TEAM GREEN- SAHMU- Go Green! (closed group)



  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Good Work Everyone!

    I just want to log what I've done in the week. Even though it's not too much.
    Thursday 8/11 - I went to the gym for an hour. I was determined to keep myself moving on the treadmill, but after 45 minutes I was ready to quit and stopped to end my workout. Then I decided to stay on, which isn't that amazing...but a feat for me in my beginning stages of weight loss.

    Monday 8/15 - I was planning on waking up around 9am to go down to the gym, but ended up being called into work for the weekday receptionist. I'm going to Florida to visit family for a week, so she's filling in for me over the weekend. I'm really excited about my trip. I've never taken a "vacation" alone before, so this is amazing.

    For the Dancing part, I actually rented a Ballroom Dance DVD thursday night before I joined this group! So I'm defintely going to have my guy friend try it out with me. I used to take a Ballroom Dance class with a few friends and really enjoyed it. I hope to start up with it again soon. I just need a partner!

    I've been reading the book called One Day for a while now, and have it on my kindle app on my phone and my computer (not the actual kindle, I don't see myself spending money to buy that!). The book is really amazing, and will be coming out as a movie this upcoming Friday with Jim Sturgess (if anyone doesn't know him, he's from the movie 21) and Anne Hathaway.

    I recently stopped talking to the two girls in my area that I've been hanging out with. They are too trashy for me, and I've known for a while that I deserve much better. When I was 16, a junior in high school, I lost my two best friends ( not to death thank god). One of them moved down to Delaware and we still keep in contact but I miss her. She has a beautiful two year old daughter, who was born on the day of my high school graduation! My other friend called me from rehab. I had no idea that she was suicidal or bullemic. That was a real shock to me, and it was hard to go without those two close friends. So I started hanging out with my moms friends daughter, whom I had grown up with and was like a little sister to me. My senior year of high school, I went to a college upstate and made some amazing friends, but what I really missed was my friends I left back home. I came back home to a local college the following year to maintain my friendship with my moms friends daughter and the two girls we were great friends with. Unfortunately, one of the three girls had a falling out with the two girls and I, and I finally found my strength to stop talking to the trashy two that I remained friends with. It really stinks not having female friends to hangout with, but I know that the second I try contacting the two girls to hangout, I'm just repeating past mistakes and harming myself with their nonsense and made up drama.

    Go Team Green!!

    HI Cathleen,
    Way to go on your workouts that fantastic! I love to read as well but I really haven't picked anything new up in a while. I am so glad you have decided to stay away from those old friends of yours, surounding yourself by the wrong people is never a good idea. I live in a really small town and most of my friends live in other states or hours away so i can understand the longing for girl time but at what cost? There a a few women here around my age but I prefer to stay away because either they are super "clicky" or into the wrong things.
    Ball Room Dancing!! That is awesome!
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Baby Tiramisù

    If you're a fan of the classic Italian dessert Tiramisu, try this quick, lower-calorie variation the next time you need a dessert in a hurry. Both types of ladyfingers—spongy and crunchy—work well.

    Active Time: 15 minutes

    Total Time: 45 minutes

    1/2 cup nonfat ricotta cheese, (4 ounces)
    2 tablespoons confectioners' sugar
    1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
    1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon
    12 ladyfingers, (about 1 3/4 ounces)
    4 tablespoons brewed espresso, or strong coffee, divided
    2 tablespoons bittersweet chocolate chips, melted (see Tip)

    1.Combine ricotta, sugar, vanilla and cinnamon in a medium bowl.
    2.Place 6 ladyfingers in a 9-by-5-inch (or similar size) loaf pan. Drizzle with 2 tablespoons espresso (or coffee). Spread the ricotta mixture over the ladyfingers. Place another layer of ladyfingers over the ricotta and drizzle with the remaining 2 tablespoons espresso (or coffee). Drizzle with melted chocolate. Refrigerate until the chocolate is set, about 30 minutes.
    Tips & Notes
    Tip: To melt chocolate: Microwave on Medium for 1 minute. Stir, then continue microwaving on Medium in 20-second intervals until melted, stirring after each interval. Or place in the top of a double boiler over hot, but not boiling, water. Stir until melted.

    NutritionPer serving: 107 calories; 2 g fat ( 1 g sat , 0 g mono ); 3 mg cholesterol; 18 g carbohydrates; 3 g protein; 0 g fiber; 125 mg sodium; 29 mg potassium.

    Carbohydrate Servings: 1

    Exchanges: 1 carbohydrate (other), 1/2 fat


    My mouth is already watering..yummy, its my fav.. we used to get this one in my home town and i just love it...thanks for sharing this... :-)
  • Whatareherthings711
    Thanks so much Karie =)
    I really didn't have any energy to go to the gym after work, because I ended up staying 2 hours longer, and went to get Boston Market for dinner! =/ But I'm going to go in a few after folding the laundry. Yay motivation!
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member

    Here was my day...Glad that today was one of those awesome days, can't believe... Completed my step ups and cardio... 21 mins of my intense dancing, 20 mins of leslie walking. You know what I had so many inquiries today for my dance class, 3 of the parents turned at my doorstep.. so I have three more news students, 6 inquiries still pending which they told they will turn up during this week.. see how my dance performance is coupled with so many good things.. you know what, i always believe that when we reach a path where you do not know to do next, something nice comes up and this is what i wished for... 2 days back in my prayers I just asked god to show me the direction cuz i was not working and i'm going no where, now he has showed me the direction..

    Thanks for all the motivation and encouragement ladies!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Dessert challenge:
    Cheescake brownies

    What You Need
    1 pkg. (440 g) brownie mix
    1/2 cup applesauce
    3 egg whites, divided
    1/4 cup water
    1 pkg. (250 g) Philadelphia Light Brick Cream Cheese Spread, softened
    1/2 cup sugar
    1/4 cup flour
    Make It

    HEAT oven to 350°F.

    MIX brownie mix, applesauce, 2 egg whites and water until well blended. Pour into 13x9-inch pan sprayed with cooking spray.

    BEAT cream cheese spread, sugar, flour and remaining egg white with mixer until well blended; spoon over brownie batter. Swirl gently with knife.

    BAKE 28 to 30 min. or until toothpick inserted in centre comes out with fudgy crumbs. (Do not overbake.) Cool completely.
    kraft kitchens tips
    Mocha Cheesecake Brownies
    Prepare as directed, mixing 2 Tbsp. Maxwell House Instant Coffee Original Roast Granules with the water before using to prepare brownie batter.
    nutritional information
    serving size = 1 brownie (63 g)
    per serving

    Total fat
    6 g
    Saturated fat
    2.5 g
    10 mg
    150 mg
    27 g
    Dietary fibre
    1 g
    18 g
    3 g
    Vitamin A
    4 %DV
    Vitamin C
    0 %DV
    2 %DV
    4 %DV
    Nutrition Bonus
    Help your family and friends eat right with this delicious dessert that is prepared with better-for-you products.
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    My vote for the recipe challenge is the pb cups that Deanna submitted. those look fantastic!!

    For my relaxation challenge... you're gonna laugh... I worked out twice today. I woke up at 540, did my morning set of the 30DS (I'm on level 2 now), took my powerwalk home from getting my son at his day care and then after getting everything ready for the funeral tomorrow (ironing, laundry, food prep for my son since he's staying home with my mother inlaw etc) I was kinda stressed. And I thought "what will make me feel better?" and the answer came to me immediately "i need to shred!" lol!

    Does that count? Either way, I feel sooo much better :smile:

    I completed every other challenge except dance. I haven't felt much like dancing this past week... maybe I'll giev t a whirl tomorrow. If nothing else, Caleb likes to dance with his Momma.

    Hope everyone has had a great day. I'm gonna go take a shower and chillax with my hubby! Funeral is tomorrow so I may not be on until the evening, if at all.
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    My vote for the recipe challenge is the pb cups that Deanna submitted. those look fantastic!!

    For my relaxation challenge... you're gonna laugh... I worked out twice today. I woke up at 540, did my morning set of the 30DS (I'm on level 2 now), took my powerwalk home from getting my son at his day care and then after getting everything ready for the funeral tomorrow (ironing, laundry, food prep for my son since he's staying home with my mother inlaw etc) I was kinda stressed. And I thought "what will make me feel better?" and the answer came to me immediately "i need to shred!" lol!

    Does that count? Either way, I feel sooo much better :smile:

    I completed every other challenge except dance. I haven't felt much like dancing this past week... maybe I'll giev t a whirl tomorrow. If nothing else, Caleb likes to dance with his Momma.

    Hope everyone has had a great day. I'm gonna go take a shower and chillax with my hubby! Funeral is tomorrow so I may not be on until the evening, if at all.

    lol...Lynda, I was really laughing after i read your relaxation challenge, but if it has relaxed you what else can you ask for...hehe
    I loved your recipe too..I'm confused cuz all of you ladies posted my fav things...hahha
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Did Cathleen post her recipe too? I am not able to find it, if posted what was it? I am one absent minded professor, so dumb i felt...
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Dessert challenge:
    Cheescake brownies

    What You Need
    1 pkg. (440 g) brownie mix
    1/2 cup applesauce
    3 egg whites, divided
    1/4 cup water
    1 pkg. (250 g) Philadelphia Light Brick Cream Cheese Spread, softened
    1/2 cup sugar
    1/4 cup flour
    Make It

    HEAT oven to 350°F.

    MIX brownie mix, applesauce, 2 egg whites and water until well blended. Pour into 13x9-inch pan sprayed with cooking spray.

    BEAT cream cheese spread, sugar, flour and remaining egg white with mixer until well blended; spoon over brownie batter. Swirl gently with knife.

    BAKE 28 to 30 min. or until toothpick inserted in centre comes out with fudgy crumbs. (Do not overbake.) Cool completely.
    kraft kitchens tips
    Mocha Cheesecake Brownies
    Prepare as directed, mixing 2 Tbsp. Maxwell House Instant Coffee Original Roast Granules with the water before using to prepare brownie batter.
    nutritional information
    serving size = 1 brownie (63 g)
    per serving

    Total fat
    6 g
    Saturated fat
    2.5 g
    10 mg
    150 mg
    27 g
    Dietary fibre
    1 g
    18 g
    3 g
    Vitamin A
    4 %DV
    Vitamin C
    0 %DV
    2 %DV
    4 %DV
    Nutrition Bonus
    Help your family and friends eat right with this delicious dessert that is prepared with better-for-you products.

    Yummy!!! This is my vote!
  • Whatareherthings711
    Sorry, I didn't post a recipe yet. I will tomorrow morning! Just got back from the gym, did a shorter version of what I planned on...but every step counts, so I'm proud of myself for going. My vote is on the peanut butter cups, they look great.
    Goodnight All
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    I completed my dance challenge this morning, I did 20 min of a Dance workout on Netflixs and my son was moving along with me and then of course he wanted me to hold him so I did part of the workout holding what a workout! Last night I did my steps while My Husband timed me and My son watched laughing at me. lol I did 95 steps in 3 min. it felt great!
    I hope you all are having a great day.
    I am going to post Deannas recipe as the winner of the Green Team..Great Job Deanna!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    I tried to post your recipe but I couldnt get the picture to show and that is what sells it, can you post it to the main thread and just title it Green Team winning Recipe.
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    I completed my dance challenge this morning, I did 20 min of a Dance workout on Netflixs and my son was moving along with me and then of course he wanted me to hold him so I did part of the workout holding what a workout! Last night I did my steps while My Husband timed me and My son watched laughing at me. lol I did 95 steps in 3 min. it felt great!
    I hope you all are having a great day.
    I am going to post Deannas recipe as the winner of the Green Team..Great Job Deanna!

    Yeah sure Karie... Even my vote was for Deanna's, although i was waiting for Cathleen's recipe...
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member

    Today was busy day, we had some special prayer session at home today.. it went on till lunch, and i have guests coming in today, so started cooking after that.. Cooking is done, but im exhausted for cleaning the and I have my dance students coming in as well... I am going to control my diet today, since the food was already ready, just had litlle bit for taste so that i satisfy my taste buds..reason if I have now, I would have burnt those when teaching my students..and need not have them again during dinner.. trying to control the portions, thats it..and make sure i dont have all of them at once... i know t'row is the weigh in... I'm going to hit the bed as soon as guests leave..hehe
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Challengewise, I am just left with step ups for today, done with everything else... :-)
  • babydbones
    babydbones Posts: 135 Member
    Hey chicas!!! What a day today! We went to Busch Gardens today! It was a blast!!! Lots and lots and lots and lots of walking! But it was such a fun day!!!! I have completed all my challenges for the week!!! I will post my recipe on the website!! Did anyone try it yet?? O and like I said it wasn't "mine" I did find it on this website!!!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    I am going to start a New Thread for Week 5 so it is easier to see the challenge, I will do this each week. Everyone come and say hello. We will complete the weigh in and Recipe challenge here for this week.
    Week 5 Link
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Points for Team Green this Week:

    You know the drill, paste and copy
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Double post
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Wednesday Weigh Ins:

    Starting: 261
    Starting SAHMU: 241
    Week 4: 232.6
    Weekly +/- : -2lbs
    Total +/- : -28.4lbs!
    Goal: Now that I'm back on track I wanna burn baby burn! My goal for the coming week is to kiss the 230s goodbye!

    Go Green!!!