For ladies only... swimming??



  • Mandyw58
    Mandyw58 Posts: 99 Member
    Another vote for the diva cup. I used to do a lot of diving, and a tampon just wouldn't have worked. Because I was out on the boat all day, I wouldn't have been able to change it on schedule. With the diva cup, I could wear it all day, and not have to worry about changing it or getting water-logged. It's also been great for overnight backpacking trips. As for comfort, I completely forget it's there once it's in, unlike tampons which I've always found slightly uncomfortable. There is a learning curve, but it's well worth it.
  • kristydi
    kristydi Posts: 781 Member
    K so I went swimming and everything was FINE!!! YAY

    As for the cup thing, doesn't it feel weird once it's in there??? I used these other cup device type things once but they were disposable, they were a MESS!!!!!

    I can feel the cup less than I felt tampons. I literally forget that I'm on my period.

    I tried the disposable ones to and they were awful. Uncomfortable, hard to get in correctly and a gross mess. The reusable ones are much better. The disposable ones sit right near the mouth of your vagina and are really shallow. The reusable ones sit up further inside you and are deeper.

    I literally can not imagine ever going back to tampons after having used the cup. The cup is just so much better.
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    The cups don't work if you have a tipped or angled cervix. They will indeed leave a mess because they cannot fit your body properly.

    Can't agree with that; mine is tilted the wrong way, and I have never had any issues with using my I said earlier, I've been using it for every day of my periods for seven years. And now I am peri-menopausal, sometimes that's two weeks of every month. I have never experienced a mess, and sometimes my flow is really heavy (although mostly it's what I assume is average).
    It is the best invention ever!!

    And it's not even a new invention! I saw an ad in a very early 20th century magazine for one....I think it was around 1910! And I've seen lots in mags from the '40s and '50s (no, I'm not quite that old - I'm just very into old mags and newspapers!).
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    first, your period doesn't stop when you get wet.

    Really?? Then how come when you shower and stuff, you never leak?
  • misslynn23
    misslynn23 Posts: 31 Member
    I have NEVER had a problem.
  • princess_in_power
    princess_in_power Posts: 234 Member
    first, your period doesn't stop when you get wet.
    Really?? Then how come when you shower and stuff, you never leak?

    Um, I'm glad you have such a light period! I'm TOTALLY jealous.. Anyone with a heavy period can tell you there IS blood in the water when you shower (while you shower, not just upon getting out), getting wet there or anywhere does not stop the bleeding! :(
    So we/I have to wear tampon or in my case the DivaCup in order to not have blood running down my leg in the shower
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    They work fine.i used them for a whole summer,didn`t want to miss out.i have very heavy ones and was ok.
    have fun
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    first, your period doesn't stop when you get wet.
    Really?? Then how come when you shower and stuff, you never leak?

    Um, I'm glad you have such a light period! I'm TOTALLY jealous.. Anyone with a heavy period can tell you there IS blood in the water when you shower (while you shower, not just upon getting out), getting wet there or anywhere does not stop the bleeding! :(
    So we/I have to wear tampon or in my case the DivaCup in order to not have blood running down my leg in the shower

    Dang, I didn't realize that could happen!! Wow! That's too bad :(
  • cabul3
    cabul3 Posts: 210 Member
    i swim a couple times a week, plus take aqua-fit, even when it's TOM. i've never had a problem wearing a tampon! your flow stops in the water, anyways, and the tampon takes care of the rest.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I did Warrior Dash during Aunt Flo's visit.

    If I could scale walls, run through a forest, wade through lakes and streams, crawl through mud, leap fire and climb a cargo net - while wearing a bikini (with a kilt over it) - you can go swimming.

    If the phrase "like a severed head" describes your rate of flow, though, you might want to check ever couple hours.
  • janet_pratt
    janet_pratt Posts: 747 Member
    Wow! I dont' know if I would have trusted them that much! I would have felt like shark bait!

    Sorry...this was in response to the lady that swam in the gulf with the sharks. It ended up in the wrong place.
  • Falisha13
    Falisha13 Posts: 311 Member
    I use a cup now, which i have no problems swimming with, but I never had problems with tampons when I used them with swimming. Other problems, but not with swimming. ;-)

    Do you use the Diva Cup? I Love mine!
  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    I guess it depends on how heavy your flow is... mine is niagara falls heavy. A tampon would never keep me safe from swimming as I have to wear a super, ultra overnight pad as well as a maximum absorbancy tampon and still have to change them out every hour or 2.

    I peeked at your profile, if you don't want kids you don't have to suffer like that. I did after I had my kids, period got worse with each one. Back in 2008 I had an outpatient uterine ablation and it changed my life. Periods are spotting only the most I ever need is a panty liner if that and no cramps. PMS is still there but to be free of feeling like I was chained to the house for fear of leaks is priceless. My insuranc covered all but $120 of it. You should check it out if you aren't having children.
  • FL_Nettie
    FL_Nettie Posts: 265 Member
    You learn something new everyday....I had no idea there were cups for TOM. I wish I'd known years ago. I must have been living under a rock.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    /Begin Debbie Downer post

    The cups don't work if you have a tipped or angled cervix. They will indeed leave a mess because they cannot fit your body properly.

    They're also not a good idea for those who have Mirena or IUD coils or have had a cervical LEEP or biopsy recently.

    /End Debbie Downer post

    I have Mirena and have no issues using it. Just keep it clean and make sure to completely release the suction before pulling it out. I would much rather use the cup then tampons w/IUD! I would be afraid of pulling the strings out w/tampon

    ETA: Short forum discussion, women w/tilted uterus or cervix can use reusable menstrual cups!

    I avoided it (and tampons) due to the risk of infection and UTI after a biopsy.

    The forums may say one thing, but after several visits to the doctor, I've confirmed I cannot use cups, diaphragms, or anything similar simply due to my body shape. So, like I said, Debbie Downer here confirming that no matter what, some people simply cannot use these no matter how great they may be.