Dukan it out !!! - The Dukan Diet



  • mrshickey
    just wanted to ask others on dukan, how many grams of carbs are u having on pp and pv days?? on a protein only day i have carbs in the form of fat free dairy, and a little onion or garlic in food. obviously pv days automatically include veg, but there doesnt seem to be any guidelines in the book.

    so i just wondered what u guys were doing?
  • januarygal
    januarygal Posts: 336 Member
    Energy drain on low carb. I like that the weight loss is quick and easy on the dukan plan but I don't like the lack of energy. If I am only going to walk 20-30 minutes per day it is fine, but I am used to doing a lot more than that and after almost vomiting on one of my bike rides last week, I have decided to add a carb serving before work outs. My attack days I will limit my activity to the walk and on pv days I will add one carb serving before my workout. After improving my cardio so much in the last several months I don't want to lose my fitness level and I really like the feeling of accomplishment taking on challenging activities. I ride by bike 25 km home from work 3 days per week much of it up hill, cuz I live on a little mountain, and one gym day to work my upper body. That leaves 3 attack days and 4 pv + low glycemic carb days.
    Do any of you work out? How are you handling the energy drain?
  • LMDelphia
    I had a really successful attack phase last week. I am on cruise this week (PV) and then PP next. The thing is, I lost weight on attack that I have not gained back so that is great. About four pounds in ten days (I stuck it out for 10 because I was hoping to lose more). This week, I did protein and veggies except for three days in which all I wanted was carbs (apples, brown rice, w/e). I checked it out today and I gained half a pound back. I resume PP next week (alternating weeks). I do work out a lot though, and I just feel like I need it! Any tips for not failing the PV? I did fine without any carbs, but give me some and then all I want is more! :huh: the mind and body are curiously behaving. will do better tomorrow and this week (turkey for thanksgiving anyone?) but it is more of a question WHEN I will need more carbs then I am taking in than IF I will need more carbs than I am taking in before I reach my goal weight...
    I should also add that I haven't been doing the oat bran. This may be my downfall, but I did not find the specific stuff he talked about. And I didn't understand why I needed it so just forgot about it.
  • LMDelphia
    And about carbs, I try to limit dairy while on PP because they do add up. I stay well under 50g on PP days and around/under 100g on PV days (some of the vegetables say they have a lot of carbs on myfitnesspal that he approved. I wonder if the entries are correct?).
  • Jenninedinburgh
    Jenninedinburgh Posts: 70 Member
    Not to be a "debbie downer" (what a dorky saying LOL), but the reason these fad diets keep selling is because people have little patience to work hard and get the weight to come off in the most healthy way possible...

    Good luck - but fads are fads - watching calories, eating healthily and exercising is the only life plan that works in my opinion...
  • januarygal
    januarygal Posts: 336 Member
    I should also add that I haven't been doing the oat bran. This may be my downfall, but I did not find the specific stuff he talked about. And I didn't understand why I needed it so just forgot about it.

    It took me a few grocery stores before I found it, but now I have it (usually in the cereal aisle, but you you should ask at your store).
    the bran helps keeps you full and makes your bowels work properly, quite an important thing.
    I mix it in with my yogurt and it tastes fine. i am going to try and make crab cakes for dinner with it tonight. I hope it works.
    You said you work out, how are you coping with energy levels on protein days?
  • januarygal
    januarygal Posts: 336 Member
    Not to be a "debbie downer" (what a dorky saying LOL), but the reason these fad diets keep selling is because people have little patience to work hard and get the weight to come off in the most healthy way possible...

    Good luck - but fads are fads - watching calories, eating healthily and exercising is the only life plan that works in my opinion...

    Gee I wish I had thought of that, oh wait I did and so did every one else who is heavier than they want to be.
    I am not trying this because I am lazy and afraid of hard work, (I work out 7-10 hours per week) I have been stuck for months and need something to get my weight loss started again.

    So yes, you are a debbie downer!
  • willywonka
    willywonka Posts: 743 Member
    you know, i have heard the skeptics too and I know there's no such thing as a "miracle" diet. Everyone knows that if you fall back into bad habits, yes you will gain the weight back that you have lost. I love the Dukan Diet- I have never tried low carb before and it has done things that nothing else ever has, like flatten my belly and curb my cravings for the junk food and "white" carbs.

    Let's please support one another- that's the reason for this thread. You don't have to agree with what we are doing, but then again- why would you even comment on the thread. For a lot of people, the Dukan gives just the right result in the beginning for people that have tried everything and it encourages them to move on. I admit, the Attack phase is extreme, but the PV days are nice and I am starting consolidation now- it is a lifestyle change. I'm curious to see how it all pans out, but right now- I am a total supporter of the difference it has made for me.
  • mrshickey
    Not to be a "debbie downer" (what a dorky saying LOL), but the reason these fad diets keep selling is because people have little patience to work hard and get the weight to come off in the most healthy way possible...

    Good luck - but fads are fads - watching calories, eating healthily and exercising is the only life plan that works in my opinion...

    i work hard, count calories and eat healthily on the dukan diet. not quite sure why you would comment on this thread at all.
  • mrshickey
    I had a really successful attack phase last week. I am on cruise this week (PV) and then PP next. The thing is, I lost weight on attack that I have not gained back so that is great. About four pounds in ten days (I stuck it out for 10 because I was hoping to lose more). This week, I did protein and veggies except for three days in which all I wanted was carbs (apples, brown rice, w/e). I checked it out today and I gained half a pound back. I resume PP next week (alternating weeks). I do work out a lot though, and I just feel like I need it! Any tips for not failing the PV? I did fine without any carbs, but give me some and then all I want is more! :huh: the mind and body are curiously behaving. will do better tomorrow and this week (turkey for thanksgiving anyone?) but it is more of a question WHEN I will need more carbs then I am taking in than IF I will need more carbs than I am taking in before I reach my goal weight...
    I should also add that I haven't been doing the oat bran. This may be my downfall, but I did not find the specific stuff he talked about. And I didn't understand why I needed it so just forgot about it.

    i alternate my pp and pv days i wonder if this may help so that you wont have such a break between carbs and crave them less?

    also i just use 100% oat bran from the supermarket, as long as its 100% i think that should be ok. the specific oat bran the diet talks about can only be purchased through the dukan website and im not willing to spend that much on it (im a poor student lol)
  • Picola1984
    Picola1984 Posts: 1,133
    Well after the 2nd time of the attack phase I have now come to the conclusion that this diet is no good if you are a busy person

    I really crash with no energy

    Back to sensible foods I think
  • mrshickey
    Well after the 2nd time of the attack phase I have now come to the conclusion that this diet is no good if you are a busy person

    I really crash with no energy

    Back to sensible foods I think

    sorry to hear uv had a bad time, this diet isnt for everyone. i worried about crashing but i have more energy than i have done for a while- maybe we approached things differently, i definetly didnt spend long in attack phase!! good luck with your journey.
  • willywonka
    willywonka Posts: 743 Member
    Hi there my fellow Dukaners, what is everyone doing for Thanksgiving? Are you allowing yourself the treat of a regular meal or trying to stick to Dukan, I'm struggling with what to do. I love cornbread dressing and pumpkin pie more than anything but don't want to get off track- it is a special day though :flowerforyou:
  • mrshickey
    Hi there hows everyone doing, hope everyone is dong really well!!

    Ive just started exercising (a 3000 calories burned a week challenge) which has actually sent my body into complete shock as its so used to me being so lazy, lol!! so, after a week of loads of energy i have completley run out of fuel this week and today ive struggled to stand, never mind exercise. for this reason im 'leaving' dukan for a while and eating more carbs to accomodate for the fuel i need to exercise. i could have reduced my exercise to the walking dr dukan prescribes but i felt it wouldnt help my endurance levels as i want to be able to go running.

    although i will be sticking to some dukan principles, my dukan diet will be missed!!! if eating differently doesnt help my energy levels, i will be back!!!!!!
  • LMDelphia
    to each their own, let us know how you do!
    low carbs are said to trigger cravings- body wants glucose! so it is hard
    i am used to working out (kickboxing is my favorite) so it really just takes a lot more motivation
    i lost weight with dukan- no bran- alternating PP and PV weeks- but i break it once a week unintentionally. i need to get it together!
  • losinglbs0208
    Hey y'all,
    I'm going to try Dukan again. I've been working for years and years to shed pounds, having some success from time to time and stuff, but I've been in major stall mode. I attempted Dukan about three months ago but didn't really put any effort in. This time, I'm going to give it real focus and hope for the best.

    I'm getting married at the end of March, and yes, I want to look good in my wedding dress (we're eloping, though, so it's not like it'll be a huge show or anything) but I also want to look good in pictures in PARIS, and not have to lug all this weight around while trying to sightsee on my honeymoon. Plus, I'm just sick and tired of being overweight!

    So, share any tips or advice you have, please. And good luck to us all!
  • applekoko19
    applekoko19 Posts: 85 Member
    Hello, it's great to find other people on the dukan diet to talk to :) Just finished attack yesterday and so far I'm down 7 lbs... HAPPY! Thats better than I ever managed on my first week of weight watchers. Now I must just add in some excersise... Good luck everyone!
  • willywonka
    willywonka Posts: 743 Member
    Just checking in to say hi, how's everyone doing?
  • mrshickey

    so i tried higher carbs, energy level did raise a little but so did weight. gained 4 lbs. needless to say i went back to attack and ive lost 5 pounds in five days. clearly my body likes this diet. so i plan to eat more veg and dairy on pv days to increase my carbs, maybe even a little more oatbran and use these days as workout days. im approaching my last stone now, cant wait to get to my true weight!!!
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    Hi everyone! I tried the Attack phase a few weeks ago and got down 5 pounds in 2 days!!! But on day 3, the hubby and I went to my inlaws for dinner and they ordered pizza and kept making me feel guilty for turning it down, so I caved and ate some to keep them quiet..and then life just got hectic! I am ready to give it my all now though, because I KNOW it works! I've seen it work twice now.

    Starting tomorrow is Day 1 of Attack for me. I know I can do this...I did it for over a month back in July and it worked out great. I just need to stay focussed and go through the phases correctly instead of getting impatient.