Started JM 30 Day Shred today, anyone else?



  • SarahVNeely
    Awesome way to track your progress.. I find that it holds me accountable and wanting to do better if I measure and tell people about it. Good luck!!

    I have the DVD and have been wanting to start.. maybe this is my motivation right here!!

  • cband
    cband Posts: 45 Member
    Thank you! Good luck to you as well! I wish I was a morning person so I could do it early in the day hehe. But I'm off now to get some whooping from Jillian Michaels (and listen to what I've heard very annoying music).
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Count me in - I did it earlier this year and although only lost 2lbs it was great for toning and losing inches!

    I did D1 yesterday, a bit sore today. I'm looking to do it straight through this time, although am going away later this month....

    Starting stats:

    Weight: 63.1kg
    Waist: 68 cm
    Hips: 80 cm
    L thigh: 54 cm
    R thigh: 55.5 cm
    Round bum: 91.5 cm

    Will remeasure at end of L1!
  • cband
    cband Posts: 45 Member
    Wow I'm not sure if I can go thru everyday, but I'm going to try my hardest. We'll see when I wake up hehe.
    Good luck to you (:
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    I did Day 2 this morning right when I woke up. I wasn't sore this morning at all! That is surprising because when I first tried to start a couple of months ago I only made it half way through and then the next two days I could barely walk. That is a testiment to how hard I have been working doing other things in that time.

    I was excited because I made it all the way through the warm-up without my heart rate monitor beeping at me that I was already overexerting. Pretty sad huh, but my HRM is set with a pretty low range so I regular overexert according to it. I still had a hard time doing all the reps of each thing but I just slow down a little and keep going.

    The best part is after I finished yesterday I didn't feel good. I felt like I had overdone it a little. This morning after finishing I just feel good, like you should after exercise. That is a very good feeling.

    Keep with it everyone! We can do this. Don't know if I can do it tomorrow because I have to work all day, but I will try. If not, back at it on Sunday probably with a little more cardio thrown in. Happy Friday!
  • tonialeem
    tonialeem Posts: 42
    Today's my day 2 as well, so random to start mid week, mid month but so least it's a start! this is my first time trying the program but I have a feeling I'm going to really like it, it's a super speedy work out!
    keep me posted on your progress it's always motivational to hear how everyone else is doing, totally gets me pumped to stick to my work outs.

    Congrats on your current 51 lbs of weight loss that's so Amazing!
  • junipuni
    junipuni Posts: 264 Member
    Just finished L1D2. Definitely tougher than last night. Hoping I can stick with it this time. :)
  • sigsone
    sigsone Posts: 311 Member
  • CRmom2
    CRmom2 Posts: 73
    Just finished Day 3 of Level 1 and it is getting a little easier!! My legs are still killing me but I am pushing through!! Think I will take tomorrow off and do something else to give my legs a little break but who knows...will just have to wait and see how I feel tomorrow! I tried doing it the evening today to see if that helps with the leg pain the next day...will update on that in the AM! Way to go everyone that is sticking to it!
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    I was going to do Ripped in 30, but since I've not done ANY of my JM workout DVDs in more months than I care to admit I think I'll start with 30DS tonight and next month I can move on to Ripped in 30. :tongue:
  • heather752
    heather752 Posts: 17

    I am new to this site! And new to the 30 day Shred! I just completed Level 1 Day 3 today! I have been so sore the first 3 days...but I am determined to stick with it! I will do this everyday, even if it kills me! I was very surprised that after today...I feel a lot better! Not near as sore and I could keep up better : ) Hope you end up enjoying as much as I do! I am already hooked.
  • hannahyareli
    hannahyareli Posts: 7 Member
    just finished d4l1. the jumpin was kickin my butt
    this time but not hurting as much right now, we'll see how
    i feel in the morning.
  • kiltbunny
    kiltbunny Posts: 159 Member
    Hope I'm not late to the party! Starting 30DS tomorrow after picking up the DVD and weights today! I've never done any sort of workout routine... ever.... so I'm a little nervous!!
  • sigsone
    sigsone Posts: 311 Member
    finish level 1 day 3 today. Felt really good and almost wanted to repeat it back to back (almost :laugh: ) to all the newbies to the site welcome, and to everyone else doing the 30ds stay focus and keep up the good work.
  • sunshian
    sunshian Posts: 12
    i'm hopping in with y'all tomorrow morning! Last time I tried 30day shred I didn't get past level one...yikes! I've been doing other workouts since then so should be successful this time around!
  • punk_mama
    punk_mama Posts: 93
    Day 2 done ONLY 28 more to go!! :happy:

    My husband is doing it with me, Its pretty cool we never really did any serious workouts together:heart:

    Today the kids were trying to climb through our legs and they were jumping up and down doing "jumpy jacks" we had to pause a few times cause we all were laughing so hard.
  • MaryanneBI
    Just new to the this site. Not very computer savy so excuse my ignorance to these message boards. Haven't too much experience. So can someone tell me what the 30 Day shred is. I may want to get started as well.:wink:
  • cband
    cband Posts: 45 Member
    30 day shred is a work-out DVD from Jillian Michaels. I bought it at Wal-Mart (:
    Today I finished L1D2. It was twice as hard as yesterday. Can't wait till it gets easier to keep up haha.
    Also, I posted the link to my blog on the first page. I've decided to keep track day by day when it starts to get easier. Keep it going everyone!
  • punk_mama
    punk_mama Posts: 93
    I am deciding that jillians "cool down/stretch" is NOT long enough. I used to run all the time and only when I streched atleast twice or three times as long as she has you strech my leg didn't totally kill me. Might make things "easier" with better streching after the workout.

    Day 3~~> did the workout with less intensity cause my legs are still aching. BUT atleast I did it!!! :bigsmile:
  • CRmom2
    CRmom2 Posts: 73
    Way to go punk_mama!! The idea of stretching a little longer after the workout is a great one!! I also stretched this morning after I got up to see if that will help me throughout the day...but I might still take today off to give my muscles a recovery day. I do love the workout though and can't wait to do it again tomorrow!