TEAM GREEN- SAHMU- Go Green! (closed group)



  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Cardiovascular Minutes Calories Burned
    Calisthenics (pushups, sit-ups), vigorous effort 8 107
    Walking, 3.5 mph, uphill 10 101
    Walking, 3.5 mph, brisk pace 45 287
    Bicycling, 12-14 mph, moderate (cycling, biking, bike riding) 35 470

    Total of 965 calories Yay!!!!


    Only 27 calories remaining to reach your goal...great job...yay!!!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Cardiovascular Minutes Calories Burned
    Calisthenics (pushups, sit-ups), vigorous effort 8 107
    Walking, 3.5 mph, uphill 10 101
    Walking, 3.5 mph, brisk pace 45 287
    Bicycling, 12-14 mph, moderate (cycling, biking, bike riding) 35 470

    Total of 965 calories Yay!!!!


    Only 27 calories remaining to reach your goal...great job...yay!!!

    Thanks!! I am super excited!

    What do you ladies think about having the calorie burn sheet every week until the end, I think it has helped me stay motivated for sure.
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    OMG! I am so sick! I spent the entire day in bed. I feel awful. The only bright side is that my hubby took really good care of me. He made me soup and everything (usually he kinda sucks at being the care taker. Anyways, that's why I haven't been on at all today. I couldn't even stand up straight today so workingout was a bit out of the question. I'm hoping that with a good night's sleep, I'll be back to normal tomorrow. Luckily, this seems to be a 48 hour thing, judging by how it affected both my hubby and my son. My son slept 14 hours last night and woke up almost back to normal. He was a wake for a few hours adn trhen went for an almost 4 hour nap. And he woke from that almost all better. So I'm thinking sleep is the key. Unfortunately, I can't seem to doze off. Grr...

    Anyways, congrats to both Karie and Renu on phenomenal calorie burns today! You girls are kicking butt and taking names!!! Woo Hoo!!

    Karie, to answer your question I say yes to the calorie spreadsheet. Totally motivating (especially on days when I can actually remain upright! LOL!)

    Hope you all have a good sleep tonight. I'm going to attempt to ease back into working out tomorrow morning. I may skip the 30ds and just do some calisthenics or something. Don't wanna go overboard.
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    OMG! I am so sick! I spent the entire day in bed. I feel awful. The only bright side is that my hubby took really good care of me. He made me soup and everything (usually he kinda sucks at being the care taker. Anyways, that's why I haven't been on at all today. I couldn't even stand up straight today so workingout was a bit out of the question. I'm hoping that with a good night's sleep, I'll be back to normal tomorrow. Luckily, this seems to be a 48 hour thing, judging by how it affected both my hubby and my son. My son slept 14 hours last night and woke up almost back to normal. He was a wake for a few hours adn trhen went for an almost 4 hour nap. And he woke from that almost all better. So I'm thinking sleep is the key. Unfortunately, I can't seem to doze off. Grr...

    Anyways, congrats to both Karie and Renu on phenomenal calorie burns today! You girls are kicking butt and taking names!!! Woo Hoo!!

    Karie, to answer your question I say yes to the calorie spreadsheet. Totally motivating (especially on days when I can actually remain upright! LOL!)

    Hope you all have a good sleep tonight. I'm going to attempt to ease back into working out tomorrow morning. I may skip the 30ds and just do some calisthenics or something. Don't wanna go overboard.

    I am sorry you are sick, take care of yourself that is key. I think taking it easy tomorrow would be the best choice, you have been going hard at it so listen to your body. Hope you feel better soon!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    We should all share how we burn our calories on the main thread to give eachother idaes. So lets see it ladies, how do you burn those calories?

    I just copied mine from my exercise journal here, it was super easy
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member

    I am back and show was a big hit.. I had few of them walking to me and being appreciative.. One elderly person was like I did a good job... Everything was perfect except my belly Now I have to have to lose that fat...

    Thanks for all the wishes and I was confident on stage... they gave me a break after each song... and I didn't realize that if I was ok...

    My hubby too liked it...

    Organizers have taken the video of my performance, will post it in youtube once i receive it.. We could capture few snaps, not very good but will post them here... Had a great day...

    Have burnt a bit of my calories... but took a day off on my strength for today...

  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member

    I am back and show was a big hit.. I had few of them walking to me and being appreciative.. One elderly person was like I did a good job... Everything was perfect except my belly Now I have to have to lose that fat...

    Thanks for all the wishes and I was confident on stage... they gave me a break after each song... and I didn't realize that if I was ok...

    My hubby too liked it...

    Organizers have taken the video of my performance, will post it in youtube once i receive it.. We could capture few snaps, not very good but will post them here... Had a great day...

    Have burnt a bit of my calories... but took a day off on my strength for today...


    I am sure you were fabulous! I can't wait to see the pics and video. I am so glad you had confidence on that stage, You deserved it!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Emotional Challenge:
    What excuses have you made (to yourself or others) in the past for your weight, and how do you stop yourself from falling back into the "I am heavy because...." attitude?

    I was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer in 2005 and that has been my "way out". I have blamed that for years, I would workout a few weeks and wouldn't lose anything and give up saying "it must be my thyroid" Then of course like alot of you, I blamed getting pregnant. Yes it may be a bit more difficult to lose this weight having no thyroid but I now know that I can do this! No more excuses, In life having comparisons helps me alot and being on MFP and meeting all of you I have learned alot! There are some of you who are single moms, working moms, only have your husbands home on the weekend, have kids with health issues and I say if they can do this so can I!!! I believe I have gained the strength to no longer place blame but only have accountability!

    If for some reason I begin to fall back in my old ways when I start work in October (I am confident I won't) I hope all of you will give me a swift kick in the rear!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    I made this tonight for my little guy and he loved it so thought I would make it my recipe:

    Black Beans
    mix together and heat

    Brown Rice
    Fresh Spinich(cut small)
    Green Onion

    Add the spinich and onion in when you add the rice to cook

    Lean Ground beef (just a little)
    Chedder Cheese
    Whole wheat tortilla

    **I mixed it all for him and gave him a half tortilla and he ate it up!

    **I have to look into how many calories this in I will add that later.
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    OMG! I am so sick! I spent the entire day in bed. I feel awful. The only bright side is that my hubby took really good care of me. He made me soup and everything (usually he kinda sucks at being the care taker. Anyways, that's why I haven't been on at all today. I couldn't even stand up straight today so workingout was a bit out of the question. I'm hoping that with a good night's sleep, I'll be back to normal tomorrow. Luckily, this seems to be a 48 hour thing, judging by how it affected both my hubby and my son. My son slept 14 hours last night and woke up almost back to normal. He was a wake for a few hours adn trhen went for an almost 4 hour nap. And he woke from that almost all better. So I'm thinking sleep is the key. Unfortunately, I can't seem to doze off. Grr...

    Anyways, congrats to both Karie and Renu on phenomenal calorie burns today! You girls are kicking butt and taking names!!! Woo Hoo!!

    Karie, to answer your question I say yes to the calorie spreadsheet. Totally motivating (especially on days when I can actually remain upright! LOL!)

    Hope you all have a good sleep tonight. I'm going to attempt to ease back into working out tomorrow morning. I may skip the 30ds and just do some calisthenics or something. Don't wanna go overboard. sorry..hope you are feeling better today...
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    I love these Renu, You look beautiful!!! Thank you for sharing these. I am glad you were able to do it with confidence! You really do look amazing
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    I made this tonight for my little guy and he loved it so thought I would make it my recipe:

    Black Beans
    mix together and heat

    Brown Rice
    Fresh Spinich(cut small)
    Green Onion

    Add the spinich and onion in when you add the rice to cook

    Lean Ground beef (just a little)
    Chedder Cheese
    Whole wheat tortilla

    **I mixed it all for him and gave him a half tortilla and he ate it up!

    **I have to look into how many calories this in I will add that later.


    This recipe sounds so good... and looks like a vegan too except the beef... I can try out this one when I have tortilla... will try and get few next weekend... :-)
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Emotional Challenge:
    What excuses have you made (to yourself or others) in the past for your weight, and how do you stop yourself from falling back into the "I am heavy because...." attitude?

    First excuse I can think of is that I am not overweight, but I am just little bit over than the ideal weight... lol Actually I am overweight..realised later... I used to compare myself with others who were weighing more than me, like my aunts, sis etc... Compared to them I was thinking...ohhh i dont think im so fat.. from childhood belly has always been my problem area... never had flat belly... I envy those who have...hahaha... I kept eating and eating and eating...ghee/clarified butter, oily things on the assumption that I am thin, but I am not... One more excuse I can think of is not weighing myself and if at all I do saying my scale is not working fine...hahah

    For the second part, I would never again fall into that attitude... I know its so easy to put on weight and 10000000 times difficult to lose that and I am crazy about dresses and clothes that are of smaller sizes and would one day want to wear all of those and yet feel comfortable without looking at my belly.. and start thinking if others are watching... I feel so bad when ppl stare at my belly and i try to hide them... I dont even i have feel conscious of myself... and i dont have to alter my dance costume like I did this time... Even once I get back to shape, I would weigh myself every week so that once I am off the track even slightly, I would burn that extra pounds then and there... and not pile up and repeat my mistake again...
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    What do you ladies think about having the calorie burn sheet every week until the end, I think it has helped me stay motivated for sure.---On this one, i think its great idea to keep just motivates us to take extra step to burn the calories.....

    Also, I have one more news to share... I actually got one more performance next weekend, but asked them for a different date as I felt wasn't really ready for next weekend and I cannot really come up with whole set of new songs in a week and I want my leg to get better as I have got wart underneath my leg as well... yesterday I did struggle a bit at the end... But yes, I have one more performance, either in a month's time or on January 1st 2012... US is really lucky for me i guess.. :-)
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Ladies, ladies.... I have an announcement to Finally TOM is here after skipping of last month...gosh.... But I am going to bleed like hell... three days, god save me... My TOM usually is bad... I would only do the regular strength training and get a bit of walking...will not be able to do anything else..please excuse me for 3 days... every time..its like I struggle very hard to get up from bed too... but this will do minor walking... and thank god those ups and down is already done...hahhaha

    But now i know, there is a change in lifestyle..happy for that... but I am going to bloat for wednesday and I will weigh more...boooo.. i was on 159 lbs this i thought we would have a lot of weight loss this week... also, need to drink lots of water and eat more fruits as I am on antibiotics as well for the wart... But I will be back...
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    I made this tonight for my little guy and he loved it so thought I would make it my recipe:

    Black Beans
    mix together and heat

    Brown Rice
    Fresh Spinich(cut small)
    Green Onion

    Add the spinich and onion in when you add the rice to cook

    Lean Ground beef (just a little)
    Chedder Cheese
    Whole wheat tortilla

    **I mixed it all for him and gave him a half tortilla and he ate it up!

    **I have to look into how many calories this in I will add that later.

    I'm gonna make this for my son tonight! Except with ground chkn instead of ground beef
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member

    You look beautiful!!!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    I made this tonight for my little guy and he loved it so thought I would make it my recipe:

    Black Beans
    mix together and heat

    Brown Rice
    Fresh Spinich(cut small)
    Green Onion

    Add the spinich and onion in when you add the rice to cook

    Lean Ground beef (just a little)
    Chedder Cheese
    Whole wheat tortilla

    **I mixed it all for him and gave him a half tortilla and he ate it up!

    **I have to look into how many calories this in I will add that later.

    I'm gonna make this for my son tonight! Except with ground chkn instead of ground beef

    He loved it! Thanks for sharing!!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi ladies!
    I just realized we maxed our Original post, so Hi SAHMU TEAM GREEN and welcome to the new one!!!!