Judgemental People

Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
There seems to be a pattern on MFP. People are getting all offended about things people are saying. It doesn't have to be even aimed at anyone in particular, it only has to be something that could be construed as "judging" someone.

So here's what I have to say about that.

Grow some freaking thick skin. Do you really think that people in real life aren't judging others? Judging happens. It's basic human nature. Everyone seems to think that its always a bad thing, but you know what?

When it comes to weight loss, I disagree. Look at what other people are doing that is not good for them, and learn from it! People are so worried about hurting other peoples feelings, they won't be honest and say the truth.

So here's the truth - Judge me. If I am doing something but for my health, CALL ME ON IT. Don't say "Oh it's ok, its fine you just ate a cheeseburger for the 6th straight day in a row"

I wanna hear things like "Put down the damn burgers and get your *kitten* to a gym!"

Lets see some honesty people. And when you get honest advice, realize that they aren't giving you this advice to hurt your feelings or be mean. The advice is just to try to help. If you disagree with it.... don't follow it! You don't need to get personally offended and snap at people.

The vast vast vast majority of people on here are on here to change themselves and to help others change. Not hurt your feelings. So start with the idea that they are TRYING TO HELP YOU.

Advice is just that. Advice. You don't have to listen to it if you don't think it's good advice. Even if someone has a personal problem with you, why would you get all offended about a troll on the internet? It doesn't affect your real life!

Thicken up your skin. Seriously, if you can't take a little bit of controversy on the internet, how the hell do you function in real life? Do you live in a bubble where no one can hurt your feelings?

Stop the drama, people. This isn't highschool.


  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member

    Stop the drama, people. This isn't highschool.

    ....and let the drama begin!!!
  • trianaw
    trianaw Posts: 177
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    This post hurts my feelings. *runs off to tell a grown up*
  • TeenaMarina
    TeenaMarina Posts: 420 Member
    It's why we're all here, right?!
  • ivansmomma
    ivansmomma Posts: 500
    I believe you have a good point. I don't think we should judge each other, but encourage and support - and if that means YELLING, then so be it!! Sometimes, we all need someone in our face asking us what the heck are we doing???? Thanks for just getting it out in the open. Take care.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
  • ivansmomma
    ivansmomma Posts: 500
    This post hurts my feelings. *runs off to tell a grown up*

    Too funny!!
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    This post hurts my feelings. *runs off to tell a grown up*

    LMAO!! :laugh:
  • juleseybaby
    juleseybaby Posts: 712 Member
    This post hurts my feelings. *runs off to tell a grown up*

  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    Seriously - a lack of people calling me on my **** is how I packed on 50 pounds in ONE YEAR. If someone would have told me to step away from the burrito a few times my thighs wouldn't look like sacks of cottage cheese.

    Judgey Wudgey was a Bear... *roar*
  • spaztastic13
    spaztastic13 Posts: 229
    Its human nature to judge...and everyone is entitled to there own opinion!!!!
  • abalicious
    abalicious Posts: 361 Member
    THANK YOU!!!! However, I don't know how many times I've experienced backlash because I've said something that not everyone agrees with. People on here also don't understand that it's MY opinion... I'll even state it's MINE and I DON'T want to offend someone. Even coming from a good place, people try to make it into something it's not. This website is called My Fitness PAL. It's meant for support and encouragement. If you don't agree with what someone posted, correct it in a nice way or don't say anything at all.
  • voluptas63
    voluptas63 Posts: 602 Member
    Um, if this isn't a place that will let me eat cheeseburgers 6 days in a row and tell me it's okay when I complain that I don't lose weight...

    WHY AM I HERE?! You people are all so mean and I'm taking my ball and I'm going home!

  • CardiacNP
    CardiacNP Posts: 554 Member
    I can't decide is i am hurt, loved or just lost.

    But smile everyone

    Don;t take yourelves and life to serious
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    How Dare you! LOL :laugh: :laugh:

    Well on the lighter note I'm true and honest with my opinions and if people disagree then so be it. I'm here to encourage and uplift others when they need it, and yes everyone judges to include myself so no one is perfect. :drinker:
  • ❤B☩❤
    ❤B☩❤ Posts: 634
    There's a HUGE difference between HONESTY and RUDENESS!
  • brit49
    brit49 Posts: 461 Member
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member

    Judgey Wudgey was a Bear... *roar*

  • kportelli70
    I agree with you 110%!!!!! There are too many people in this world that are growing up to be *****'s. Why do you think the world is so ****ed up? You have to "politically correct" when you talk to people now. I'm sick and tired of it.
  • CardiacNP
    CardiacNP Posts: 554 Member
    There's a HUGE difference between HONESTY and RUDENESS!

    honest is real.

    Rudeness is a perceived thing based on YOUR thoughts of their Honesty