

  • xcbballuver
    xcbballuver Posts: 186
    theres no high school weight loss thread.. so imma join as well if u guys dont mind :)
  • svanhoecke
    svanhoecke Posts: 266
    Yes please! Feel free to add me as a friend everyone! I am a junior Music Education (choral emphasis) at the UMKC Conservatory of Music. :)
  • cds193
    cds193 Posts: 12 Member
    IN!!! Im a freshman and enroled in the Western College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Saskatchewan, and I definately do not want to gain the 30 lbs that I did from my first degree!! But finding the time to be healthy will be difficult!!
  • musicmanomar
    I bring you guys all another question. We all know we all have different majors and that not everyone's schedule will be the same but do you ever plan a strategy on how to set up your classes so that you can get a workout in during the day?
  • aj_rock
    aj_rock Posts: 390 Member
    Finished three years at U of Toronto! Taking a year off to get some work in tho!

    I'll admit I gained a bit of weight drinking and stuffing my face in the dorm caf, but I've since handled it and here I think are the keys:

    1) INTRAMURALS!!! Cannot stress this enough! Make time to join a few teams and you won't have to worry about making gym time! Also, having team mates that depend on you to be in shape is a great motivator!

    2) NOT LIVING IN A DORM! As much fun as I had in residence, I did a lot better nutrition wise cooking for myself! Fast food doesn't cut it when you're a poor student, so you MUST buy your own food, or only eat twice a week :P

    3) DANCE! If you wanna drink, don't go to a bar! Go dance! Find a club playing music that you enjoy and isn't too snubby and get your groove on! Guarenteed that drinking 3 beers with 150 cals each over an hour will get burned off plus more!

    As to omar's last question, I'm an engineer. I don't get a chance to set up my classes, so most of my workouts are late. Like, show up at 9:30 and get kicked out at 11:00 late :P
  • twilightfan20
    twilightfan20 Posts: 113 Member
    I could definitely use some extra support. I started college back in 2007, but I'm finally down to my last year. So many temptations linger on, espcially living on campus. Thanks for starting this thread!

    Louisiana State University
  • twilightfan20
    twilightfan20 Posts: 113 Member
    I actually have done that. I'm scheduled for 19 hours this semester! But 3 of my classes are online, and so I have about 2 classes on only 3 or 4 days out of the week, maybe just 1 on one day. And my Thursdays are free. All my classes are in the afternoon, so the morning time I have hours to be able to get in a work out. I hate working out late in the evening. Plus, the gym is usually empty earlier in the day.
  • fireyes
    fireyes Posts: 31 Member
    Count me in! I've been looking for some fellow college students on here. Everyone on this thread, feel free to add me!

    I set up my schedule so that my first class every day is at 10 am. I'm planning on getting up at 8 and exercising before class. Also, I don't have any evening classes, so I'm going to try and get an after-dinner workout in when I can. I have a couple tv shows that I'm planning on watching while I speed walk on the treadmill, and then run on commercials. :)
  • mattiol4
    mattiol4 Posts: 89 Member
    I'm in! I need to lose the weight I have gained from sitting around studying all the time!

    Michigan State University
    Bachelors of Science - Human Biology
    Masters in Public Health - 1st year
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    My rec center isn't that far from too many of the buildings I have to go too (except for the two that are about a mile walk away!!!) The rec center is also about half a mile away from my living situation next year. (new year, different dorm). Most of my classes are at ten or later, so its up at eight for me! So I plan to walk there, workout in the morning, shower AT the rec center, and just head to my classes from there. It'll take a bit of coordination, but it's doable. As for the meal plan at the school... I HATE salad. With a FLAMING passion. But everything else is covered in grease and oil. I have no clue what to do there. :'O
  • valeriebpdx
    valeriebpdx Posts: 499 Member
    transferring as a junior to University of Portland for nursing
    I have had a real summer (June-Aug) and I start fall classes Aug 29
    This is my second degree (first was journalism/communications, Chico State '93).

    I have been in community college 3/4 to full time for the last two years doing prerequisites. I have a husband and two sons and I am just busy as hell. Finals are impossible, soccer season is hard (all 3 guys play, practice 3-4 nights a week and games all day Sat.). It is hard enough to carve out time for all the studying I need to do, much less exercise. Gained a load of weight during spring finals and have spent all summer trying to get back to normal (which I already hated). Obviously I live with my family, not on campus, but I spend a lot of time there and am not always great about planning ahead to take food with me. I try, but if I am running late I always think "I can grab food at school." For me part of the problem is being cheap. My cc campus had pretty good healthy options, but they were more expensive than the crap and I already felt guilty about spending money on prepared food just because I was too lazy/overwhelmed to make my own. I am going to make sure I do better planning and prepping food this year--also, I live just a few blocks from campus now, so it will be easy enough to jog or bike home and make something healthy.

    Re: exercise, I have never had the luxury of planning classes around my schedule--just my kids'. I have to be in school when they are so I can be home when they are. This year I have no control over my schedule--it's all planned by the SON. I have a few breaks between classes, during which I hope to use the campus gym, but in reality I will probably be studying instead. I will run 2 mornings a week, go to zumba on my Thursday morning off, and try to lift weights at home before I go to school 2 days a week, plus every round-trip walk is a mile at least. Wish you all luck being healthy at school!
  • twilightfan20
    twilightfan20 Posts: 113 Member
    My rec center isn't that far from too many of the buildings I have to go too (except for the two that are about a mile walk away!!!) The rec center is also about half a mile away from my living situation next year. (new year, different dorm). Most of my classes are at ten or later, so its up at eight for me! So I plan to walk there, workout in the morning, shower AT the rec center, and just head to my classes from there. It'll take a bit of coordination, but it's doable. As for the meal plan at the school... I HATE salad. With a FLAMING passion. But everything else is covered in grease and oil. I have no clue what to do there. :'O

    I love salad, but I concur on the greasy foods. Half of the eating locations on our campus consist of pizza, tacos, and fried foods. They did recently open a Panda Express and a Salsarita's, and I love both! I had a meal plan before, but thankfully, upper classmen have the option to just get a commuter plan for half the price of a regular meal plan. I'm just going to use our PAW points to eat at the better options in the union. Plus, the nutritional information is actually available online for the Union stores. I have no idea what's going into the food in the dining hall.
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    Commuter plan? What does that entail? And I'm guessing you go to the same university? Because I never heard of theat plan til now. XD
  • rococo11
    rococo11 Posts: 49 Member
    Its good to see this thread!
    I'm going into my final year at UW-River Falls
    Geology Major
    The hard part is finding energy and time...Class ~20 hours a week not including the 20+ hrs studying
    and then I have a job that I work about 10 hrs a week
    and I play softball (yet have still managed to put on over 15 lbs) which takes up 15 hrs a week in the off season and more than 25 in season.
    And then there are the lovely bars that my friends and I enjoy hitting up once a month (sadly not being able to go out a lot results in not very much self control)
    And living on campus there was no room in the dinky dorm fridges for meals, only snacks
    Also the food was a lot of carbs and little protien in our cafeteria.
    The only good thing was walking everywhere.
    This year I'll be living off campus so should be able to make my own meals...
  • aray379
    aray379 Posts: 131
    In in in! About to start my last year at UT, so bitter sweet. Working to get back to my pre-college weight right now!
  • aray379
    aray379 Posts: 131
    I bring you guys all another question. We all know we all have different majors and that not everyone's schedule will be the same but do you ever plan a strategy on how to set up your classes so that you can get a workout in during the day?

    My university's gym has a ton of exercise classes and I usually go to yoga everyday which gets me to the gym, so I try to plan my other workouts around those classes. I am anxiously waiting for the fitness schedule to come out so I can start planning my exercise time into my hectic school, work, student government and sorority schedule.
  • twilightfan20
    twilightfan20 Posts: 113 Member
    It may be, I go to LSU. The communter plan is $720, and there are 2 kinds. The first includes 25 meals and $100 in Paw Points. The one I got is the same amount, and is basically just $720 in Paw Points. I love coffee in the morning, and smoothies at the rec, so that's why I picked it. It's made for students living off campus, but upper classmen living on/off campus can use it as well.
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    It may be, I go to LSU. The communter plan is $720, and there are 2 kinds. The first includes 25 meals and $100 in Paw Points. The one I got is the same amount, and is basically just $720 in Paw Points. I love coffee in the morning, and smoothies at the rec, so that's why I picked it. It's made for students living off campus, but upper classmen living on/off campus can use it as well.

    Ah! I'm gsu. we have PAWS points, haha! Has anyone else thought of maybe petitioning their dining halls? I've considered, but most people seem content with their food (and those poepl have fast metabolisms or play sports or both...)
  • cds193
    cds193 Posts: 12 Member
    I bring you guys all another question. We all know we all have different majors and that not everyone's schedule will be the same but do you ever plan a strategy on how to set up your classes so that you can get a workout in during the day?

    Not only can I not schedule my classes but each week has its own schedule, and frankly every day has a different set of classes... I know however that my classes start at 8:30 every morning and end by 4:30 or 5, then budgeting for volunteer hours, specialty clubs and hours in the hospital will be pretty nuts. I think if I ever make it to the gym it wil need to be carefully budgeted into my time.
  • twilightfan20
    twilightfan20 Posts: 113 Member
    I don't think anyways thought to petition yet. But since I live in an on-campus apartment, I do buy groceries. I mean it's nice having the dining halls, but it would be great if we had nutritional information for the foods they serve. For as much as we're paying to go to school, I don't really think that's too much to ask.