oohhh new study!! too much water is bad for u



  • wachter66
    wachter66 Posts: 11
    My mother was a diabetic and would drink water non-stop. I asked the doctor if this was ok and I was told that anything over 64 oz in a day is overworking your kidneys and is not good for you and that is why we are recommended to drink 8 - 8ozx glasses per day.
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,495 Member
    My mother was a diabetic and would drink water non-stop. I asked the doctor if this was ok and I was told that anything over 64 oz in a day is overworking your kidneys and is not good for you and that is why we are recommended to drink 8 - 8ozx glasses per day.

    My mom is also diabetic and has never been told anything like this, more is always encouraged.
  • skinnimini16
    I drink about 20 8oz glasses a day, the only thing i see wrong with that is i have to pee.... a lot haha
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    I drink about 20 8oz glasses a day, the only thing i see wrong with that is i have to pee.... a lot haha

    LOL. I drink about 8-10 17oz bottles of water a day. Get em free at work.
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I drink between 90-100oz each day.. I feel so much better when I do.. Of course its spread out all day and not at once.
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    If you read carefully, it says: 'The current evidence is that there really is no evidence' to support the idea that water helps people to lose weight by suppressing their appetite. MY COMMENT - I DONT EXPECT IT TO "SUPPRESS" MY APPETITE!


    So, I suppose if you're looking for an excuse to drink less water, here it is.

    ^ Definitely This. In time gone past eggs and milk have been so totally bad for you... now they've found that eggs have less cholesterol than previously believed.

    Believe what you want to believe. What works for you is what you need to do. I will stick to as much as I can possibly drink in one day. Water has always been there for me... I'm not leaving it!
  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    Too much water is bad for you and can be lethal

    and do you have proof? Just sayin

    water toxicity
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    I don't drink any particular amount of water in a day. I drink when I am thirsty. My pee is the right color. I drink primarily water, with occasionally juice and a once a week, maybe, soda. I strongly doubt that I drink 8 glasses of it a day. When I shifted what it was that I was drinking, my complexion got better, but I can't say that I feel better overall. It probably has helped my running because I've gotten to each run appropriately hydrated.

    EDIT: But one of the major reasons I will not drink a specific amount a day is because I know I can easily get overhydrated. And starting a run overhydrated will increase my chances of hyponatremia. I seriously think all runners should listen to their bodies because of this.
  • kappy_hollowell
    Too much water is bad for you and can be lethal

    and do you have proof? Just sayin

    It is true but extremely rare :water intoxication...check out this link...


    I GOT IT

    Hey Kappy...I think most people were just responding to the comment as they came across it (as I did as well) and didn't see you had apologized (not that this was warranted) when they did!

    I am sorry if you felt ganged up on. I know I didn't mean to make you feel that way!


    It's all good! It's been a horrible Monday at work (I"M STRESSING OUT) and I took it out on you guys. Sorry about that. :embarassed: :flowerforyou:
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    I was hospitalized for dehydration a few years ago. There for 3 days. You don't want to go there.
    Better to overhydrate than UNDER.

    Hospitalized twice. Put on an IV once in my doctors office for it. I was constantly told I was dehydrated until now. Now I drink 150+ ounces a day. Not at one time but throughout the day. Even drinking 20oz within the last hour before bed I still sleep 6 hours before I have to get up to use the bathroom. Same amount of time before I drank so much. Difference is now I feel so much better.
    Just drink when you're thirsty and then drink some more if you've been sweating. Too much of anything is bad for you obviously. Use common sense people. And the easiest way to judge hydration level is by the color of your urine. Darker yellow = drink some more. Yellowish-Clear = good to go!

    But what if it's purple???

    You are a Smurf! :laugh:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    In time gone past eggs and milk have been so totally bad for you... now they've found that eggs have less cholesterol than previously believed.

    Actually, what they've found is that commercial eggs now have less cholesterol than they used to due to changes in diet fed chickens. Though you are correct that some reports classified eggs as a food to be avoided or limited due to the high amount of cholesterol for their size despite any scientific evidence that eating eggs raised blood choleserol levels.
  • jaseym6
    jaseym6 Posts: 12 Member
    considering that a larger percentage of our body is made up of water, you would have to drink like 4-5 gallons an hour for 4-5 hours straight.........i can't do that.....is it possible...maybe but you would have want to drink that much.....
  • kathrynkatana
    kathrynkatana Posts: 90 Member
    I love the conversation this article sparked. To be sure, that wasn't a study, it doesn't link to a study and is an article. So I agree with those who are being skeptical. The one thing to realize is even in a correctly run human study, human study are hard to do and often have wrong conclusion. There are moral issue on how far you can go in them. Take the example of cancer studies. They can't have a control in those, you wouldn't tell someone with cancer, you might get a sugar pill! So they don't, they use the standard level of care instead, which can lead to inaccurate results, but doesn't put any one in unnecessary danger. And some studies can be run by interest groups or worse off, are legitimacy studies interrupted by interest groups. That makes good science go under the bus because of politics. Another thing to take in considerations with studies is if you are not in the majority, it may not reflect for you. Studies are structured to be the average person most the time and if you have a certain condition or lifestyle, it may not work for you at all. To be sure, medical studies are good for us, they strengthen our knowledge and understanding about our bodies and health, even if they are not perfect. But the generally rule is talk to your doctor about it! There input would be more personal to your situation and not generalized to the entire country. :)

    Sorry for the rant. Just had to get that off my chest.
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    @ frostiegurl - yes, the one I was talking about happened here in Sacramento. Not only was the radio station held liable, all the DJ's were fired. So sad for that poor woman trying to win a WII for her 3 kids. She left with a terrible headache and later died at the hospital. :frown:

    Sorry to go off topic here. I guess it's really up to the individual as to how much water they feel they need, taking into account things like kidney disease & other factors that affect your daily water intake. A good friend of mine just had a kidney transplant, and he is finally able to start drinking water again after being on dialysis for about 7 years. He's so happy!
  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    Well, here's my opinion. The clincher for me is that this a "new study". In my mind, one new study does not negate years of study showing the benefits of drinking water. Water is one of the only natural liquids that doesn't have a bunch of junk added to it. Our bodies are mostly made up of water. We need it. And I find that as I drink water, I want more water.

    I suppose if you are a person who sits all day and drinks copious amounts of water just for the sake of drinking water, you will probably have some unpleasant sife affects.

    If they did a study on North America, they'd probably find that the majority of people are dehydrated.

    What's funny is that no one talking about the benefits of water links to studies to prove it. Try to find one - cause I have.

    My 2 cents - water is important, but I don't believe we are already dehydrated when we start to drink it. I was following the 1oz of water for every 2 lbs of body weight but I've backed off to 6-8, 8ounces glasses a day (I drink when I'm thirsty). All food already has some water content. Fruits can be 80-90% water, lean meat 70%, so the average person gets about a liter (4, 8oz glasses) of hydration from their food.

    Yes anything in excess can be bad for you and the average American should probably be drinking more water, but I do think water needs have been overstated by the media.

    Study that shows we stay just as hydrated when we drink when thirsty instead of forcing water

    Study showing that beverage besides water are hydrating (the only beverage that has a net water loss is alcohol)
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    Anyone who thinks dehydration is a myth has obviously never been truly dehydrated. It is not a myth and I know from personal experience.
    I drink a gallon of water a day everyday, haven't died from it yet. Never get kidney infections or urinary tract infections. We need water. And anyone who is seriously into losing weight will do better if they drink mostly water. And anyone who seriously exercises should be drinking A LOT of water.
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    Too much water is bad for you and can be lethal

    and do you have proof? Just sayin

    water toxicity

    Just for the record, anyone can put anything they want to on wikipedia. Anyone can edit anything they want to. I wouldn't trust wikipedia for any medical information.
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    Too much water is bad for you and can be lethal

    and do you have proof? Just sayin

    water toxicity

    Just for the record, anyone can put anything they want to on wikipedia. Anyone can edit anything they want to. I wouldn't trust wikipedia for any medical information.


    How about one from a .gov?
  • fangedneko
    fangedneko Posts: 133 Member
    That's why you check the references in the wikipedia article. Also, blatant POV and unsourced material and such gets removed fairly quickly from medical related articles, because so many people with knowledge of the subject matter have those articles in their watchlists.
  • bennettsd
    bennettsd Posts: 3
    Too much water is bad for you and can be lethal

    and do you have proof? Just sayin

    Lol! Maybe they mean "lethal" as in drowning?