The Reel Winners [CLOSED GROUP]



  • babydull
    babydull Posts: 727 Member
    Haven't been able to contribute the last couple of days since I pulled something in my ankle. It is starting to feel better though so I will give the elliptical a whirl tonight and post after that. Starting to get nervouse about doing my race at the end of the month with this ankle thing going on BUT I WILL finish one way or another! Have a great day all and will post again later :happy:

    Aw hope it gets better super quick! Take it as easy as you can.

    Great work, team.

    I've noticed our boat hasn't moved for a few days. I suspect GoneWithTheWhinge is having computer problems again. Hopefully that'll be sorted out soon, but I'll keep an eye on it in case we need to update in her absence, if it continues.

    Today's burn= 610 cals / 50= 12.2 miles.
  • Whatnow50
    Whatnow50 Posts: 93
    Mon 7/18 0 calories burned
    Tues 7/19 0
    Wed 7/20 392

    So sorry team... I'm struggling a bit but trying to turn it around.... :(
  • leahdanbury
    leahdanbury Posts: 132 Member
    july 20th
    1278=25.56 miles
  • babydull
    babydull Posts: 727 Member
    july 20th
    1278=25.56 miles

  • babydull
    babydull Posts: 727 Member
    Mon 7/18 0 calories burned
    Tues 7/19 0
    Wed 7/20 392

    So sorry team... I'm struggling a bit but trying to turn it around.... :(

    That's 392 that gets us closer to the finish though!
    I know the feeling. Maybe it's time to switch it up, try something new which excites you? Belly dancing, running etc?
  • babydull
    babydull Posts: 727 Member
    It's Thursday here, so to remind you,

    "THURSDAY IS DRUNKEN KIDNAP DAY......................... You silly crew! you all went out the night before and got drunk.... and as normal you have attacked a boat ..........but for some reason you have managed to kidnap their person with THE LOWEST CAL burn that day ! lucky for you I will allow you to triple that one persons burn to add........ and oh yes.......... ONLY ATTACK A BOAT THAT IS IN YOUR GENERAL AREA !!!!!! "

    I do wonder what would happen if the lowest burn is zero though...In GoneWithTheWhinge's absence I'll pick a boat and message the captain.
  • babydull
    babydull Posts: 727 Member
    I picked team Jack SparRow Row Row as they're one of the nearest boats presently.
  • babydull
    babydull Posts: 727 Member
    Thursday 21st: 976 cals burnt/50 = 19.52 miles.
    I hope GoneWithTheWhinge comes back soon. I don't know how to do it. :frown:
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    Calories burned on Wednesday, 7/20 = 371
    Calories burned on Thursday, 7/21 = 631
  • leahdanbury
    leahdanbury Posts: 132 Member
    July 21
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    July 19 - 496 calories
    July 20 - 802 calories
    July 21 - 162 calories
  • babydull
    babydull Posts: 727 Member
    From the Drunken Kidnap we bagged 198 calories burned, which tripled= 594/50= 11.88 extra miles closer to the finish!

    Still not heard from GoneWithTheWhinge. It's mid-day here, if I've not heard from her by this evening I will have to try to gather our miles for the past days to report in. I don't have a full list of the crew though, can anyone help with that?
  • babydull
    babydull Posts: 727 Member
    To update: I've worked out all our miles for the past six days, I'm just waiting to hear back from LeeKetty about how to report them in. Hopefully we can add on GoneWithTheWhinge's when she returns. Hope you're all having a great day.
  • Whatnow50
    Whatnow50 Posts: 93
    Thurs July 21 0 calories burned
    Fri July 22 315 calories burned

    did the captain fall overboard? :sad:
  • babydull
    babydull Posts: 727 Member
    did the captain fall overboard? :sad:

    I just got a message from her letting me know she's had a family emergency.
    I'll be happy to act as captain until things get sorted out at her end.
  • GoneWithTheWhinge
    GoneWithTheWhinge Posts: 168 Member
    So sorry team, I've had a horrid week. My husband has been seriously sick and in hospital all week, thankfully he is now on the mend but we've still got a bit of a long recovery ahead so the wonderful BabyDull is taking over as captain of our boat so all calorie burns now need to be sent to her.

    You've all been doing so well on your burns so we should see our boat power ahead now it can be updated. Again sorry for not updating but the week has just been mental (and full of hugely bad choice foods which no doubt will show in the scales!!)

    The team:


    We do now have a vacancy on our team, MyFriendLinn has had to pull out of the challenge due to work commitments so if anyone knows of anyone who would like to hop on with us then get them in! If not BabyDull it might be worth messaging Lee and seeing if he has a list of people keen to still join!

    thanks agin everyone and I hope to be adding some miles to our total soon although I'll totally understand if you want to replace me on the team as I'm not currently sure when I'll be adding any significant calorie burns
  • babydull
    babydull Posts: 727 Member
    Map's now been updated.
    Sorry to hear MyFriendLinn had to leave us. I'll ask around and if not I'll message Lee, unless anyone knows of anyone?
    Don't worry about your contribution, just see how it goes and let us know if you're going to be able to stay in.
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    Thanks so much for the update Gone. I'm very sorry to hear that your husband is having such a rough time. I hope that his recovery goes smoothly so that he is doing better very soon.

    Thanks for stepping into the captain's spot Babydull. I don't know of anyone that's looking to join at the moment.
  • Whatnow50
    Whatnow50 Posts: 93
    @GoneWithTheWhinge so sorry to hear of your husbands illness... take care of him AND yourself!!!! Best wishes to you both!

    Thanks Babydull for keeping us going! I'm feeling stronger today so I will be a better contributor! :embarassed:
  • leahdanbury
    leahdanbury Posts: 132 Member
    July 22
    246 calories