No one has started a thread where all college/university student can help each other during the school year. I figured why not start one. This thread is for encouragement, advice/help, and fitness tips. Let's help each other stay away from the FRESHAMN 15lbs for first year students and lose weight for all students. We can do this!

University of Central Arkansas
Double Majoring in Music Education and Music Performance


  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    Great idea! We need this.

    Bowling Green State University!
  • Bethannny
    Bethannny Posts: 66
    I'm going to be a freshman. I definitely need this! Awesome idea :)
  • thenewkarisa
    thenewkarisa Posts: 207
    I'm in! I've been racking my brain ahead of time, trying to think of what kind of homework I can do while I exercise.... and what premade foods I can take with me for in between classes.... hmmmm

    Northern Arizona University
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    I'm currently working on getting rid of my freshman 15... and the other 15 I gradually gained through college. I'm going to be a super senior at Penn State so maybe when it gets closer to the time I will tell you all the things that I did that you should avoid! haha. But I could really use the support throughout the school year too!

  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    Yeah, I'm a Junior this year. (It's my last year!) And it's hard! So many calories!
  • Victorian131
    Victorian131 Posts: 130
    Im definitely in, Im a post grad, really struggling to find a balance between school work and eating right and exercising, need all the support I can get! :)
    Keele University, England
  • ilovecreg120809
    ilovecreg120809 Posts: 516 Member
    Berks Technical Institute
    Medical Assisting
    Started on july 13th
  • wildestian
    wildestian Posts: 188 Member
    I so need this. Once classes begins I gain all the weight back ¬¬
    I'm always too tired to excercise. And the finals weeks are hell. No sleep, no exercise, and tons of food. arggg!
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    I so need this. Once classes begins I gain all the weight back ¬¬
    I'm always too tired to excercise. And the finals weeks are hell. No sleep, no exercise, and tons of food. arggg!

    Finals week is the worst!!!!! Ugh
  • icerose137
    icerose137 Posts: 318 Member
    I'm headed back to school, sophmore year, and starting on my bachelors this fall. It's been ten years since I was last in college (kiddos made me take a side track for a while) so I'm a little nervous but excited all the same.
  • musicmanomar
    Glad it's already going strong! Hope everyone makes friends and add each other! Going as a 5th year senior I can give some of the first advice. As a freshman, don't go for unlimited meal plan at the cafeteria. What I learned is that you just stuff your face because you are surrounded by all this food and unhealthy snacks. I recommend packing lunch just like in high school. Not only will you save money but eat healthier. Also, your paying for your school gym in your tuition so use it! Don't just stare at it! Make friends and work out together to push each other! If you have someone to workout with you can hold each other accountable.
  • SecretlyBatwoman
    SecretlyBatwoman Posts: 79 Member
    Charging valiantly through a second Bachelor's degree. Got to gain the freshman 15 twice.

    Rutgers University - Biology major (pre-veterinary)

    My first bachelors is in music performance -- which is why I need a second :-)
  • sweetsapphire85
    2nd year graduate student
    University of Maryland
    Masters in Social Work

    I commute over an hour to school each way for classes and need to find quick prep foods that will last throughout the day, and motivation to get up earlier to hit the gym in the mornings. Between working, homework/schoolwork, and lectures I have little to no energy and prefer to sleep in those few extra hours from staying up late working the night prior. Support, tips and tricks are always welcome and i'll be happy to share mine if I have any to help!
  • bfapohunda
    This is a great thread! I'm starting my sophomore year soon and really hoping to establish a healthy diet/workout schedule before I head back. I have a kitchen this year and cut down on my meal plan. There's also a gym in my dorm and I have to walk 20 mins to campus for class everyday. Hopefully all this helps me keep the pounds off!

  • midget4
    midget4 Posts: 4
    legend!! what a great idea :) completely in :) I started uni last year, and stacked on 7kg. trying to make it not a habit, as i have a lovely three and a half years of uni to go!!
  • KayyB13
    KayyB13 Posts: 84 Member
    Love this thread idea! Kristi, Villanova University (right outside philadelphia). Going to be a senior woo! Great advice on the not getting an unlimited meal plan, learning to eat healthy in the dining hall is tough, but not impossible. And I could def use the extra support, especially around finals!! So when does everyone go back to school?! Or anyone doing summer school?
  • minnie86
    minnie86 Posts: 187
    No longer in college.if I could go backin time, I would eat at the right times. I just ate whenever I had time, mostly as I ran from class to class....not healthy!
  • Kristina0202
    Kristina0202 Posts: 188 Member
    Coastal Carolina University

    I actually lost more weight while I was in school than I have during summer vacation. I need to get back on track so bad.
  • midget4
    midget4 Posts: 4
    Love this thread idea! Kristi, Villanova University (right outside philadelphia). Going to be a senior woo! Great advice on the not getting an unlimited meal plan, learning to eat healthy in the dining hall is tough, but not impossible. And I could def use the extra support, especially around finals!! So when does everyone go back to school?! Or anyone doing summer school?

    i just got back last week :( and then summer school haha, my seasons will be all messed up with u guys cos im from australia!
  • chloecox
    chloecox Posts: 27 Member
    This is such a great thread :) so hard to resist temptations when at uni!

    Im a third year at King's College London and still trying to lose my first year weight!