


  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    I agree! I already lost weight( the healthy way ) and gaoned it ALL back plus 25 more :( so no matter what you do you have to keep it up.. I haven't even started the pill yet because I haven't started the lufestyle change.. im moving in August so once im settled im starting. And I REFUSE to gain like this again!

    I take phentermine once a day. In fact I only take 1/2 a pill at lunch time. While phentermine can be dangerous, as long as you're under a Dr's care & using it properly I see no harm in it. It is also a good boost to help you. I would not take it without a Dr's prescription & knowing that it is ok for me to take though.

    I also think that while taking it you have to know that it is not a "magic" pill that will keep it off once you go off of it. You have to learn to eat healthier, excersize & still control your portions. I know that alot of people here will put people down for using it & I get what they're saying to an extent, but I also know that to make it work you have to do the work to make a lifestyle change.
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    Hmm.. what side effect should I be concerned about and call my dr right away over??

    What would you like to know? Ask me some specific questions (speaking as a PharmD student).
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    Polycystic ovarian syndrome.. AKA PIA!! LOL its pretty much a mix of things wtong.. I have it and really don't fully understand.. google would be your best bet lol.. and I think you can get phen without a prescription.. but I wouldn't! I had an EKG and an echocardiogram and everything( by request) to make sure I was good to go on taking it!

    A little off topic, but I've seen it on here before. What is PCOS? (I think that's what it was).

    Also, do you need a prescription for that? Just curious :)
  • gandydancer
    gandydancer Posts: 171 Member
    Hi, I have taken many times and it does really help, just watch when you are finished that you don't go back to old way of eating, which I had done and it is my fault as I just wasn't mindful of the snacking...I think they are perfectly safe and like aything else don't abuse them, like taking more than you should...I took one per day and didn't have any adverse effects and I have high blood pressure and it didn't affet that at all...let me know if you have any questions, just be sure to drink your water (I should talk) and to other thing they do get less effective the longe you take them so make the best of it the first go round....gandydancer...also please look at my problem with the sharing email thing with someone and keeping my stuff private from the sharer..thanks
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    Wow! Sounds like it REALLY supresses your appetite!! That's kinda scary! Ill jave to set my alarm for my 5 meals a day and have water on me at all times! Also, I don't drink anything with caffein anyway! What should I do if I get jittery???

    Yep, it's the same type of chemical as speed. I tried it a couple of years ago for a couple of months. Bad side: insomnia and sometimes heart palpitations and dry mouth. Good side: almost no appetite, more energy. My advice to get the most out of it is to eat regularly even when you're not hungry, don't starve yourself, drink heaps of water (avoid caffeine!!), and do lots of exercise. I didn't lose that much on it, but a couple of my friends found it really great. Makes you a bit cranky though! :)
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    I am soo scared to gain all the weight back!! Its already happened to me once :/ also.. I am 5'4 and 205 lbs! Id say im medically obese :( this is the biggest I've EVER been... im use to being like 120lbs! Having kids ruined my body so bad! The PCOS isn't helping!

    I was on phentermine about 6 years ago, got to my goal weight (last 10 pounds w/o the pills) and then I quit exercising and quit dieting...gained it all back plus about 20 pounds.

    I did phentermine again last year, lost 40 of the 75 pounds in about 3 months (40 pounds got me in the top end of normal BMI). I did good w/ food, but I quit exercising. Gained 10 pounds back over about 12 months. Now I have started back up w/ diary/exercise and have gotten that 10 pounds (+ some) back off and trying to get the last bits off on my own.

    I think it was only successful the second time because my dr had me do MFP and a 1200 calorie diet. The first round, I didn't do either. Now I KNOW what to eat, the pills just made it easier for my body to adjust to the portions.

    It only made me jittery for 3 days, then I didn't notice that I even took it. When I quit taking it, it didn't cause any ill effects either. I think it was great, but you should only take it if you are medically obese...not just because you want to lose 10-20 pounds to get to a size 3.
  • gandydancer
    gandydancer Posts: 171 Member
    Also on the topic, there are several kinds under the heading Phentermine, one is Adipax, I think I spelled it right, not sure) that I can't take as I had the insomnia and moods and yes heart palpitations also..however, you can be prescribed it with some heart conditions like a regurtating heart valve, but mostly I took phentrametrazine 37.5 which is milder than the Adipax which is the Phentermine I think you are referring did not agree with me, but everyone is different, nothing against it, just diidn't work for will know if it doesn't agree with you...good luck..keep e posted..gandydancer
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    Lol..that's funny about what's in your cabinet! I hope I can lose 60 lbs in 3 months!! Id only have 10 to go!! Lol!! Anything I should do before taking it??

    Im impressed the haters havent invaded yet!

    Ok so Im thinking about saving this in a document so I can copy it at some point. Im a phentermine supporter :)

    I have used it 3 times. 2 with success, once without. The time I used it without success was my own fault, I didnt take it consistently and ate like crap, hence the failure. Since it supreses your appetite it is perfectly possible to lose while eating bad foods, I lost 15 lbs in 2 months, but gained it right back. Now the good times, first time I ever took it I lost 60 lbs in 3 months, I kept it off for 3 years including a pregnancy. second round lost 43 lbs in 3 months and have continued to lose without it. YES CONTINUED TO LOSE! Its a fantastic AIDE to help suppress your appetite and cravings while learning to eat smaller portions and excercsie more.

    For the one who asked about heart palpatations. You can not be prescribed phentermine if you have a heart condition, but you shouldnt take ANY diet pills if you have a heart condition. And yes it can cause this. I PING off the walls when I take it, heaven forbid I drink caffeine while on it (Im usually forbidden form LOOKING at a coca cola while taking it) I am so wound up I cant process thoughts or speak fast enough and Im practically bouncing in place. You MUST MUST MUST drink enough water while on it to prevent insomnia. My poor uncle prescribed it to me first while I was living with him and working for him and the entire house was cleaned and I was up till 3 am, and fine at work the next day, I think he made me drink double my weight in water to make me sleep. Constipation was my HUGE side effect. Senacot is a huge help for this but also plenty of fruits and veggies.

    When you are having a hard time getting your cals consider a protein shake smoothie (protein powder with juice fruit yogurt) easy 400 cals that goes down easily. And yes you MUST take a multivitamin. I can only take prenatals so imagine how my shelf looked? Phentermine, Birth control, Prenatal vitamins.
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    Im hearing so much about forcing myself to eat! :/ I am also on metformin :)

    I've been a member here for a few and on.. I lost about 35 lbs and gained it all back :(. I've recently come to find out its because I have PCOS which can cause you to gain and also make it almost impossible to lose! So after getting the OK from my gyn and PCP i have decided to start phentermine! My doctors think it would be a great boost for my weight loss. I have heard many success stories and understand I MUST continue a healthy lifestyle once im off it. I plan on only using it for 3 months. Not a day longer! Anyone have any advice or info that will help me get the maximum benefit out of these pills?! Success stories are always great to hear as well!! I am so excited to begin a new weight loss journey, now knowing why theas gaining all the weight and not losing :(. I wont lie.. the extra " help" is also extra motivating! Lol.. thanks for reading!

    be VERY careful with this drug. I was on it as well. it's very addictive, and dangerous. you need to make sure to force yourself to eat. I have PCOS as well, but my doctor put me on metformin. I hated the way phen made me feel, but it may treat you differently. feel free to message me with any questions!
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    Thanks!! Im definitely trying to do it right the first go round! Which is why im trying to find out as much as I can now! Om afraid im goong to get skiny skin losing weight so fast :/ and once I stop it.. is my energy going to come to a hault? ?

    Hi, I have taken many times and it does really help, just watch when you are finished that you don't go back to old way of eating, which I had done and it is my fault as I just wasn't mindful of the snacking...I think they are perfectly safe and like aything else don't abuse them, like taking more than you should...I took one per day and didn't have any adverse effects and I have high blood pressure and it didn't affet that at all...let me know if you have any questions, just be sure to drink your water (I should talk) and to other thing they do get less effective the longe you take them so make the best of it the first go round....gandydancer...also please look at my problem with the sharing email thing with someone and keeping my stuff private from the sharer..thanks
  • Madrow
    Madrow Posts: 62
    Phentermine is the good part of the good-cop/bad-cop team known as Phen-fen during the famous 90's craze, it was the fenfluramine killing people by giving them heart attacks. Phentermine is essentially legal crack which is why it is supposed to be prescribed for only 3 months per year per person, as someone said earlier.

    My sister used it twice in two years as directed and allowed by her doctor and it worked for her. The only time she gained anything back was when she started eating junk again and slacking off exercise. The thing to remember is that there is a reason it's prescribed by a doctor and unavailable (legally) elsewhere. It's not for everyone. Phentermine is NOT the same as phentramine so watch out for imposters. Phentramine doesn't actually have phentermine in it, it's just named that way to deceive consumers (makers just replaced the "er" with "ra"). It is an herbal based weight loss supplement usually containing hoodia and I've heard it works okay, so it may be worth using, I just warn people of thinking they are buying something they aren't especially if they are thinking they get a bargain when they might actually pay twice what they should. I hate being broke at any weight:noway:
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    Oh my.. im going to check my bottle! Lol! My dr didn't give me tge 3 month limit, I decided that on my own.. though im sure he would stop me when its time.. ugh.. I hope I get 100% out of this!
    Phentermine is the good part of the good-cop/bad-cop team known as Phen-fen during the famous 90's craze, it was the fenfluramine killing people by giving them heart attacks. Phentermine is essentially legal crack which is why it is supposed to be prescribed for only 3 months per year per person, as someone said earlier.

    My sister used it twice in two years as directed and allowed by her doctor and it worked for her. The only time she gained anything back was when she started eating junk again and slacking off exercise. The thing to remember is that there is a reason it's prescribed by a doctor and unavailable (legally) elsewhere. It's not for everyone. Phentermine is NOT the same as phentramine so watch out for imposters. Phentramine doesn't actually have phentermine in it, it's just named that way to deceive consumers (makers just replaced the "er" with "ra"). It is an herbal based weight loss supplement usually containing hoodia and I've heard it works okay, so it may be worth using, I just warn people of thinking they are buying something they aren't especially if they are thinking they get a bargain when they might actually pay twice what they should. I hate being broke at any weight:noway:
  • Madrow
    Madrow Posts: 62
    Yeah, and the phentramine is available over the counter, which I guess is another reason people would reach for it. I would hesitate if I had to go through my doctor for something if I thought I could get the same thing over the counter.
  • MzPix
    MzPix Posts: 177 Member
    I took Adipex in 2006. I lost 40 pounds in less than 3 months.
    I gained back almost 100 by 2009.
    Adipex never really taught me how to eat right and become physically fit and healthy. It was just a drug.

    In 2010 I was diagnosed with a heart valve condition that 3 doctors (including 2 cardiologists) agree was caused by the use of phentermine in 2006.
    The damage was not detectable right away. It took a few years to show up.
    They offered to put me in contact with some other folks who had been diagnosed with similar heart valve conditions who had also been on Phen-fen or Adipex.

    You may want to ask your doctor AND your pharmacist "Will you please explain to me the short AND long term risks of using this drug so I can make an educated choice about whether or not to put it in my body?"

    I regret having used it and would advise close friends against doing so.
  • msnewbootie
    msnewbootie Posts: 240 Member
    Simply put! It works
    Curves appetite and speeds metabolism. Successful on it in the past...on and off for about 7 years. Just make sure to adhere to healthy eating once u r off, or u will be on'off as I!
  • Monica_has_a_goal
    Monica_has_a_goal Posts: 694 Member
    Phentermine is the good part of the good-cop/bad-cop team known as Phen-fen during the famous 90's craze, it was the fenfluramine killing people by giving them heart attacks. Phentermine is essentially legal crack which is why it is supposed to be prescribed for only 3 months per year per person, as someone said earlier.

    My sister used it twice in two years as directed and allowed by her doctor and it worked for her. The only time she gained anything back was when she started eating junk again and slacking off exercise. The thing to remember is that there is a reason it's prescribed by a doctor and unavailable (legally) elsewhere. It's not for everyone. Phentermine is NOT the same as phentramine so watch out for imposters. Phentramine doesn't actually have phentermine in it, it's just named that way to deceive consumers (makers just replaced the "er" with "ra"). It is an herbal based weight loss supplement usually containing hoodia and I've heard it works okay, so it may be worth using, I just warn people of thinking they are buying something they aren't especially if they are thinking they get a bargain when they might actually pay twice what they should. I hate being broke at any weight:noway:

    I did the Phen-Fen and developed a heart valve problem.. what I wouldnt do now to have saved the money and kept my health!!
    Do whatever you see fit, afterall it's your body... but as for me.. I'll never use a diet drug again!! :angry:
  • Lvs2teachSALLY
    Lvs2teachSALLY Posts: 1 Member
    I took this shortly after an accident for quick weight loss and it worked. I was under careful doctor super vision. You will not be hungry, but it is important you eat and that you drink a lot of water and it is important that you change your habits.
    Unfortunately for me, I gained my weight back and I am back at the process....and currently successful WITHOUT the medication. Following the same doctors advice of simply fresh fruits and veggies and proteins and being sensible about the whole grains. STAY AWAY from white white rice, white bread, and white pasta. The last rules are easy...ALWAYS eat breakfast and never snack after dinner...and it is working.
    Good luck!!! :)
  • gandydancer
    gandydancer Posts: 171 Member
    Hi, when you used Phen-Phen was it Redux? I too have a heart valve that regurgitates very mildly, was on Redux for 3 weeks and wondered if that amount of time would do it.
  • TCarter85
    TCarter85 Posts: 13 Member
    I took phentremine about three years ago and I lost 25lbs on the first month. I lost a total of 55 lbs in three months. When I decided to stop taking it. I gained 68 lbs. The medicine gave me energy and supressed my apetite but it had real bad side effects. I would have insomnia, dry mouth with a bad taste, and it seemed like I would almost blackout from not knowing when I was hungry. If you can't fight the temptation of eating bad food this medicine is perfect for you. Just make sure you force yourself to eat three meals a day and see a doctor every other week.
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    There's nothing super special to do before taking it, but if youre really devoted to this clean out your cupboards of the foods you truly want to avoid, pick up your fav multi vitamin and get some good, refillable water bottles :) Keep an open mind, and possibly add some of the supportive phetermine people on here. You can always ask me questions, even if its TMI
    Lol..that's funny about what's in your cabinet! I hope I can lose 60 lbs in 3 months!! Id only have 10 to go!! Lol!! Anything I should do before taking it??

    Im impressed the haters havent invaded yet!

    Ok so Im thinking about saving this in a document so I can copy it at some point. Im a phentermine supporter :)

    I have used it 3 times. 2 with success, once without. The time I used it without success was my own fault, I didnt take it consistently and ate like crap, hence the failure. Since it supreses your appetite it is perfectly possible to lose while eating bad foods, I lost 15 lbs in 2 months, but gained it right back. Now the good times, first time I ever took it I lost 60 lbs in 3 months, I kept it off for 3 years including a pregnancy. second round lost 43 lbs in 3 months and have continued to lose without it. YES CONTINUED TO LOSE! Its a fantastic AIDE to help suppress your appetite and cravings while learning to eat smaller portions and excercsie more.

    For the one who asked about heart palpatations. You can not be prescribed phentermine if you have a heart condition, but you shouldnt take ANY diet pills if you have a heart condition. And yes it can cause this. I PING off the walls when I take it, heaven forbid I drink caffeine while on it (Im usually forbidden form LOOKING at a coca cola while taking it) I am so wound up I cant process thoughts or speak fast enough and Im practically bouncing in place. You MUST MUST MUST drink enough water while on it to prevent insomnia. My poor uncle prescribed it to me first while I was living with him and working for him and the entire house was cleaned and I was up till 3 am, and fine at work the next day, I think he made me drink double my weight in water to make me sleep. Constipation was my HUGE side effect. Senacot is a huge help for this but also plenty of fruits and veggies.

    When you are having a hard time getting your cals consider a protein shake smoothie (protein powder with juice fruit yogurt) easy 400 cals that goes down easily. And yes you MUST take a multivitamin. I can only take prenatals so imagine how my shelf looked? Phentermine, Birth control, Prenatal vitamins.