Started JM 30 Day Shred today, anyone else?



  • tammywho327
    tammywho327 Posts: 54 Member
    After 3 days of this workout I also learned that more stretching = less pain later on! I do the quad stretch about 3 times for 10 seconds, each leg and that has been a life saver.

    Still struggling with the jump rope and butt kicks- I can do them the first time but after that its next to impossible so I do quick knee lifts or more jumping jacks.

    Here is to my day 4!! Good luck friends :)
  • pepperedmoth
    pepperedmoth Posts: 37 Member
    I'm on day 2 today. ;-) I've never done a fitness DVD in my life (I run, and that's IT), so I felt like I was stepping back into the 80's, complete with bad music. At least there wasn't any big hair!

    At any rate, I could keep up fine, but today my quads are sore. I hope that means that they're getting stronger and I'll be able to run faster at the end of this!

    Jillian has always annoyed me. The only way I was able to get myself running regularly is to tell myself, "It's OK to back off. If you make yourself miserable you won't want to run tomorrow." In a run, I'll push myself until it's a challenge, a struggle, a fight, but if it becomes a MISERY, I back off. So I never dread exercising. At least on her TV shows, Jillian seems to like causing people misery, and I really hate that as a training strategy. Ugh.

    BUT I liked the DVD, and it was CHEEP on Amazon Instant Video. So I can't really complain!
  • sunshian
    sunshian Posts: 12
    Hey! Did day one and it wasn't a struggle! We'll see how I do tomorrow...or the day after that...

    Those of you who are stretching longer are on the right track! Each static stretch should be between 30-40 seconds to be effective. I'm giving you this info as someone with sport injury training.

    @Pepperedmoth : I couldn't agree more re: training strategy. Why overdo it to the point where you don't want to do it again? I used to think I had to kill my workouts until the past year when it occurred to me the only way to keep going and make a life change was to find exercise that I love doing and only push my own limits...not someone else's. running is next on my list ;)
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    Ok you guys all have me motivated. I am going to do day 3 today instead of taking today off. I will get home from work and get it over with before I do anything else or my resolve will fade. I will let you know how it goes.
  • princess_in_power
    princess_in_power Posts: 234 Member
    Regarding the Stretching Warming Up/Cooling Down

    I do a pilates/yoga 10-25 min video (just a random one I find through netflix) the afternoon/evening after I do her video in the AM & it has kept me moving through hers smoothly! Since pilates is about flow & control, it actually helps release the tense muscles from her workout. I LOVE the combo! It usually leaves me refreshed when I wake up in the morning to get w/it on her workout (jillian) even on weekend here!
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    Ok, I came home from work and immediately did day 3. Thanks for the motivation.

    I definately need to do 30 DS in the morning. Either that or I can't do three days in a row. I wasn't able to put as much into it today after work as yesterday. It was a little disheartening. I will try again first thing in the morning tomorrow and then I will know more. I wouldn't really say I was sore, just fatigued and not able to push myself as hard.

    Good work today everyone!
  • sigsone
    sigsone Posts: 311 Member
    Day 4 of level 1 completed. it seem just as I was warming up the twenty minutes were up lol.
    @Dusty: way to get in there and get it done!!!:happy:
  • dirzuweit2010
    dirzuweit2010 Posts: 1 Member
    How are you guys logging this into the exercise log with calories burned? I searched through the database and did not find anything in there for this.
  • pepperedmoth
    pepperedmoth Posts: 37 Member
    I don't log exercise (I adjust my activity level instead), but I think the most common way is to enter it as "circuit training."
  • ursula0601k
    ursula0601k Posts: 169 Member
    day 4 level 1 done.
  • cband
    cband Posts: 45 Member
    Regarding the Stretching Warming Up/Cooling Down

    I do a pilates/yoga 10-25 min video (just a random one I find through netflix) the afternoon/evening after I do her video in the AM & it has kept me moving through hers smoothly! Since pilates is about flow & control, it actually helps release the tense muscles from her workout. I LOVE the combo! It usually leaves me refreshed when I wake up in the morning to get w/it on her workout (jillian) even on weekend here!

    Is that on instant stream? I have Netlifx & I LOVE yoga. I'm not good at it but I enjoy it so it won't be hard to improve (:
    I just finished D3L1. It was deffinantly better than yesterday. I'm hoping the pattern won't continue and tomorrow will be good as well.
    Also, I feel my ab endurance increasing. Good luck!
  • valz2000
    valz2000 Posts: 78 Member
    Way to go everyone keep up the good work... gonna go do done yoga and then try day 3 l1 this is supposed to be my rest and heal day so we will see :)
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    Did day 4 this morning. I definately do better first thing in the morning than at night, so lesson learned. I have to take tomorrow off, so I pushed it pretty hard today. I can feel that I am getting stronger. I was able to do all the push-ups today and was getting deeper into the squats and lunges. The only part I really struggle with is the first cardio. Something about the jump roping is so hard for me. When I get through that I know I can do the rest.

    Also, weighed myself first thing this morning and I have lost two pounds since day 1! Thanks Jillian. I will try to remember that when I am swearing at her:laugh:
  • sigsone
    sigsone Posts: 311 Member
    Day 5 Level 1 complete. half way done with level one. woot! woot!
  • cband
    cband Posts: 45 Member
    Day 4 Level 1! It felt GREAT today! I over ate a little when I made pasta salad (oops) but still did way better than I expected today.

    Also my cat decided to rub against my more-than-normal sweaty forehead when I was on the floor during it *LOL*
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    About to do D4....I STILL hate the anterior raises with the side lunge!! Although, I managed to get through them...a bit slower than the DVD, but I did it!

    Re stretching, I go on to do some more cardio after the DVD so do some stretching after that. In her other DVDs she does spend longer on the stretching...:smile:
  • CRmom2
    CRmom2 Posts: 73
    Day 4 completed last night and I am feeling great today!! I did stretch for longer than she does in the video and my legs aren't sore at all today. With how late I did it last night (10:30 PM) I noticed I didn't have as much endurance as I had on other days and a few spots were a little rough to get through but I am so very proud of myself for getting through Day 4!! After not doing it on Saturday last night I just had to do was strange I felt like an addict were if I didn't get to do it I was going to lose my mind...LOL...use to be that way with cigarretes and all the junky just made me laugh last night. Happy to hear all of you have pushed through and kept going!! WE ROCK!! Plan on doing Day 5 today but probably won't be until the afternoon! Hope you all have a fabulous day!
  • pepperedmoth
    pepperedmoth Posts: 37 Member
    Today WOULD have been day 4, except I took yesterday off; I have a nasty cold and after my usual 5.5 mile run (blowing my nose all the way), I felt just TRASHED. I slept for ten hours and now I feel better. So . . . today is day 3. The upside of taking a day off is that my legs don't hurt any more! Yay!
  • nelsonab
    nelsonab Posts: 34 Member
    Hopefully not too late to join you guys. I spontaneously decided Saturday afternoon I was going to take 20 minutes and start this. I've had the DVD for a couple of weeks, but I've been afraid to put it in. I got my 1 pound weights out and did it. Day 1 was ok felt like I kept up except the jumping jacks (they kill me). Sunday morning I got up and was a little sore, but after I did Day 2 in the afternoon my legs were so sore even to touch. Mainly my thighs. Today will be Day 3 for me. Doing it when I get home from work. I'm hoping to start doing mornings tomorrow. My SIL said she read that Jillian recommends two days off per week from working out. I thought this was suppose to go straight through the 30 days. For me, I'm afraid if I don't do it a day then I'll quit, so here's to seeing it through. Love your posts, glad to see everyone elses experience. BTW - I can barely walk today my thighs are so sore. My daughter told me I looked like a Momma robot.
  • princess_in_power
    princess_in_power Posts: 234 Member
    Day 4 Level 1! It felt GREAT today! I over ate a little when I made pasta salad (oops) but still did way better than I expected today.

    Also my cat decided to rub against my more-than-normal sweaty forehead when I was on the floor during it *LOL*

    That is TOO funny =) My manx kitty was resting under my left arm during the chest fly press =D (i guess she didn't want me to drop my hand to the ground to hard =P

    Yesterday was D4L1 (after swimming all afternoon) I was one pooped cookie! ha ha
    I would have done (D5) it this morning, but I was too tired from doing it too late yesterday.
    So I will do it after work today (and I hope I make it through) Then switch back to morning again.