

  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    well the weekend was horrible over calories way over calories!! BAD BAD BAD Kris. Here is to a new week :drinker:
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    well the weekend was horrible over calories way over calories!! BAD BAD BAD Kris. Here is to a new week :drinker:

    Been there/done that Kris

    Put a plan together and TOMORROW the sun will come out!! Bet your bottom dollar!!


    New link is in my signiture.
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Thank you!! It comes & goes. Not sure if I told you guys but I have to pump my leg every morning for 45 minutes. I also have to wear those dang hot & tight compression stockings daily. I swell immediately when I don't. :-( Oh well, I can walk & I have legs!! I Thank God they make these things so I can help keep it under control. I think you had a GREAT week and am impressed with your morning workouts!!

    Don't be so hard on yourself!! This is a Lifestyle for a Lifetime CHANGE!! Slow & Steady wins the race!!
    Wow!! Sounds pretty serious. Buy you have such an amazing out look and attitude. cheers to you Dee :drinker:
    Thanks Dee somtimes I get a little tunnel vision and and forget about the whole week and get hung up on one day.

    Sunday check in
    1. Week 6 P90X - happy to report I finished strong. Today was chest, shoulders and tricpes and ab ripper X.
    2. 3-4 non P90x workouts - got in a good walk today. So 4 for the week.
    3. Bed time 10:00 Sunday - Thursday - I'm a little late for a "school night". But wasn't really tired...
    4. Better contorol over the weekend - I under ate today. Spent most of the day shopping with my friend and totally lost track of time.
    Tomorrow is weigh in day. - very happy to report I hit my 50 pounds lost mark today!!!!!!!
    Then I'm going shopping with my best friend for stuff for her wedding. - got my matron of honor dress (wearing it in my profile pic). It is a size 12!!!!
    Have a great evening all. Keep on rocking it! See you all for next weeks challenge.
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Day 6 was a cheat day and I may need to remove those from my agenda next week. I think that will be one of my mini goals. I did great all week but then one peanut M&M and I figured I might as well just go all out and eat the bag. Argh.

    Day 7 was a lot better:

    1. NO EATING PAST 8PM -- done
    2. GET UP FROM DESK AND WALK EVERY HOUR -- I was at home, so no desk, and I was on my feet for most of the day!
    3. LOG EVERYTHING -- done!

    Can't wait for next week to see what everyone's goals are! I'm going to sleep on mine and decide in the morning.