

  • kcsmalley
    kcsmalley Posts: 32 Member
    Here's is my emotional challenge:
    How do you handle the struggles of being the weight you are in your family?
    At this point in all of our lives, my entire immidiate family is over weight. For the most part we have always been over weight. So for me to be heavy is not really an out of sorts thing in my family. This goal of losing weight has kind of "opened" the eyes of our other family members. The struggles that I myself face, are not being able to ride certain rides at amusement parks, being able to play with the kids like I should be able to, and the BIGGEST struggle I have is shopping. I dread it!! I took my daughter in a dressing room with me to try on some clothes at Lane Bryant one night. Not only are you alread upset that you are buying bigger clothes in the first place, but when you are looking at your self in the mirror trying a size 26 pant on, and your 5 year old says to you, "Mom you're fat!" I lost it right then and there. I wasn't mad at her for saying it nor did I scold her for saying it. I guess that was my "Ah ha" moment that really got me thinking about what I was doing with my health. Which was absolutely nothing. Ever since that break down in the dressing room shopping, I don't get upset at my weight. I get happy everytime I see that scale drop. I'm glad I found this website. Im glad I found this challenge, because it's allowed me to be open to others as well as myself as to how I really feel inside and I can talk about it to others that are going through the exact same thing I am. Having the support has made this so much easier.
  • linake11
    linake11 Posts: 72 Member
    Here's is my emotional challenge:
    How do you handle the struggles of being the weight you are in your family?
    At this point in all of our lives, my entire immidiate family is over weight. For the most part we have always been over weight. So for me to be heavy is not really an out of sorts thing in my family. This goal of losing weight has kind of "opened" the eyes of our other family members. The struggles that I myself face, are not being able to ride certain rides at amusement parks, being able to play with the kids like I should be able to, and the BIGGEST struggle I have is shopping. I dread it!! I took my daughter in a dressing room with me to try on some clothes at Lane Bryant one night. Not only are you alread upset that you are buying bigger clothes in the first place, but when you are looking at your self in the mirror trying a size 26 pant on, and your 5 year old says to you, "Mom you're fat!" I lost it right then and there. I wasn't mad at her for saying it nor did I scold her for saying it. I guess that was my "Ah ha" moment that really got me thinking about what I was doing with my health. Which was absolutely nothing. Ever since that break down in the dressing room shopping, I don't get upset at my weight. I get happy everytime I see that scale drop. I'm glad I found this website. Im glad I found this challenge, because it's allowed me to be open to others as well as myself as to how I really feel inside and I can talk about it to others that are going through the exact same thing I am. Having the support has made this so much easier.

    OMG!!!!!!! I need to put a sign on the computer that says to check if someone else is already signed in. Sorry girls!!!! I was logged in under my husband yet once again. I apologize. :(
  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    Hello! I believe I am the newest member of team purple! I'm Nathalie, I have a 7 month old daughter and I'm a stay at home Mum and loving it! I've been dieting for 3 months now and have lost 25.5 lbs, I'm so happy with myself. Still have a long way to go though and need some support getting there!

    So I'm not 100% sure how this works as I'm joining late but I'll go straight in and do the emotional challenge...

    How do you handle the struggles of being the weight you are in your family?
    Being overweight really effects my self confidence and because my boyfriend is really good looking, (much better looking than me) it makes me really paranoid I'm not enough for him and that he'll go off and find someone else. This paranoia isn't all my fault, when we hadn't been together very long he text a woman he worked with who he used to sleep with saying how horrible it was going to be working all summer and not being able to *kitten* her. I know, awful, it broke my heart. I knew I'd never get over it so I broke up with him but then when I discovered I was pregnant with LO I gave him another chance. I'm glad I did because he's an amazing Dad and the 3 of us are building a beautiful life together. He's never given me another reason to doubt him EVER, he's proven himself again and again and he loves me. But I can't get over those texts. A part of me is just too scared to let myself trust him, even though I know in my head I can. He deserves a REAL second chance but my paranoia and bad body image is preventing that. It's helped a lot since I've lost weight and my self confidence is higher. So that's a big reason I'm trying to lose weight. Not to try and keep him because I know he loves me how I am, but so that I can love myself and learn to have faith again.
  • antbug21
    antbug21 Posts: 56
    Welcome to Team Purple Nathalie! We are glad to have you! Basically every Wed we do a weigh-in and get the new challenge for the following week. Just make sure you read the challenges and get them done (if you can) For every challenge you complete at the end of the week our team gets a point. If every member completes every challenge we get an extra point! Good luck and glad you're with us!
  • antbug21
    antbug21 Posts: 56
    My Dinner Recipe for the food challenge is a Greek inspired Burger (being Greek, I thought it seemed right, lol)

    Greek Fusion Burgers

    1 pound uncooked ground turkey breast
    2 teaspoons finely chopped canned chipotle chile peppers in adobo sauce
    1 teaspoon dried oregano, crushed
    1/4 cup light tub-style cream cheese, softened
    1/4 cup shredded reduced-fat cheddar cheese
    1 tablespoon finely chopped green onion
    1/8 teaspoon salt
    2 large whole wheat pita bread rounds, halved crosswise
    8 small slices tomato
    1/2 medium cucumber, cut into thin bite-size strips

    1. In a medium bowl, combine turkey, 1 teaspoon of the chile peppers, and the oregano. Shape mixture into four 1/2-inch-thick oval patties.

    2. For a charcoal grill, grill patties on the rack of an uncovered grill directly over medium heat for 10 to 13 minutes or until an instant-read thermometer inserted into side of each patty registers 165 degrees F, turning once halfway through grilling. (For a gas grill, preheat grill. Reduce heat to medium. Place patties on grill rack over heat. Cover and grill as above.)

    3. Meanwhile, in a small bowl, combine the remaining 1 teaspoon chile pepper, the cream cheese, cheddar cheese, green onion, and salt.

    4. Open cut sides of halved pita bread rounds to make pockets. Spread cream cheese mixture into pockets. Add cucumber, grilled patties, and tomato slices.

    Nutrition Facts
    Calories 272, Total Fat 6 g, Saturated Fat 3 g, Monounsaturated Fat 0 g, Polyunsaturated Fat 0 g, Cholesterol 58 mg, Sodium 473 mg, Carbohydrate 22 g, Total Sugar 3 g, Fiber 3 g, Protein 33 g. Daily Values: Vitamin A 0%, Vitamin C 11%, Calcium 9%, Iron 15%. Exchanges: Vegetable 1, Starch 1, Fat .5.
    Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet
  • antbug21
    antbug21 Posts: 56
    Hey guys, so we maxed out the first main SAHMU page. But there is a part 2. The link is:

    Make sure you keep up with the whole group!
  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    Hey am I supposed to post the response to the emotional challenge on the main page or just this one?

    Struggling to find a good recipe, I'm such an awful cook! :laugh: Will find one though!

    Hows everyone doing this weekend?
  • antbug21
    antbug21 Posts: 56
    Hey am I supposed to post the response to the emotional challenge on the main page or just this one?

    Struggling to find a good recipe, I'm such an awful cook! :laugh: Will find one though!

    Hows everyone doing this weekend?

    You can post the emotional challenge in both places :)

    But only post the recipe on this page. Then we will vote for the best recipe from our team and post that in the main thread for everyone else to vote on.

    Having a great weekend so far!
  • SunshineKB
    SunshineKB Posts: 178 Member
    Thanks for posting that link! I was lost lol. Do we all have to submit a recipe or can we just go ahead and vote for what's already been posted?
  • antbug21
    antbug21 Posts: 56
    Thanks for posting that link! I was lost lol. Do we all have to submit a recipe or can we just go ahead and vote for what's already been posted?

    We all have to post one in order to get the food point for this week. :)
  • SunshineKB
    SunshineKB Posts: 178 Member
    Here's my recipe for the challenge

    Taco Soup

    -1 lb. ground lean beef (you can also use shredded chicken)
    -chopped onion
    -1 can whole kernel corn
    - 3 cans beans (black, kidney, pinto etc)
    -15 oz. can copped tomatos
    -2 cans mild rotel
    - 1 pk. taco seasoning mix
    -1 pk. ranch dressing mix
    -1 1/2 cup water

    -Brown the ground beef with chopped onions, drain
    -Combine all ingredients in large pot
    -Simmer 15 minutes
    -Serve with cheese, sour cream, tortilla chips or fritos
  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    My recipe- Salmon burgers

    4 boneless, skinless salmon fillets , about 550g/1lb 4oz in total, cut into chunks
    2 tbsp Thai red curry paste
    thumb-size piece fresh root ginger , grated
    1 tsp soy sauce
    1 bunch coriander , half chopped, half leaves picked
    1 tsp vegetable oil
    lemon wedges, to serve

    -Tip the salmon into a food processor with the paste, ginger, soy and chopped coriander. Pulse until roughly minced.
    -Tip out the mix and shape into 4 burgers.
    -Heat the oil in a non-stick frying pan, then fry the burgers for 4-5 mins on each side, turning until crisp and cooked through.
    -Serve with salad and rice.

    Nutritional info: 292 kcalories, protein 29g, carbohydrate 7g, fat 17 g, saturated fat 4g, fibre 0g, sugar 6g, salt 0.83 g
  • antbug21
    antbug21 Posts: 56
    Hey Team Purple. Hope everyone is doing well with the new challenges for this week! Weigh-in Wednesday is just around the corner.....

    We have 3 of our recipes listed and we need 2 more so that we can vote on which one will get posted to the main thread.

    I have been doing my jumping jacks and push ups everyday, doing good with the sleep thing too. My only day off from cardio was Saturday and I will write out my emotional challenge at some point today.

    Make sure you start to tally up your points and get anything done that you may be missing because we will need final points by Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. Last week we earned 21 points and had a total weight loss of 3.4lbs!! Awesome job ladies! Keep up the great work! If anyone has any questions feel free to ask me either in this thread (I check it throughout the day) or in a PM.

    Lisa :happy:
  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    Exercise: 1 point hated the push ups though! :(
    Food: 1 point
    Emotional: 1 point
    Sleep: Difficult to know with LO waking me up in the night but think I just about managed it, so 1 point.
    TOTAL: 4 points

    (not sure if it's seperate points for cardio and strength, if it is I did both.) xxx
  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    Oh I should point out that I'm in England btw and it's the middle of the day here, and I've just finished the cardio and strength for the day, which is why I'm posting points so early, not cheating!
  • linake11
    linake11 Posts: 72 Member
    Ok here is my recipe.

    Grilled Chicken Sandwich with Avocado and Tomato

    Servings: 1 • Size: 1 sandwich
    Calories: 252.9 • Fat: 5.3 g • Protein: 18.2 g • Carb: 32.3 g • Fiber: 2.6 g • Sugar: 0.1 g
    Sodium: 374 mg (without salt)


    2 oz Ciabatta
    2 tbsp mashed avocado
    2 oz grilled chicken breast
    3 slices ripe tomatoes
    salt and fresh pepper to taste


    Slice bread open and smear mashed avocado on the bread. Season with salt and pepper. Top with tomatoes, chicken and add additional fresh cracked pepper. Enjoy!!
  • linake11
    linake11 Posts: 72 Member
    Ok here are my points for the week.
    Cardio: 1 point
    Food: 1 point
    Emotional: 1 point
    Sleep: 1 point.

    Total: 4 points.

    Did I miss any challeneges? I only have the four written down. I hope I didn't miss any.
  • linake11
    linake11 Posts: 72 Member
    Ok here are my points for the week.
    Cardio: 1 point
    Food: 1 point
    Emotional: 1 point
    Sleep: 1 point.

    Total: 4 points.

    Did I miss any challeneges? I only have the four written down. I hope I didn't miss any.

    Ok looks like I missed a challenge. Add 1 more point for strength.
    So a toal of 5 point all together.
  • antbug21
    antbug21 Posts: 56
    Emotional Challenge (better late than never):

    I was always the chunky one in my family. My dad is a workout fanatic and my mom has always been thin and beautiful (people used to think she was my sister). And my younger brother had the fastest metabolism EVER! I remember watching him eat ice cream and chocolates and all the other things kids want to eat and when I would ask for some my grandmother or someone else would say "Are you sure you need cake?" How do you say that to an 8 year old?!?!? I also grew up in South Florida, land of the South Beach models. So I think I my idea of what is "beautiful" was warped from a young age. Even now in my marriage, my husband is thin and my boys are skinny. I hate feeling like the cow. I haven't handled being this weight very well. I am depressed and it stops me from living life to the fullest. I am ready for a change!
  • antbug21
    antbug21 Posts: 56
    My points for the week:

    Strength: 1
    Cardio: 1
    Food: 1
    Emotional: 1
    Sleep: 1

    TOTAL: 5 Points

    I need everyone else's totals please! And also we are missing one recipe from krp1981. We need to vote on our best recipe and post it in the main thread. And don't forget it's weigh-in Wednesday....get those weights posted! Good job so far!