohwell: