TEAM GREEN- SAHMU- Go Green! (closed group)



  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Points for Team Green this Week:

    You know the drill, paste and copy

    Ummm... did I get kicked out? Cuz I'm not on our list... awkward :blushing: ! lol! If I'm still in got 5 points and lost 2 lbs. Lemme know. Lynda
  • babydbones
    babydbones Posts: 135 Member
    Points for Team Green this Week:

    You know the drill, paste and copy

    My weight stayed the same this week.
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Points for Team Green this Week:

    You know the drill, paste and copy

    Ummm... did I get kicked out? Cuz I'm not on our list... awkward :blushing: ! lol! If I'm still in got 5 points and lost 2 lbs. Lemme know. Lynda


    I am sure she mean't Lynda instead of you bring a smile on my face every time i read your post.. :-)
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Points for Team Green this Week:
    Renu- 5

    You know the drill, paste and copy
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Weight loss:

    Week 3- 162.4
    Week 4- 162
    Weekly loss- -0.4 (Yaaayyyy!)
    Goal for this week: Go to gym 3 times this week...

    Finally, my adamant scale did go down... God knows how many times i weighed myself this morning to confirm if i have really lost weight..hahaha

    Go team green
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Points for Team Green this Week:

    You know the drill, paste and copy

    Ummm... did I get kicked out? Cuz I'm not on our list... awkward :blushing: ! lol! If I'm still in got 5 points and lost 2 lbs. Lemme know. Lynda

    I am so sorry Lynda:blushing: :laugh: ...I have so many challenge things I do and I totaly screwed that up. Please forgive me!!! I can't stop laughing at you response right now. You are so funny. Love you though and you would never be kicked out!:laugh:
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Wednesday Weigh Ins:

    Starting: 244.8
    Starting SAHMU: 233.8
    Week 3: 221.8
    Week 4: 222.2
    Weekly +/- : +.4
    Total +/- : -22.6

    Yes I did gain this week, but oddly I don't feel discouraged. I have been working hard and I know that this happens so I will keep on pushing through!
    How do you guys like the challenge this week?
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Do you guys want to start a new thread each week would it be easier or just stay on this one?

    What is you r calorie goal this week, I am not sure what to put...scary
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Points for Team Green this Week:

    You know the drill, paste and copy

    Ummm... did I get kicked out? Cuz I'm not on our list... awkward :blushing: ! lol! If I'm still in got 5 points and lost 2 lbs. Lemme know. Lynda

    I am so sorry Lynda:blushing: :laugh: ...I have so many challenge things I do and I totaly screwed that up. Please forgive me!!! I can't stop laughing at you response right now. You are so funny. Love you though and you would never be kicked out!:laugh:

    No worries Karie! I figured as much. Luckily, I'm too damn stubborn anyway - even if you had kicked me out I'd still be in here like white on rice trying to make you gals laugh :laugh:
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Do you guys want to start a new thread each week would it be easier or just stay on this one?

    What is you r calorie goal this week, I am not sure what to put...scary

    OMG! The challenge this week is both terrifying and super exciting! I'm so pumped! I think I'm gonna put my calorie goal as 3000. That's 500/per day for 6 days. For me that works out to my 30DS workout, stairs at work at least twice and my walk home from daycare. So basically, stuff I already do but this will make me super accountable so that I don't let myself get lazy.
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Wednesday Weigh Ins:

    Starting: 244.8
    Starting SAHMU: 233.8
    Week 3: 221.8
    Week 4: 222.2
    Weekly +/- : +.4
    Total +/- : -22.6

    Yes I did gain this week, but oddly I don't feel discouraged. I have been working hard and I know that this happens so I will keep on pushing through!

    love, love, LOVE your attitude! Way to keep going and stay positive! And plus, you only gained .5lb. That's nothing. Willing to bet it'll be gone by tomorrow. Keep going strong Karie!!
    How do you guys like the challenge this week?
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Weight loss:

    Week 3- 162.4
    Week 4- 162
    Weekly loss- -0.4 (Yaaayyyy!)
    Goal for this week: Go to gym 3 times this week...

    Finally, my adamant scale did go down... God knows how many times i weighed myself this morning to confirm if i have really lost weight..hahaha

    Go team green

    Great job! So happy for you! All that dancing is paying off!
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    On the calorie part, does it include only hard core exercises like cardio? or does it include other things that burn our calories too like cleaning (of course other than routine), or sometimes long hours of cooking?
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Wednesday Weigh Ins:

    Starting: 244.8
    Starting SAHMU: 233.8
    Week 3: 221.8
    Week 4: 222.2
    Weekly +/- : +.4
    Total +/- : -22.6

    Yes I did gain this week, but oddly I don't feel discouraged. I have been working hard and I know that this happens so I will keep on pushing through!
    How do you guys like the challenge this week?

    I am glad that you aren't discouraged... 0.4 lbs, I don't think you might have put any extra effort to lose this.. Play with your son for sometime and it will be vanished... :-)
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Weight loss:

    Week 3- 162.4
    Week 4- 162
    Weekly loss- -0.4 (Yaaayyyy!)
    Goal for this week: Go to gym 3 times this week...

    Finally, my adamant scale did go down... God knows how many times i weighed myself this morning to confirm if i have really lost weight..hahaha

    Go team green

    Great job! So happy for you! All that dancing is paying off!

    Yay!! ...
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member

    I need an advice this time...

    I didn't get my TOM last month although I was feeling that I was bloating for few days.. I am not preggy
    Second I have got boils on my heels, it started even before i started dancing.. I had these boils even before.. I used to keep my foot in salt water and apply cream later... once these boils break, i just have some marks left over.. last time when i went to doc in India, he said must be because I was allergic to dust or something... I understand that in India, but here?? no idea.. So I am thinking of seeing a doc for both the reasons.. so should I go in for general physician or skin specialist, no idea.. :-(
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member

    I need an advice this time...

    I didn't get my TOM last month although I was feeling that I was bloating for few days.. I am not preggy
    Second I have got boils on my heels, it started even before i started dancing.. I had these boils even before.. I used to keep my foot in salt water and apply cream later... once these boils break, i just have some marks left over.. last time when i went to doc in India, he said must be because I was allergic to dust or something... I understand that in India, but here?? no idea.. So I am thinking of seeing a doc for both the reasons.. so should I go in for general physician or skin specialist, no idea.. :-(

    I live in Canada, and I know our system works differently than how it does in the US, but here you'd go to your GP and then if the GP feels that the situation warrants a specialist you would be reffered to one. In my experience my GP is very thorough so I have rarely had to go elsewhere.

    TMI - alert!! :wink:
    As far the issue with TOM, I actually took a pregnancy test last night (negative) even though I knew that there was very little chance that I was preggers. I was just freaked out b/c my TOM came on Saturday (a little late) and was crazy-light. I mean, I barely spotted, it was really only noticeable after using the washroom, which for me is very unusual. But I attribute it to stress as well as the massive changes in diet and exercise that I have put on my body. I see my doc in a few weeks to have my thyroid tested (I fear it may be underactive) and I plan to bring up the TOM issue then as well. Perhaps, the lifestlye change is affecting you as well? Might be worth mentioning to your doc.

    I hope you feel better! And I certainly hope that the boil issue resolves itself quickly - that must be incredibly uncomfortable.
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member

    I need an advice this time...

    I didn't get my TOM last month although I was feeling that I was bloating for few days.. I am not preggy
    Second I have got boils on my heels, it started even before i started dancing.. I had these boils even before.. I used to keep my foot in salt water and apply cream later... once these boils break, i just have some marks left over.. last time when i went to doc in India, he said must be because I was allergic to dust or something... I understand that in India, but here?? no idea.. So I am thinking of seeing a doc for both the reasons.. so should I go in for general physician or skin specialist, no idea.. :-(

    I live in Canada, and I know our system works differently than how it does in the US, but here you'd go to your GP and then if the GP feels that the situation warrants a specialist you would be reffered to one. In my experience my GP is very thorough so I have rarely had to go elsewhere.

    TMI - alert!! :wink:
    As far the issue with TOM, I actually took a pregnancy test last night (negative) even though I knew that there was very little chance that I was preggers. I was just freaked out b/c my TOM came on Saturday (a little late) and was crazy-light. I mean, I barely spotted, it was really only noticeable after using the washroom, which for me is very unusual. But I attribute it to stress as well as the massive changes in diet and exercise that I have put on my body. I see my doc in a few weeks to have my thyroid tested (I fear it may be underactive) and I plan to bring up the TOM issue then as well. Perhaps, the lifestlye change is affecting you as well? Might be worth mentioning to your doc.

    I hope you feel better! And I certainly hope that the boil issue resolves itself quickly - that must be incredibly uncomfortable.

    Hey thanks Lynda... :-) yes probably it could be due to the change in lifestyle, cuz i don't think I would have exercised in this manner daily for quite sometime now... Yes, I will take an appointment with GP first... Yes the boils doesn't allow me to dance freely..always keeps bothering me.. :-(
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    I'm so mad at myself right now. Well, actually I'm mad in general and I don't really know why and I just slid into my old habits of eating because I'm upset or unhappy instead of because I am hungry. :mad:

    Here's what happened: I'm at work, having an ok day but one of my cowrkers is aggravating me. Not sure why - she is jsut under my skin today. Probably just me being way over tired from the stress of the past week but regardless, she is annyoing the hell out of me. So I had my lunch and then I was talking to another gal I work with and she offered me a pack of thinsastions chocolate covered pretzels. I wasn't that hungry, but it's a flavor I've wanted to try and I had the room in my calories for the day so I took a pack. Did not like them. Too salty, not enough sweet, just made me thirsty and made me want more chocolate. But I still ate them! I should have stopped afer one bite but the urge for mindless snacking took over and I finished the pack. 100 calories - down the hatch.
    Then another coworker ate an ice cream bar while we working on something (my work keeps the kitchen stocked with snacks). So we finished the task and I went back to my office and without even thinking about it I grabbed an ice cream bar and ate it. ARGH!!! All my hard work and I just ate 220 calories worth of junk that I didn't even want because I wasn't thinking of anything except how choclate would calm me down. And it did... for about a minute. And then I got so mad at myslef for falling off the wagon.
    The silver lining is this, I will still be under my calories for the day, it just means I'll have to be very careful with my snacking tonight. I usually have a bowl of dry cereal for my evening snack and today I'll probably jst have some watermlon or something. So it's not about the calories themselves, but more what they represent. I feel like I failed.

    Anyways, I'm sorry for venting. I jsut had to get it out because I was so mad at myself. Now that I've written it all down I fee like I've gotten a little persepctive and that I have a new resolve not to do that to myself again. Thanks for listening.
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    I'm so mad at myself right now. Well, actually I'm mad in general and I don't really know why and I just slid into my old habits of eating because I'm upset or unhappy instead of because I am hungry. :mad:

    Here's what happened: I'm at work, having an ok day but one of my cowrkers is aggravating me. Not sure why - she is jsut under my skin today. Probably just me being way over tired from the stress of the past week but regardless, she is annyoing the hell out of me. So I had my lunch and then I was talking to another gal I work with and she offered me a pack of thinsastions chocolate covered pretzels. I wasn't that hungry, but it's a flavor I've wanted to try and I had the room in my calories for the day so I took a pack. Did not like them. Too salty, not enough sweet, just made me thirsty and made me want more chocolate. But I still ate them! I should have stopped afer one bite but the urge for mindless snacking took over and I finished the pack. 100 calories - down the hatch.
    Then another coworker ate an ice cream bar while we working on something (my work keeps the kitchen stocked with snacks). So we finished the task and I went back to my office and without even thinking about it I grabbed an ice cream bar and ate it. ARGH!!! All my hard work and I just ate 220 calories worth of junk that I didn't even want because I wasn't thinking of anything except how choclate would calm me down. And it did... for about a minute. And then I got so mad at myslef for falling off the wagon.
    The silver lining is this, I will still be under my calories for the day, it just means I'll have to be very careful with my snacking tonight. I usually have a bowl of dry cereal for my evening snack and today I'll probably jst have some watermlon or something. So it's not about the calories themselves, but more what they represent. I feel like I failed.

    Anyways, I'm sorry for venting. I jsut had to get it out because I was so mad at myself. Now that I've written it all down I fee like I've gotten a little persepctive and that I have a new resolve not to do that to myself again. Thanks for listening.

    So glad you decided to vent here instead of continuing to graze out of frustration. I had a few days like that last week. Old habits are hard to break but the differnce now is you are aware of them so good for you! I hate when I make those dicisions on some days when I am feeling frustrated, it so not worth it! Have a better day today!
    By the way did you post your calorie goal for the week?? Is 2500 calories just way to hard, do you think I should lower the min?