

  • CricketClover
    CricketClover Posts: 388 Member
    I haven't posted on here in a couple weeks, it was nice having some time off between summer and fall semester. I started back yesterday, and my semester looks like it will be farily easy, well not class wise but schedule wise. Since I am only 0.2 miles from campus I will have no excuse to eat badly or not exercise. Hopefully fall will come early this year and I can have a bigger window of time to use the track. Right now I can only go early in the morning or in the evening.
  • helenium
    helenium Posts: 546 Member
    Hi everyone! I will jump on this bandwagon of the college/university weight loss thread...

    I'm going back to university in the UK on 29th September for my third year. I have just had to take a year out because of health problems but I took the time to shed 46 lbs and I'm below the weight that I started uni at...

    I'm hoping when I go back there I won't pile the weight back on. I'm planning on eating 1500 calories a day, and trying to work out how exercise should fit in.

    I'm trying out pole dancing next week to see if it's something I'll be able to work on properly next year. I get SO BORED with traditional strength training, I thought I'd start something more fun with similar results. I am really hoping I keep up running too, though I have no idea how I'll cope with the cold winter months...

    Good luck for everyone here. It's nerve-wracking!
  • Marianna194
    Marianna194 Posts: 145 Member
    I love the idea of this thread! I will be here very often this coming year, I think lol
    I'm going into Science and I'm really afraid that a hectic schedule will wreck everything and stress will cause me to overeat
  • WWH_AJ
    WWH_AJ Posts: 419 Member
    I have access to a locker, fridge (although it is quite disgusting) and microwave. Any of you have good snack ideas for stashing in my locker??

    My ideal would be to go to the gym BEFORE classes begin but I LOVE sleep and I hate mornings, especially in winter! And I don't drink coffee either!

    Snack ideas = nuts (Almonds!!!!) - but they are proven to reduce stress!, 100 calorie packs (these should be like treats though not 2 or 3 a day but they have cookie crisps or crackers to help you out!, hard boiled eggs (these tend to smell though so I'd avoid opening them IN class haha, maybe while you're between classes!, obviously fruits and veggies - go for blueberries or carrots - things you can have a lot of so they'll last longer! Greek yogurt or low fat yogurt would be a fun energizing snack full of protein to keep in the fridge you have! A few pieces of dark chocolate every once in a while wouldn't be too bad either! PopChips are great too as you can have like 22 of them for 120 calories! Even string cheese is a good snack!

    I agree with these ideas as well as MiniQuakers Delights. They are a yummy treat with only 90 cals. I'm also a sucker for PopTarta and I love the brown cinnamin ones, but only eat one or you'll have a 400 snack on your hands! I also love pineapples, peanuts, and weight watchers has these cholcoate fudge bars that are sinful but only 45 cals per bar :)
  • ktbug82
    ktbug82 Posts: 166
    I love this idea!

    Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis (IUPUI)
  • ktbug82
    ktbug82 Posts: 166
    I love the idea of this thread! I will be here very often this coming year, I think lol
    I'm going into Science and I'm really afraid that a hectic schedule will wreck everything and stress will cause me to overeat

    Science can be a really stressful major to enter into. Just work on time management. Workout and study at the same time, join study groups so you can have friends to vent to and study with. It'll all be okay!
  • emadigan
    emadigan Posts: 89 Member
    Ugh I have been so lazy and unmotivated this summer. I can't wait to go back to school just so I'm back on track. Does anyone else find that they are more motivated and on track at school, versus on breaks?
  • CatherineElizabeth13
    CatherineElizabeth13 Posts: 212 Member
    I'm also a second year law student :)
    Summer has gone so fast! I had hoped to be back in my skinny jeans by September.

    Best food to keep you going at uni....veggie burgers!
  • Marianna194
    Marianna194 Posts: 145 Member
    I love the idea of this thread! I will be here very often this coming year, I think lol
    I'm going into Science and I'm really afraid that a hectic schedule will wreck everything and stress will cause me to overeat

    Science can be a really stressful major to enter into. Just work on time management. Workout and study at the same time, join study groups so you can have friends to vent to and study with. It'll all be okay!

    thank you :) I appreciate the support! Also, I'm not really sure,but I'm hoping that maybe all the walking around campus will help me lose some of the weight? For example, if I miss out on a workout one day, could I just count the calories lost from walking around campus, esp since I have my settings on 'sedentary'?
  • kaswain
    kaswain Posts: 80 Member
    Starting my last undergrad semester next week. I lost the freshman 15 and i am now working on all the weight i had on me before college. Feel free to add me for support. Good luck to everyone starting class next week!!!!
  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    Where are my college people?!!?

    Have you started yet?
    I'm in my second week, so far I'm exercising 6 days a week for at least 45 minutes. My schedules about to get a little more crazy so I'm hoping I can keep it up! Already lost 4.5 pounds!
  • plutoniansmash
    Hey everyone, this is a great thread!

    I'm going abroad for the semester and I'm interested to see what my food will look like!! The brits eat so differently than we do, and who knows how much I'll be eating out... Only time will tell I guess!

    3 WEEKS AND COUNTING till I hit that plane!

    Junior - English Major
    University of Wisconsin Stevens Point
    Liverpool Hope University
  • musicmanomar
    I started this thread and I feel awful that I haven't been able to workout. It's so hard but I am pumped because from now on starting tomorrow I am waking up at 5AM-5:30AM every morning to workout. It's not easy being a music major and having to be in so many rehearsals and teach so many students but I am going to finish losing the weight! We can all do it! Go team!
  • KimmyEB
    KimmyEB Posts: 1,208 Member
    Great idea!! My journey started in 2006 right out of HS, went to the local university for two years, didn't have a high enough gpa for their nursing program and transferred to the community college to get my ASN. When I was at the university I actually lost 15lbs. was back down in the high 130s to mid 140s at times. Well first semester of nursing school in Jan 2009, RUINED all of that! Popped on 40lbs the first semester, and it just steadily kept increase I just never stepped on a scale to know how much each semester. Well I am back at the university getting my BSN and then MSN. I just finished my first semester over the summer and have dropped 9lbs so far. So since April when my highest weight EVER was 208 I have lost 14lbs total and 21 1/4 inches. I live 5 minutes from campus and most of my classes are online so my challange will be to avoid the munchies while studying/listening to lectures. Best of luck to everyone in your weight loss journey and in school!!!

    University of South Florida
    Associates of Science in Nursing Bridge to Bachelors of Science in Nursing

    I don't go to USF, but I live not too far from it, and have a lot of friends who go there!! :smile:
  • Marianna194
    Marianna194 Posts: 145 Member
    I feel like Crap crap craap.

    4 midterms and a lab this week. Been eating tuxedo cake and nothing else to curb cravings and I'm gonna gain at least five pounds by friday, I just know it. Worst is that I have a wedding on saturday so instead of looking great like i was supposed to im gona look awful.
  • annarouni
    annarouni Posts: 127 Member
    Hi Marianna, Sorry to hear you're having a bad time. What's making you feel so down? Can you pinpoint the problem? Is it because your schedule is loaded with high stakes events like exams? Or is it something else? Though I am not sure what tuxedo cake is exactly, there is something about the name "cake" that tells me that it probably isn't doing you any favors. If you are having anxiety over being well-prepared for the exams and lab, you know that cake isn't the answer. Personally, I find that exercise sharpens my concentration (so much so that if I workout too late in the evening I can't fall asleep because everything is operating in high gear) so by exercising in the morning before I get started for the day, I find that everything else goes that much better for the rest of the day. I know you feel pressed for time, but if you make the effort to get out and just walk around your neighborhood for 30-40 minutes in the morning, I think you'll feel a difference. Plus, you are not making those tuxedo cakes in your own kitchen are you? (That would be taking you away from study time for far too long, wouldn't it?) Rather than stopping off at the bakery, pop in to the supermarket and get some almonds, apples and carrots to munch on. No plates or silverware to wash up, no chocolate crumbs on your study materials, and high nutrient density/fiber content . Come on, YOU CAN DO THIS!

    You may think you don't have time to exercise, but you definitely don't have the time to be unhealthy!

    P. S. Your before >>>after icon is really cool. Where did you find that? I'd really like to make one of those too. Thanks. <3
  • arispawild
  • Mrrwmoo
    Mrrwmoo Posts: 44
    SCU in Cali, sophomore in Bioengineering, hai >‿‿◕ ; ;
  • drivingtodothis
    drivingtodothis Posts: 11 Member
    I totally understand where you're coming from. Midterms are the absolute worst well minus those pesky finals at the end of the semester. You just have to keep strong!! They'll be over before ya know it. Just keep thinking about how much fun you're going to have at the wedding :) Just put the cake down and reassess the situation. You can do this. We will all survive midterms without gaining! Good Luck!! And have fun.
  • bbabs99
    bbabs99 Posts: 51
    Freshman - University of Missouri - Journalism/English Major
    I've had a lot of issues with binge eating since I've been here. I tossed all of the food that I had to try and help but there's always food somewhere in my room (roommates) or in whomever's room I'm in. Any ideas on how to stop the gaining through binging and start losing?