Has this happened to anyone else...?



  • inafit16177
    For me I am envious of their oblivion...today at the zoo I almost cried as I watched this family eating these GIANT ice cream cones...They were smiling and laughing...genuinely enjoying what they were eating and just enjoying some summer fun...In that moment I realized that I used to feel that way when I got (chose) to eat delicious BAD food...I assure you know one will be envious of my broccoli that I will be having later...It is hard to make good choices, and I know that my taste buds have changed and I want to make healthy choices, it just is not always (almost never...lol) fun
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    For me I am envious of their oblivion...today at the zoo I almost cried as I watched this family eating these GIANT ice cream cones...They were smiling and laughing...genuinely enjoying what they were eating and just enjoying some summer fun...In that moment I realized that I used to feel that way when I got (chose) to eat delicious BAD food...I assure you know one will be envious of my broccoli that I will be having later...It is hard to make good choices, and I know that my taste buds have changed and I want to make healthy choices, it just is not always (almost never...lol) fun

    Wow! First of all, while I may not be envious of your broccoli, I LOVE broccoli and if I only ate it as rarely as I do ice cream I think I would be envious of it. But there's nothing wrong with enjoying an ice cream cone at the zoo with your family, unless you go to the zoo every day. But just know that someone out there will be looking and thinking "Oh, they shouldn't be eating that!". :wink:
  • gdortiz
    gdortiz Posts: 169 Member
    i really haven't ... and I"m surprised by that because i people watch like crazy.

    i have noticed though that i am an internal food nazi. i'm constantly analyzing and monotoring what i eat.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    People who judge people for judging people are judgmental.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I do not do this at all.I dont worry about what other people are doing,its their life who am I to judge.
  • _Sally_
    _Sally_ Posts: 514 Member
    I don't judge people by what they eat or their weight. Unless they are close to me and I'm concerned ofr their healt. In my head or outloud, it not my business OR my place to judge.

    I agree!

    I agree. Evaluate food for your own purposes, but don't judge the people. We are all on a journey and NO ONE eats as well as they would like to all the time. If we strive for 100% healthy eating (which is all relative anyway, based on our own level of knowledge as well as personal dietary needs) and we hit it 80 - 90% of the time, we are doing pretty well.

    All humans are more similar than not... I think it would be a kinder, gentler world if we focused on seeing shared similarities, and not focus on our perceived differences. I think part of the human condition is to focus on differences so that we feel more special or unique.

    *stepping off soapbox* Thanks for listening. :smile:
  • pricetm83
    pricetm83 Posts: 49
    Seriously, this attitude is why 'fat' has remained a prejudice in society. Not a single person on this site or anywhere else has the right to judge another for anything. EVER. Just because you have broken unhealthy habits does not make you better than those who haven't. Also, ask yourself, is your disgust with that person, or does it lie in a little inside you, with you? People have to make their own decisions in life and it's really no one else's business.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    Don't be that guy. No one likes them.

    Agreed. If you want to negatively judge someone, how about judging rapist and child molesters instead.
  • peripah
    peripah Posts: 120
    People who judge people for judging people are judgmental.

    What about people who judge people for judging people for judging people?
  • chridow
    chridow Posts: 178
    People who judge people for judging people are judgmental.

    DONE!!! hahahahaha too funny!
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    I try not to be judgmental and yet, when I see a clearly obese person eating vastly unhealthy foods, I find myself questioning their food choices (especially now that I watch my own food choices so much more closely). I don't know if I would consider that judging someone because I don't think less of that person. Honestly, it makes me wonder what is going on in their life that has put them in a position to be so big and yet making choices that could very well shorten their life ... by years. Decades even.

    Everyone has a story. Eating healthy is more expensive. Maybe the have been out of work for a long time? For some food is comfort - are they missing that comfort at home. Is there an abusive situation? For some it is an uncontrollable compulsion. For some it's depression. When I see someone that has me wondering these things, I remind myself that I am fortunate not to have demons so big that they are doing the same thing to me, say a little prayer for that person and then refocus on my own goals.
  • IndigoVA
    IndigoVA Posts: 164 Member
    Most of the time, no I don't do this. Honestly, I grew up with a mother who did this out loud all the time, and I still believe that this is one of the main reasons I've had issues with food my whole life. Also, unless you know the person, you really don't know their situation. Maybe they're having a treat after weeks of healthy eating?

    That being said, there is a woman in my office I judge (not out loud). She's morbidly obese and on public assistance because she says she doesn't make enough to make ends meet. Yet, every single day she orders delivery of greasy burgers, fries, pizza, etc. for lunch. So every time she complains about her weight or her money situation it makes me cringe with anger.
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    Guilty! I don't say anything but am definitely thinking it! Especially with what my mom eats
  • whisperingdragon
    No, I look away. It's an addiction, and they haven't gotten to the place in their lives where they want to change. :flowerforyou:
  • Nytram81
    Nytram81 Posts: 44
    I'm not a food Nazi - I'm just jealous of what they're eating.
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    I dont know about you, but since i have started with eating a lot healthier and losing weight, i find myself being a total food nazi when it comes to other people!

    I don't know about you, but I can eat healthy for months, even years, and then fall off the wagon and go back to Burger King and pizza in a NY second. So when I see someone chowing on anything considered unhealthy, my first thought is "there but for the grace of God go I."
  • risak
    risak Posts: 79 Member
    Seriously, this attitude is why 'fat' has remained a prejudice in society. Not a single person on this site or anywhere else has the right to judge another for anything. EVER. Just because you have broken unhealthy habits does not make you better than those who haven't. Also, ask yourself, is your disgust with that person, or does it lie in a little inside you, with you? People have to make their own decisions in life and it's really no one else's business.

    Except when our tax dollars have to pay for their increase health insurance costs.
  • powerpuffgirl66
    powerpuffgirl66 Posts: 143 Member
    Yes, yes and yes! However, what bothers me is seeing individuals who complain about their inability to lose weight stuff themselves of terrible and unhealthy foods. The icing on the cake is when they tell me they wish they had my metabolism. Pardon? What metabolism? It's called hard work and committment! Such a frustration!
  • HappyHealthyHolly
    HappyHealthyHolly Posts: 84 Member
    Honestly, when I see people eating differently than I do (which is easy since I'm vegan) I don't cringe too much. I simply see their food, know I don't want it & enjoy what I'm eating. If it's what they want, then hey, who am I to say different. I've certainly been there! However, if I'm eating with the right people, I don't feel too bad to at least inform them if I know something their eating is really not a good idea. But those are only certain people.

    Now, if I know that the person is unhappy with their current state, yet still eat something unhealthy, then I feel very bad for them. I remember that time of my life & I really don't miss it. It's really difficult to know what to say, so sometimes it's nothing. I'd love to help them, & I try when I can, but it's difficult to know when to say something & when not to.

    I always feel really bad when it comes to others & dealing with cravings because letting go of a lot of foods was relatively easy for me to do. I had cravings, & still do sometimes, but I guess I just don't have them like other do. It's way easier for me to eat in a healthy manner than an unhealthy one. That's why it's difficult for me to give advice to my family & friends when it comes to letting go of food, I'm just not as attached to it as most are. :( I feel really bad, only because it's not easy to sympathize with them when they're having a difficult time. I'm happy for me, but I wish I could help them more.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I think I'm often the skinny person eating badly :blushing:

    I check out my colleagues' plates a lot. A lot of them eat far more healthily than I do and I see a plate and think 'Ooo, carb loading' or '60% protein!!! Wow!' I assume they know what they're up to.

    I eat more biscuits than anyone else and I think I'm the only person at school who buys the sweets sold for charity (the portions are WAY too big), and the last time Krispy Creme were on sale, nobody bought them (I wanted to but didn't have my wallet :laugh:).

    If I seem to be under-eating someone may mention it, but I always have a reason.

    If I ate better I probably would be a food Nazi, but until I do I'll just go on confusing everyone :laugh: