

  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    p.s. i have no idea what levosomething is so ill have to google that =/

    It's for my hypothyroidism. To make it effective I have to wait a little while before putting anything in my system!
  • B_L_A_Z_I_A_N
    I gained 55 lbs since I started CC, 4 yrs ago. next month, I'll be starting Northern Arizona University. My schedule is already planned - Tuesdays and Thursdays, 4 classes each day from 8am to 3:30pm with 20 minutes in between. The campus is so big, I won't have time to run to a cafeteria or go to the grocery store to find something to eat.... I need to figure out a way to not starve and not eat junk in between classes.... I could keep food in my car but AZ is pretty hot so things spoil fast..... any ideas???

    My suggestion is make a sandwich the night before and just throw it into your backpack + some snacks in the morning and save it for lunch. eat a big breakfast to give you energy and then eat another meal when you come home in the afternoon.
    a lot of the cafeterias at my campus had microwaves so i could also bring leftovers to eat for my lunch.
  • B_L_A_Z_I_A_N
    p.s. i have no idea what levosomething is so ill have to google that =/

    It's for my hypothyroidism. To make it effective I have to wait a little while before putting anything in my system!

    oo are you not a morning person BECAUSE of hypothyroidism or do you just go to bed late?
  • fozziewaca
    fozziewaca Posts: 66
    I gained 55 lbs since I started CC, 4 yrs ago. next month, I'll be starting Northern Arizona University. My schedule is already planned - Tuesdays and Thursdays, 4 classes each day from 8am to 3:30pm with 20 minutes in between. The campus is so big, I won't have time to run to a cafeteria or go to the grocery store to find something to eat.... I need to figure out a way to not starve and not eat junk in between classes.... I could keep food in my car but AZ is pretty hot so things spoil fast..... any ideas???

    This upcoming semester I'm going to keep an insulated lunch bag with a frozen bottle of water (which I'll drink later) in my backpack instead of leaving it in my car. So far I've decided to pack things like: sandwiches/wraps, homemade "lunchables" nuts, fruit, baked chips, edamame, cheese sticks, hard boiled eggs, chickpea or broccoli or corn & black bean salad. Still looking for other ideas too, so I won't get bored.

    Also I blend a fruit smoothie before right before I leave home, put it in an insulated cup, and drink it on my drive to school or during my first class. It usually keeps me satisfied for a few hours.
  • musicmanomar
    What are YOU doing this coming semester to keep healthy and in shape.

    I am lucky to be doing Marching Band this year in the Drum Line and I am also going to do my second round of P90X when I finish INSANITY.

    Keep working hard guys!
  • emadigan
    emadigan Posts: 89 Member
    I wanna play! My name's Erin and I'm going to be a "super senior" this fall. Since I transferred from a community college to a private four-year college, I have to stay an extra semester to finish my Bachelor's in English/Secondary Education/Special Education. Then I'll be starting my Master's degree in Literacy in the spring

    I actually lost weight my first year of college at community college. Then, when I transferred to a four-year school and moved on campus, I steadily gained 25 pounds or so. This past year (my senior year), I lost almost 35 pounds!

    All while living on campus, eating most of my meals in the dining hall, and not going broke.

    This year, I plan to tone up, lost the last 10, and keep up my healthy habits. I like to change up my workouts, and not do the same thing every day. I do Zumba DVDs, Zumba classes, Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred (but not in 30 days, too boring), the elliptical, and a Pilates DVD.

    I also plan on a lot of healthy eating. Luckily, I won't be living on campus anymore so I can buy/cook good good/meals without the restrictions of the dining hall. But its still possible with the dining hall.

    I always tried to utilize blocks of time between classes to work out. Also, I filled up my dorm with healthy snacks for between meals like cheese sticks, granola bars, fruits, veggies, etc. I kept the temptations out of my room, so I wouldn't even be tempted to eat them.

    I also limited alcohol consumption. I had only one drink on nights out, and tried to stick with lower calorie drinks. A couple of times, I did have a bigger party night but planned for it but having a super healthy day and a hardcore workout the day of and the day after. Its definitely possible to still have a life while trying to lose weight.
  • CricketClover
    CricketClover Posts: 388 Member
    So, how does everyone do breakfast off at school? I'm not much of a morning person and when I get up I have to take my levothyroxin and wait 30-60 minutes to put anything in my stomach.

    So, since I have this problem AND I have lots of trouble getting protein for some odd reason I'm going to start drinking some type of protein shake in the mornings!

    What do you guys do?

    I too have to take my synthroid 30-45 mins before eating. This is my normal morning routine, I get up and immediately make my coffee, then I take my synthroid with some juice, usually V8 fusion (I know this isn't the best option sugar wise but I limit it to one serving a day). Then I sip my coffee until time to eat and I eat Kashi Go Lean high protein high fiber cereal. I know this might not be an option for you though if you don't have that much time to spend at home before getting to class.
  • aj_rock
    aj_rock Posts: 390 Member
    Far too often breakfast for me ended up being coffee and thats about it. A bagel if I happen to wake up ten minutes before class instead of 5 :P
  • wildestian
    wildestian Posts: 188 Member
    What are YOU doing this coming semester to keep healthy and in shape.

    I am lucky to be doing Marching Band this year in the Drum Line and I am also going to do my second round of P90X when I finish INSANITY.

    Keep working hard guys!

    I'm finishing the 30DS and planning on starting Ripped in 30, It's perfect for me cause it's only 20 something minutes and I will always be able to find the time for it.
    I looked at INSANITY and now I understand its name, its fricking INSANE! I know I'd have to do every Jillian Michael's DVDs before I ever think of Insanity.
  • lovelyfacex3
    lovelyfacex3 Posts: 68 Member
    I'm a little late to the thread, but I'd love to be a support system for anyone at college.

    I'm going to be a sophomore this year at Franklin & Marshall College (Lancaster, PA). I'm a part of a sorority and I'm hoping my sisters will help me stay focused! They are like my family at school! :)
  • katesbeach
    katesbeach Posts: 38 Member
    I'm late too, but I'm in! I'll be a senior at University of Pittsburgh, in Religious Studies and Historic Preservation. I've been better at losing weight at school than at home, so I'm hoping once I get back I'll kick things into gear again! I live off campus, but I walk to class and definitely plan on taking advantage of the gym at school. Mostly, I plan to pack my lunches and dinners whenever I can, and just keep walking!
  • emadigan
    emadigan Posts: 89 Member
    I'm late too, but I'm in! I'll be a senior at University of Pittsburgh, in Religious Studies and Historic Preservation. I've been better at losing weight at school than at home, so I'm hoping once I get back I'll kick things into gear again! I live off campus, but I walk to class and definitely plan on taking advantage of the gym at school. Mostly, I plan to pack my lunches and dinners whenever I can, and just keep walking!

    I'm better at it at school, too. Mostly because I can carefully control what I eat and my schedule (so I have time to exercise). At home, my schedule is unpredictable and I just eat whatever Mom makes. Plus, we eat out a lot more when I'm home.
  • CricketClover
    CricketClover Posts: 388 Member
    Who all is having a HARD week!? Test everyday this week, well one day it isn't a test but I big map project presentation. So much stress, I am so ready for this week to be over so that I will have two weeks off before fall semester.
  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    Who all is having a HARD week!? Test everyday this week, well one day it isn't a test but I big map project presentation. So much stress, I am so ready for this week to be over so that I will have two weeks off before fall semester.

    One more week to go for me. And next week is final week, but my online class decided it wanted to get a bit more complicated. (By the way class, not only do you have to do all the stuff you normally do but you have to read a book by Sunday 4 pm and have answered this essay question before then)

    I understand your pain!
  • fozziewaca
    fozziewaca Posts: 66
    Who all is having a HARD week!? Test everyday this week, well one day it isn't a test but I big map project presentation. So much stress, I am so ready for this week to be over so that I will have two weeks off before fall semester.

    Same here. Had a bit of mindless eating last night while reading the last few chapters for the final today. I'm so glad it's over, tho. (Well, technically I still have 1 more assignment left, but I'm going to do it as I'll still pass the class :P). Good luck to you! Planning anything special for your 2 week break?
  • wildestian
    wildestian Posts: 188 Member
    I start classes next week (so sad). Last time I abandoned MFP, healthy food and exercise, and gained all the weight back. I hope it doesn't happen again.
  • CricketClover
    CricketClover Posts: 388 Member
    Who all is having a HARD week!? Test everyday this week, well one day it isn't a test but I big map project presentation. So much stress, I am so ready for this week to be over so that I will have two weeks off before fall semester.

    Same here. Had a bit of mindless eating last night while reading the last few chapters for the final today. I'm so glad it's over, tho. (Well, technically I still have 1 more assignment left, but I'm going to do it as I'll still pass the class :P). Good luck to you! Planning anything special for your 2 week break?

    I never eat properly during finals week, and honestly I don't care, I just want to make it through it. I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel though. So happy about it. I moved into my apartment right before summer semester started so I haven't had a chance to unpack unnecessary things so I am going to use my two weeks off to unpack and make my apartment look more like a home and less like a homework cave with papers everywhere. Good luck to you too, and everyone body else!
  • JediMaster_intraining
    JediMaster_intraining Posts: 903 Member
    Hey ya'll! This is great! I've already started thinking about how I am going to stay on my weight loss plan on my college budget! Plus I usually have a lot more down days where I wanna eat junk and go to sleep lol. Please feel free to add me! I'm new to this site and I need all the support I can get! Thanks!

    Angie <3
  • MoreLikeAPanda
    Yay college weight loss! I'm going to be a freshman at Yale.
    I'm totally lovin' all the advice on this thread. :)
  • officiallymrswhite
    officiallymrswhite Posts: 423 Member
    Grad student and I also work for a university...hence I am on campus ALL the time!! Friend me for support...come fall it is so hard to keep it up!