Judgemental People



  • bobbybdoe
    bobbybdoe Posts: 472 Member
    I like how 3 times yesterday I was called "judgemental" and "judgemental *kitten*" because I spoke up against a weight loss fad I don't approve of. Made me lol because they didn't even know how bad the words "judgemental *kitten*" contradict each other.


    It's not your fault you're sensitive and insecure because you can't take criticism.
  • TheNewLK
    TheNewLK Posts: 933 Member
    **sniffles** Damn do you have to be so judegemental about being sensitive.......:cry::sad: :cry: :sad:
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    There's a HUGE difference between HONESTY and RUDENESS!

    And THIS is where proper punctuation, spelling and grammar are important!! If you aren't able to tell the intent through the way you read and write, it's a slippery slope to anarchy.
    Gotta be honest. I can fall victim to grammar nazi too but I've since tried to avoid that. Fact is, when you do that, you're just being combative. Typical from a giants fan :p

    One word...Touche :flowerforyou:

    Really? If you can't express what it is that YOU are trying to say so that I can read it and accurately understand what you are trying to say, is somehow MY fault AND combative? Please explain your reasoning for your point, I am interested to understand your thought processes.
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    But how can people properly thicken their skin when they are eating terribly? Bad food=bad skin...

    Jk jk In all reality and honesty, I have no problem with the harsh truth or tough love, or blunt answers IF I ASK FOR THEM... If I (or anyone else for that matter) wants to live miserably, then SO BE IT! BUT If I asked for advice, and got the harsh truth, then by all means I need to accept it...

    But simply telling someone to click away, if they don't like your mean, opinion based, unasked for, belittling answers, is just like a drunk telling other people to stay off the road if they don't like the fact that they are driving drunk...
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    WAITWAitwaitwait...wait......wait..........hold on.....wait...

    You mean I can simply ignore stuff I don't like?

    I can click away just like that huh?

    Well I'll be...

  • Ajontheguitar
    There's a HUGE difference between HONESTY and RUDENESS!

    And THIS is where proper punctuation, spelling and grammar are important!! If you aren't able to tell the intent through the way you read and write, it's a slippery slope to anarchy.
    Gotta be honest. I can fall victim to grammar nazi too but I've since tried to avoid that. Fact is, when you do that, you're just being combative. Typical from a giants fan :p

    One word...Touche :flowerforyou:

    Really? If you can't express what it is that YOU are trying to say so that I can read it and accurately understand what you are trying to say, is somehow MY fault AND combative? Please explain your reasoning for your point, I am interested to understand your thought processes.

    read: joke, jest, tease> :)
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    I approve this message :drinker:
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    There's a HUGE difference between HONESTY and RUDENESS!

    And THIS is where proper punctuation, spelling and grammar are important!! If you aren't able to tell the intent through the way you read and write, it's a slippery slope to anarchy.
    Gotta be honest. I can fall victim to grammar nazi too but I've since tried to avoid that. Fact is, when you do that, you're just being combative. Typical from a giants fan :p

    One word...Touche :flowerforyou:

    Really? If you can't express what it is that YOU are trying to say so that I can read it and accurately understand what you are trying to say, is somehow MY fault AND combative? Please explain your reasoning for your point, I am interested to understand your thought processes.

    Sometimes bad grammar will get in the way of the message. Sometimes it does not and people poke at it anyway.
  • bobbybdoe
    bobbybdoe Posts: 472 Member
    Also, the people on here are more sensitive than a 10 year old kid playing Call of Duty with a messed up controller and a sucky internet connection.
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member

    Jk jk In all reality and honesty, I have no problem with the harsh truth or tough love, or blunt answers IF I ASK FOR THEM... If I (or anyone else for that matter) wants to live miserably, then SO BE IT! BUT If I asked for advice, and got the harsh truth, then by all means I need to accept it...

    But simply telling someone to click away, if they don't like your mean, opinion based, belittling answers, is just like a drunk telling other people to stay off the road if they don't like the fact that they are driving drunk...

    When some of us see others doing something potentially harmful to themselves... and recommending said behavior to others (such as HcG diet, or eating 500 cal per day, etc) we feel obligated to provide the facts to (hopefully) dissuade unhealthy behaviors from continuing or spreading. Maybe the "harsh truth" wasn't invited.... but who looks at a guy threatening to jump off a building as says to themselves "Well... he didn't ask for MY help, so let him jump!"
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member

    Jk jk In all reality and honesty, I have no problem with the harsh truth or tough love, or blunt answers IF I ASK FOR THEM... If I (or anyone else for that matter) wants to live miserably, then SO BE IT! BUT If I asked for advice, and got the harsh truth, then by all means I need to accept it...

    But simply telling someone to click away, if they don't like your mean, opinion based, belittling answers, is just like a drunk telling other people to stay off the road if they don't like the fact that they are driving drunk...

    When some of us see others doing something potentially harmful to themselves... and recommending said behavior to others (such as HcG diet, or eating 500 cal per day, etc) we feel obligated to provide the facts to (hopefully) dissuade unhealthy behaviors from continuing or spreading. Maybe the "harsh truth" wasn't invited.... but who looks at a guy threatening to jump off a building as says to themselves "Well... he didn't ask for MY help, so let him jump!"

    Touche' but How many posts do you see where the tone of the said "obligated" individuals is less than nice... Yes it is all in how you read it... BUT it is all in how you say it too. And I bet that the majority of people would definately reword their sentences if they said that in person, or to a boss, or loved one.. That is my whole point.
  • NuevaNatalia
    NuevaNatalia Posts: 72 Member
    This post hurts my feelings. *runs off to tell a grown up*

    ROTFL. Too funny. Thanks for making me smile:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    Also, the people on here are more sensitive than a 10 year old kid playing Call of Duty with a messed up controller and a sucky internet connection.

    Yes sensitive no matter...I hear it more so on the Xbox cause they realize I'm a girl who whooped them on COD. :laugh: :drinker:
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    The thing is, whenever you post something in an open forum, you will get:

    *People answering your question as intended.
    *People not answering your question as intended.
    *Nice people
    *Rude people
    *Nice people whom you are reading as being rude, but that wasn't their intention.

    You can't stop any of it once you've posted on here. It's neurotic to expect you can.

    My favorite thing to watch is someone trying to tell others on the internet to buzz off, or f**k off, as if they can actually make them do it. As if they're important enough to make people listen. Those people make me laugh. And I think, when people read stuff like that, it automatically fuels the fire and makes other would be trouble makers chime in.
  • Countrymade
    Countrymade Posts: 183 Member
    There seems to be a pattern on MFP. People are getting all offended about things people are saying. It doesn't have to be even aimed at anyone in particular, it only has to be something that could be construed as "judging" someone.

    So here's what I have to say about that.

    Grow some freaking thick skin. Do you really think that people in real life aren't judging others? Judging happens. It's basic human nature. Everyone seems to think that its always a bad thing, but you know what?

    When it comes to weight loss, I disagree. Look at what other people are doing that is not good for them, and learn from it! People are so worried about hurting other peoples feelings, they won't be honest and say the truth.

    So here's the truth - Judge me. If I am doing something but for my health, CALL ME ON IT. Don't say "Oh it's ok, its fine you just ate a cheeseburger for the 6th straight day in a row"

    I wanna hear things like "Put down the damn burgers and get your *kitten* to a gym!"

    Lets see some honesty people. And when you get honest advice, realize that they aren't giving you this advice to hurt your feelings or be mean. The advice is just to try to help. If you disagree with it.... don't follow it! You don't need to get personally offended and snap at people.

    The vast vast vast majority of people on here are on here to change themselves and to help others change. Not hurt your feelings. So start with the idea that they are TRYING TO HELP YOU.

    Advice is just that. Advice. You don't have to listen to it if you don't think it's good advice. Even if someone has a personal problem with you, why would you get all offended about a troll on the internet? It doesn't affect your real life!

    Thicken up your skin. Seriously, if you can't take a little bit of controversy on the internet, how the hell do you function in real life? Do you live in a bubble where no one can hurt your feelings?

    Stop the drama, people. This isn't highschool.

    I agree. Very well said.
    We are here to support and encouragement each other not to sugar coat things they are doing wrong and tell them it is ok.
    This is a lifestyle change and we will all eat things that aren't good for us from time to time. But like you said if you have a cheesburger 6 days in a row. That is not time to time and someone should speak up. If they can't handle it then I guess they really don't want the support to help them reach their weight loss goals.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    There's a HUGE difference between HONESTY and RUDENESS!

    honest is real.

    Rudeness is a perceived thing based on YOUR thoughts of their Honesty

    To a point yes. I agree with the OP on any posts about a health, fitness or weight loss topic. But I have seen posts that are personal attacks that are rude at best, and border on abusive.
  • TK421NotAtPost
    TK421NotAtPost Posts: 512 Member
    My favorite thing to watch is someone trying to tell others on the internet to buzz off, or f**k off, as if they can actually make them do it. As if they're important enough to make people listen. Those people make me laugh. And I think, when people read stuff like that, it automatically fuels the fire and makes other would be trouble makers chime in.

  • pnwgirl1963
    pnwgirl1963 Posts: 14 Member
    Your post is refreshing and here is why -

    Every community as you know is comprised of individuals who refuse to accept responsibility for their "lot" in life. Regardless if it revolves around obesity, drug addiction, sex addiction, not having the ability to manage their money, being irresponsible. These same people will tell you that "nothing is their fault and everybody else is responsible for what ails them, or their problems.

    The cool part about advice is to you take what you need and leave the rest. Right? We are all here to help, we just do it in different ways, and we can't hand a script to others and say "Please only give me advice that's going to make me feel good, even if it's not the truth."

    The reason I weigh over 300 lbs is because I bent my elbow and put way too much food in my mouth and didn't exercise. I chose to binge. No one held a gun to my head and said "I am commanding you to binge or I will kill your son or yourself."

    Do I have an addictive personality?


    But at the end of the day the choices I made are mine alone. This bull**** about "It's not my fault" is happy horse****.

    So I will make a deal with you -- You are 24 years old, and I am 48. I am old enough to be your mom and for 24 years old you are wise beyond your years, in fact I know many doctors, lawyers, and other professionals who are light years behind you when it comes to common sense and seeing the real picture.

    But I digress -- My point is, you stay on my *kitten* and judge the hell out of me, and I will do likewise. My thinking is that at the end of this journey you and I will both be healthy and fit because we were accountable and accepted help while the other whiny baby pissy pants who can't stand to hear the truth are still going to be fat, overweight, sad, and miserable.

    Whattya say?
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    But how can people properly thicken their skin when they are eating terribly? Bad food=bad skin...

    Jk jk In all reality and honesty, I have no problem with the harsh truth or tough love, or blunt answers IF I ASK FOR THEM... If I (or anyone else for that matter) wants to live miserably, then SO BE IT! BUT If I asked for advice, and got the harsh truth, then by all means I need to accept it...

    But simply telling someone to click away, if they don't like your mean, opinion based, unasked for, belittling answers, is just like a drunk telling other people to stay off the road if they don't like the fact that they are driving drunk...
    Very good point. I agree with you totally.
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    My favorite thing to watch is someone trying to tell others on the internet to buzz off, or f**k off, as if they can actually make them do it. As if they're important enough to make people listen. Those people make me laugh. And I think, when people read stuff like that, it automatically fuels the fire and makes other would be trouble makers chime in.


    I love xkcd!