The Reel Winners [CLOSED GROUP]



  • babydull
    babydull Posts: 727 Member
    @GoneWithTheWhinge so sorry to hear of your husbands illness... take care of him AND yourself!!!! Best wishes to you both!

    Thanks Babydull for keeping us going! I'm feeling stronger today so I will be a better contributor! :embarassed:

    You can do it mate. Let's focus now on sending some love out to Okie and GoneWithTheWhinge, and scoring ourselves some serious burns!
  • macenro
    macenro Posts: 160
    I haven't been able to exercise the last few days. The heat index has been well over 100 degrees. Maybe tomorrow it will cool down enough.
  • Whatnow50
    Whatnow50 Posts: 93
    Sat 7/23 355 calories... maybe more later, will update if I do
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    July 22
    0 calories
  • Whatnow50
    Whatnow50 Posts: 93
    Sat 7/23 355 calories... maybe more later, will update if I do

    163 more so... 355+163= 518 total for Sat 7/23

    Yay, I'm back on track! :bigsmile:
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    July 23
    1006 calories
  • leahdanbury
    leahdanbury Posts: 132 Member
    July 23
    293 calories
  • babydull
    babydull Posts: 727 Member
    Awesome work guys. Here are the upcoming challenges from Lee:

    'MONDAY >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DOUBLE DAY !

    WED>>>>>>>>>>> WATER WATER WEDNESDAY !!!
    each team member will be awarded 10 mile per glass of water up to a maximum of 9 glasses (90 miles) !! we could not play this game without trust, so you are all trusted to tell the truth and drink up !!!!

    FRIDAY>>>>>>>>>>> DOUBLE DAY !!!!!


    Attacking boats that are near you (two in front or any behind) and get their highest cal burns on both SAT AND SUNDAY and TRIPLE that one persons miles !!!!! '
  • babydull
    babydull Posts: 727 Member
    I haven't been able to exercise the last few days. The heat index has been well over 100 degrees. Maybe tomorrow it will cool down enough.

    Totally understandable. Wish we had a little of that over here in London though.
  • babydull
    babydull Posts: 727 Member
    Also just to let you know, I'm still trying to find a replacement for MyFriendLinn. The miles will be updated once i have done so.
  • babydull
    babydull Posts: 727 Member
    Sorry, I should learn to keep all my comments to one post. If I were to start messaging the biggest burner for the week, would you guys find that de/motivational?
  • babydull
    babydull Posts: 727 Member
    More news from Lee:


    After a very good point was made to me by Heather75 (thanks honey), its occurred to me that that i have acted quite irresponsible!

    I know that people like to have the games up front so they can plan there weeks etc, however i know that a lot of people are killing themselves to move their boat...... and a few are risking injury !

    to that end i will be inserting REST DAYS in to our challenge, but will think of a different way that people can still move the boat.


    there will be a rest day EVERY WEEK ! but will compensate by adding an extra double day etc

    I hope you understand why i am doing this, i just want to make sure that we all complete the game safe and healthy ! '
  • Whatnow50
    Whatnow50 Posts: 93
    Sunday July 24 750 calories burned!!! I'm stoked! :)
  • babydull
    babydull Posts: 727 Member
    Sunday July 24 750 calories burned!!! I'm stoked! :)
    Brilliant! Well done!
    Don't forget today (mon) is DOUBLE POINTS DAY so lets all make it a good one!
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    Sorry that I've forgotten to send updates the last couple of days. Getting ready to go on vacation soon, and this weekend was quite busy.

    Friday, 7/22, 602 calories
    Saturday, 7/23, rest day
    Sunday, 7/24, 351 calories

    I have a session with my trainer today. Depending on what we do I'll try to get in some extra cardio since it's a double day. :)
  • babydull
    babydull Posts: 727 Member
    Sorry that I've forgotten to send updates the last couple of days. Getting ready to go on vacation soon, and this weekend was quite busy.

    Friday, 7/22, 602 calories
    Saturday, 7/23, rest day
    Sunday, 7/24, 351 calories

    I have a session with my trainer today. Depending on what we do I'll try to get in some extra cardio since it's a double day. :)

    Terrific. Not to worry, I took your burns from your diary.
    Ok, enjoy!

    Last week we burned a total of 27450 calories, for a total of 1098.08 miles! Which is terrific, as we have been two men down for some of that period.
    But we're currently 20th out of 23 boats, so we can do better!
    Let's really out-do ourselves this week.
  • Selly7749
    Selly7749 Posts: 48

    I'm Selly, I had a little blog stressing out about exercise and the like earlier, and babydull saw and invited me to join your team, so here I am! And quite excited really :) I'll get exercising, and talk to you all later!

  • macenro
    macenro Posts: 160

    608 Calories Burned
  • Whatnow50
    Whatnow50 Posts: 93
    Welcome Selly!

    Good work everyone, let's move that ship!

    513 for me today x 2 = 1026
  • Selly7749
    Selly7749 Posts: 48
    588 from me today :) xxx
This discussion has been closed.