TEAM GREEN- SAHMU- Go Green! (closed group)



  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member

    I need an advice this time...

    I didn't get my TOM last month although I was feeling that I was bloating for few days.. I am not preggy
    Second I have got boils on my heels, it started even before i started dancing.. I had these boils even before.. I used to keep my foot in salt water and apply cream later... once these boils break, i just have some marks left over.. last time when i went to doc in India, he said must be because I was allergic to dust or something... I understand that in India, but here?? no idea.. So I am thinking of seeing a doc for both the reasons.. so should I go in for general physician or skin specialist, no idea.. :-(

    For sure go to the general physician and like Lynda said they will refer you to a specialist if needed. It sucks when we are trying to improve our health stuff like this happens but it will be worth it in the end! Have a great day!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    On the calorie part, does it include only hard core exercises like cardio? or does it include other things that burn our calories too like cleaning (of course other than routine), or sometimes long hours of cooking?

    You can include anything you like.
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member

    my calorie goal is going to be 2500
  • babydbones
    babydbones Posts: 135 Member
    my calorie goal is 2500 too
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    So here was my day..most part of the day it was dancing... have logged it as only 30 mins, but i think i did much more than that..Didnt know how to log it... so burnt 207 in that dancing, 30 mins of hard core cardio (again bit of dancing, aerobics and this time twist too with more concentration on the belly area) that burnt 176 cals, so in total around 383 cals for today.. I did complete my leg raises also...50 raises each side...
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    So here was my day..most part of the day it was dancing... have logged it as only 30 mins, but i think i did much more than that..Didnt know how to log it... so burnt 207 in that dancing, 30 mins of hard core cardio (again bit of dancing, aerobics and this time twist too with more concentration on the belly area) that burnt 176 cals, so in total around 383 cals for today.. I did complete my leg raises also...50 raises each side...

    Yay!!! Great job Renu!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    897 Calories burned for me today!!
    I mowed my lawn and pulled a ton of weeds around my garden, it counted as a great calorie burn today.
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Wednesday Weigh Ins:

    Starting: 261
    Starting SAHMU: 241
    Week 4: 232.6
    Weekly +/- : -2lbs
    Total +/- : -28.4lbs!
    Goal: Now that I'm back on track I wanna burn baby burn! My goal for the coming week is to kiss the 230s goodbye!

    Go Green!!!

    Great Job!!! Fantastic loss this week!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    HUGE NSV TODAY!:wink:
    I just wanted to share my morning with all of you. I was so excited to weigh in this morning, I haden't peeked at the scale all week. I got on the scale with great anticipation.....+0.4.... This is the strange part, I wasn't upset, this is a huge NSV for me! I am working hard and changing my life, this isn't just about the scale on my bathroom floor, it's about the scale in which I live my life. I am learning about myself and more about who I am, I want to live a full and beautiful life filled with great experiences and my weight will no longer be in the way! I am confident of this for the first time in my adult life. I feel a sense of freedom and happiness I didn't think I could feel a few short months ago.
    I thank all of you for joining me in this journey, I read all your posts, even though I may not respond I love and appreciate them all. You are all amazing and strong women!

  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    HUGE NSV TODAY!:wink:
    I just wanted to share my morning with all of you. I was so excited to weigh in this morning, I haden't peeked at the scale all week. I got on the scale with great anticipation.....+0.4.... This is the strange part, I wasn't upset, this is a huge NSV for me! I am working hard and changing my life, this isn't just about the scale on my bathroom floor, it's about the scale in which I live my life. I am learning about myself and more about who I am, I want to live a full and beautiful life filled with great experiences and my weight will no longer be in the way! I am confident of this for the first time in my adult life. I feel a sense of freedom and happiness I didn't think I could feel a few short months ago.
    I thank all of you for joining me in this journey, I read all your posts, even though I may not respond I love and appreciate them all. You are all amazing and strong women!


    So inspiring! I am still struggling with defining myself by the number on the scale but I aspire to be where you are now mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Good for you!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Sorry gals, I thought I had posted by calorie goal but now I can't seem to find it. I'm shooting for 3000. That's basically my regular workout plus a bit 6 days a week. I can manage that!

    Go Green!!!!
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    897 Calories burned for me today!!
    I mowed my lawn and pulled a ton of weeds around my garden, it counted as a great calorie burn today.

    Oh!! that is awesome... :-)
  • Sorry I'm very late with this. I flew down to florida yesterday to visit my aunt and cousin, so I wasn't able to get on the computer last night. Here's what I have. And I'm not sure if this is the most updated copy of the list, but please feel free to let me know if it isn't.
    Points for Team Green this Week:
    Renu- 5
    Cathleen- 2

    Starting: 240
    Starting SAHMU: I think it was 234ish
    Week 4:(my week 1 here)? 229.4
    Total +/- : -10.6

    My calorie goal is 1,730.
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Sorry I'm very late with this. I flew down to florida yesterday to visit my aunt and cousin, so I wasn't able to get on the computer last night. Here's what I have. And I'm not sure if this is the most updated copy of the list, but please feel free to let me know if it isn't.
    Points for Team Green this Week:
    Renu- 5
    Cathleen- 2

    Starting: 240
    Starting SAHMU: I think it was 234ish
    Week 4:(my week 1 here)? 229.4
    Total +/- : -10.6

    My calorie goal is 1,730.

    WoW!! 4.6 pounds lost this week is great! Hope you can get pumped about this weeks challenge. The min. calorie goal is 2000 so I will put you down for that. Have a great day!!
    Did you burn any calories yesterday?
  • I just checked. I started with 232. So the week loss was 2.4 pounds. I put down my calorie goal without the exercise amount, it's 2,520. Sorry I didn't do much looking into it before I posted. I didn't burn anything yesterday because I sat on my butt on a plane and in a car almost all day. Today, my cousin is taking me on a walk for an outdoor art exhibit, so that'll be my exercise today and tomorrow we're going to the beach so I'm going to go for a good walk. What are the goals this week?

    Starting: 240
    Starting SAHMU: 232
    Week 4:(my week 1 here)? 229.4
    Week +/-: = -2.6
    Total +/- : -10.6
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Here it is ladies!!! Get ready set go!! (Tomorrow of course)lol

    SAHMU Challenge Week 5

    Set a week Goal for yourself this week and achieve it! Your goal can't be under 2500 calories burned. We have to push ourselves.(I got this from another challenge on MFP and thought it was great!)

    **The Team with the highest Calories burned this week gets an extra point!!

    I made another spreadsheet for this challenge please enter in your calorie burns there daily along with your goal.

    Please remember to post on your thread how you burned your calories and how many you burned each day, I think this will give us all some new ideas.

    Strength: Possible 6 points per person just for this challenge!!
    Day 1 Challenge - 50 Leg Raises (each side)
    Day 2 Challenge - 40 Squats
    Day 3 Challenge - 50 situps or ab crunches
    Day 4 Challenge - 40 "Up & Downs"
    Day 5 Challenge - 25 Pushups
    Day 6 Challenge - 25 Lunges
    Day 7 Rest!! You deserve it!!
    *You can do these in any order you would like.

    Food Challenge: Healthy Kids Meal
    Recipe challenge- for this challenge we will each submit a Kids Meal recipe to our team thread, you will receive 1 point for this, take a vote on your team and then submit the best Kids recipe to our main thread, we will then all vote for the best recipe on the main thread and the team with the most votes will receive 1 extra point for this challenge. (the catch is you cannot vote for your own team). Remember to include the nutritional content in your receipe.

    Emotional Challenge:
    What excuses have you made (to yourself or others) in the past for your weight, and how do you stop yourself from falling back into the "I am heavy because...." attitude?
    ** A special thanks to LoveNevrNds and sisa2324 for your help with the challenge this week.
    Remember you can always go to

    The challenge is there along with the point system.
    Good Luck Ladies and I hope you enjoy the challenge this week!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Day 4 Challenge - 40 "Up & Downs"

    Am I the only one that has no idea what an "up and down" is? Does that mean I jump in place? lol! I feel so dumb asking this!
  • Day 4 Challenge - 40 "Up & Downs"

    Am I the only one that has no idea what an "up and down" is? Does that mean I jump in place? lol! I feel so dumb asking this!

    I'm not sure what it is myself. =p
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Emotional Challenge:

    I've used every excuse in the book. My personal favorite has been "I've never been skinny. Even as a kid I was fit but still thick". Which is true. What bothers me about this is my continued use of it even now. I use it as justification to limit my expectations of myself. Never realized that until this challenge was posted, because it forced me to think about it. In all honesty, since I've never been slim I'm scared to let myself hope that I may one day be slim, fit, and dare I say pretty?!?

    This may be a bit of a tangent, so forgive me if I'm off topic, but I wonder if anyone else feels that words like "pretty" are reserved for the thin, slim and petite? I am big boned. I have a large structure. Sure, I also have a lot of excess fat currently residing on that structure but it doesn't take away from the fact that I have hips and shoulders and most likely, once I lose all the weight I hope/plan to lose I will have a very curvy, hourglass type of figure. Realistically, this means that I may still wear a size 10/12 even once I hit my goal. So how will I feel? All my life I've defined myself with words like :cute, funny, quirky, safe, sturdy, adorable, thick, strong. Lately, since I've been so much more aware of my body as well as my own thoughts and feelings about it, I wonder: will I EVER feel like I am justified in using a word like "pretty" or gosh, can I even say it now "sexy" to define my own appeaance? I don't know. But I hope to.

    Back to the inital point of the challenge: how do I stop myself from falling back in to the "I''m heavy because..." attitude. Well, I guess I haven't done that yet. But I will. From now on, I'm going to strive to hope, to believe in the thin, slim, fit and pretty version of me that I know is buried soemwhere beneath about 90lbs of excess. It may take time, but I choose to believe that one day I'll look in the mirror and like what I see. And until that day, I'm done with excuses! I got to 261lbs by being lazy and sloppy in my choices. That's a reality. I've gotten to 232.6lbs by busting my butt and making healthy choices that will lead to a longer, happier, healthier life. Also a reality. And I'm gonna get to 140lbs by continuing to make those positive choices. Future reality.

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