"Who Wants to Be a Hot Mom " Group 7



  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    Weighing in early this week because we're headed out of town. 157.3 today, so I'm up 0.2 since last week, and overall up 9.1 since starting this challenge and finding out I was pregnant.. At 21.5 weeks pregnant I'm okay with that!

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    I was up a bit this morning - 151.2 - but back working out, so hopefully Dec sees that number go back down
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    I was up a bit this morning - 151.2 - but back working out, so hopefully Dec sees that number go back down
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    Okay, just two of us weighed in this past week--where is everyone??? If folks would prefer to just post their weights on Helen's weekly weigh-in thread that's fine--maybe reply to this post with your preference. There's no reason for me to do a chart if people would prefer to post directly to the main weigh in link!!! :wink:

    That being said...if you want for me to continue to make our group's chart I'm happy to do so. Just let me know, and let's get to weighing in!!!!
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Personally I like this site thread. I never check the main thread out at all.

    Ate way to much at grey cup party yesturday. Trying to stay within cals today, but I am starving. Making sure I drink lots of water to fill that hunger till lunch. Going to fitness class tonight.

    I know I will not reach my goal weight of 140 - so for reality sakes, my goal for Dec 31 is 145-147. I would honestly be happy if I could get back down below 150 and stay there. Done it once a month ago, but slipped back up. So that is my Dec challenge for myself.

    Heather - you are looking great in your photo.
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    Personally I like this site thread. I never check the main thread out at all.

    Ate way to much at grey cup party yesturday. Trying to stay within cals today, but I am starving. Making sure I drink lots of water to fill that hunger till lunch. Going to fitness class tonight.

    I know I will not reach my goal weight of 140 - so for reality sakes, my goal for Dec 31 is 145-147. I would honestly be happy if I could get back down below 150 and stay there. Done it once a month ago, but slipped back up. So that is my Dec challenge for myself.

    Heather - you are looking great in your photo.

    I'm with you--I usually don't go to the main thread. I'm hoping that we just had some drop-off this week due to Thanksgiving. Hopefully everyone will be posting soon!!!

    Keep up the great work with the fitness classes!! And in my opinion ANY loss over the holiday season is remarkable--even just staying the same and not gaining is good. I'll reset your goal for 12/31 to be 147 and if you want to adjust any further let me know.

    And thanks for the compliment--I'm feeling really good! The second trimester is such a wonderful time!!! :smile:
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    Okay, I waited until today to post the chart, but still only 2 of us weighing in!!! Hopefully everyone else just got caught up in Thanksgiving craziness.


    To everyone besides Renae and myself--WHERE ARE YOU??? Come on back and get on board with us. Just a few more weeks until the challenge is over!!
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Okay - today is Dec 1, a new month. Time to get back to doing well. Really need to stop pigging out on a whole bag of popcorn in evenings. I think that is my biggest problem. Never made it onto the treadmill this morning but plan to this evening for at least 20 min after I get the kids to bed. Going to do my darndest to not snack this evening. Planning to stay with in my calorie range. Need to get things back on track so I can lose the 4-5 pounds I need to for this month. Then will set myself monthly goals, and hopefully by the summer I can be at my all time goal of 140.
  • tamcrit
    tamcrit Posts: 340 Member
    Hi Ladies - I hope you all had a fabulous Thanksgiving!! I just realized that with all the holiday happenings last week, I did not weigh in last week. Ooops!! Well, if I had weighed in last week, it would have looked pretty good. I weighed in at 145.2 on 11/18, and weighed 144.8 on 11/25 (yes, the day after Thanksgiving) and would have actually registered a loss of -0.4. But that was last week...I was actually pretty good on Thanksgiving. My 13 year old daughter and I started the day by running a 10K, so I started the day by burning about 600 calories. My strategy for Thanksgiving was to allow myself one plate of food, no seconds, and one serving spoon full of whatever I wanted. I stuck with this plan and was more than satisfied. I also indulged in a brownie for dessert and a few glasses of red wine and champagne. But all in all, not too bad on Thanksgiving day. The problem came last weekend when the party season and going out with friends started. We had a busy weekend, and then I got sick and TOM started, so then I wanted comfort food. Needless to say I strayed a bit off course. I got back on track starting on Tuesday and am working to recover. I weighed 146 this morning, so I am still up over last week by +1.6. So, the focus of this week will be to recover from last weeks indisgretions, but we have parties again this weekend.

    I think in order to be realistic and to not stress myself through the holidays, I am going to alter my goal for our challenge to finish the year at 145 pounds. That will still be a total of 24 pounds lost during our Hot Moms Challenge, which isn't too shabby!! I will start the year only 10 pounds from my ultimate goal of 135, which will become the focus of my New Years Resolutions. I will work to lose that by Spring Break and by next summer, I will definitely be a Hot Mom!! I just know that during this time of year, losing another 10 pounds this month is not realistic and I do not want to set myself up to feel like I have failed, when I have still lost a lot of weight and want to celebrate that. So, I will be focusing on maintaining this month, which I will still have to monitor and work for in order to not let things get out of control.

    Renae, it sounds like we are at a similar place. Sometimes we just have to be realistic and happy with the progress we have made. I will be thrilled with finishing the year at 145 and being so close to my goal weight. We will do it by next summer and we will be hot moms!! I hope everyone is doing well. It is a crazy time of year, but I will try to check in more often.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Weighed in at 151.2 - Ate really bad yest, and had some drinks. Today will be the same. But back at it tomorrow.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Weekend was good. Went skating yesturday with the hubby and kids. It was fun. Have to take my son to hockey today, then will go to fitness class tonight. Trying to stay good on the eating today. Just have to think healthy choices (apple, orange, or grapes)for snacks, but did have a choc chip cookie for dessert and it was yummy.
  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Just checking in. Weight is down a little bit, hopefully can hold onto it for Friday. We were in the city yesturday, so eating was not good. I can't make it to fitness clas tonight, hubby has a rec hockey game, so I will try my hardest to get onto the treadmill for at least 20 min after supper. Hope everyone is doing good.
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    Tammy and Renae--you guys are doing great! And Tammy--OMG you have lost a ton of weight in this challenge!!!! Sorry I'm late posting our chart, but it has been crazy busy. Looks like we've had a big dropout rate the past couple of weeks--maybe folks don't want to weigh in during the holiday season. Speaking of weighing in I definitly had a BIG gain this past week, but looking at the previous 4 weeks I had only had a total gain of about 1.5 pounds over that time period. So it looks like I'm gaining weight for this pregnancy just like I typically lose weight--in big chunks followed by slow progress. It is SO HARD to see a 2.5 pound jump that quickly, and I've peeked at the scale and it is looking like another gain this week, but I keep telling myself it is for a good reason. And if I look at my weigh in last week (at 22 weeks pregnant) versus my initial weigh in (technically 2 weeks pregnant) I've gained 11.6 pounds total, so I know I'm doing okay. It's just hard seeing the scale going up!!!

    Okay, so here's the chart--better late than never.

  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Morning all. Weighed in at 150.6 today. Not quite the 150 I wanted, but I will take it. Hoping I can still reach my goal of 147 by the end of Dec. This weeks goal is 149. So I need to lose 1.6 this week.

    Going swimming today with my sons school, then off to take son to skating, then have a Christmas party supper tonight. Then tomorrow, son has a hockey game in morning then we are off to my moms for early Christmas, so busy busy busy. But that means we get to open presents tom. Yeah. (I sound like a little kid - lol )
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    Wow--our participation in this thread has REALLY dropped off! It looks like a couple members are just posting directly to the group thread rather than this thread. So here's our wimpy little chart for the week:


    I had another big gain this past week, but looking at my overall gain at 24 weeks I'm up only 13.6 pounds so I keep telling myself that everything this growth spurt is okay! Definitely keeping close tabs on my calories and trying to get my workouts in.
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    HELLOOOOOOOOO!!!!! I guess our group has disbanded a bit early. I checked out the total group weekly weigh in and didn't see any of our Group 7 members weighing in, so I guess all have lost interest???

    I'll check back tomorrow and if anyone has weighed in I'll make a chart, otherwise I will wish everyone Happy Holidays and sign off from this challenge!
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Sorry I havent been on. My computer crashed again, and for some reason I couldnt log in from my blackberry. My weight is aweful. Last week 152.2, this week 152.6. I am starting fresh I am thinking on Dec 27, and then going hard on Jan 2. Thanks for all your work on the group, and Merry Christmas.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    153.2 today. Not a great loss for the year but at least not a gain. 2012 is a new year. My mini goal for January is 150. By July I would love to be 140.