Caloric Intake & Body Fat



  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    I was mizled into thinking I didnt have to count my alcohol calories. Boy, was I wrong. That friends was a major mizler.

    Every calorie counts, even the supplements people take.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    Assuming you calculated your body fat levels correctly (almost impossible I might add), you gained muscle mass during a deficit, which is HARD to do for a woman. You have to understand that lean body mass (or fat free mass) can be everything from connective tissue, water, glycogen, blood. And around 20% of your body's lean body mass is there solely to support the added fat mass of an overweight person.

    Losing 20% lean body mass during an extended cut is quite the normal, and some lose 30%. The only way you aren't losing lean body mass is two reasons.
    1. You've gained muscle to offset your lbm lss
    2. You've calculate your lean body mass incorrectly. (most likely)

    it's not that impossible to measure body fat. What you need to do is look for consistancy and measure as many spots as possible to ensure a proper reading. I measure 10-12 different spots on my body, each spot, i have to get 3 consecutive measurements that are teh same before I count it. Many times, I have to measure 20-30 times until I get a good consistant reading.

    Also, if maintain a small deficit and have a good stength training program, it is easy to maintain LBM . In fact, I have done this my entire journey. I will say, I didn't have overly too much to lose. Now people that have 50-100 lbs could have a different result compared to my 20-30 lbs. Generally, what I have been seeing since I joined is people still live the by myths of lots of cardio and very low calories which causes their bodies to lose muscle before fat. Because lets face it, when you only eat 1200 calories, it is hard to eat enough protein to maintain, let alone gain muscle mass.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    To the top... Still collecting more data. Hoping to write some results this weekend.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    Anyone else want to participate? I woudl greatly appreciate it.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    i have no idea by bodyfat % i'd guess it's in the 11-14% range. i'm 28, 5'6, 138 and have cut on 1800ish cals
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    i have no idea by bodyfat % i'd guess it's in the 11-14% range. i'm 28, 5'6, 138 and have cut on 1800ish cals


    If you profile picture is actually you, then your body fat is more like 6-8% unless you are really fat in the legs, which probably isn't likely. I am 12 % and still have a small gut around my lower abs. Also, men generally need 8-10% or lower to have a six pack.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    i have no idea by bodyfat % i'd guess it's in the 11-14% range. i'm 28, 5'6, 138 and have cut on 1800ish cals

    If you profile picture is actually you, then your body fat is more like 6-8% unless you are really fat in the legs, which probably isn't likely. I am 12 % and still have a small gut around my lower abs. Also, men generally need 8-10% or lower to have a six pack.

    don't think i'm single digits, very little vascularity in my lower ab region, just starting to see the big vein in my bicep become visable without a pump, chest is not striated just yet

    i will say the US navy test and calipers have me pretty low, but don't think they are right
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    also my avg weekly cals are a bit higher then 1800 since as i've gotten leaner i've thrown in structured refeeds and when i go out to restaurants all bets are off, i may have 5k+cals if i go out to eat
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    i have no idea by bodyfat % i'd guess it's in the 11-14% range. i'm 28, 5'6, 138 and have cut on 1800ish cals

    If you profile picture is actually you, then your body fat is more like 6-8% unless you are really fat in the legs, which probably isn't likely. I am 12 % and still have a small gut around my lower abs. Also, men generally need 8-10% or lower to have a six pack.

    don't think i'm single digits, very little vascularity in my lower ab region, just starting to see the big vein in my bicep become visable without a pump, chest is not striated just yet

    i will say the US navy test and calipers have me pretty low, but don't think they are right

    Except if you get some professional company that uses crazy machines, the caliper is the most accurate measurement if you do it right. I have had a professional (certified nutritionist) and use calipers myself and come out with the same answer. I use 10 different measurements and require 3 consistant measurement before I accept it. This way, i reduce huge swings or outliars. So, I am pretty confident I am at 12% and my body isn't as lean as yours. Also, keep in mind, that you can't judge body fat by veins because some people have naturally smaller and deeper veins, also, hydration level affects if veins pop out. So if several methods say you are single digit, would start to believe.

    I personally eat 2800 calories (I am doing chalean extreme, beach body product) and almost done. I will be doing p90x again in 3 weeks, so when I do, I have to bump my calories intake to 3200 and that includes a 400 calories deficit, I am 5'11" @ 196
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    yeah i'm not sure, if i looked like i did in my profile pic unflexed i'd agree and say i was single digits but my abs don't like quite that visible unflexed, maybe i'm greatly overestimating my bf though
  • LickyNees
    LickyNees Posts: 101 Member
  • duckpond11
    duckpond11 Posts: 197 Member

    argh, those shredded and sliced pictures are like something out of a horror movie and make me want to vomit. Guys, don't ever do that to yourself, totally icky!
  • CharNordie
    CharNordie Posts: 96 Member
  • gsenriquez
    gsenriquez Posts: 181 Member
    **bump** i want to read this thread later on...
  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Age: 39
    Weight: 132
    Height: 5'5
    Sex: F
    Body Fat : 20.3%
    Daily Calories: average 1800

    It's ten days later and I need to update mine. :smile:

    Current Weight: 130.5
    Current BF: 19.9%

    I averaged about 1800 calories during that time, and was aiming for a half pound a week loss. I'm going to up my calories another 100 a day. Not quite to maintenance, but just a .25 pound a week loss, and see how that goes.

    Update. Two months later, still averaging around 1800 a day, possibly more because I don't count or care about calories on weekends.

    Current Weight: 127
    Current BF: 18.9%
  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    Are you still looking for contributors or do you have a large enough sampling?
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member

    AGE 46
    HEIGHT 5'5.5"
    WEIGHT 156
    BODY FAT 30.20
    BMI 25.56
    CALORIES 1800
    I weigh 152 right now 156 was Sept. 10th . I would like to have 24- 22 bmi
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    Are you still looking for contributors or do you have a large enough sampling?

    i sure am... keep them coming