

  • SunshineKB
    SunshineKB Posts: 178 Member
    When's the last time jrp1981 was on?

    My points for the week:
    Strength: 1
    Cardio: 1
    Food: 1
    Emotional: 1
    Sleep: 1

    TOTAL: 5 Points

    Will go post my weigh-in now!
  • antbug21
    antbug21 Posts: 56
    Looks like she last wrote on the thread on July 28 and hasn't logged into MFP for 3 days. We may be out another member. Grrrrr!
  • linake11
    linake11 Posts: 72 Member
    Weight today......... 264.8
    Loss of 4.6!!!!!
    WOOOO HOOOOO!!!!!!
  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    Weight today 170 lbs. Lost 0.5 lb this week, not brilliant but at least it's something, right? :-/
  • SunshineKB
    SunshineKB Posts: 178 Member
    Hopefully we're not out another member!! Come on ladies, let's kill this thing!! :)

    Awesome job on your losses so far! Here's my weigh-in

    Starting MFP Weight: 243
    Starting SAHMU Weight: 226
    Week 1 Weight: 224
    Week 2 Weight: 221

    3lbs lost woohoo! :)

    And my vote is for the Greek Fusion Burgers!!! Yum-O
  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    Greek fusion burgers get my vote tooo! Gonna give them a try this week! :)
  • linake11
    linake11 Posts: 72 Member
    Hopefully we're not out another member!! Come on ladies, let's kill this thing!! :)

    Awesome job on your losses so far! Here's my weigh-in

    Starting MFP Weight: 243
    Starting SAHMU Weight: 226
    Week 1 Weight: 224
    Week 2 Weight: 221

    3lbs lost woohoo! :)

    And my vote is for the Greek Fusion Burgers!!! Yum-O

    Great job on your loss!! Woot Woot!!
  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    Right team purple, I know I'm the newbie here but lets start as we mean to go on and do this team challenge, right? We can all use extra motivation, I'm sure! I know I do! I'm gonna add you all as friends to start with I hope that's okay?

    And to start to get to know you I'm gonna ask the first questions off the top of my head...

    What is your absolute fave way to work out/exercise?

    Absolute favourite healthy food/meal?

    When do you feel happiest?

    When do you feel most relaxed?

    And since we're all stay at home mommies, how many little one do you all have, girls or boys and what ages are they? And names if you're comfortable sharing that!
  • SunshineKB
    SunshineKB Posts: 178 Member
    Great idea! :) I'll go first

    What is your absolute fave way to work out/exercise?
    I LOVE Zumba!!!! It is SO much fun and an awesome full body workout!

    Absolute favourite healthy food/meal?
    I love just about anything with boneless skinless chicken breast

    When do you feel happiest?
    I feel happiest when I'm with my hubby. He is my very best friend <3

    When do you feel most relaxed?
    When all 3 of my kids are asleep LOL :+)

    And since we're all stay at home mommies, how many little one do you all have, girls or boys and what ages are they? And names if you're comfortable sharing that!
    I have a 7year old boy (Noah) a 4 year old girl (Natalie) and a 5 month old baby boy (Eli). Noah is enrolled in an online charter school so he's home with me all the time. Natalie will be going to Pre-K at the public elementary school this year (can't believe she's growing up so fast!)
  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    Oooh I'm going to try zumba soon I think, just heard soo many good things about it! Just trying to find a class that's lower impact on my ankle, gonna talk to a few instructors and see!
    I love chicken breast too, have it every day for dinner!!
    Aww that's so sweet <3
    Yay, Natalie is an awesome name! It's my name, haha. Although mine is spelt 'Nathalie'. Dunno why, strange parents I guesss...
  • Purplefly
    :smile: Hello Ladies:smile:
    I am your newest member, Team Red ended up with an extra person and you were short one so here I am lol. I am a mom of 3, been with MFP for 3 months next week. I've lost about a pound a week, sometimes a teeny bit more. Slow and steady. I hope everyone has a great Friday.

  • SunshineKB
    SunshineKB Posts: 178 Member
    Welcome to Team Purple, Stacy! :) Glad to have you!!!
  • Purplefly
    Thank You:smile:
  • antbug21
    antbug21 Posts: 56
    Sorry been MIA from the thread. Weekends are hectic around here. Also packing and preparing for our vacation next week! And with school starting in 2 weeks, oh boy life is crazy!!!! But on a good note I have lost 3 pounds since last weigh-in and I am up to running 3 miles a day! Will check back in with everyone tomorrow and answer Nathalie's questions. Thanks for being a great team, hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend!
  • SunshineKB
    SunshineKB Posts: 178 Member
    Happy Monday, ladies!! My weekend was one of the craziest nonstop ones in recent memory!! Happy to be back to "normalcy" somewhat today. Hope everyone had a great weekend :) How's everyone doing?
  • Purplefly
    Almost weigh in day, heres for hoping :smile:
  • linake11
    linake11 Posts: 72 Member
    I'm going to ask the same questions to get the "getting to know you" ball rolling. :)

    What is your absolute fave way to work out/exercise?

    Absolute favourite healthy food/meal?

    When do you feel happiest?

    When do you feel most relaxed?

    And since we're all stay at home mommies, how many little one do you all have, girls or boys and what ages are they? And names if you're comfortable sharing that!
  • linake11
    linake11 Posts: 72 Member
    Right team purple, I know I'm the newbie here but lets start as we mean to go on and do this team challenge, right? We can all use extra motivation, I'm sure! I know I do! I'm gonna add you all as friends to start with I hope that's okay?

    And to start to get to know you I'm gonna ask the first questions off the top of my head...

    What is your absolute fave way to work out/exercise?

    Absolute favourite healthy food/meal?

    When do you feel happiest?

    When do you feel most relaxed?

    And since we're all stay at home mommies, how many little one do you all have, girls or boys and what ages are they? And names if you're comfortable sharing that!

    Here are my answers to your questions. :)

    My absolute favorite ways to work out is walking. Walking for me just relieves so much tension and stress from my day. I put my ipod on and just go. The other day I walked 5 1/2 miles and it didn't seem like that long, but it was needed very badly. :)

    My favorite healthy food/meal? I'm still getting into the whole healthy side of eating. The website that my family uses alot for recipes is Gina's skinny taste. Everything off of there has been delicious and very healthy.

    When do I feel happiest? When I'm around my family. The best memories are made when we are all together.

    I feel most relaxed getting into a bed that has freshly washed sheets and I have a good book to read. Ahhhhhh!!!!

    I am a stay at home mommy to 1 girl. She is 6. And she starts Kindergarten in 2 1/2 weeks, and I'm completely emotional about it. I also have an in home daycare to 3 little ones as well. So I guess I could say I have 4 little ones? LOL! :)
  • antbug21
    antbug21 Posts: 56
    Right team purple, I know I'm the newbie here but lets start as we mean to go on and do this team challenge, right? We can all use extra motivation, I'm sure! I know I do! I'm gonna add you all as friends to start with I hope that's okay?

    And to start to get to know you I'm gonna ask the first questions off the top of my head...

    What is your absolute fave way to work out/exercise?

    Absolute favourite healthy food/meal?

    When do you feel happiest?

    When do you feel most relaxed?

    And since we're all stay at home mommies, how many little one do you all have, girls or boys and what ages are they? And names if you're comfortable sharing that!

    My answers:

    My favorite way to work out is running! I've just recently gotten back into it, but I am already up to doing a 5k. For me nothing else compares to runners high!

    My favorite healthy food is salad! I LOVE a good salad, yum!

    I feel happiest when I am with my family, they make me feel complete.

    I feel most relaxed when I have had a productive day. Because knowing I got things done helps me turn my mind off and let go. When I fail to get things done I go through to-do lists in my head all night, lol.

    I have 2 little boys. Samuel is 2 and he stays home with me all day, we LOVE playing and reading books. My oldest is Anthony who is 9 and starting 4th grade in a week. He is very creative and a great big brother!

    Thanks Nathalie for asking some great questions!
  • antbug21
    antbug21 Posts: 56
    Hey Team! Hope everyone has been doing well this week. We will be adding up points and weighing in tomorrow. Can't wait to see how everyone is doing!