10 people who need to lose 50 pounds Challenge!



  • Stagezz
    Stagezz Posts: 124 Member
    I'm Holly 34 year old momma of 2 (ages 10yr and 18 months). My current weight is 206 as of this morning, my goal weight is 165.
    I work as an accountant in North Carolina...So i sit at a dest ALL day EVERY day...fun fun!!

    Thanks for including me in this challenge!!! Can't wait to lose with you all!
  • airica25
    airica25 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi ! I am 37 years old - My name is Erika and I live in the South. I am married for 14 years and have 3 children (2 boys 8&5yo and a girl 2yo) work full time doing Technical Support from HOME. (challenging) I am looking to loose about 55 more pounds = I have lost 80 so far. I do not do well being pregnant! I have lost the weight each time I had a baby. I think total I gained almost 100 pounds each time I was pregnant. I was on bed rest and they monitored me quite well. I want to get back to my High school weight. (don't we all) I walk, bike, swim, and use my yoga ball. I have had 4 knee surgery's because I was a active athlete as a kid. My last surgery was in March of this year. I really do hope it was my last surgery! I am trying to eat more fresh foods rather than prepackaged foods.

    Excited about our new group!
  • Stagezz
    Stagezz Posts: 124 Member
    Hi ! I am 37 years old - My name is Erika and I live in the South. I am married for 14 years and have 3 children (2 boys 8&5yo and a girl 2yo) work full time doing Technical Support from HOME. (challenging) I am looking to loose about 55 more pounds = I have lost 80 so far. I do not do well being pregnant! I have lost the weight each time I had a baby. I think total I gained almost 100 pounds each time I was pregnant. I was on bed rest and they monitored me quite well. I want to get back to my High school weight. (don't we all) I walk, bike, swim, and use my yoga ball. I have had 4 knee surgery's because I was a active athlete as a kid. My last surgery was in March of this year. I really do hope it was my last surgery! I am trying to eat more fresh foods rather than prepackaged foods.

    Excited about our new group!

    Where in the south? I'm in NC.
  • lajojo
    lajojo Posts: 5
    I have been looking for a group to join for motivation and understanding. I would like to lose 50lbs. I currently weigh in at 175lbs and I am told by my Dr my goal weight should be 125/130lbs. I have a 10 month old daughter and I have been on a strict calorie diet and fitness routine for a solid month now. I log onto MFP everyday now to track my calories and work out. I LOVE IT HERE

    Will you have me? :flowerforyou:
  • fatgirlwalking
    I'm Lizzie or Liz, 28, Lubbock, TX, I am a secretary and sit all day long, my first goal is Onederland, 199.9, then somewhere around 150ish. Thank you for including me.
  • charli246
    charli246 Posts: 35
    Yeah. Thanks for including me. Hopefully that will help to get me motivated.

    I'm Debi, 41. I live and teach in Morocco. I really need ideas for being more active. It sometimes feels like you need to be in shape to be active. I love walking and I should do that more. But I'm insecure about trying new activities. I'd hate to try biking, only to get a few blocks away before tiring out. There's no way I'd try to get involved in team sports. And heaven forbid I put on a bathing suit and go to the pool. So advice and encouragement to aid me with this would be wonderful.

    Can't wait to get to know you all.

  • airica25
    airica25 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi ! I am 37 years old - My name is Erika and I live in the South. I am married for 14 years and have 3 children (2 boys 8&5yo and a girl 2yo) work full time doing Technical Support from HOME. (challenging) I am looking to loose about 55 more pounds = I have lost 80 so far. I do not do well being pregnant! I have lost the weight each time I had a baby. I think total I gained almost 100 pounds each time I was pregnant. I was on bed rest and they monitored me quite well. I want to get back to my High school weight. (don't we all) I walk, bike, swim, and use my yoga ball. I have had 4 knee surgery's because I was a active athlete as a kid. My last surgery was in March of this year. I really do hope it was my last surgery! I am trying to eat more fresh foods rather than prepackaged foods.

    Excited about our new group!

    Where in the south? I'm in NC.

    I am in South Carolina! and I sit all day with my job... or at least I am supposed to = I take care of the kids too!
  • pumpkinmoccasin
    I'm Jessica, 21 years old :) I live about 40 minutes from Saint Louis, MO. I sing in a band on the weekends and we're working on our first album right now :3 Sometimes this whole band practice on the weekends thing leads to eating/drinking too much but I did good last weekend so here's hoping lol.

    I'm looking to get to around 180-170 by the time I graduate next May, my ultimate goal being 150 (an beyond, maybe, depending on where my health is at then). I'm losing weight primarily for my health--my blood pressure has been high for the past few months and I don't want to go on medication for it... I'm also finding that exercise has helped my bipolar disorder become a little more stable :) I also hope most of my back problems will go away as the weight does.
  • drakies
    drakies Posts: 8
    I'm Lynz (Lyndsey), 33 from near Stirling in Scotland. I stay at home with my two boys, 4 and 2.
    I currently do no exercise, am 197lbs and would like to be 147lbs. I'm 5ft so that's heavy.
    I'm really excited about being in a group and hopefully it will be much more motivating than anything I've tried in the past. I start every day with good intentions and by about midday am telling myself I will start again tomorrow. I genuinely believe I am addicted to food/sugar/carbs etc so if it's okay with you all I'll be using you as 'sponsors'.

  • carteremma
    carteremma Posts: 52 Member
    So great to meet you all!! My name is Emma and I live in Edinburgh in the UK (so i am close to you Linz!!). I have been slowly putting on weight since I left high school and can't remember a time when i didn't have my weight on my mind! Over the last couple of years I have become more comfortable with myself and my weight has plateaued and I have been stuck at 215lbs. I can't ever remember being less than 150 lbs, so I am aiming for 160 and then I'll see how I feel!

    I sit at a desk all day and have been using the excuse of a dodgy knee and ankle for the last 6 months as the reason I have done no exercise. I am signed up for a 10k in October and I do zumba on a Sunday. I have just started Jilliam Michaels 30 day shred and even thought I struggle I have now done it for 3 days in a row.

    I recently quit smoking and I am single and live on my own but I have a close group of friends who are all skinny but never make me feel bad about myself. I am glad to make some friends on here who are in the same situation as me and I hope we can help each other.

  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Nice to meet everyone ! My name is Kristen and i am from Charleston WV! My user name comes from how old that 3 of the 4 of my neices and nephew are . My newest born neice will be a year in october ! I sit sometimes too at work and im trying to move around more though ! I try to go to Zumba 2 times a week love Zumba ! I have lost 43 pounds since January and i have 60 more to go !
  • oBirdieo
    oBirdieo Posts: 148
    Hi everyone! I'm Birdie. I'm 33, live in Northeast England, and work in HR. I live a pretty sedentary life, but I'm trying to change that. My ultimate goal is to hit ONEderland, but my first goal is to lose 10% of my starting weight. I need to lose about 10 more pounds for that, so I'm aiming to have that done by the 1st of September.
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx Posts: 875 Member
    HEY guys!!! Yeaahh back on a computer :)

    Well Im Jeananne, I am 24, I live near aberdeen in Scotland (Im glad there is a few scots here whey hey). I started this journey at 214.5 back in january. My motivation to start was when I stood on the nurses scale and the needle was past 15 stone! I couldnt believe it! It even shocked me! I have been over weight pretty much my whole life even though I was very active a sa child/teenager (I danced 7 days a week!) I have recently found out I have PCOS! This pretty much explains all the problems I have had since I was 11 regarding periods etc and prob my weight! The doc here says there is nothing they can do for me I just need to lose weigh but as all of us know with PCOS it makes it hard to lose! I have read on here that there are things I can get to help like metaformin (which they use to trat diabetes) So Im in the process of trying to get the doc to help (not an easy task)

    Sorry Im blabbing!! So yeah I started at 214.5 and Im currently at 186.6 thats 2 stone lost in 6 months! Im quite chuffed with my self but have a long way to go. My current final goal is 140. I think it will be a miricle to get there but Im hopeing. I work for an IT company and sit on my butt all day long (except lunch time) and that has helped me put on 3 stone in 3 years. So I am looking forward to getting back to where I was when I started here initially and going further.

    I exercise like a maniac and am pretty crazy. Currently Im doing 2 miles each lunch time mon-fri either walking or doing the C25K program. On a Monday, wed, fri I do curves after work and a monday I also do Body blitz for an hour and a half, Tuesday I do an hour of Kettlebells and wed, thurs and fri I do Zumba for an hour. I tend not to do any thing at the weekend. I only have one day off a sat and like to spend that with my bf as thats pretty much the only chance I get and sunday I work in a part time job at a bridal shop. which is quite hard work - thoose dresses are not light belive me hehe!

    I think thats enough fot the time being hehe! What does everybody think of a friday weigh in? So we all weigh in here on a fri and can congradulate thoose who have lost and encourage thoose who havnt. :) This is not my group is our group so if you ahve any suggestions then please throw them out there. Love to you all Jeananne xxx
  • carteremma
    carteremma Posts: 52 Member
    I think a Friday weigh in sounds good. I have also seen some points systems on some of the other groups that we can use to keep us on track for being healthy. I will happily post my before pictures for motivation (as long as I am not the only one). And I like the idea of discussing meal plans as suggested by Jo. I am rubbish at organising my meals!!

  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx Posts: 875 Member
    This group can be about whjatever you want it to be. We all need help and motivation in dofferent ways - dont be scared to ask adice or for a pat on the back. I wanna see everyone NSV's I love them no matte rhow small they are!!

    I havnt put my proper b4 pic on here belly hanging out an all Im up for doing it lol :) xxx
  • sarahlasvegas
    sarahlasvegas Posts: 73 Member
    By the way, you put ObirdieO twice.

    If theres space on ObirdieOs double id love to join - im sarah, have lost 12pounds and have another 72 to go - and log every day.

    Really looking for a group for extra motivation :)
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx Posts: 875 Member
    I have been looking for a group to join for motivation and understanding. I would like to lose 50lbs. I currently weigh in at 175lbs and I am told by my Dr my goal weight should be 125/130lbs. I have a 10 month old daughter and I have been on a strict calorie diet and fitness routine for a solid month now. I log onto MFP everyday now to track my calories and work out. I LOVE IT HERE

    Will you have me? :flowerforyou:

    Yes you can join hunny :) xxx
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx Posts: 875 Member
    By the way, you put ObirdieO twice.

    If theres space on ObirdieOs double id love to join - im sarah, have lost 12pounds and have another 72 to go - and log every day.

    Really looking for a group for extra motivation :)

    Yes ok hunn!! OK DEFO NO MORE hehehe!!!! xxx
  • agreenmess
    agreenmess Posts: 94
    Hey everyone :)

    This is my second motivation group that im in and cannot wait to get to know you all, god knows ill be here a long time lol :).

    Im Nessy, i've just hit 24, i currently weight 266.8 and am aiming to get to around 135ish pounds, though id love to be a size12/10, i guess ill stop when im happy as long as ive still got curves lol!! I live in the Isle of Man (between England and Ireland), i live with my 2 sisters and my boyfriend, who is my soul mate!! We also live with 3 cats and 4 dogs of which 2 our mine and my bf's (Joey who is mine and is my baby, he's a cocker spaniel pure breed, and Oscar who is Michael's and is a proper daddys boy, he is a rescue dog from a "friend of a friend" and lets just say hes had a bad life when we got him he had 2 broken legs which hes had since he was really young, and noone took him to the vets :( so hes got pins in his legs now, and thats not the worst which has happened :() anyhow the other two are Joey's mum and sister. Sorry i love my babys so much i can ramble for ages lol

    On the diet front alot happened when i was young which is very messed up, and made me and my sister quite cubby kids, when i was 17 i was around a size 18/20 and made a friend in peel who was anorexic! Which made me not eat anything all summer holiday so i got down to a size 16 for my 18th birthday (i remember how happy i was, worst thing is if i remember for too long i just break down and cry :() and then i stopped seeing them due to knowing i was going down the deep end and then my weight started to creep up, i meet Michael in October of that year when i was back up to a size 18/20 and ive tried every diet since from Lighterlife to Weight Watchers and i would always lose around a stone and lose interest and put more on and now im a size 26 :( and depressed as hell about it.

    I joined MyFitnessPal after putting calorie counter in the app store and i havent looked back, the first couple of months i yo-yo'd around and was making the effort but on the 11th July i decided enough was enough and am in the perfect mindframe to lose weight now, its amazing and ive lost 6.2 pounds so far :)

    Sorry to ramble!!! i tend to chatter to much sometimes and then not enough other times lol

    Nessy x
  • agreenmess
    agreenmess Posts: 94
    Forgot to add i weigh in on a Monday will this be ok? Or would you perfer i weigh in on a friday for this team??