Turn your knowledge into Power Challenge



  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    this weeks workouts:

    Friday: aerobics 90 min; stair stepping 10 min; leg lifts 15 min; dancing 120 min
    Saturday: aerobics 20 min; stair stepping 10 min; leg lifts 10 min; step aerobics 15 min; dancing 30 min
    Sunday: no exercise
    Monday: jumping jacks 15 min; stair stepping 6 min; walking 30 min
    Tuesday: aerobics 80 min; walking 40 min; stair stepping 10 min
    Wednesday: walking 40 min; sit-ups 45 min
    Thursday: marching in place 5 min; jumping jacks 7 min; aerobics 20 min; walking 30 min; leg lifts 5 min, stair stepping 15 min

    Total burn for the week: 9,978 calories

    Calories Eaten:

    Friday: 272
    Saturday: 0
    Sunday: 809
    Monday: 796
    Tuesday: 1511
    Wednesday: 2244
    Thursday: 2635

    Total eaten: 8,267

    My weight today is 328.2
  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210
    Knowledge challenge
    Share a healthy recipe that you enjoy. Include calorie count and serving size

    Power Challenge
    Use your own workouts and try interval training and share your results at the end of the week.
    Also make sure your working out for at least 5 hours this week. : )
  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210
    MayoClinic.com Highlights 20 Tips for Healthy Eating
    Quick and easy tips to make meals and snacks more healthy
    Tuesday, February 05, 2008
    ROCHESTER, Minn. — Healthy eating doesn't need to be boring or tiresome. Flavorful food combinations, fresh cooking ideas and a creative spirit can liven up meals and snacks. A new feature on MayoClinic.com provides simple tips to keep healthy eating interesting and enjoyable.
    Here is a sampling of tips featured on MayoClinic.com to help individuals eat healthier:
    • Experiment with new foods and combinations. Try mango or peach slices on whole wheat toast with a little peanut butter and honey.
    • Try something new for breakfast. Munch on leftover vegetable pizza or make a smoothie blended from exotic fruits, low-fat yogurt and a spoonful of wheat germ.
    • Add crushed bran cereal or unprocessed wheat bran to baked products, such as meatloaf, breads, muffins, casseroles, cakes and cookies.
    • Grill fresh vegetables for a quick and healthy side dish. Cut vegetables into 1/2-inch slices or large chunks and baste with a light salad dressing or brush them with canola or olive oil. Grill until tender, turning only once.
    • Take advantage of ready-to-use foods. Fresh bagged salads, frozen vegetables, low-fat deli meats, whole wheat pasta, whole grain breads, and fresh and canned unsweetened fruits take only minutes to prepare.
    • For breakfast on the go, munch on dry, ready-to-eat cereal with a banana and drink a small carton of low-fat or skim milk.
  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210
    Interval Training Benefits Exercisers of All Ability Levels
    Monday, December 13, 2010

    ROCHESTER, Minn. — Interval training isn't just for competitive athletes, according to the December issue of Mayo Clinic Women's HealthSource.

    In interval training, short bursts of intense activity alternate with intervals of lighter activity. Originally a training tool for competitive athletes, interval training was thought to be too strenuous for average folks. Recent studies show that a wide range of people, including those who are older, unfit or have heart problems, not only can handle interval training but also can use it to increase cardiac fitness.

    Consider these benefits of interval training:

    Little time and lots of benefit: A 30-minute workout likely offers the same health benefits as a workout that lasts twice as long at a consistent pace. Examples include fast walking for three minutes followed by three minutes of slower walking (and repeating five times); or biking fast for one minute followed by two minutes of slower biking (and repeating nine times).
    It's flexible: Interval training can be applied to any type of aerobic sport, such as walking, biking or jogging. It can work for any fitness levels, for example, alternating between slow and fast walking, or between brisk walking and running.
  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210
    weigh in at 294.2 which is one pound more than when I started, but at least I am taking off the gain I have had the first two weeks. So we are going in the right direction. Yay!
  • vallejos6
    vallejos6 Posts: 146 Member
    Great job Laura!

    My weigh in this week was 151.2, that's a loss of .8 pounds, and leaves me a little ahead of schedule in my overall goal to see 14_._ during this challenge. I'm a daily weigher and I actually did see that magical 4 in the middle on Wed. this week, but it didn't stick around, maybe next week. I'm super excited to be this low. My driver's license has 150 listed as my weight and I'm almost there! What makes this more amazing is that I haven't changed my weight on my license since I first got it when I was 18 years old!!

    My Knowledge Challenge recipe:


    1 pound chicken breast, chopped into 1 inch pieces
    2 links chicken sausage
    1/2 pound raw shrimp (peeled, deveined and tails removed)
    1 red sweet bell pepper(chopped)
    1 med. onion(chopped)
    3 cloves garlic (chopped)
    1 c. long grain brown rice
    2 c. low sodium chicken broth
    1 can rotel (or other brand of diced tomatoes with green chili)
    1 T. olive oil
    Cayenne pepper and cajun/creole seasoning (to taste, we like it hot and I use almost a T. of both!)

    Saute the bell pepper, onion in the olive oil for about 3-5 minutes, add the garlic and cook for another minute or two, add chicken and saute just until it gets a little browned. Add sausage, rice, broth and tomatoes. Stir in seasoning. Bring to boil, turn down and simmer well covered for about an hour, stirring occasionally. If the liquid runs a little low, you add a little water or more broth if you need to. Toss in the shrimp and cook just until they curl up and turn opaque. Makes 8 servings (about 1 1/2 cups)

    Calories: 271 Carbs:23 Fat:6 Protein:25 Sodium (figured without the seasoning):482

  • McHeather
    McHeather Posts: 105 Member
    I was at 161 this week. I think it's a gain from last Friday - but not bad considering all the beer I drank last weekend at the ball tournament. I've really only been going at this challenge halfway. I don't think I met the physical challenge - I wasn't keeping very good track. My life has been so crazy with all visitors and traveling. My son was asking me yesterday if we can just stay home alone today. He was excited to hear that we won't be leaving on any trips again for awhile. Me too. I have a very bad habit of letting myself relax and treat in calorie and excersize department when I've had a loss. I go down a bit and then just stay there because I've stopped trying so hard. I rationalize it because I don't want to stress out about eating when I have so much other stress. I'm really trying to find a balance. I'm trying to limit my time in front of the computer, but I'm really drawn to it - I know too much computer and tv is directly related to my depression. So my challenge this week is to only check my myfitness pal once a day. Maybe two - morning and bed time and not between. I'm also in another challenge that requires a bit more physically but I'm only doing the minimum required so I don't let my team down. I will try to step it up to challenge ME. I feel like I should drop out of challenges because I'm not trying hard enough and letting my team down, but then I'd probably do less if I wasn't in them. This challenge is great because It's a personal challenge with cheerleaders. I feel like I'm rambling but here's another personal goal this week. To make the next week better than the last!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    I love snacks and one of my favorites is hershey kisses or m&m's in popcorn. I wanted to come up with a similar tasting snack, but with less calories and fat. So here it is:

    Tami's Low Cal Chocolate Popcorn Treat

    3 cups air popped popcorn (plain)
    1 tsp rainbow or chocolate sprinkles (cake topping)

    Let popcorn cool slightly before sprinkling with rainbow sprinkles. Candies will melt, making a great salty/sweet low calorie treat.

    Calories: 113
    Fat: <1
    Cholesterol: 0
    Sodium: 0
    Potassium: 72
    Carbs: 21
    Fiber: 1
    Protein: 1
    Sugars: 3
    Iron: 1%
  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210
    Hi everyone,
    I just wanted to let you all know I was going camping for the week. I packed turkey burgers and oscar meyer reduced fat hotdogs ( 40 cals). I am not sure If I will have service or not. I will be home on friday for weigh in. I may be later though.
    I hope you all have a great and successful week!
  • stepbystep6
    stepbystep6 Posts: 88 Member
    Hey, sorry I'm a bit behind. I found the article on measuring my fitness level interesting - but required too much time this week for me to acutally do. As far as portions I am blessed with a very good eye for estimating volumes. I do use a kitchen scale a fair bit for weights and for meat. But what I'm always surprized by is how little a portion is for most starchy foods. Spaghetti, rice, potatoes, bread...they are always more calorie dense than I think. I struggle so much with limiting sweets to a single portion - I feel deprived and sets up such a craving cycle. What I love about paying attention to portions is the comparitively massive volume of food I can enjoy when I include lots of vegetables and fruits in my day. There are several food diaries that I wonder how the person is not totally starving with the minisule amount of processed and calorie dense foods the person is eating. And others records where I always have to scrolling down through their meals because there is so much healthy yummy things that they filled themselves well. I aspire to that scroll-down-the-healthy-foods - type food record!

    Friday I weighed in at 229.6, gain of .4. I guess my previous weeks of not so great food choices has caught up with me! This past week though I was on track with my calories all but one day, so that was an improvement!

    To report on the physical challenge.
    Friday 30 min (walk)
    Sat 0
    Sun 0
    Mon 105 min (walk/run +Bike ride + pushups, squats, curls)
    Tues 65 min (brisk walk)
    Wed 75 min (long bike ride)
    Thur 0

    So that makes approx 4.5 hours cardio this week, and 45 minutes strength training. I need to get more consistent with strength training if I really want to get stronger. But I am quite sore, especially the day after and sometimes I can't get motivated to create that same discomfort again. I know the muscles get stronger as they are pushed harder and that the soreness is actually a sign that I am challenging them to grow stronger...but dispite my knowing that, I have a hard time getting back to it more than once a week. So my goal this coming week is to do strength training 3 times!

    My NSV this week would definitely be riding my bike (which I have not done for at least 2 years) and the self talk that freed me to try! Last week, I made a comment to a MFP friend that I would really like to be able to ride bikes with my kids. Almost immediately I thought, "Wishes rarely come true, goals written down and worked at generally do." I realized I could keep complaining about my lack of adequate strength to do the hills in our neighbourhood - where my kids generally ride. I could keep telling myself I was too big, that I wouldn't be able to even handle sitting on the bike. Or I could start by trying and working towards that objective of riding with my kids. I told myself, "You have been working out for 4 months now - cardiovasularily you can surely handle a bike ride and you are 19 pounds lighter." So I started with a plan that wouldn't require a long distance and is totally FLAT, to see how it went. It went GREAT! My little toddler loved being in the carrier behind me, and my 3 year old behind her Daddy on a tandum bike had a blast! It went so well, in fact that two days later we went biking again and went really quite fast and far. My legs were jello by the end - but it was good. We have now been 3 times and I know as I become lighter it will be even more enjoyable...(especially for my behind :blushing: ).

    Laura - have fun camping, it sounds like you've given thought to your meals so you can make some positive progress, that's great!
    Heather - I can relate to being drawn to the computer. I'm glad you are part of this challenge and I suspect others feel that way in your other challenge. Doing better than you would have on your own, is one of the real benefits to belonging to this MFP community.
    Tami - I'm glad you are still here! You popcorn snack sounds yummy. I've found a similar solution for my cheese love. Grating it with a fine zester and using really strong cheese on the top of various foods, like eggs, casserole etc. seems to give me satisfaction without all the fat!
    Veronica - thanks for sharing your recipe, it sound yummy! Hope you see a few more 4's this week!
    Everyone who I've missed, hope you have a great weekend and like Heather, make this week even better than last week!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Just here for a minute as I am getting ready for work.......

    I am ULTRA sore today. It sucks being an all or nothing girl because at times I push myself too hard to prove that I can do it. I over did it yesterday with my squat lunges. The challenge was to do 30 of them and I did 65 instead....and I am feeling it today. I did those in addition to my regular exercise and then went out dancing last night with the girls and sang some karaoke. I am just plain hurting and my thighs keep cramping up....OUCH!! But I am proud of burning 9,254 calories in just 6 days. Today I am taking an exercise break and then will hit hard again tomorrow.

    Will catch up on all the posts later today. Love to all.....

    tami :heart:
  • kimberlyrenee
    Hey all, I am sorry that I haven't been on here this past week. I've been working too much and I have not been eating very healthy and I did not exercise very much. This coming week looks about the same except that I am going away for the weekend. Meeting my cousin in Kentucy so we can scrapbook for the weekend. I don't envision our weekend filled with healthy food, but I plan to try not to 'over do it'.

    I was 272 on Friday. That is down .8 from last week. I am happy with that, as it is 2 pounds down from the last time I did MFP check-in.

    I will try to get back and read everyone's postings. I miss my time catching up with you all.
  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!

    Camping was enjoyable this weekend. I was unable to log, because it was a 40 minute drive to get service. So, I made the best choices I could, while still feeling like I was able to enjoy with everyone else. I am back home, and school starts in 2 weeks, so I am hoping that will help me to be a bit more on schedule and a lot less excuses for lack of exercise, and poor food planning.

    LauraLee- I think that taking care of your emotional health is just as important as your physical health. I hope that you find a resolution that brings you peace of mind, heart, and spirit. Also, I am impressed with your great planning for healthy food to take camping. I have tried that, but I feel so left out when I have tried it as we usually go with a large group and everyone shares meals together.

    abhamilton- That is an amazing number to see on the scale. Your current weight is almost my goal weight...150.

    Tami- You had a wonderful variety of workouts last week. I feel like I tend to do the same things all the time.

    Veronica- Congrats on being ahead of your planned goal for the challenge. I am not doing so well, but I have learned a lot this challenge! Your recipe sounds so yummy! I may try it and leave out the sausage and chicken and do extra shrimp!

    McHeather- I know what you mean about challenges. I like this one especially because it allows me to adjust to meet my goals, and gives me healthy ideas for bettering or improvement, but I don't feel like anyone else is suffering because of any poor choices I may make.

    Stepbystep6- I have the same experience with soreness after strength training, and I tend to do the same thing...I stop doing it to recover. I have heard that it helps to work different areas on different days and to allow at least a day between working the same areas. Congrats, on your bike ride! I bet your family loved having you join them!

    Kimberly- Your scrapbook party sounds like a well deserved break after all your long, hard hours at work! I hope you have a great time.
  • vallejos6
    vallejos6 Posts: 146 Member
    Hi girls! Looks like several of you took camping trips this weekend. We went to the fair on Saturday, and I promised my family I wouldn't watch what I was eating too much, so I did splurge, but it was so fun. My total for fair eats were one roasted ear of corn, half of an Indian taco, half of a funnel cake, and a few bites of smoked turkey leg. The rides totally wore me out, we came home and crashed.

    Sunday was much quieter, went to church in the a.m., then home, took out the garbage (we don't have trash service here, so we have to hook up our trailer and take the garbage to the transfer station ourselves), and then played video games the rest of the day.

    Today is supposed to be a running day, but it's really rainy outside, if it doesn't clear up soon it'll be too muddy to go running on our dirt roads, so maybe doing a DVD instead, we'll see. So glad we got the break this weekend from exercise as my muscles were really sore last week, feeling much better today. I do my strength training like you said Dorothy, one day we do arms, shoulders and chest, then the next day we do legs, back and abs, then back to the arms, etc. so we don't ever work the same body part two days in a row. Doing some strength training everyday keeps us in the habit, but also lets the muscles rest. If you keep going, the soreness does get better, and seems to go away quicker. Make sure you have enough protein in your diet to feed those muscles and you'll do great!

    Friday: 2.8 mile jog, 30 pushups, 100 jumping jacks, upper body weight workout
    Monday: 30 pushups

  • vallejos6
    vallejos6 Posts: 146 Member
    Hi girls, hope this week is starting off well for each of you. I got in my run yesterday, but only 2.1 miles and it was a struggle. Did weight lifting when we got home, then a nice dinner of salmon, shrimp and a big salad, followed by a couple glasses of wine (should have stopped at one, but the cabernet was SO tasty, I don't really regret it, LOL). Today will just be legs and abs, so easy day.

    Friday: 2.8 mile jog, 30 pushups, 100 jumping jacks, upper body weight workout
    Monday: 30 pushups, 1 mile leisurely walk (to the store for lettuce), 2.1 mile jog, upper body weights
    Tues: 35 pushups, 100 jumping jacks, legs/abs weights

  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member
    Crazy Days are here again, put on a happy face!

    Well, I thought I would rush in, apologize for being MIA, post my recipe and rush out. Looks like everyone's week must be as crazy as my own. I am getting to the final countdown for school starting. It is a crazy time of year, but usually after the first month or so, things fall into a groove and the going gets easier. Not for the next week though, and the following week, I get to meet and start working with all my new kiddos!

    Exercise has been nearly non-existent this week, and I have not been filling out my food log.

    Power Challenge: (Use interval training)
    Friday: -
    Saturday: -
    Sunday: -
    Monday: Water aerobics 60 min, current walking 30 min.
    Tuesday: -
    Wednesday: Walking and trying on clothes (that has to burn something, I sure do sweat!) 45 min.

    Knowledge Challenge (Share a healthy recipe)

    I am posting one of my meals that I can make in a pinch. It includes a main dish, sides, and dessert for 507 calories (varies according to individual products used). It is nice enough to serve to company, and the family enjoys it as well.

    * 4 oz. Glazed pork Medallions
    *3/4 cup Stir-Fried Carrots
    *1/2 cup Seasoned Brown Rice
    * Wonton Sundaes

    Glazed Pork Medallions
    1 pork tenderloin (1-1/4 pounds)
    1/4 tsp. salt
    1/3 cup reduced-sugar orange marmalade
    2 tsp. cider vinegar
    2 tsp. Worchester sauce
    1/2 tsp. minced fresh ginger root
    1/8 tsp. crushed red pepper flakes

    Cut pork into 1 in. slices and flatten to 1/4 in thickness, sprinkle with salt. In a large non-stick skillet coated with cooking spray, cook pork in batches over medium high heat until juices run clear. Reduce heat to low; return all meat to the pan. Combine the remaining ingredients; pour over the pork and turn to coat. Heat through.

    yield: 4 servings
    Nutrition facts: 4 oz. cooked pork equals 200 calories, 5 g fat, 79 mg cholesterol, 231 mg sodium, 9 g carbohydrate, trace fiber, 28 g protein.

    Stir-fried carrots
    1-1/2 pounds fresh carrots, julienned
    1 TBS olive oil
    1/2 cup chicken broth
    1 tsp dried rosemary, crushed
    1/4 tsp pepper

    In a large skillet or wok, stir-fry the carrots in oil until crisp-tender. Stir in the broth, rosemary and pepper. Bring to a boil. Reduce the heat; simmer, uncovered, for 2-3 minutes or until liquid is reduced

    Yield: 4 servings

    Nutrition facts: 3/4 cup equals 106 calories, 4 g fat, 0 cholesterol, 176 mg sodium, 18 g carbohydrates, 5 g fiber, 2 g protein.

    Seasoned Brown Rice
    1-1/3 cups water
    2/3 cup long grain brown rice
    1 TBS reduced sodium soy sauce
    1/2 tsp dried basil
    1/4 to 1/2 tsp ground ginger
    1/8 tsp cayenne pepper.

    In a small saucepan bring water and rice to a boil. Reduce heat; cover and simmer for 35-45 minutes or until water is absorbed and rice is tender. Stir in the remaining ingredients.

    Yield: 4 servings

    Nutrition facts: 1/2 cup equals 118 calories, 1 g fat, 157 mg sodium, 24 g carbohydrates, 2 g fiber, 3 g protein.

    Wonton Sundaes
    24 wonton wrappers
    refrigerated butter-flavored spray
    1 TBS plus 1/4 cup sugar, divided
    1 tsp ground cinnamon
    1 package (8 oz) reduced fat cream cheese
    1 tsp vanilla extract
    1/4 cup semisweet chocolate chips
    1/4 cup chopped pecans
    24 maraschino cherries with stems

    Place wonton wrappers on a work surface; spritz with butter-flavored spray. Combine 1 TBS sugar and cinnamon; sprinkle over wontons. Press into miniature muffin cups coated with cooking spray

    Bake at 350 for 4-5 minutes or until lightly browned. Immediately remove wonton cups to an ungreased baking sheet. Bake 2-3 minutes longer or untilo bottom of cups are lightly browned. Remove to a wire rack to cool

    In a small mixing bowl, beat the cream cheese, vanilla and remaining sugar until smooth. Stir in the chocolate chips and pecans. Spoon into wonton cups. Top each with a cherry.

    Yield: 2 dozen

    Nutrition facts: 1 sundae cup equals 83 calories, 3 g fat, 6 mg cholesterol, 74 mg sodium, 12 g carbohydrates, trace fiber, 2 g protein.

    Enjoy Everyone!
  • McHeather
    McHeather Posts: 105 Member
    Here's my recipe:
    I invented this recipe after trying to eat more Power Foods from Jillian Michaels and I love spagetti and sauce.
    Power Food Spagetti sauce:
    1tbsp Olive oil heated - add garlic, onion to saute. Add many other veggies chopped up. Last night I used carrots, zuchinni, and yellow pepper. Add a can of diced tomatoes or tomato sauce. Last night I had flavored already tomatoes - they were basil and something. If you only have plain tomatoes then you have to add your own spagetti seasoning - oregano and basil or whatever you like.
    I put this recipe in to myfitnesspal as 6 servings and it is 127 calories.

    I serve this to my family with homemade meatballs and whole wheat pasta.

    I also like most vegetables roasted in the oven with olive oil drizzled on it.
  • McHeather
    McHeather Posts: 105 Member
    Interval training - hard stuff! I've never really worked out without a video and my newer videos are all about interval training. Last Saturday I did Biggest loser last chance workout. I challenged myself to do it completely and I did it. When I first got it last winter I think I gave up 3/4 of the way in - too hard. But now - I actually have leg muscles that can do it! I think the interval training really does work you harder. Bursts of intensity that you know are short lived but really make you sweat. I also did a Denise Austin Video on tuesday? It's a warm up - 20 min cardio interval, 20 min cardio strength and cool down. You can choose to some or all of it. I've only ever done warm up, 20 min and cool down - never all. But Tuesday I did them all consecutively along with some swimmer presses in between because they were a part of another challenge I am in. So my NSV is actually working up a sweat and feeling like I'm accomplishing something!
    I sure hope everyone else is pushing through and feeling proud of their accomplishments. If not - don't give up - every day is a chance to do better.
  • DorothyNorrington
    DorothyNorrington Posts: 123 Member
    Week 5 Results

    Weight: 260.4 (-2.0)

    Feels good to be on the negative side of the scale this week. It would be really nice to not gain it back next week as I have done in the past. I seem to fight the same 3 pounds week after week. So wish me luck, and I will do my part by getting off my butt to make it happen.

    Power Challenge:
    Friday: -
    Saturday: -
    Monday: -Water aerobics 60 min, current walking 30 min.
    Tuesday: -
    Wednesday: -Walking and trying on clothes (that has to burn something, I sure do sweat!) 45 min.

    Total: 2 hours 15 minutes (didn't meet the 5 hour goal)

    Power challenge was a bust for me this week. I did try the interval training during my current walking by alternating between a walk and a jog. Jogging in water is hard! I liked that it increased the calorie burn for me, and also that it was a short lived uncomfortable feeling. I can do it in short bursts knowing that it is only for a small period of time then I can tone it down a bit. I think I may start to add it more often in my other exercises as well.

    Knowledge Challenge:
    I posted my recipes for the challenge, and I wrote down some of the others posted to try later after a grocery shopping trip for needed supplies.

    I have the same goals to work on this week. Until I have them firmly rooted back in place consistently, they will not be changing. So, 1) increase water 2) log, log, log, and 3) get in my workouts!

    Hope you all have a wonderful week, and that you build on your successes, and learn from your slip-ups!
  • McHeather
    McHeather Posts: 105 Member
    Woo hoo! a loss for me! 158.3 this morning. I was a 157 once a couple of months ago. My original goal was 160 , modified to 155, and now I'm pretty sure I can get to 150. I still have a lot of belly fat I'm not happy with. I remember I got to 150 my second year of university. I was 19, I had started smoking that summer. Plus my summer job was a horse riding stable. I shoveled for 2 hours for 5 days and then 6 hours on Saturday. Then back at school it all started to come back on.
    Dorothy - I seem to always be working on the same pounds too. It seems to take 6 months or more get below a milestone of 3 pounds for me. I think that's healthier and easier to keep off though. ( if you don't let yourself binge for 3 weeks at time like I am prone to do - but not anymore=) You just have to keep doing what your doing and continue to challenge yourself. It will come off as long as you don't give up.